Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Ancestor Liberation Ceremony until 210-generations

Ancestors’ Liberation Ceremony until 210 Generations

Cheon-gi 10, 5th Month, 1st Day, Newfoundland, PA, USA

Second King’s Address

By the grace of Father’s ample love, we have come to understand the spirit world and the significance of Ancestor Liberation Ceremony until 210-generations. Liberation of ancestors is only possible by the grace of God and Father. It is impossible by man’s ability. Only the love of God can do it.

True Father, substantial body of Christ, the Second Advent of Christ, is the very Christ in both realms of spiritual and physical worlds.

At the time of Jesus Christ, he said All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. (Matthew 28: 18, KJV) It is also mentioned to the citizens of the Roman Empire.

A human being consists of the physical self and the spirit self. Therefore, God created man not by materials alone. Though we usually see one another’s countenance externally, all of us meet the time of death. Our physical body returns to the earth, and our spirit self comes home again in the spirit world.

In the spirit world, where it is invisible, we live together with God eternally. In other words, our eternal life is directly transformed with our free will and free choice. Every decision has its own consequences; our decisions on earth not only influence our eternal life but also determine where we are going to live in the spirit world.

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14: 6 KJV)

Didn’t Jesus say so?

There have been religions and saints in the world, but they have not yet been connected with Christ. By the grace of Christ’s ample love and the victorious realm of True Parent, not only fallen sinners but also religions in the Abel realm have been linked.

Though the five great saints did not know Christ directly, having been connected with the victorious realm of True Parent, four great saints started witnessing about True Father, and every part of the spirit world has been linked to True Father.

True Parents will not live on earth physically from now on, but they work in the spirit world. Being united into one with Father’s successor, representative, Cain and Abel, and Three Generation Kingship, the Christians and Abel realms are now being restored.

It is the result of restoration history: not only Abel-type good spirit selves and the five great saints’ spiritual world are under the fire of Father’s Holy Spirit, but also all of the liberated spirit selves in the spirit world are attending True Parents under one order. It is the marvelous tradition of True Father that everybody can take part in working together with True Parents.

All the rights in the spirit world and on earth belong to God and Christ.

True Father directly chose his successor and representative. Even though your ancestors could not be linked to Father when he was living on earth, now based on the right of Father’s heir, they can be engrafted to the lineage of God, the King of kings, through their descendants on earth. They can also share the amazing victorious realm of True Parents’ love.

Your ancestors and yourselves have been in the world of servants and slaves.

Through the Second Advent of Christ, the Substantial Body of God, the victorious realm of True Father and True Mother – through the representative of Father’s realm of Kingship, the ancestors’ liberation ceremony can be celebrated.

Your ancestors can also take part in opening up the spirit world together with you. Therefore, they can also become soldiers who are going to fight both in the spiritual and physical worlds. It is an awesome ceremony!

Now the Abel realm Christianity and Christians in the Abel realm are being connected with True Father’s Three Generation Kingship. They are soldiers and warriors attending Christ, and leading the providence of God together with Tribal Messiahs as Kings and Queens.

In Revelation 14 it is written about the 144,000. They are heavenly forces like soldiers, armies and militias leading intense work in the spirit world.

They lived on earth before, but their spirit selves have been scattered in the spirit world.

Thanks to True Parents’ victorious realm and love, on the foundation of their descendants’ 5 % portion of responsibility, everybody is connected into one so that they can also contribute to the providence of God. (Applause)

It is truly the very incorporeal world. Your ancestors do not stay calm in the spirit world.

Together with True Parents, especially those who attend Christ and the Abel realm of Christianity. They are those who deeply love Christ, and appear in our dreams and phenomena according to God’s order. They will form militias joining the spiritual works of testifying to the grace of Christ.

What is more, according to the Bible, one third of the angels are fighting under Satan.

Good and evil are clearly separated; the army of angels and our ancestors on one side, and the archangelic force of Satan on the other side. They are going to war in the spirit world with the righteous world of goodness, awesome motivation and love.

Every militia or kingdom has its center. Though your ancestors had been scattered out, all of them are now connected by the grace of True Parents and your 5 %portion of responsibility.

The physical world and God’s Kingdom are interlocked. Thanks to Father’s Three Generation Kingship, all three stages are connected. With one mind, one thought, one will, one motivation, and one love, Satan’s force will be destroyed.

May the Kingdom of the Rod of Iron, which is prophesied as the Will of God, come on earth as soon as possible!

Descendants on earth have to be able to dominate the Rod of Iron Kingdom with freedom and 5 % portion of responsibility. Your descendants and young people can have the support of your ancestors and angels in the spirit world.

The fire of Father’s Holy Spirit is the most central work.

God’s Kingship, the Kingdom of God and as future Kings and Queens of tribes, all of your responsibilities should be fulfilled. (Aju! Applause)

The spirit world and the physical world being united into one to work together, you are the first ancestors on earth as tribe Kings and Queens in the realm of True Father’s authority.

Your ancestors will support you from the back, praising Heavenly Father and True Parent, and separating evil by the fire of Father’s Holy Spirit.

May you welcome the Kingdom of God, the Rod of Iron Kingdom, as soldiers and warriors of Cheon Il Guk! Together with your ancestors you will be the patriots of Cheon Il Guk. Aju! (Aju! Applause)

Let’s pray. Omma!

Second King’s Prayer

Our beloved Heavenly Father!

We offer our gratitude again and again.

From the very beginning You wished for the world of freedom and ideal, an ideal world filled with freedom and responsibility. You invested all of your love and will into Adam and Eve so that they would grow up, multiply and take dominion over all things.

You have desired the future where God’s Kingdom would be realized on earth centering on the King and Kingship. It is the destiny of your expectation.

However, there came Satan’s betrayal, rebellion and sin. First Eve fell spiritually; as Adam and Eve took the position of betrayers and did not have absolute faith in your Word, God’s lineage disappeared in the end. God’s future families, sons and daughters, grandchildren – all of them were murdered in the fallen history. It has been a miserable history because we have lost the lineage of God.

The long history of Restoration has been for the sake of restoring God’s lineage; it has been a blood fight.

As the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob You chose the Israelites, and the prophets, and you saw many kings of Israel until Saul, David and Solomon. You also saw prophets like Isaiah, Micah, Nehemiah and others. It has been your miserable path of history single-mindedly to prepare the victorious foundation for the Messiah on earth, the Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ.

Jesus was not simply a good teacher who taught God’s Will. Jesus was born on earth as the substantial body of God. God embraced the big hope to establish God’s lineage here on earth once again. Therefore, you sent your Son Jesus for the sake of God’s blood lineage and Kingship.

The earth has been a world of darkness filled with Satan’s lineage. God’s hope has been to build God’s Kingdom on earth by liquidating Satan’s world, so that God’s lineage can have the victorious Four Position Foundation and the Three Generation Kingships on earth.

Because the Israelites could not have absolute faith, having followed pagan Roman gods, political Satanism and oligarchy brought Jesus, your beloved Son, to be murdered on the cross.

In the 70s AD the Roman emperor Trajan, Caesar Trajanus, (53 – 117) killed all of Jesus’ brothers and sisters in Rome. James, who wrote the Letter of James, was killed. (62 AD) Simeon, son of Jesus’ uncle Clopas, was also killed. (107 AD)

Thus Jesus’ brothers and sisters who were connected to his lineage were all killed.

But the Lord does not come from the lineage of brothers.

True Father established the Three Generation Kingship where not only the substantial foundation of apostles and disciples but also direct-lineage sons as Foundation of Faith can love and attend Heavenly Father with utmost sincerity.

Because of Satan’s attack and the distrust of the Israelites, they failed in fulfilling their 5 % portion of responsibility.

Heavenly Father’s work could have been successful in smashing the world of Satan and bringing the Kingdom of God on earth, but the physical life of Jesus finished.

Therefore, You prepared the foundation of the providence so that the Messiah would be sent once again in the realm of Christianity in 1920. Having passed thousands of years of long history, You have experienced every kind of wars and miserable events.

When Jesus was sent on earth for the first time, he was from Nazareth of Israel, not from Jerusalem. The Second Advent of Christ came on the Korean peninsula where people’s faith was prosperous. It was a small remote country like Israel.

True Father came on earth as the substantial body of God’s lineage, as being absolute True Parent, and direct lineal sons were born. True Father directly chose his heir, successor and representative, Cain and Abel, and Three Generation Kingship among those. This representative chosen by True Father can be the physical center in every generation of the following descendants.

When True Father ascended, there was the history of Han mother’s whore of Babylon rebellion in front of the eyes of the world. However, Heavenly Father did not forsake True Father’s heir, successor, representative, his grandchildren, and Three Generation Kingships. Though we lost everything, here in Pennsylvania Heavenly Father bestowed a marvelous foundation upon us so that we are to go to the worldwide level within a short 7-year period.

Thanks to Heavenly Father, we are standing here.

Heavenly army forces are attending True Father together with the world of angels and ancestors. You also sent us True Mother. She attended and protected Three Generation Kingships until her physical age of 91, and then she ascended.

Now True Mother is just beside True Father, so we have True Parents!

From now on the entire spirit world attends Heavenly Father with praise. True Mother is also upholding and uplifting Heavenly Father. Angels, elders and all of the ancestors are praising Heavenly Father. This work of praising Heavenly Father can descend to earth as the fire of the Holy Spirit. We are very grateful to You for this from the bottom of our heart.

Heavenly Father has opened the gate, through which we can run together with the Abel realm Christianity within a short period of time. This is your very grace, for it is impossible for us alone to turn this world upside down.

Prepared soldiers, militias, warriors, and patriots have been connected with God’s Kingdom on earth and Three Generation Kingships. We offer our sincere gratitude to Heavenly Father for choosing us as tribal Kings and Queens who can guide all the citizens of the world to Cheon IL Guk.

By the grace of your love, young people here can also train directly with your representative, the Second King. Thanks to their foundation of faith and substance, militias and army forces in the spirit world together with Three Generation Kingships on earth, we can train together, grow up together, and being connected with one another.

Please guide us so that Heavenly Father’s will be done on earth by Peace Police Peace Militia, which is networked with all other Abel realms of  Christianity, young people’s training united with the spirit world.

Thanks to Heavenly Father’s ample love, we will be able to fight even after our physical death. You have bestowed on us such courage, goal and motivation.

Though we might be small elements to work for building the Kingdom of God, we will be all over the world. You have bestowed on us such great grace. Therefore, here at your Sanctuary please allow us to be able to fight against Satan’s forces by running together with Heavenly Father. Let us just think of You.

Heavenly Father, we offer our gratitude from the bottom of our heart.

We are resurrected by Heavenly Father’s hot love and fire.

The hope for Cheon IL Guk is welling up from our hearts. May your Kingdom come on earth victoriously as soon as possible! The Cheon IL Guk Constitution is covering the whole world; let us get rid of tyrants, political Satanism, communism, and satanic socialism, and let us get into the world of goodness. Let us be the soldiers who can go out to war with the hope of marvelous ideal, future, and your working together with us.

Heavenly Father, please guide us to your work of love.

Training with the Rod of Iron and Rod of Iron Kingdom; Love God and love Thy neighbor!

The Rod of Iron Kingdom is centered on love. It has fearful power on one side. Heavenly Father, always guide and raise us to be good shepherd like your love on the other side.

Today’s liberated 210-generation ancestors are standing here. Please let the army forces of True Parents in the spirit world enter the palace. Running together with us, fighting, being victorious over political Satanism, Kings of Cheon IL Guk can make Satan’s kings surrender.

Attending True Parent, the Kingship of True Father, Three Generation Kingships, and Cain and Abel, the wall of Jericho fell down by piercing down Satan’s forces. Please allow us to come into the Promised Land by going out to fight.

Heavenly Father, your love is ample and your grace is great.

Though we can live here by breathing and moving, there are all of our ancestors on our back, who are going to join Heavenly Father’s army forces, because we are standing here as tribal Kings and Queens. Please let our ancestors take out all weapons so that they can also stand on the front line with us.

Offering our bows in front of Heavenly Father’s great, great, great love, we bow to you again and again. Offering all the glory, praise and joy to You, I report this in the name of blessed central family Moon Hyung Jin and Three Generation Kingships.

Aju, Aju, Aju!

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Ancestor Liberation Ceremony until 210-generations

Ancestors’ Liberation Ceremony until 210 Generations Cheon-gi 10, 5 th Month, 1 st Day, Newfoundland, PA, USA Second King’s Address ...

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