Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Kingdom Nature

The Kingdom Nature (1)
May 22, 2016
First, we have a presentation about the earthquake in Kumamoto, Japan.  Tim Elder, would you come up and a say a few words first?
Tim Elder
On April 14th in Kumamoto, Japan, there was an earthquake which registered 6.5 on the Richter scale.  And that shook up a lot of people and destroyed a lot.  Two days later there was a 7.3 earthquake and that was even worse. I don't know if any of you have ever been in an earthquake. I was in an earthquake in Tokyo and also other places in Japan. And when the ground starts shaking, it fills your heart with fear, quite frankly. It's an unsettling thing, because we assume that this ground is there and it's solid! And when it becomes not solid that really shakes you up. What our brothers and sisters, blessed central families in Kumamoto did, was they grabbed onto Christ!  Because Christ is more solid than the earth.  [applause]  And they remembered that, in the past, Father said that when this kind of a thing happens, this is God's workshop for you.
This is God's training for you. And so they said, ok, let's have a workshop. This is God's judgment of love and this is our opportunity, He's giving us a workshop to be trained. And so they immediately started reading the Word, and gathering together, and worshipping. And so this is the 21-day Workshop of God's Judgment of Love. And you can hear them singing the hymn of The Comforter Has Come in the background. And so on the 14th and the 16th there were two earthquakes, and we'll show you know some images of what happened to the neighborhood around the church.  And you see that the streets, all the houses, many houses in Japan are made of wood, and many of them collapsed.  On the lower right, there's a Shinto shrine that used to be there, completely collapsed.  These are the places.  Fortunately, only one person among our brothers and sisters in Japan was slightly injured, he got hit in the head with a fallen clock and had to have some stitches, but was released that same day.
So they got together in three homes where the damage was relatively light and they started living together there.  They brought together the food, whatever was in everyone's home, and they immediately turned to God's word.  If you watch television, everything was about the earthquake, so watching television actually increased your fear. That wasn't very much help. So, here, Reverend Inoue is speaking. And they began reading the Word.  They began reading the three-hour lecture of the Divine Principle because that was what was most familiar to everyone.  You see here the children playing cards, and then they are serving tea and cooking for each other.  So gathering together to encourage each other. The 17th was the first Sunday worship service, so they gathered for that, and prayer. So this is how they overcame fear of that earthquake experience and renewed and strengthened their relationship with Christ through this crisis situation.
I think that's a good model for us to remember, don't you agree?  Because we're going to go through something like this sooner or later. And now, they are helping each other clean up some of the mess that was created by the earthquake. Fortunately, in the main sanctuary in Kumamoto, just a few dishes were broken, and there was no other damage. Five families among our brothers and sisters had to find new places to live.  They were renting, and they had to find new places to rent because their houses were destroyed in the earthquake.  And this is the neighborhood of one of the Hoon Dok churches. Wow, that house is completely flattened. And those red posters there show that that building has been condemned. So you can imagine how it would feel, if all of a sudden your house and all of the houses around you are destroyed like this. That's quite an experience. And these are two of the homes of our brothers and sisters, and they had not a red sticker, but a yellow sticker saying "enter with caution."  Brother s and sisters around the world were able to send financial assistance, we also sent a little bit, we'll be giving a little bit more today, and with that assistance, the five families were able to relocate to new apartments, new homes.
And this is another home of one of the blessed central families. So there was a lot of cleanup to be done, but you can see that the area of the altar was not damaged, and that was true in many of the homes. This is the main Sanctuary. They had a flower arrangement there, but it just spilled a little bit of water and that was all.  They also had a service to remember, on April 6th, the thirty-seven thousand martyrs; Christian martyrs of the early 17th century were liberated at the ancestor liberation ceremony, so they also had a worship service to mark that occasion, to give gratitude for that. And the children, they completely overcame their fear, they were having a lot of fun. [Video shows a small child speaking]  So he's saying, "Let's work hard, let's receive God's love, and "gambaro", "let's work hard." [applause]
Now I'd like to call on Reverend Inoue to come up and give a few words.
Reverend Inoue
Hello everyone. I've returned from Kumamoto, returned home.  This was a very large earthquake that we had this time.  Many houses were destroyed. More than 80,000 homes were destroyed.  And 5,000 homes were completely destroyed, just completely flattened. And this was many more homes than were destroyed in 2011 by the large earthquake in northeast Japan. And in a one- month period we had 1,400 tremors. So it was shaking every day.  Especially, the Japanese have their own way of measuring earthquakes that gives how much it is impacted at particular points.
And so there were 333 earthquakes that measured "3" on that scale. "3" means that there are things falling off of shelves. And even now, the tremors have not stopped, and there are still at least one or two earthquakes that measure "3" on the Japanese scale every day. Kumamoto is blessed with very good underground water, they have a lot of water there, and they have underground streams.  I think there are open spaces underground where the water runs, but with this earthquake those spaces fell in, and so the ground fell in as a result of this earthquake.  In many cases, roads would fall in, would sink and there were sinkholes.
So you'd come along, driving along, and you'd come to a bridge, and the bridge was higher than the surface of the road.  And in many cases the roads are impassable.  A lot of structures were destroyed but human lives were not so badly affected. 49 people died over all. And one person is still missing. A university student was driving a car at the time of the earthquake, he was going under a bridge and the bridge fell on top of him.  And there is a hundred meter height between the bridge and the river.  And it's difficult to find his remains because it's so dangerous in that area, it has to be done by robot. And so his remains have not yet been found. And one thousand three hundred people were injured.
So these were two earthquakes that measured 7.0, so given the size of the earthquakes, it's really fortunate that not so many people were injured as you would expect. One reason that there was not so much human injury was that there were very few fires as a result of the earthquake. In 1994 there was an earthquake in the Kobe/Osaka area and at that time 6,000 people died, many of them died as a result of fires that occurred as a result of the earthquake. And in Kumamoto this time, a few fires occurred, but they were put out very quickly.  And it was people in the neighborhood who put them out. The situation, because the roads were cut off and impassable, emergency vehicles and the self-defense forces couldn’t get in to the area affected.  So right after the earthquake occurred, the men in each neighborhood got together, and they put out any fires that occurred, and also started digging through the rubble to rescue anyone who was still alive.  So the men in each neighborhood did a lot of work in this way.
So I'd like to give a short report on how Father led us, and how he helped us to save ourselves and to survive through this situation. First of all, we had to move from our church very quickly, suddenly.  Suddenly we had to move our church right after the Constitution was declared in October of last year. And I think it was by the grace of that declaration that we were able to do that.  And when we were moving into the new church and holy salting it, Father came, and he said to us, "How do you like your new church?" And of course, because it was new, it was bigger, we said, "Yes, thank you." But what we realized now was that this new church was completely unaffected by the earthquake! [applause] The former church we had, there was a crack that appeared in the ground and the house next door fell onto the church and it's no longer livable.  So we felt very strongly that Father foresaw that this would happen and he caused us to move into a new church before the earthquake.  We're very grateful. And after the earthquake, we started to live together communally, and what we felt was that Father was living with us. In fact he was living within us. And we had many experiences, one after another, that showed us this.
For example the water was not available, and somehow we had to get ahold of water. Eighteen people were living together, so we needed a lot of water. We realized then just how much water is necessary for the toilets.  So one man said, "I'll take care of this." And he brought buckets of water from the river and started filling up the bathtub. And then for the toilet, we would use the bucket to move water from the bathtub into the toilet tank.  And as time passed, we got more and more information and we learned that a water company was going to provide a lot of water on a continual basis, so then we were able to get a lot of water.
And all the time, the words of the Second King were a great strength to us. He told us that judgment is God's love. This is the separation of good and evil. So we just have to hang onto Christ. And this was our motto through this situation. Especially the first three days, we had two very strong earthquakes, right in a row, and all the information was negative, and all the information filled us with more fear.  I myself was not so disturbed, as I remembered that Christ is peace, and I felt that strength in Christ, but especially the women were extremely fearful, were very afraid.  So I asked Father what we should do. And immediately that answer came, "Hoon Dok."  So in the midst of the tremors we started reading the Word. And the women who were filled with fear, as soon as the word started coming into them, just like a small child filling himself with food, they started getting stronger and stronger and stronger. And the fear disappeared. [applause] Earthquake is from God.  Fear is from Satan. We're not going to be defeated by Satan. And then people started to have fun.
So we needed to get back to our normal routine as quickly as possible, but the priority was to find new places for some people whose homes had been destroyed.  Because these people could no longer live in their former homes. One young man held up his hand. His company was actually on vacation until May 10th. And I wondered whether he could really find these five homes by himself, but he found them, one after another. The real estate agent was very surprised.  So, he would move around quickly, and always, just before, just a few seconds before anyone else would contract, he would get the house. There were a lot of people who had lost homes, so everyone was racing to find new places to live. And as soon as you put in your application, you have to put the money down right there; otherwise someone else will take it.  And so that's how we used the financial support that we received from around the world. Thank you very much, it was a tremendous help.
So six families lost their homes, and so far five have been relocated to new homes.  The sixth family lives in an apartment complex, and the building itself is ok, but there are a lot cracks in the ground and it's a public apartment complex and the municipality has decided to tear down the apartment buildings. And so the central government in Tokyo is going to give assistance to everyone who is now in that complex. And so we are spending time to find a new place for that family.
And what we learned through this earthquake is first, that God is always with us, and secondly, the epicenter was not Kumamoto, the epicenter was Newfoundland! The Cheon Il Guk Constitution and the three generations Kingship is shaking the world. Aju! The person who was the greatest and most upset by this earthquake was Prime Minister Abe. The northeast Japan earthquake five years ago brought about a change in the government, a change in regime. A government had to resign after that. They were criticized a lot for their response to that earthquake, and so Abe realized that if he didn't respond properly to this earthquake, then his government could fall. And so he mobilized the police and the armed forces from around the country, but it's not going very well for him. And so as I watch what's going on with that, I can feel very much that the Cheon Il Guk Constitution is shaking Japan. I expect that governments all around the world will be shaken up by the Cheon Il Guk Constitution. [applause]
And finally, we had originally planned to have a Blessing seminar for parents and blessing candidates on April 29th. And we had that workshop that day, and twenty-five people participated including thirteen blessing candidates.  So thirteen candidates and twelve parents. And we had this according to our original schedule, and we studied Hyung Jin Nim's lecture on the three-day ceremony. And we studied the Seed Theology, and the young people in our community have taken a strong hold of that. Are they very confident?  Yes, they say, "We want to become brides of Christ.  We want to become the body of Christ." And they are on fire. And because 37,000 martyrs were liberated in the April ancestor liberation we also had a service to give gratitude for that.
And Father appeared during that event. And he said, "Are you happy?" And what we realized then, was that Father liberated those 37,000 martyrs in order to save us. We felt that strongly. I felt strongly that an important reason that the human toll of this earthquake was much less than we would expect was because God and Father were protecting us. I felt strongly that Father loves the Second King and the three generations Kingship.  And that Father loves very much the people in the Sanctuary Church who are attending the Second King.  So this was a period for us to understand how much Father loves us, even though we have no qualification to be loved.   Thank you very much.
Tim Elder
We already previously sent $1,000 to Kumamoto, this was money that you  had donated.  And in the intervening time, another $1,000 has been collected, and we would like to present this cash to Reverend Inoue today.
Hyung Jin Nim
Let's hear it one time for Reverend Inoue and the Kumamoto Church.  Bless you guys, God bless them. Wow, intense. Did you see those pictures?  Oh my goodness, that's intense. Well we are living in intense times. Let's get to the Word.  And let's look at the Kingdom Nature today.
We're going to Matthew 21, we're jumping back just two chapters, last week we did 22 and 23, we're jumping back to 21 because in the King James version they have "Kingdom of Heaven," and "Kingdom of God."  Same kingdom, but we're going to jump back to Matthew 21 today. But we are living in such an intense time.  Serious, serious times.  And wherever you look, whether you look at Europe, which is imploding.  Whether you look at even the political atmosphere in America, this is probably the most intense presidential race we've ever had.  Hugely intense. And of course many, many other powers --- who saw this last week, the former Deputy Director of NATO. Who knows what NATO is? The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, so it's the big organization, it's Europe and America. And basically it's a power bloc, and the former Deputy Director said last week that nuclear war with Russia is totally possible in 2017, he's looking at the next year, you know because of the encroachment that has happened because of NATO, in Syria, in Ukraine.
Russia's not perfect, but again, it's not trying to commit suicide, it's not accepting the homosexual agenda, the transgender agenda, all these kind of things which is imploding America now. The whole hyper-sexualization and now the federal forcing of the whole transgender issue. Notice how the homosexual issue is now over with and now it’s the transgender issue, did you notice that?  Moving to the next trend, the transgender issue, that's of course now trying to say that people have gender fluidity, and they can choose their own sex. You can be a boy on Monday and be a girl on Tuesday, and that's fine, nobody should discriminate against you, and you can dress in women's clothes on Monday and dress in men's clothes on Tuesday, and you know, that's totally fine.
If anybody makes fun of you, "they're a racist, they're  a bigot, they're a trans phobe, etc." Right? So really common sense, and even decency towards other people is thrown out the window, and of course you understand that this type of sexualization of the culture is very emblematic of what?  Of a society that is becoming more and more sexually confused.   The cultural realm is transforming so that we have to accept it when people say, "I'm a girl, I'm a boy," and not accept reality whether you have an XY chromosome or an XX chromosome, which is reality. You can't change that.  You can have sex changes all you want, you can invert your sexual organ, or whatever they do, but you cannot change whether you are a biological male or woman.  Right?
But the whole idea that man can change it and woman can change it, that people can decide their gender and use technology to change their gender etc, of course is the sexualization of culture. The ability to confuse society sexually because in the end, it's to say,  'Well, also kids in middle school should be able to determine their gender.'  Right?  They should be able to choose.  We're having this issue here in the Poconos with one of the schools here. Where they are allowing a transgender boy to use the women's bathroom and locker room, and showers to shower with the girls.  If you're just a boy, you say you're a girl. You think you're a girl and you say you're a girl, so you can shower with the girls in high school. Okay?  So this kind of insanity is happening.
Of course all this kind of sexual confusion and the sexualization of the culture is bringing these issues to the forefront. It's making people totally delusional.  It's a mass mental illness; it's not even embracing reality, biology, science.  None of that.  It's just how I feel;  I choose my sex, I choose who I am; I choose what I do even if I'm a minor; even if I'm ten years old, or eleven years old.  And if you were following the news just this week, Salon magazine  -- which is a super liberal/progressive magazine --  they were glorifying an open pedophile this week.  A guy on the internet who says, "I'm a pedophile, you know, but I'm not a monster, blah blah blah."
And he's talking about how he masturbates to pictures of five year old girls, but he's open about it and honest about it.  And they're praising him saying, "Oh, he's such a hero, what a hero!  He's so brave!"  Just like they say the gays are so brave, right?  Or they say, "The transsexuals are so brave! Oh, you're so brave, you dress in women's clothing but you're a man, you're so brave!" And now Salon magazine is pushing this, and of course we talked about this many times with the UN and NAMBLA, which is the organization that fights for pedophilia.  We see that now the elites are pushing the culture more and more towards the acceptance of pedophilia.
Of course, if you know about Bill Clinton, he's been caught on the Caribbean island, one of the tiny little islands which is owned by a third degree sex offender, Epstein is his name? And this guy has super elites come; invites his friends on private planes; they come to his farm on his private little island, the billionaire, and he has mass orgies there, and basically rapes ten year old children. And Bill Clinton was on that island twenty plus times?
So you have this now coming out, exposing the super elites in this cult, in this literal sex cult, and you see it's no coincidence, folks, that the popular culture is starting to push towards that direction. No, there's no coincidence; this is purposefully done to push culture to become so sexually dysmorphic so that nobody's able to decipher between what's right and wrong. And those super elite demons can get away with their sexual deviance.  So it becomes acculturated and culturally normative. Remember we talked about this, when we had the gay issue passing the Supreme Court; remember I showed you that whole discussion at the UN, that Nambla had, talking about "minor attraction syndrome?" Right?  That's pedophilia, but they call it a scientific syndrome.
They try to give it a little psychological name. "Minor attraction syndrome," we should have compassion for these people just like we have compassion for "same sex attraction."  Do you see what I'm saying? We talked about this last year.  Was this a year or two ago?  Remember this? Who remembers this? This is already pushing towards that reality. So culturally, not only economically, the U.S. is collapsing, and Europe is imploding.  Europe is of course being invaded. But also sexually, culturally, it's becoming so dysmorphic that it's not able to determine between what is right and what is wrong.  And when a civilization cannot do that, it is on the end of its lifespan, folks.  It's on the edge of collapse.  Right?  When you cannot decipher what is the proper structure of society, of a family, and everything is so confused that everything goes.
My goodness, my goodness, what a sad sight that we are seeing in the world today.  It's exactly moving with the microcosm as the macrocosm.  Let's jump over this real quick, because I want you to see, I want to show you what the Han mother said this week.

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