Sunday, May 15, 2016

Maintaining the pure lineage of God

The Kingdom Culture (2)
May 1, 2018
And so, in this case, at the same time, when we look through the lenses of the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, also the Cheon Il Guk Constitution abides by Father's three main principles that he says must abided within the constitution.
So here, is Principle I.  As you all remember, it's Maintain the Pure Lineage of God.
The division of the sexes being ordained by God where man is the subject partner and woman is the object partner, congress shall pass no law that contradicts this divine edict.  Faithful marriage between a man and a woman being the ideal of God's creation, the government of CIG will pass no law which interferes with or contradicts this Divine Law.  The fruit of faithful marriage being the conception of children, congress shall pass no law which permits the injury to all persons born or unborn.  Sexual abstinence before marriage being the ideal condition for newlyweds, congress shall pass no law supporting or giving aid to alternative life styles.
So this is Principle number one in the Cheon Il Guk Constitution.  It is the first principle, as Father said, described as maintaining the pure lineage of God.  Pure lineage of God and also the ideal family structure that God has given.  Now we know, and we've seen this, the data on sociological structures, okay?  And this is the family structure and child abuse rates.  So we've covered this in previous studies, but here we have married biological parents here, now here are serious child abuse rates and moderate child abuse rates on the right side here.  So let's look at moderate.  In married, biological parents, you have an incidence of about 4, right?  Number of children per thousand, and then when you compare that to, let's say, on the right side, here, which is a single parent with a partner, a non-biological partner, then you have, look at the incidence of child abuse, it just skyrockets.
Massive, massive disparity.  Look at this in serious child abuse, very serious child abuse, very violent child abuse, married biological parents, 2.6 percent; it is by far the safest place for children.
Does that make sense?  Married, biological parents are by far the safest place for children to grow up in.  And in terms of society, it's very important, right, to have a safe place where kids can grow up.  And also imbibe the culture of that nation and grow up to be productive people, people who are serving others, right?  And of course, when you compare that with single parent with partners, then you have 20.8, you have literally a ten-time jump of disparity between the safety.  Think about it, if you could live in one place which was pretty safe, or you had to live in another place which was ten times more dangerous, which one would you choose?  Like you're buying a house, let's say you're buying a house and you could buy your house in this neighborhood, that's relatively safe, or you could buy your house in this neighborhood which has a murder rate ten times higher, which one would you choose? 
And they are the same price, same whatever.  It's pretty obvious when we put it in that context.  But in the context of society, it's also critical, it's very important.  When you see now the current American structure, you see how, for example, the federal government is getting involved in marriage; it's supporting alternative lifestyles by taxpayer's money, what does that mean?  It's using coercion to take from populations that do not want to support those things, and coercing them, the use of force, coercing them with the use of force to then redistribute that to projects or things that they want to do.  Alternative lifestyles which are against the majority of tax paying people.  Do you see?  So those kind of things are illegal, they are forbidden in Cheon Il Guk.  They're forbidden in the Kingdom of Heaven, they are not allowed.
Because we see that that has massive impacts on society, and it's interesting that Jesus is answering this question by bringing us back to the beginning, right?  Notice how Jesus goes on to say, up here, he said this to you, about divorce, Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.  Now Jesus does talk about, like in the cases of fornication, and this is also, in this divorce is permitted, and of course this is very consistent with Father's tradition as well.
So even when we get questions from overseas about when there is a situation that is not working, is totally broken down, and it is at that point, well, then we stay with Father's tradition, which is, if there's a case of adultery, or if there is no blood lineage, so if the people can't have children, then Father would allow for a divorce.  Okay?  So in those kinds of instances, we can also see that Jesus, is, of course, making this point, but look at this.  He answered this question by talking about those things.  The disciples ask him, if the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry.  If that's the case that we can't divorce, then it's better not to get married, Jesus, that's what they say. Right?  And then he says, but he said unto them, all men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given.
So he's talking about the teaching that he just gave, about adultery, about in the beginning, about how men and women were made by God in the beginning, etc.  But he goes into this very mysterious section; because he's talking about this issue of divorce, then all of a sudden he's jumping to eunuchs.  "For there are some eunuchs who are born from the mother's womb and there are some eunuchs who are made eunuchs of men and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven.  He that is able to receive it, let him receive it." And the disciples are like, what did he say?  [laughing]  What did he say about the eunuchs?  It's very hard to understand. 
Now this is interesting because, I think we have to look at, again, Jesus is talking about the Kingdom, right?  Now our brain would normally want to interpret this on the individual level, but he's talking about the Kingdom.  So we have to keep our mind on the national level.  Now look at this.  When we look at the word "eunuch," it is the word "eunouchizo"; look at this, "to make into a eunuch, emasculate or castrate."  Now that's interesting because when he's talking about the eunuchs, notice that the eunuchs were castrated for, when you look at the history of eunuchs, particularly at this time, in the empire, eunuchs were created for  particular social purposes, particularly for slavery or serving.  If they were employed by the Caesar, they were made eunuchs, they would be in the palace, but they would not be able to mess around with Caesar's women, right?  So they were made that way and their social role was what?  Servants.
Now this is a very important point, because when we hear this statement from Jesus, we're not connecting it to a polity and or a nation state.  Now remember last week when we covered Matthew 18, we saw the parable of the king, remember, who punished that wicked servant, remember?  Remember, he forgave him a thousand talents debt and then this guy goes, and he can't even forgive a two hundred denari debt.
And one talent, my wife did a study on that, 600 denaris for one talent.  I'm sorry, six thousand denaris for one talent.  So you can see why that king was so upset.  He basically forgave the debt of the servant who like literally, how much was the price of one slave?  The price of a thousand talents is in current times like three billion dollars. So that's a big debt to forgive, right.  So the king forgave that big debt, and then the servant goes out and he can't even forgive a two hundred denari debt, remember? And we looked at that parable in the context of the national level, remember that?  And we saw that the king is what?
A citizen.  You see Cheon Il Guk is an upside down kingdom, the citizen is a king, he has all the rights of sovereign kings, he has the right to sovereignty, he has the right to territory, he has the right to not be taxed, he has the right to bear arms to protect his kingdom.  So Cheon Il Guk, the Kingdom of God, is really a kingdom of kings.  And it's held together by the covenant, the constitution given by the kingship that Christ established in the physical world.  Right?  Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  So when we look at the context of a eunuch, what is a eunuch?  It is a servant that has been emasculated.  Now this is very important because what does the principle say about masculine and feminine?  Which one is in the subject position?  Masculine.  So it is a servant who has been emasculated, which means cannot become the subject. Does that make sense?  If you are a servant who has been emasculated, you cannot, it's impossible for you to become what?  The subject partner.  Now, in the kingdom, who is the servant?  It's not the citizens, remember, the citizens are in the position of kings.  Who are the servants?  They are the governmental officials.  People who work for the government of Cheon Il Guk, which cannot exceed ten percent of GDP, cannot, it's illegal.
They are the public servants.  Now, this whole notion of eunuchhood is very important in the context of the nation, because what was the problem of the archangel who was supposed to be what?  He was supposed to be the servant who does not go into the subject position.  Does that make sense?  He was a servant who was not supposed to be the subject, the subject partner.  In other words, he was kind of a spiritual eunuch; he was supposed to remain as a spiritual eunuch.
Does that make sense?  So, in the Kingdom, the politicians, now remember, as a politician, you can still make a living, if you are elected and your serve your people well, you can do a great job, you can do a lot of good things.  So it's not like all politicians in Cheon Il Guk are the wickedest people.  There are many checks and balances on them.  And the voting bloc for each House of Representatives is only 2100 people, that's tiny.  So they are really forced to be accountable, to be honest, and to be people of integrity, people of character, and really serving their community.
And they can make a living; they can make a living being a politician.   So some people, some eunuchs are born from their mother's womb to be a servant.  Some people are born to be in the servant position, to be a politician in Cheon Il Guk, serve the people, to be emasculated in the sense that he understands he will never be the subject over his people, subject position meaning the ruler over his people.  He will have to serve his people.  Some will also be made eunuchs, some politicians will also be groomed to be made into politicians, that's a career choice, and some will make themselves, some decide, "I'm going to run for election, I'm going to do this." Remember, Cheon Il Guk is a kingdom; it's a real place that people live in. So some people decide, "Yeah, I'm going to run for office, I want to run." Right?  But what is the nature of that servant role, it really is in the position of a eunuch.  Somebody who serves yet does not overstep the boundary of the subject/object relationship. 
Does that make sense?  Doesn't that make sense?  Now when you look at that in the context of the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, and the role that public officials play, you can see what kingdom Jesus is talking about.
How that relates to societal stability when the politicians, when they're in the proper position as the servant, and they're emasculated, not physically, they're not physically castrated, but they're emasculated in the sense, they're eunuchs in the sense that they are not allowed by the Constitution, they're not allowed to ever encroach and try to become the subject.  Does that make sense?  Now when we look at it in the context of the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, this now starts making sense.  We can see a different vantage point of what Jesus is talking about, not just seeing things on the individual level, but looking at them from the national level with the Constitution.  Amen?
Jesus then goes on to talk about another story. 
And this one too is a very famous one; I'm sure every single one of you knows this story.  Now let's read this really quick.
"And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? 17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good?  There is none good but one, that is, God; but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. 18 He saith unto him, Which?  Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, 19 Honor thy father and thy mother; and, Thou shalt love they neighbor as thyself. 20 The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up; what lack I yet?  21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and come and follow me. 22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful; for he had great possession."
Remember this story?  And what does Jesus say?  He says unto his disciples, "verily I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.  And again, I say unto you that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God."
How many heard this one?  We heard this one; this is a very, very big one.  So let's go back to the highlighted area.  So when we hear this story and parable, we immediately think, "Oh, I guess rich people can't be in the kingdom."  You see that?  Or being rich is bad.  Does that make sense?  We immediately take it to the individual level, where Jesus is talking about what?  He's talking about the Kingdom of Heaven.  He's talking about actually the national level.  The Kingdom is what he's talking about, and he's giving this example to this young man.  Now it's very interesting to understand about this young man, who is this young man?  Look at this, "go and sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come and follow me."
Let's understand the context of the world that Jesus lived in.  How was it that you became a man of great possessions in ancient Rome?  Was it because of a free market, because you're serving people, you're making innovations, and all these wonderful things and helping serve peoples' lives, is that how you amass great possessions and wealth in the empire of oligarchy? No. That's not how you amass wealth. How you become rich is being part of the elite structure.  Does that make sense?  Every historical epoch and period, how you truly become one of great possessions, was what?  Lining up in the establishment, getting those benefits, and connecting with those oligarchs, and you become, hopefully you can become an oligarch.  Right?  So think about this in the context of the national level. 
When Jesus says that a rich man shall hardly enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, he's talking about this young man, who is very young, he's very young and he's super rich.  Now at this time it is by association with the oligarchs that you become super wealthy.  Remember that context?  The rich man shall hardly enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.  Again it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.  Let me ask you a question.
For somebody who is an oligarch, who owns a country, who has a big share of that country, a communist country, do they give up that power easily?  Do they give up that wealth and possessions easily?  Do they decide, "Yes, I want to help build the kingdom, and free these people and stop monopolizing and exploiting them, so I'll give away all my possessions and follow the Lord?  I'm going to give away all my possessions and all my power and all my family's wealth and our oligarchical status, and I'm going to give away all the things, you know we owned 80 percent of the country, I'm going to give that all away, and I'm going to free the people?"  How hard is that, for that type of oligarch?  Does that make sense? 
It is easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than that kind of family or person give up what they have for the sake of the Kingdom, for the sake of God, for the sake of following God and building His kingdom.  Does that make sense?  So when we look at it in the context, even with what's happening with Family Fraud, you can see the majority of their leaders fell right into this guy's shoes!  Right?  They fell right into this oligarch's shoes.  What we have to give up will be so big, right?  Even though Father has anointed his successor, even though he has anointed the Kingship, even though we are proclaiming the real Cheon Il Guk Constitution, no, no, can't have that.
That's too hard, that's too much.  I have to give up too much to get into that Kingdom, does that make sense, folks?  Let's make a Supreme Council! [laughter]  It is so hard for that kind of rich man to get in the Kingdom, because they don't want to see the normal man become prosperous.  The enemy of the elites historically has always been the middle class.  They [the elites] do not want to see normal people flourish.  That is the nature of oligarchy.  The nature of Satan's kingdom.  Now, for those kinds of people, it is exactly what Jesus said, it is as hard as a camel stuffing into the eye of a needle to get them to enter the Kingdom.  Does that make sense?  It is so hard.
So we can see this on the individual level, maybe we are interpreting it individually, " Oh, wealth is, oh, maybe we shouldn't be," but we are looking at it on the national level, do you see folks?  On the national level.  On the national level we can see the problem with oligarchs.  We can see the problem with those who have kingdoms of the world, who worship the god mammon.  They cannot let go of it.  From when you look at the Han mother to the family, to all those who are prostituting themselves, the thirty-six couples, the leaders, all that, they know it was wrong, but they stayed for the money and the power.  The money.
Stupid, fake, fiat, paper money.  Right?  Being a part of the elite, just like that young man.   Just like that young man who left sorrowful, he said "I did all your commandments.  I did them."  Look at those leaders, look at those thirty-six couples, what do they say?  "I followed Father for fifty years.  I did all the commandments.  I did that."
And then what does Jesus say?  He says, okay, if you would be perfect, then go and sell all that you have, give it to the poor.  You'll have treasure in heaven.  And come and follow me.  Go and follow my sons, Cain and Abel, go, go into the wilderness.  Be cursed, be persecuted, and be hated by everybody.  Go follow them. Go, go ahead.  And what did they do?  Oh, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.  You see the problem, folks?  This is what happens when the oligarchs cannot; the oligarchs will never give up their satanic kingdoms.  They'll never give it up.  It requires what?  It requires the King of Kings to return.  Now look at this. 
After all these things, he talks about these things.  "Jesus beheld them and said unto them, with men this is impossible, with God all things are possible.  Then answered Peter, and said unto him, behold, we have forsaken all."  This is Peter saying,  'Jesus we've given up everything , we've followed you, what are we going to have?'  And Jesus said, "Verily I say unto you that ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit on the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.  But many that are first shall be last, and the last shall be first."
The oligarchs don't give up the kingdom.  They hang onto something of their power, but Jesus said in the regeneration when the Son of Man sits on this throne, when the Kingship is established, and Cheon Il Guk is established, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones.  Interesting, that in Cheon Il Guk, the Supreme Court has twelve judges which are appointed by the throne, by the Kingship.  And those judges judge the twelve tribes of Israel.  Notice that, even the regular people, anyone who has forsaken houses, brethren, things, land, look at this, he doesn't say forsaken family, friends, relationships -- he also puts in land, he puts in houses, physical assets.  Isn't that interesting?
People who have forsaken that for His name's sake shall receive a hundred fold.  Because they will be able to enter into the Kingdom.  They will be able to enter the Kingdom which the oligarchs cannot enter.  You see?  They will have access into the kingdom.  The oligarchs hang onto the satanic kingdoms, but the people who suffer for His name's sake even in the temporary, their suffering, their hardship, when the regeneration of the Son of Man shall sit on the throne of His glory, when the throne is erected in Cheon Il Guk, those people who fought for his name's sake shall inherit a hundred fold and eternal life.  They will receive the blessings of the kingdom.  Not only be a part of history, not only be a part of the making of history, not only be heroes and heroic individuals who push and persevere through suffering and persecution and all those things in the name of the Lord.  But also they shall blessed in the Kingdom.
And we know that everlasting life not only means individual life, because when you look at it in terms of lineage, it means everlasting life through the lineage of God.  Through the lineage, that is through our descendants to prosper in that nation.
Amen?  That the fights that we have to fight are not only for ourselves in this time, it's also for our descendants which are the continuation of our lives.  Everlasting in the Kingdom that is to come on the physical earth.  When we look at this context, and we look at the parables that Jesus is sharing about the kingdom, in the context of the Cheon Il Guk Constitution,  and the national level, do you see how it comes alive?  It comes alive, and we can see the Kingdom.  The Kingdom is visible.
Let's read together, Cheon Seong Gyeong 761
"The entire world faces the same conditions and patterns of corruption in the realm of life, realm of love and realm of lineage. Everything is entangled in the same degradation.  Hence, you can stand within the boundary of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth if you can renounce everything that your body desires in the satanic domain and totally move into the realm of your conscience."
Remember the young man?  Jesus said, renounce your earthly desires.  Renounce it, throw it all away and follow me.  Do the right thing!  Help me build the Kingdom of righteousness; don't hold onto your stupid possessions that you've gotten through theft and exploitation and coercion.  Don't hold onto it.  Let it go, right?  Remember?  And totally move into the realm of your conscience, right?  God's law written on our hearts.

"Thus, you can attain the free rights that lead to the borderless and infinite nation of God, the world of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world."   CSG 761
Amen!  Aju! Okay, SOS, come on up!
Folks, when we think about the Kingdom there is joy!!  When we think about the Kingdom, it's a place where our descendants will live.  Godspeed and God willing.  We are in the Last Days.  More than anything, we are blessed with the vision of the Kingdom.  We can see the Kingdom.  Jesus' words are popping out of the page, and we can see the nation that we will live in, we will have everlasting life in there, we will sit with Him, our descendants will be alive, living in that physical kingdom.  Right?  So it's important for us to go back to the root.  Praise and give glory, give honor to Father who wants us to live in that Kingdom.  Amen?

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