Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The kingship line where the kingdom is established

The Kingdom Nature (2)
May 22, 2016
Obviously we remember what happened after we had to leave the palace, because now I think people are starting to realize that we could not stay in the palace without desecrating Father.  It's not possible.  It is not possible.  We couldn't be an adulterer and prostitute and have fidelity in marriage at the same time.  Does that make sense?  It's either one or the other.  You can't do both at the same time.  You can't have fidelity to your spouse and be a philanderer.  Does that make sense?  So you have to choose between good or evil.  And in the palace, before all these things became more public, this was our reality, so we had to step out, we had to step away because it was impossible to prostitute ourselves and at the same time remain faithful to Father.
Of course we see the Han Mother, and the teachings that they've given, etc. The ring. People forget about this stuff.  They forgot that they literally took Father's name off the rings. Thousands were made, thousands and even though I've shown this, they still do it. It's so in your face, it's so arrogant, it's so unbelievably filled with hubris. This is always the arrogance of the elites, always, always.  It leads to their demise, by the way, but it's always the arrogance of the elites to not face reality.  And the crimes against humanity, the crimes against heaven.  We also saw the FFWP new trinity, with God and True Father inside True Mother, totally subjugated, objectified into True Mother and all these different things like the redaction of the Scriptures, the national anthem, Family Pledge, Blessing Vows, etc., etc. Leaving her position as the object, remember?
The perfection of the position of True Mother is to stay in the mother position, in the object position. To stay as the example rotating around the solar system of the sun, and the king, the King of Kings.  When she holds that position she has power and she has the glory of the sun that is reflected in her, right?  She has the respect of all the other planets and objects that are rotating around the king, which is the King of Kings, which is the center of the Kingdom, right?
But of course she has dethroned Father, she has erased him. She has done everything in her power to take him off of history.  Of course we've seen this in different speeches that she's given in 2015, saying that all of Christian history was for the culmination of the Only Begotten Daughter; this kind of thing. These were other sermons that she gave, on December 12th; this was last year, 2015, when, talking about the "Only Begotten Daughter" saying she "needed to be born as God's daughter, separate from the satanic world, etc." And the two thousand years of Christian history was for the "Only Begotten Daughter", okay? Which is, of course, totally opposite from Principle, and from the fifty years of history of even the Unification Church.
And she has totally created a heresy centered on herself.  Even the people that she sends out to propagandize against me, who is the rightful heir and who is the rightful representative body of True Parents.  To propagandize about me, to attack me, she sends these women around, like 36 couples [member] Sa Gilja. Even she, in her public meetings, says very clearly that "Father embraced Hyung Jin Nim, but Mother was different, Mother said, 'No.'"  Even though Family Fed says, "True Parents are one, True Parents are one, True Parents are one, Mother and Father are one." But the people they send around say, "No, Mother was different, Mother said  'No." Which means they're not one, right?  They say True Father's one with Mother, True Parents are one, True Parents are one, this is all you hear, it's like trying to debate with a Marxist or something.  You show them the different arguments, you know why socialism collapses, but they are, "Yeah, but ...” So they'll just go to name- calling which is, in debate, is a technique called ridiculum ad absurdum.
It's basically trying to use absurd arguments, which are not arguments, obviously, to win a debate.  So, it's like debating a liberal or debating a Marxist or a socialist.  If you say, "Well, Donald Trump's not a racist, he employs over a thousand Hispanics, he employs hundreds and hundreds of blacks, on his management team he has, etc, etc,"  And they say to you,  "No, you're racist!  I won, I won." You see that, it's like dealing with this kind total brain dead zombie type of argumentation.  But basically, anybody who has a brain and half a brain can see.  Even if you have three brain cells that are functioning properly, or let's say you have two and half, you'll still be able to see that their own people know that it is not the case.
So this is what happened last week, she gave a speech at Cheong Pyung. And she said, "However, the path we must continue to take is the one toward global restoration."  "God created human beings because He had a dream for them."  "The Fall caused Heavenly Parents pain, grief…." They keep on translating as "Heavenly Parent," but that's such a bull translation, because in Korean it's Hanal Pumonim, it means "Heavenly Parents", it's a ditheistic model. Okay, so whenever you see that, that's total baloney. ".. grief and deep resentment, therefore the providential history of restoration through indemnity which sought a means of restoring fallen human beings began.
At the time of Jesus two thousand years ago, Mary, Zechariah and the Jewish people, the Israelites did not unite or attend Jesus. They were unable to create the environment that Jesus was trying to make. However with the foundation of the Only Begotten Daughter of God, found after six thousand years, heaven has succeeded."  Dae-mo nim literally means "great mother."  That's of course the Han mother's mother, so it's the Han lineage.  She said, "Dae-mo nim, more than anyone else, bestows on them [or you] good favor and grace so that they can approach True Parents."
So you can see now, more and more, her real theology, the more she speaks.  And look, it's not a personal thing, it has nothing to do with anything personal, she's my mommy, but it's nothing personal, right?  It's all about what is reality.  If you are in a family and you were fighting to establish a free world, and your whole family was involved in that battle fighting against communism, fighting against socialism, fighting against Marxism, and then your mom becomes a Marxist after your Father passes, you would have to argue with her, you would have to call her out.  Not only because it's a thing of honor, but it's also because it's simply wrong, when you look at any facet of the evidence, right?
So of course, they will have zero chance of connecting with the prepared people of Christianity, the prepared people who are waiting for the King of Kings to return. Waiting for Jesus to come in the flesh and establish the physical kingdom of which they speak metaphorically. But they cannot connect because now they are building a satanic kingdom, a separate kingdom. And that, of course, is reflected in their publishing. They published the Family Fraud Cheon Il Guk Constitution which, of course, is a totalitarian document. If you have any political understanding, and you look at that document [you can see that.
We had a lawyer, she was actually the lawyer for the Family Fed in Japan, she was the lawyer in the headquarters.  She had studied international law; she got one of her higher level degrees in the U.S. and she actually studied U.S. law when she was in her twenties, or so. So when she saw the Family Fraud Cheon Il Guk Constitution, she said she was appalled by the totalitarianism which reeked from this document. It's just spewing out fumes of totalitarianism. She said she was totally appalled.  And so in her heart she started to think, 'oh my goodness, this can't be it.' And then, after Breaking the Silence she started listening to us, and she saw the Cheon Il Guk Constitution when it was published.
She said she was literally weeping, she could not stop weeping because she felt so liberated in her heart, that yes, this is the kingdom that will come and it’s the upside down kingdom, that Satan's world has never seen.  She has been instrumental in helping translate the Japanese version of it.  So these kinds of amazing people can see right through, anybody with real knowledge can see right through the different documents, and you can easily compare them to see which will truly build the same repeat of totalitarian structures that we've seen over and over.  Boring, blah, blah, boring, seen it, totally boring. We've seen it too many centuries and millennia, we don't want to see it any more.
But compare that with the true Cheon Il Guk Constitution, with Father's kingships, remember Father has many descendants, but one kingship.  So in Family Fraud what they try to do is to use Father's descendants, "Oh well I have one of the descendants in my pocket.  Oh, I'm married into one of the descendants'  here, that's my little safety line in." You see how they play this game? No. There are many descendants of Father, there are descendants from different mothers too, right?
We know, like Sammy, or Sung Jin Hyung, Mrs. Choi, right?  The first True Mother. But those are descendants.  Only the King of King decides to choose his king line.  That's the line through which providence moves, and that's all the way through the Bible, all you have to do is read it. The kingship line is one line. So there are many descendants, but only one line is the kingship line. And one line is the kingship line through which the kingdom is established.  So this is very interesting because in the things that are coming out, you can see what Cheon Pyung has now totally become, look at this, "Dae Mo Nim gives you grace."  The grandmother, the mother of Mother gives you grace.
So in essence she's become the Mother God in heaven, and of course the Han mother is saying that she is the only begotten daughter here on earth, and the fulfillment of six thousand years of Christian history.  Good luck trying to explain that to Christians!  Good luck!  You see, Christians can actually decipher between good and evil.  They can decipher between what is, 'no, that's from Satan, and ok, that's from God.'  They can decipher.
So this is, of course, nothing more than paganism, and there are many different forms of it that we've seen throughout the ages -- Syrian paganism, Babylonian paganism, Egyptian paganism, it's the same type of paganism.   Whenever you leave the monotheistic framework, if you just go to ditheism, just jump one God more, you've got polytheism.  As soon as you get ditheism, you're guaranteed to get polytheism.  So you will see other descendants of Father saying, "Oh, well I'm a God too, and you should be a God too, blah, blah, blah."  Same old pagan boring stuff.  Same old, same old, "I'm enlightened, and we're the illuminated ones, and we're the enlightened ones, and normal humanity should be monitored, and we should rule over them."  The same old elitist crash.  Same old junk, same old boring stuff.
So, in the same time that we see all this happening too, let me just jump to Matthew 21.   It's not coincidental that we are discussing and we are probing into the kingdom, because the Bible says very clearly, and Jesus says himself, "When the kingdom is preached to all the nations, so then will the end come."  It is dependent on the kingdom being preached.  And you see it, as the kingdom is being preached we see the end of nations.
Kook Jin Hyung is talking about this many times.  In the period of judgment, when we make it through, God willing, through the period of judgment, that the world that we see now will be different, right?  If there were tremendous escalation of warfare, nuclear war, the current boundaries that are man-made around the globe, they change.  They're going to change, they're  not going to be the same maps that you see, or that you grew up with, the little maps that you got in public school.
They will change, transform, the world will change. That we know is for sure. And in the tribulation time the end of Satan's reign comes, but it comes with him fighting hard.  It doesn't get better, folks, and this is something that we always try to remind everybody.  It doesn't get better, it gets worse.  And you can see that if you follow our ministry, and if you follow the words that we've been prophesizing over the internet for the last year, you've seen what we've been saying come to fruition. You've seen what we've been saying about the economy, it's been collapsing.  But it gets worse, and this is, of course, prophesized in the Book, in God's word.
So the persecution rises, the warfare rises, the disease and pestilence rises, the natural disasters rise. All those things keep happening but it gets worse, especially for those who believe in Christ.  So we've talked about this many times, as us having to stand in the Isaac generation. And we have to be willing to stand on the altar, right? Willing to stand, and to be on the altar before God. We don't know who will live through this tribulation, and who will not make it. We don't know. There is no guarantee.  Only God knows.  But one thing we do know, is that it doesn't last forever, and that's very important to remember.  That's something we do know.  It doesn't last forever, there is an end to the persecution and tribulation.  But it gets worse, it compounds before it gets better.
It's hard to get into this stuff because it doesn't make you feel good.  That's why normal people choose to live in delusion because they'd rather not feel reality.  And just be told lies, just like the politicians tell you, "Oh, the U.S. economy is the best it's ever been!"  And then people are like, "Whoa, you see that, that politician said it's best it's ever been!"  Even though it's the worst it's ever been!  Even though we have 20 trillion dollars of debt and some estimates say 1.2 quadrillion dollars in derivative debt.  I mean, give me a break!  This is insanity, this is insane.   So we live in a world that is so full of lies, so full of deception, so full of propaganda, everywhere you look, TV dramas, soap operas, video games, whatever.  Constant, constant, constant delusion.   So it's hard to face reality, but reality is the only medicine.
Some of the young people, you are training in real fighting.  Now you see that facing reality is awesome, right?  It's really important to face reality.  Some of the young kids were like, "Yeah, I'm pretty tough, I can do pretty good."   But once you start fighting with real fighters you learn real quick!  You learn real quick, you suck!  You suck bigtime.  You get killed, that's what you learn very quick.  You learn it very, very quickly.
And that's why real martial arts, real fighting skills are super empowering because you actually face your reality.  "Oh, I have a black belt in this and that."  No, that's not a martial art that works, that's an artistic martial art, that's a totally different thing from fighting martial arts, you see?  And then you face reality, and you say, "Oh my goodness, wow, that ten years, or that twenty years I thought I had it."  No, it doesn't work.  So this kind of thing is very important, it's actually liberating when we face reality, it's liberating because then we have a starting point from which we can start developing.  Does that make sense?   So facing reality and seeing reality is such an important part of any high level person, brain, intellect, etc.  Facing reality.  The world, if you face reality, is in a horrible situation.
And I'm just constantly reminded of, we told this to the Han mother three years ago, the unbelievable arrogance.  "No, everything will go fantastic, great.  Positive thinking, think positive, think happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts."  Happy thoughts don't make it real.  Isn't that true?  You guys here are who are training in jujitsu.  Happy thoughts, positive thinking, does that make it real?  All of a sudden you're able to fight high level guys better?  No.  You get better by facing reality, knowing in the beginning, "Oh, I stink." In the beginning everybody stinks, and then you keep working at it.  Right?  And this is very real, this is very important.
So it's no coincidence that, while we're discussing all these things about the kingdom, we're seeing this mass delusion in the public square.   This mass collapse in the global politics, global economies, and at the same time you see Family Fed on the microcosm collapsing, imploding inward.  Which is the reason why they are taking legal action against me.  Even though they are the ones who promised they would never take legal action.  The Han mother was going to stop all the legal action.  Now she's taking legal action against her son.  Yeah, yeah, Mom's taking legal action against her son, and Father's heir.  So when you face the reality, yes it's unpalatable, yes it's painful, etc., but it's real.  You can't continue to drink in the propaganda and say, "Oh, yes, yes, let's just continue.  Nothing to watch here, move along, move along, nothing to look at here, move along,"  Right?  The Family Fraud people now are forced to accept more and more their reality.  Can't hide from it.
And so that brings us again to Matthew 21. And Jesus' parable about the kingdom, and this one is very powerful.  Let's read this together, this starts at verse 28.  And this is from the New Living Bible.  And look what he says, he's talking to the Pharisees here, the Pharisees just challenged his authority in the temple, and now he's asking them a question.  He says,
"What do you think?  There was a man who had two sons.  He went to the first and said, 'Son, go and work today in the vineyard.' 29 "I will not,' he answered but later he changed his mind and went.
So the son said, 'No, dad, I don't want to go work in the vineyard.  All right, I'll go and work in the vineyard, right?  Then he went and worked in the vineyard. "Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing.  He answered, 'I will sir, but he did not go."
So the first son said, "I don't want to go, I'm not going, I don't want to go.  All right, I'll go."  And he went.  And then he went and worked.  Then the second son.  The father said, 'Here son, go and work in the field.'  The second son said, 'Oh, yes I will, yes I will.  Ok, dad, thank you, yes I will.'  He didn't go, he just went back to sleep or whatever.
31 "Which of the two did what his father wanted?"  "The first," they answered.
The first one did what the father said, right?  Because the first one complained a little, he said, 'I don't want to go."  But then, an hour later, he said, "All right, I'll go."  So the Pharisees all say, 'The first one did what the father said."  This is how Jesus answered, he says,
"Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the Kingdom of God ahead of you."   32 For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did.  And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him."
So see this picture.  The Pharisees are there, they are challenging Jesus, he says, all right, there's this one son that says no, but then he goes later.  There's one son that says yes, but doesn't go.  Which one is the better one, which one did the father's bidding?  And the Pharisees say, 'the first one, of course. Because even though he complained, at least he went.'  That kind of makes sense, doesn't it?  How many would answer that?  Come on, right?  That's how we would normally answer, but Jesus says "truly I tell you the tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom before you," he said, 'you dummies.'   They are sitting there totally befuddled, 'what is going on?'
Now this is a hard one to understand because if we look at it, it's like, ok, the one who got Jesus' approval is the one who said, "Ok, daddy, yes I will go work the field," but then he doesn't go work the field. That's kind of crazy, right?  And the one that everybody says is the one who complains, but at least he went, but Jesus says, 'because you answered that way, the worst people, the tax collectors,' who sell out the Jews [our people, right, because he's a Jew], 'the ones who sell out our people to the Roman Empire, the sellouts and the prostitutes, the people who sell their own body for sex, they're going to enter before all of you.'  [laughter] That's quite intense, isn't it?  And then they are all thinking, 'what is this man smoking?  What is he talking about?'   It's very clear from the law, from any moral standard, that the first one did the job!
Remember, we have to get back, because just looking at this, two thousand years of Christian history has looked at these parables and has been confused about them.  How do we interpret this?  What is the interpretation, how do we understand this?   Two thousand years of Christian history.  We had one brother in Panama, a leader there.  He knows martial arts, has a school there, he's probably watching [this sermon] live too, and they join us for services.  He has a Christian-based church, and he's connected to our brother there, Regis, our continental director there in South America, and he's a martial artist and he teaches his students Christian-based martial arts.  It's amazing.  And Regis was sharing with this Christian pastor/martial artist the different parables, and the guy was saying, 'twenty years I have been reading these parables, and I had not understood these things.  Now I can start understanding what is going on in these parables.'  That's the power of the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, that's the power of God's kingship, the kingdom that is coming to this world.  [applause]
Let's look at this in the context of the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, remember, Jesus is talking about the national level.  So let's talk about it in terms of the national level.  Now, so here, we have a man who has two sons, there's a father and he has two sons, so we have a father nation, which begins the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, and then, of course, it spreads.  Other nations can be included into Cheon Il Guk, that's part of the constitution, as long as they are republics, or a republican monarchy.  They can join the Cheon Il Guk, the United States of Cheon Il Guk.  They are able to join that system.
Now look, when we look at those sons, we have these other nations that have joined in, and look.  Let's just replace the word "son" with "nation" and let's replace the word "vineyard", vineyard is where?  The place where he produces his fruit, or produces his living; produces his wages; he produces his bounty, his harvest is produced from the vineyard, right?  Now in terms of a national level, where is the place that produces, that shows the health and production of that nation?  It's the economy.  That is the vineyard of the nation, so to speak.  It's the vineyard of that nation.  Now this is very important to understand, because when you go out and see it at the national level, the first son says, 'All right, all right, I'm going to go out.'  He says, 'I don't want to go out.'
But he goes out and he works the field.   The second son says, 'Yes, Father.'  But he doesn't work the field.  Now think about it when you talk about it in terms of working a field.  Anybody who does gardening here?  Let's say you do vines, let's say you do vineyards, let's say you are doing a grape garden.  What are you doing for the grapes?  Let's talk about it in terms, almost like economics, what are you doing for the grapes?  You're allowing the grapes to what?  To have a monopoly on that land.  That's what you are doing.  Does that make sense?  You have to get rid of those weeds, you've got to rid of that other stuff, and you've got to help that grape have a monopoly on that field.

Does that make sense?  Is that true?  You want less competition so that that grape can function properly and grow to its full potential, so to speak.  So you have this one son, and let's replace "son" with "nation", one nation that goes in and tries to work the fields by allowing monopolies in that area.  That is the one that everybody thought was good.  Every central planner, every intellectual, remember?  Marx said the opiate of the masses is what?  Religion.  And what did a very clever intellectual say? He said, 'yes, but Marxism is the opiate of the intellectuals!'

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