Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Kingdom not through blessing but judgment period

The Kingdom Bridegroom (2)
May 29, 2016
When we talk about the Kingdom of Heaven, now we're looking at the Kingdom level, the national level, also think about this, the bridegroom on the national level is what?  It's obviously the nation of the bridegroom right? The Christ. It's the nation that comes from Christ. So it comes from his Kingship, comes and establishes Cheon Il Guk. When Cheon Il Guk is established, and that people accepts the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, central to that constitution is the proclamation of God.
Central to that constitution is the proclamation of True Father as the returning Lord of the Second Advent.  Central to that proclamation is that this one man will change history. This one seed will transform history and now will create a totally different reality in which humanity will reside.  That is the antithesis, opposite, and anathema to Satan's history and perpetual cycles of oligarchy and communism, and socialism.  The same boring stuff, over and over again. Tyranny and all those things. So from a perspective of a nation, the bridegroom nation is the nation of Cheon Il Guk.  It's the nation of Cheon Il Guk.
It says the bridegroom was delayed.  Isn't that incredible?  It says the bridegroom was delayed.   We know we are now in the three generational kingship.  Just like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the promise was given to Abraham, but it was not fulfilled until three generations later, in the line of Jacob.  The promise was given to Adam, the first Adam, then the second Adam, Jesus, but it's not going to be fulfilled until the Second Coming of Jesus which is what? The third Adam, the third King comes.
And in the same way, we're also in this transitional period because of the failure of the Han mother. There is personal responsibility in this, as you can see, and as people are now becoming more aware, that we could not stay in the palace without desecrating Father.  It was impossible. I give you the example frequently that you cannot practice fidelity in marriage and at the same time practice adultery in marriage.  They are mutually exclusive.  The fools that think they can, 'I am faithful to my wife, but I am also faithful to adultery.' You're a liar and a prostitute!  You can't do it.  It's one or the other, it's mutually exclusive.
And so, in the same way, now from what everybody can see now she's saying publicly, they can understand why we had to separate. We had to step away from the power; we had to step away from the direction they were going. Because why? It would one hundred percent lead to desecration which we warned them, which we told them it would.  And of course it would lead to the judgment coming.
The Kingdom is not coming through blessing, and the victory of True Parents, which it could have if she stayed in her role as object and lifted up Father and then lifted up his Kingship, it would have come.  Think about how much the foundation Father had, we would be standing with Trump, we would be doing all those things, worldwide, and it would be so powerful.  Kook Jin Hyung was already talking with the top leaders in Asia, already talking to them about the fact that they have to watch out for China's encroachment.  This was almost six years ago now?  So it would have been a totally different scenario, however because of the central figure at the highest providential level, then, as Father said, the Kingdom will come because the victory of Adam has been established, the kingship and the seed has been established, but it will come now through tribulation.  So there is a delay.  There is a delay.
But it comes through the judgment period and during the judgment period there are many tests that come.  Right?  Through the judgment period there are all sorts of things that will come to pull us away from Christ. The Bible talks about it as 'taking the mark of the beast.'  Take Satan's mark.  Take the archangel's mark.  Become his child, right?  And those who take the mark of the archangel are prohibited from entering the Kingdom.
The bridegroom is delayed, but at the national level, think about it, nationally now Cheon Il Guk is delayed.  It's delayed.  It has to now move through the judgment period, through the three generational kingships.   We talked about how we are the Isaac generation, ready to go on the altar.  One brother said, 'But God spared Isaac in end.'  But we can't expect that.  Isaac, with the full motivation of 'I will be obedient, and I will die if I have to.'  Right?   The Isaac generation has to be willing to stand for truth even though it's uncomfortable and even though we may lose our lives.  That's what's required for the Kingdom to come.
So on the national level, in the future, we have, when the bridegroom has passed his delay, and now the bridegroom nation has come, and the nation of Cheon Il Guk has begun.   Whoo, the nation of Cheon Il Guk has begun!  In that time, well, there will be bridesmaids, there will be brides.  Remember, Cheon Il Guk allows contracts of relationships with different nations, foreign policy, etc. All that exists, but also other nations can join Cheon Il Guk.  But notice how when they join Cheon Il Guk, they have to become part of Cheon Il Guk, they have to become part of the republican, libertarian monarchy.
They can't come in as a communist nation.  They can't even come in as a democratic nation because a democratic nation, we know through history, always becomes oligarchy.  It's the fickle nature of the masses that can be easily manipulated by smooth talking politicians that promise free things for votes and money, right?   So democracies always collapse into tyrannies, always.  No case where it lasts more than a couple of hundred years.  Not even America is the case, right?  So the actual kingdom must come, but look at this.
Just like the world in the microcosmic level, the central providential purpose, waiting for the seed of God.  So too, at the national level, the nations also, by coming into relationship with Cheon Il Guk, the bridegroom country, will also come into contact with his seed.  There is a kingship there from which a seed has been released at the national level, which is what?  The Cheon Il Guk Constitution.  It is the core which will create the whole identity which will create the whole nature of that nation.  It's like a seed.   And in the intimate relationship, when a nation is now saying, 'We want to be part of Cheon Il Guk.' They adopt the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, they bring in the Constitution of Cheon Il Guk, they bring in the seed on the national level of Cheon Il Guk.  Now of course there is freedom of religion, that doesn't mean everybody has to receive the Blessing, that it's mandated or it's forced, no.
But there is a kingship there that represents the bloodline of Christ, and that administers the Blessing if you want it. Does that make sense? It's not separate from the nature of Cheon Il Guk, which has a God-centered starting point.  It's not a secular country.  Central to the identity of that nation is its relationship to God, Christ, and the kingship he has created, the covenant that has been given. It is not a secular place, although you have freedom of religion, you don't have to believe in a religion. But the nature of that country, the culture of that country is based on that God-centered purpose.
Now does that make sense?  Just like you can live in Italy, in Vatican City, you may live there; do you have to be a Catholic to live there?  No. So, like in Great Britain, they have the Anglican Church, the Queen is the head of the Anglican Church, but not everybody is forced to be an Anglican.  But the culture is Anglican, at least before the invasion of Europe now!  Where now it's becoming more and more Wahhabi style radical, Saudi-backed Islam!
Cheon Il Guk has that culture, it's a Judeo-Christian culture, it is a God-centered culture, and it is a culture that acknowledges Reverend Sun Myung Moon as the returning Christ who has established the Kingdom, the Kingdom that this world has never seen. That is totally upside down, an upside down Kingdom where the covenant of God has been given to the citizens.  Where the citizens are also co-heirs, they have the rights of kings.  And the servants may not rule over the kings, it is prohibited.
By law, the archangel is chained, and of course there is no democratic process, yes, no democratic process for amendments.  So the new generations that get sucked up into archangelic philosophy and/or Marxism, and/or communism, and get sold by different corporations into those things, they cannot change the law and destroy the country.  They can't.  They may start violent revolutions, but that's why the peace police and peace militia are there, which everybody is part of.  And we will deal with them on the local level, right?  But they are not allowed to change the law and destroy the country, which of course is what has happened in America.
There will be many bridesmaids, brides, that are there, but they must be ready to meet him.  They must be ready for that nation that comes.   It's interesting, the light of a nation, when you think about a nation, you think about the light, even sociological surveys have been done in countries that have more freedom, there are actually physically more lights in that country at night.  You can actually see more lights from satellite pictures.
Countries that have no freedom, basically where they have centralized powers, very low light in satellite pictures. But if you look at developed countries that have more freedom generally than other places like communist places, at night time you see that they are much more alive, there's a greater light.  I'm not saying what happens in all those cities is great in that light, no there's a lot of sin going on in the cities, but there's a symbol of that nation having a light, or being a prosperous place of opportunity. A place where people can go and come out of the darkness, come out of difficulty and reach a new opportunity.
But it's interesting, all the light of nations is fueled by something. And we can say it's fueled by this grid or that grid, but really it's fueled by freedom and responsibility, if you think about it in terms of what produces real prosperity and success in the world in terms of nations. It's freedom and responsibility. When the people are able to be free and have responsibility for their actions.  When they don't have a big daddy government pretending to be their daddy but eventually making them farmed animals.
Using the farming system on people, where they become part of the produce.  And that's what the banker systems, that's the world government systems, that's what the UN systems are.  It is the model of farming, but now using people.  Farm them, make them work, steal their resources, forcibly tax them, steal what they made.  Say it's for them, say it's for their security.  It's a farming model, you're farming livestock.  This is not how God's people are supposed to live, we're not supposed to be livestock. Amen?  We're supposed to be free children of God who rule and have dominion over creation.  Co-heirs with Christ, that means we have dominion of kingdoms too.  In Cheon Il Guk, that is protected by law.
There are many nations that may want to come into that relationship with the bridegroom, all the brides wanted to have a relationship with the bridegroom, all of them want to get into the marriage feast.  All of them want to get in.  But not if they didn't bring the oil, the fuel for the light, the fuel for the prosperity of that nation, which is what?  God's given grace, freedom and responsibility.  If they don't allow that for those nations, they cannot join Cheon Il Guk.  There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, they will say, 'Lord, lord, I want to get into that marriage feast.' And the Lord said, 'I don't know you.  I don't know you, nation.'  You cannot come into Cheon Il Guk as a communist nation, as a socialist nation.  It's not possible.   So there are many who want to enter, to receive the seed of the bridegroom, to receive the seed of the constitution of the nation, but if they are not able to be ready, they cannot receive it when it comes. 
Jesus then goes on to say
14 "Again, the kingdom of Heaven can be illustrated by the story of a man going on a long trip.  He called together his servants and entrusted his money to them while he was gone."
Remember this; he gives five bags of silver to one, two bags of silver to the other, and one bag of silver to the last.  Remember this one?  They actually say five talents, two talents and one talent in the King James Version.  But the reason why they wrote a bag of silver here is because people don't realize that one talent equals, like six thousand denarii. And a denarii is a wage that you get for one day of work!  So it's a huge amount of money.  It's like six thousand days of work in one talent.  So that's why the Living Translation expressed  it as "bags of gold" because then people can notice, 'Oh, that's kind of precious.  He didn't just give them a penny.'  He gave them quite a bit of resources. 
So we know that on the microcosm level when we see this one, and of course, you know the story, the master goes on the trip, he comes back, and the guy that was given five bags makes another five bags.  So he had five, and now he has ten bags of silver. And the master is so happy, he says, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities.  Let's celebrate together!' And then there's the guy who received two bags, and it's the same thing, the master says the same thing.  'Well done my good and faithful servant, you have been faithful in handling small amounts, so now I will give you more responsibilities, let's celebrate together.'
That's the guy who had two bags of silver.  And then he made two more.  So he doubled it.  But then there's the one guy, who said to his master, he said, 'Oh, I knew you were a harsh man, and so what I did, I was afraid I would lose your money, so I just hid it in the earth.   And look, here is your money back.'   And then what does the master say?  He says, 'You wicked and lazy servant.  Take the money from this servant, and give it to the one with the ten bags of silver.  To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance.  But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. Now throw this useless servant into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
So, of course, we've seen this on the personal level, which is the usual interpretation of Christianity, and so we'll look at this and say, 'When God gives you a gift, and he gives you a talent, make sure you reproduce that talent, and bless other people with it.  Don't just keep it for yourself, don't just hide it.' You know, this is the conventional explanation.  How many have heard this explanation?  That's the conventional explanation, but when we look at the context of the Kingdom of God, which Jesus was talking about, well, who were the servants in the upside down Kingdom?  The politicians.  The public servants are the servants.  See, it's so hard for us to get this because we live in the satanic world. So we're acculturated to Satan's culture. But it's very obvious to people who live in the Kingdom, 'No, of course those guys are our servants.  Of course.'  It's just normal.  Just like now we think it's normal that we have to grovel to politicians.  Especially if you come from Asia, my God!  It's a hundred times worse than in America.
Now the servants are there.  Now on the national level, remember there is a legitimate role for government in Cheon Il Guk.  It is limited though.  It cannot by law exceed ten percent of GDP.  And there are legitimate roles for Congress, for example, creating anti-monopoly laws. That is one of their powers.  Continually creating laws that break up monopolies. Another legitimate role of government is to organize a military in times of external attack. When a nation is invaded by foreign powers, well, it's the role of the smaller government to organize the different militias to become one army to fight against [the invasion].
In the Cheon Il Guk Constitution there are direct prohibitions such powers after war, and when war powers cease, also the different powers of the government cease, those are explicitly mentioned in the Cheon Il Guk Constitution. So, remember, in Cheon Il Guk too, there are politicians. There are local politicians too. There is a House of Representatives who are elected from every 2100 people. So there are politicians. Being a politician is a legitimate role in Cheon Il Guk, in the society.
To be a public servant.  However you really have to be a servant in order to be successful in that role as well.  Just like if you are an entrepreneur. You're a producer here too, we can see this in terms of Cheon Il Guk as a producer-based economy and nation.  It is so free that you are able to produce things for other people without intrusion and regulation, so you can really serve other people and live out your biblical principles in daily life, while making money for yourself and your family.  It's a total win/win, right?
But at the same time, for the politicians too, they are under that same healthy pressure. Those servants must produce for the master.  Remember, who are the kings and the masters in Cheon Il Guk?  The citizens.  It's upside down.  So they must produce for the citizens.  So if we have one district where the politician as a public servant produces five times more value for his master, for his people; maybe he brings in new businesses into that area, maybe he uses his network to bring in jobs and allow new economies to develop there.
Now the people can have more opportunities.   So that kind of politician can be blessed.  He can succeed.  Even if you are given two bags of silver, then the politician, as long as he is able to produce for his master, can continue on.  But look, the one who does not produce, he didn't actually take the money and lose it all, or squander it all.  He just hid it.  But the ones who don't produce for their master, for the local citizens and the kings of Cheon Il Guk, what they have will be taken away, and they will be thrown out.
Does that make sense?  You see, the servants are beholden to the master, that's what is very clear in this parable.  But in the upside down Kingdom, the public servants, who are the politicians, they are beholden to the master.  They are beholden to the citizens.  The citizens have the power, obviously, to give them the boot.  Even take what they have, in their political career, and give it to somebody else whom they feel is more viable.  They have the true powers of kings in Cheon Il Guk.
You see, on the national level, then we can see, in the context of Cheon Il Guk, how the nation is operating, how it runs.  And it is the reason why it will create the most prosperity, freedom and responsibility. A nation that works like this has to be moral.  You may not go to church every week, and you may not do these religious ceremonies every week, or be part of an organized religion, but you have to be moral in a free and responsible place. You have to be. If you are going to do business with somebody, you have to keep your promise; you have to abide by keeping your promises. You can't cheat somebody, you can't steal from somebody if you are going to do business, and your reputation is going to get soiled and soured and destroyed.  Your reputation is everything.
Try doing business on Amazon or EBay and steal from people, they're going to rat you out real quick! Right?  That's like a free internet economy.  But that will happen in the real world too. So by having the Cheon Il Guk Constitution in place, the seed on the national level coming into place in that nation, by natural processes, the nation becomes obedient to the Ten Commandments.  Without actually having to say, 'did you follow Commandment 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5?' Naturally they follow the Ten Commandments.
You don't steal from people, you don't cheat people, you don't covet your neighbor's wife, you don't do these things.  That will destroy your relationships, it will destroy your ability to do business and to help people and to work and have opportunity.  Even naturally, you will follow the Ten Commandments of God.  Isn't that interesting?
A nation that does not have that, where you can determine your own gender, and your own sex, and you can pretend you are this and that. Today I'm fairy queen, and tomorrow I'm not fairy queen, today I'm a man, and tomorrow I'm a woman. In this kind of crazy land, you have no rights, you just have your own little pretend, super-hero world.  Your own little delusion.  In that kind of land, you can act however you want, you can act like a crazy fool, and if anybody says, 'Wait a minute, that person's a little weird, he's a forty year old man, and he's dressing up in women's clothing, coming into the workplace, that's kind of weird.' "Oh, you discriminated against me!  I'm going to ban you.' This is how insane it becomes.
So real morals are not fostered, you're not really following the Ten Commandments. You're lying to yourself constantly because you have a set of testicles and a penis, and you're trying to pretend you're a woman.  That's constant self-deception. That's biological self-deception.  So it promotes a culture of disobeying the Ten Commandments. Being dishonest. First of all, by being dishonest with yourself, by lying to yourself; you make your own reality.  If you kill somebody, well if you really love yourself, you really didn't kill that person, he deserved it, and he fell onto the knife!
It just becomes total delusion. Relativist delusion.  With no reality, right?  'Oh, you sleep around, and you have millions of sexual diseases, and you give people the diseases, oh, you know, but you've got to love yourself. You have to love yourself.' There's no consequences to behavior, what world do you live in? This is delusion.  This is a nation with no freedom and with no responsibility. No reality check. In that kind of culture, what happens? Immorality cycles, perpetuates.
Breaking the Ten Commandments perpetuates. So you have a culture which actually goes further and further from God as they try to pretend they are more creative and do more eccentric things, which are so not new --- they're totally ancient and Babylonian and Assyrian, they're totally old.  All this bisexual, all this transgender stuff, all this homosexual stuff, boring!  It's old!  It's not new.  Boo, boo, boo, boring.  Old.  We know that all that always leads to pedophilia in the end anyway, because that's what the elites love to do.  So it's boring, boring, boring.  We know where you're going!  You don't fool us.
What is new is beautiful husbands and beautiful wives, with strong families, with morals, who behave well and have powerful children, who are empowered and not slaves!  That's beautiful!  That is what humanity is meant to be!  And the totalitarians hate that.  When you walk down with your gorgeous wife and you're a man, and you're a man's man, you're not scared to be a man.  When you embrace your masculinity, and you have beautiful children who are not afraid to be children to their parents, and not afraid to be men and women.
These totalitarians hate that!  They want you to be sick; they want you to be on antibiotics, they want you to be on medication, they want you to have fifty psychological syndromes which they've labeled you with, so that you have no mental strength.  They want you to be weak and decrepit and handicapped, so they can dominate you!  That's what they want.  They don't want strong people.  They don't want strong people who are connected to God.
Who have a sense of purpose, destiny, who have a sense of connection to the Creator who will not sit and lay down when the devil says, 'Come and take it.'  We say, 'No. How about we knock you out?'   This is what they hate.  They hate that.  So when people are real people, when men are real men and when women are real women, and when children and families have power, they hate that, hate it.
In Cheon Il Guk, the public servants are just that, they are the servants.  And it is illegal for them to change the law.  Illegal to change the Constitution.  There's no amendment process.  Too bad, socialists, communists, globalists, UN and world government folks.  This country you cannot destroy. That's why it's the country of the Kingship of Christ, the millennial Kingdom.  The perfection stage Kingdom which will not collapse because of the evil systems of centralized power.

Whether they be socialism, communism, oligarchy, totalitarianism, you name it.  Boring, we know what it is, we see you, devil, we know your system, we know your tactics, and God has come back to the earth, He's returned, He's brought His seed, He's established the Kingship, He has stood as the bridegroom, and the Kingdom has been established, and it's coming.
Let us end folks, on Cheon Seong Gyeong 429
"However, Adam and Eve strayed from that path of uniting with God.  Had they not done so, they would have united into one completely and God would never have been able to leave them.  Nor would Adam and Eve ever have been able to leave God.  Consequently, their descendants would have been connected, generation after generation, forming a tribe, people, nation, and the world.  This world would then be a world of grace, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth."
That is from the seed of the Constitution.
[Program begins to commemorate the Second Anniversary of Sanctuary Church]

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