Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God (1)
March 13, 2016
Let us go to the ppt. The Kingdom of God.  Amen. What an important thing!  I'm going to say some shocking things here today, okay?  Especially very shocking things to Christians.
You know we are New Testament Christians.  What does it mean to be Christian?  It means to be of Christ.  That is what it means.  So are we Christians?  Of course we are Christians, we are of Christ. We belong to Christ, our life revolves around Christ.  So in that sense we are Christians. Are we part of a Christian religion?  No.  Jesus did not come to build a religion. More on that later.
But let's look at the Kingdom of God, let's look first today at Matthew 6, I believe it is, our first Scripture.   
Matthew 6:31-33. Let us read together.
"Therefore take no thought, saying, what shall we eat? Or what shall we drink? Or where with al shall we be clothed? For after all these things do the Gentiles seek? For your Heavenly Father know that ye have need of all these things.  But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
This is when, you know, they are worrying about being clothed, and Jesus says, well, God takes care of the birds, the lilies of the field, etc. Remember this? So he is saying, don't worry about those things, what did he say?  He said, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." All these things that we worry about, they will be added unto you.  This is not a prosperity gospel, okay.  This is not a religion. A lot of the modern teachers, a lot of the televangelists or people preaching "the Gospel" are teaching a prosperity gospel.  You believe in Jesus, you do alms and tithes to the church, and you are going to make a lot of money!  Right?
You do this for Jesus, and you sing praises, if you go to this event and that, you are going to make money, and then you are going to get rich, etc.  This is a prosperity gospel.  Therefore, really this false gospel is around in the Christian world.  We see it with some of the biggest churches. It is all about self-help, it is all about, you know, you believe in Jesus, you make money. You are going to be blessed! You are going to be blessed that way, okay? Therefore, it really is, again, a type of religion. This is the same in appeasement styles of religion, where you give offerings to a deity, or the mountain god, or you give appeasements to the earthquake god or the wind god and you have safety from natural calamity. I am not making this up, these are real.  
When I was in Tibet, literally on each mountain…. you see people do not understand even in Tibetan Buddhism they do not understand about it. They just think the Dalai Lama is cool, and they see the monks in the red robes, and they think, "Ahhhh, it looks so exotic."  I've been to Tibet, folks. And in Tibet, there are different mountains.  Every single mountain has all these mountain spirits that people are appeasing and offering food to. It is shamanism; it is a strong form of shamanism that is in that.  But Jesus says, "seek ye first the kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you," this is interesting, in the context of what happens.
What happened after Father's passing?  You see, why is it so hard for people to see the truth?  In fact, we know a lot of people do see the truth. But, they don't come out for fear. What do they fear?  Well they fear they may lose their money. They may lose what they are eating, what they are drinking, how they are going to clothe their family.  They may lose their life stream that they believe comes from money or from a salary.  They do not realize, if they were honest or honorable and virtuous people, and even though they left a fraudulent organization like that, God would provide them a better place where they could be honorable and still make a living.  Right?  You don't have to become a prostitute to make money.  You can still make money in different ways, keeping your honor.  Amen?   So this is really very pervasive, it's not only Jesus' time, we see this too with the people in the middle.  
Remember we talked about the breakdown between the third, the third, and the third?  There's really one third that is openly or secretly supporting Sanctuary.  Then there's one third in the middle that is vacillating and sitting on the fence and, "Oh, ok, which side will win?  I'll jump on the boat when that side wins!"  I am not joking; some people in Asia say that, they have literally told that to other people. Okay?  Like, "Oh no, no, we still have time.  If Hyung Jin Nim wins, then we'll just jump on the bandwagon." So they are based on power.   They will follow anybody who has power. Right?
They will follow anybody who has money.  That is what they think is "winning."  Not being virtuous, not being honorable, not having integrity, not standing up for your Father, none of that.  It is who has more power, who has more money.  So what does that tell you about that kind of person?  And then you have the last third who are being actively paid, and/or their business or organization or some kind of thing is related, and is getting benefits from. You could have someone already retired, but their daughter or their son may be working and getting salaries, and they do not want to compromise that, you see?  Direct or indirect benefit of resources. So these are the people that are remaining.  
Now we cannot confuse the events here, because a lot of people come to events but don't support the organization.  So that's what we see with the Family Fed as its collapses, and its internal corruption and infighting and the whole pretend culture of, "Oh, no, there's no fighting here,"  breaks down.  
And people more and more can see right through it, well we see that the middle one third starts shifting away from them.  At least stops supporting them financially. So now they're trying to run a slave trade, trying to enslave Japanese members with now, one third of the people upon which they then have to increase taxation in order to sustain their decrepit and totally evil hierarchies, which are thousands of people.  For example, in Japan, there are over a thousand people in their paid staff.  So then the burden on that remaining third who actually are staying there purely for money and power, purely for it, not even wanting to think about anything else, purely for money and power.
Those last third do not contribute, have hardly ever contributed, they maybe donated a little bit, and said, "well, yeah, I'm a good person."  They never contributed like the Japanese, I'll say that.  Never, not close.  And they'll never do it, because as soon as the taxation rises for them at that side, then they have complaints.  "Maybe this is evil, since I have to do it! Since I have to do it now."  You know, it's just common, totalitarian parasites.  It's a parasitical class, so the last third is a parasitical class that's staying there trying to feed off, and parasitically exist off, of this decaying carcass.
So we see this happened in reality, when we had to say, "No."  You know, sometimes you have to say, "No."  It is not a joy for me and Kook Jin Hyung to speak and to tell people honestly, you know to tell our mother honestly that what she was doing was wrong.  It wasn't fun to do.  If you're fighting for freedom, let's say your whole family has been involved in fighting for freedom, you know Father trying to make real world peace where people can be free and have responsibility for their actions. You're moving in that direction, and all of a sudden, your Mom comes out and says, "I'm communist, and now everybody should become socialist."  Now you still love your Mom, but you have to say no, you have to go against her.  You can't have stood with the freedom fighters for fifty years and now say you're a socialist and expect everybody to go along.  It is the honorable thing to say, "No, we must not go down that path."
We must not end up like the dictators, right?  So there are times in life when you do have to stand up, you have to stand up with integrity, you have to stand up with honor, you have to stand up for virtue, you have to stand up for goodness.  It's not convenient, it's very taxing and annoying, and you get persecuted for it.  You go against all the p.c. political correctness lies, but you have to do it sometimes.  There are times when you have to do it.  So God says, "Seek ye first the kingdom and His righteousness, because His righteousness is perfect, and all these things will be added unto you."  God will find a way.
I want to start, also, with Cheon Seong Gyeong
today, before I get into the other stuff.  Real quick, because we have some very interesting news that has come out last week.  Cheon Seong Gyeong 130, let's read together.
"God is the absolute Father, absolute True Parent, and the unique, unchanging and eternal True Father… Justification through attendance signifies the age of realizing the Kingdom of Heaven in daily life.  This is why we are talking about justification through attendance."
Father talked about the age of attendance which now transcends the age of prayer.  Prayers are where we are petitioning God, many times it can become a religious practice.  And becomes like a form of Hinduism, it can become a form of animism, it can become a form of shamanism.
"Oh, please, oh gods, don't be angry with me. And I will offer you this rice, and please don't let our children die in the storm or please don't let the lightning strike our house."  Now we usually think in the modern world that that is, only pagans do that.  But what about Christians?  Right?  "I'm sanctified, I'm holy, I'm righteous by the blood of Christ, by the blood of the Lord.  Lord don't let me be hit by lightning! " [laughter]  "Lord, let my salary increase!"  We usually think just the pagans do it, but when you look at modern forms of Christianity, they're so guilty of doing it as well.  It has become religion and not relationship with the King.  And this is what Father was talking about, now beyond the age of prayer, go to the age of attendance, because this is now where you are living with Christ.
If I'm living with my wife, if I'm living with her, I'm not praying to her. Right?  I'm not praying to her to appease something.  I have to live with her.  In the age of attendance, we are attending God, we're living with God, we're reporting to God, we're telling Him what we're doing, our thoughts, our inner world, we're talking with God.  This is what the whole prayer in our own names is, reporting in our own names, really, not praying, we're reporting in our own names.
"Father, this is on my heart, Father this is in my spirit, Father, I'm going here to do this, and do that."  We're reporting to Father constantly, it's the age of attendance where we're living together with Him.  It's not about religion, it's about cultivating a relationship.  If I'm going to train in New York with my instructor in jujitsu, okay?  I'm going to tell my wife, "Mommy, I've gotta go train," and of course I would like her to come with me.  But I'm going to tell her about it, I'm going to report that to her, because I live with her, I'm in a relationship with her.  It's the same thing with God.
What, do we usually just pray to God, do we just petition to God when we have issues, when we have problems, etc.  It's not a relationship, it is a religion.  It's, "I need You to give me something Sugar Daddy, Big Spirit, Great Spirit," whatever you want to call it.  It's paganism.  Relationship is what Jesus was here for, it's not religion.  So He was here to build actual relationships with living people, and He was a living man in whom God was dwelling in the fullness of God's nature. Okay?  So this is what Father is talking about.  
Now you remember when, after Father passed, the Han Mother did what they called an attendance thing, and she was eating different meals, remember that?  She was eating meals, and saying this was attending Father, and 40 days, and whatever it is. Okay? And at the same time, she had already created the committees to destroy Father's work. So, externally showing to the members, "I'm attending Father, I'm eating these meals with him,"  with Kim Hyo Nam. The meals are specially prepared, the hundreds of staff in the Palace are very busy.  You see religion has to always try and pretend that it's always busy, when it ain't doing nothing!  [laughter]   It's not doing anything!
So this performance was going on at the same time when already the redaction committees and already the changes were being made, the "new scriptures" were being already created.  That's not how you honor a relationship with somebody.  That's a charade.  It's a public show.  How you really honor somebody is by preserving them, honoring them, keeping their legacy, keeping their desires alive.  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth.  You don't show respect and honor by doing whatever  you want to do.  You do what God wants you to do.  Thy will be done.  So this is the difference between religion and relationship.  
Look at Family Fraud.  It's totally a religion.  They have become the most religious.  You can't say anything about them, and you can't criticize any of their high priests, right, because they are ontologically greater.  This is what, of course, Jesus was assaulting.  He was attacking these.
In fact Jesus had more problems with religious people than sinners.   Did you know that?  Jesus invited all the sinners, but guess who He constantly assaulted and attacked?  The religious people.  The religious people.  Now,  when we think about religious people, we're thinking about the Pharisees, the orthodox Jews, or maybe, you know, the Hindus.  It's things like this.  But look at the Christians.
Look at Christians, you're a Methodist, you're a Baptist, you're a Lutheran, you have to keep your traditions, which are nowhere in the Bible.  You're a Pentecostal, you have this or that rule, it's nowhere in the Bible.  You have to do it.  You're an Anglican, you're a Catholic, all these things, you have keep these, why do you have to do it?  Well, because, you know, otherwise I'm going to get fired.  So you have a whole culture and system in Christendom where pastors are preaching, but they're so empty!  They're depressed after they preach.  They're so depressed.  They have to actually promote a religion, and they cannot promote Jesus.  Because if the Bible trumps their practices, well, then, now they have problems with the Methodist Church hierarchy, or they have a problem with the Lutheran Church hierarchy, they have a problem with the Anglican hierarchy, or the Catholic hierarchy, etc.
It becomes about religion and not relationship with that person.  That's what so unique about Christ, you see?  All the other gods in the pantheons of other deities wish for you to relate with them as a god, as somebody that is totally separate from you.  You have to appease them.  You have to make them calm down.  Your prayers and petitions have to alleviate their stress, right?  Christ was opposite, He said, "cast your care on me." "Cast all your cares, those who are heavy burdened, heavy laden, come.  Those who have a yoke around their neck, come. "  Right?
And in that world of Palestine and Jerusalem two thousand years ago you can see there was tremendous religion. Religion was the orthodoxy of the day. It's how they got respect. And you know, a lot of people who are unthinking, end up throwing their respect towards that way.
You know, I even see, when I was training in Buddhism, and I was not critical of it, all the practices, like the thousands and thousands of bows, or the hundreds and hundreds of hours of meditation, or the non-sleeping, and all these conditions, etc. To try to become a perfected being, or one that has reached the non-dual state of enlightenment, which of course, we can very easily identify as relativism. Even when I was training there, I was not aware of it, because as you're doing these things, people worship you.
They see you as holy, even in the Buddhist world.  So I would not only get respect from our members in the Family Fed, but also in the Buddhist world.  "Wow, Reverend Moon's boy is doing all these Buddhist practices, oh, well you know…"  We were very close with the Korean Buddhist world, very close.  Again, but that is not what God came to bring.   There are over ten thousand plus religions that are trying to appease ten million plus gods.  God didn't come to add one more to the pie!  He came to make a new pie!   Which is a relationship with Him. 
But what happened?  We see, of course, Father created the Kingship, the Han Mother went against that.  She broke the Kingship.  She put herself up as the new King.  We see the dethroning, she starts sitting in Father's throne.  So all of these things that we've seen, also the theology starts reflecting the actions.  
So we saw in the teachings, they started putting Eve in the subject position

like right there, in the bottom [of the slide]. They did it again, too, they started switching it, gender neutrality, right?
Gender neutral. We want to be postmodern, and we want to be fashionable, and we want to just be inclusive, right?  So we saw these kind of things, Father's crown nowhere to be seen.
The Han Mother putting her own name, only her name, on the marriage rings, right? The True Mother is actually, God and True Father are inside her womb [showing Family Federation slide diagram]. So this is the real ultimate womb theology, which I guarantee you always leads to communism. Hundred percent. Socialism, communism. Every culture that promotes womb theology will go to totalitarian communism. Because you have to keep the whole population in the womb. You got to keep them secure and safe, keep them in the womb. The problem with that is that if you're in the womb too long, you die.  The culture dies, the people die, the mother dies.   How you create powerful societies is not by keeping people in the womb, you create powerful cultures by releasing them from the womb. Allowing them to develop their powerful energies, talents, creativity, masculinity, femininity
Allow them to develop these things, right?  Empowering them, strengthening them, teaching them how to become powerful human beings.  Teaching them the right of self-defense. These are things that empower people, folks. It makes you stronger. These are the instincts that allowed all our ancestors to thrive over millennia. Right?  Not the weak, not the socially engineered, vegetated, digital people who live in fantasy lands, either in video games or TV or romantic dramas.
Under the Han Mother's leadership

We saw True Father's scriptures being totally redacted, up to 80% in Cheon Seong Gyeong. The national anthem being replaced. Family Pledge, Blessing Vows changed. Change from monotheism to ditheism. Excluding DP from the constitution.  Well they put it back in now.
They redacted their own constitution. You know, I thought the document was from the eternal, unchanging God. He kind of forgot His own revelation, Divine Principle.  And He had to put it back later.  So apparently they put it back in.  Forces legal action etc. Left her position as obedient object, not subject, proclaiming herself as God, only begotten daughter, dethrones True Father, etc.  So we've seen her, then, and we've told many of you here three years ago, publically, maybe a year ago now, to everybody.  And we told you that she believes she's the Messiah.  We told you, did we not tell you?  We told you.  And then so she started speaking that theology in 2015 out of her own mouth. In fact, any time she speaks now she speaks that theology.  Every time she speaks.
So this is not some isolated thing, where some low level management person or some secretary made some misprints. This is core theology for her, which is becoming very apparent. Even now to the 36 Couples.  Remember they were called just a month ago to the Palace, because Mr. Yoo signed that apology, and he got blessed. Remember that, that was a special education and all that?  Well, even the 36 Couples leadership saw that she's the one who believes this stuff.  It's not the theologians, it's not Kim Hyo Nam, it's not somebody else. She's the one who believes it. She's the one, she's the start of the heresy. She's the originator of the heresy. They are always trying to say, "No, it's somebody else."  No, it's her.  She's the one who believes this, which is the reason why we had to stand against her even though she's our mother. Right?  We had to stand against her, and say, "No, we cannot support you doing this.  Because us supporting you doing this, will affect us desecrating Father, and we will not do that." You can give us money, you can give us power, we don't need it. We're not going to desecrate our Father.  [applause]

So then, of course, the claim of the Only Begotten Daughter, that all of the two thousand years of Christian history is for the Only Begotten Daughter, etc., right up here [Hyung Jin Nim reads the Korean on a slide]. "All of heaven's providence was for the only begotten daughter, etc., etc."  So then she started making those claims.
She did it again on December 12th and at other private places too, which of course we don't pictures of those, but we've heard from people who attended them. Constantly all she proclaims is the same theology. "The Only Begotten Daughter, whom God needed to be born as God's daughter, separate from the satanic world.  Two thousand years of Christian history was the providence of searching for God's only begotten daughter. I was the one who possessed such a standard." We also saw how her own people, not only are they confused, they are admitting that she was not one with Father.  Especially when Father embraced me and anointed me.  This is from Mrs. Eu.  She said very clearly, "Father embraced Hyung Jin Nim, but Mother was different. Mother said, 'No.'"

And of course this is amidst the main proposition of the Family Fraud, which is what?  True Parents are one.  True Parents are one.  And their own people say no, Mother was different.  Mother said "No." So it goes against their own thesis and theological claim.  This is actually from their propaganda video, one of their videos, pretending to honor Father. "Oh, you know, Reverend Moon, etc., etc."  And then the only begotten son and the only begotten daughter.  And then there these graphics like, "whoosh, and hhhhhwoooosh, oooooh."  Because people are so stupid, they're going to see these graphics and they're going to say, "Ohh, that must be true."   That's how stupid people are.  They believe anything if you have a little, Woo …."  Oh, ok.  Hillary Clinton!  Yeah!  [laughter]

Therefore, this is from one of their propaganda machines, and then in their inaugural Sunhak Peace Prize Ceremony, now you can see it manifest more. They had the different awardees, and the ambassadors for peace.  Ohhhh, wow, such incredible ambassadors coming!   We're going to give them an award and have a ceremony, and sing a song, and then go, "Woo" and then go home, depressed! Now look, where True Parents' chairs used to be, now only there's one.  So now you see this slipping in, because why?  Because she is the center.

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