Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Absolute Sex life and Holy Wine Ceremony

The Covenant of the Blessing (2)
Absolute Sex life and Holy Wine Ceremony
April 21, 2015

Let's read from 28:
28 In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body just as Christ does the Church 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “ For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”32 This is a profound mystery - but I am talking about Christ and the Church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
There's the key to marriage, folks! There's the key right there in the Word of God! It's right there, right there at the end. Paul is talking to the husbands; we are supposed to love our wife. Look at this: does it say, “I recommend that you love your wife?” Does it say, “I would hope you love your wife?” Does it say that? What does it say? “You must love your wife” You know what? In the Greek this is agape love; this is unconditional love. Because when you get married you'll quickly realize that sometimes your wife is unlovable. How many can say ‘amen’ to that? Don't lie, don't lie, repent right now; rebuke that devil right now! Sometimes your wife can be unlovable, but you are called to unconditionally love her.
Now before the ladies start celebrating, what is the end of that Scripture? “And the wife must respect the husband.” This, in the Greek is the word which also means ‘unconditional respect.’ How many know that when you get married sometimes your husband is unrespectable? You will feel like, “I cannot respect this man!” You will sometimes face a man in your house, and he is your husband who is totally unrespectable in your view, just like he will also face a woman who is his wife, who is at some times totally unlovable. Amen!
Now, usually before we do the Blessing, or you hear marriage counseling before marriage, you'll only hear the first part. You will only hear “Men, you have to love your wife unconditionally!” right? “And we have to, as husband and wife, love each other unconditionally.”
There is great teaching on this by Pastor Emerson Eggerich, and he shows studies that have proven that women need love to feel respected and they need love to feel valuable. How many women can agree with that? Right! Now, it doesn't mean they don't need respect, but they need love as their primary source of food. Now there are other studies that show men care not necessarily to be loved. Men desire respect; they desire respect!
In a study where men were asked, “Would you rather be alone and not disrespected, or would you rather be disrespected in a relationship? What would you choose?” They chose, “I'd rather be alone.” They chose, “I'd rather be alone.” Men in their created being need to feel respect, in order to feel loved. See how different that is, folks! It's different, isn't it? Women need to feel loved to feel respected; men need to feel respected to feel loved!
So, in your Blessing, in your marriage, it is so critical to hang on these words ‘love and respect.’ It's all about loving and respecting. That is why we're not suggested to do that; we are commanded to do that by God! Amen! We're commanded to do that!
That means when a husband is in his shorts or in his boxers, eating popcorn, watching football, screaming at the TV, he looks totally unrespectable, okay! You can say, “What is that fool doing? We got so many things to do around this house; what is he doing?”You may feel that this man is unrespectable but the Word of God commands you to have unconditional respect, to approach him with respect. Amen! Not to approach him, “You, good-for-nothing fool!” and pull out the TV and throw it out the window. That's not how you're called to behave.
When your wife is nagging you about something and it doesn't stop, and you already did it, but it still continues on - I can see some of you smiling- you are called to unconditionally love her. You don't change her by shouting out. Or what men usually do is ignore her; they will ignore her because it's driving them crazy, and they will just go out of the house. They will say, “I can't handle this!”They will just leave the house. Okay?
So, this is the crazy cycle in our marriages; this is what I call “the hell cycle.” How many know that your Blessing can build either the Kingdom of Heaven or the kingdom of hell? I know so many people who have received the Covenant of the Blessing, yet their marriages are hell. They are hell because they are not told about the Scripture, and they don't obey the Scripture. God gives us the pattern of how to create success in our marriage, power, anointing, greatness, in our marriage, but we have to obey the Word. Amen! Not our feelings; not our emotions! We have to obey the Word!
This is the hell cycle folks! You see? Because if our wife does not feel loved, she will react without respect; if she doesn't feel like we value her and she doesn't feel like she's loved, she will act disrespectfully. She will start seeing us as a child which needs to be disciplined. Why are you laughing, men? She will see you as a child to be disciplined! And what godly man wants to be treated like a child who is to be disciplined by his wife? Who likes that? Do you like that, men? You can be honest; we're all bald here! No godly man likes that! No godly man likes that! We do not like to be treated like children; we are grown men, even though sometimes, you know, they watch sports in their boxers and they scream at the TV, ok? Love covers all sin! If we love our spouse those sins are covered.
Look at this: without love she reacts without respect; he feels disrespected, he's going to react without love; he's going to ignore her.
It's your third book of “ways to improve your marriage,” the third one. Now you're saying, “You know Jimmy, we should read this; it's really going to be exciting to read this!” And he will say, “Okay, leave it right on his coffee table,” next to his couch on the TV. And he will just watch the TV and the book will be sitting right there, right. And the whole time he knows the wife is watching him thinking, “Why aren't you reading that book?” He can feel her judgment. It's now the third book! So, every time he's turning on the TV, he is grinding his teeth, because he knows he has to read that book, otherwise there is going to be trouble. But he's not going to read the book because what happened? The last two times he read the book, it got worse; the last two times he read the book they got in a fight. How many have experienced this one? Oh! You guys are bad liars!
So, when in that cycle, the husband is ignoring her and this book, because he feels it as a condemnation upon him. That he is an unloving man, when he is out breaking his back to serve her, when he is out breaking his back to provide for the family, and when if an intruder comes he will fight that intruder to the death. He will go risk his life to kill that man who was trying to kill his wife.
How many women forget about that, that your husband has the actual scary responsibility that if there's an intrusion on your house, he risks his life to protect you? How many know that? Okay, I know here we got ladies with firearms; almost all the ladies are armed here. But the man also, that weigh on his shoulder. You know when your husband is not at home and now you have the weight on your shoulder, what if an intruder comes in and now you have to fight that man; you have to now fight that man? You understand that is a stress load on you. You understand that, right?
A husband has that at all times because he loves you, because he cherishes the family. Even though he doesn't look like he's thinking about it, he has that in the back of his head all the time, to protect you. It is a godly instinct, but he is actively trying to do that because he loves you. So, we have to give him credit for that. Amen! We have to give the man credit for that. He will risk his life for you, so give him credit; respect him.
This is the hell cycle:
Without love, she reacts without respect; without respect, he reacts without love! Without love, she reacts without respect; without respect, he reacts without love! Without love, she reacts without respect; without respect, he reacts without love!
And this cycle will continue, and your marriage will break down, and you will be living in a hell! I have seen so many marriages that are living in literal hell, because they continue this cycle. So, as you are now commencing your marriages, it is so important that you do not fall into this cycle, and when you do, you fall out of it as fast as you can. Amen! Get out of it as fast as you can! This will destroy your marriage. It is the primary tool of Satan to kill you, to maim you, and to destroy you. Right, that's what the Scripture says that Satan is out to do; he is like a roaring lion, to kill, maim, and destroy you, and he will be after your marriage.
This is the heavenly cycle or the energizing cycle:
If she feels loved, his love will motivate her respect, and her respect will motivate his love! His love will motivate her respect; her respect will motivate his love! His love will motivate her respect; her respect will motivate his love!
This is the energizing cycle; this is the heavenly cycle! This is a cycle we want to get on. In our daily lives, all we have to do, remember is love and respect. There are no five steps or five ways to rebuke the devil; you got the Word of God right there! Love your wife; wife, respect your husband! It's literally that simple, and it will be nuanced in every facet of your life as you live together, but that's the Principle: husbands unconditionally love your wife; wives unconditionally respect your husband! Husband, even though your wife is unlovable, love her! That's how you change her!
Especially when there is no money, men need to feel your respect, ladies! If he has no money and he feels like a loser and everybody is condemning him in the world, and he comes home and feels condemned, he is dying; the man is dying! It is in that time when the wife can come to his rescue! You can come to your man's rescue; you can save his life. You can come to him and say, “I believe in you! You are my man. We went through hurdles and obstacles together and we will get through this one because God is willing, and God is able!” Especially when you have no money!
When I got kicked out the palace I got no money either! You understand? But my wife believed in me; she believed in me and she stood by my side.
Love and Respect
  1. Husbands, change your wife lovingly
  • Husbands change your wife with “Love Barbecue”
  1. Wives, change your husband respectfully
  • Women confront your husband with “Respectful Recipes”
So, husbands, we change our wife lovingly, with love; that's how we change her. We don't change her like how you change another guy, you know, like your boys. You don't change your wife like you try to change your boys! Amen! You don't go up to her, and say, “Look man! I think this is totally screwed up! You don't do that; you don't do that to me! That's messed up; you don't do that to me! You don't speak like that to me!” That's not the way to work it out with your wife! That's how you work it out with your guys, amen!
You work it out lovingly! I like to say, “You have to love barbecue.” Who likes barbecue? What do you do when you barbecue some baby back ribs? You’ve got to lather it in barbecue sauce; you're using a steel brush or a bristle brush, a soft brush? You’re using a soft brush. Are you just throwing it in, or are you lathering it? Then when you cook it, are you cooking it fast or are you doing a slow cook?
Okay! You understand what I'm saying, men! You’ve got to do the love barbecue. You know how to make some baby back ribs, that's how you’ve got to make some baby back rib for your wife; she is the greatest baby back rib for you from heaven. Amen! So you got to cook it slow; you got to lather it, you got to smother it in that Sugar Ray citrus sweet barbecue! Whoo! Right, now I got the Holy Ghost!
Okay! Wives, change your husband respectfully! Don't go to your man and talk to him like you talk to your girlfriends! You will drive him crazy; he will run from you. Do not go to him and talk to him like you do to your girlfriends. He doesn't want to hear about the mother-in-law, and the auntie and the problem with this car, and that issue and that, and Maria is going through that; he doesn't want to hear that. You got to get to the point, right ladies?
This is what I call ‘the respectful recipe’. When you make a recipe list it doesn't go on for fifty pages, right; when you're trying to explain a recipe to somebody, you don't give them fifty pages of recipe! Amen! You certainly do not talk about Maria's problems or Martha's problems; you talk about the ingredients that you're going to use in that recipe, right. And you can't just say, “Throw some beans in there,” What kind of beans? We're going to use pinto beans, black beans? What other kinds of beans are there; kidney beans, navy beans? What are we going to use? Tell me specific! Amen! Be specific; be specific!
When you try to change your man with respect, think about the recipe ladies, the recipe. Keep it short, clear, very lucid, so he knows what you're talking about, he knows what to identify. He can go and buy the red kidney beans; he doesn't have to stand in front of the bean aisle and say, “Which beans do I have to buy?” He can go to the red kidney beans, pick them out, and get the next ingredient. Amen! Why are you laughing, ladies?
I tell you what my wife does to show me respect. When she has something I need to change, that she feels pulled on her spirit, she comes to me and she says, “Can I speak with you tomorrow at nine o'clock, and it will be ten minutes.” She tells me when, and then I'll say, “Oh! Sure, yeah; we can meet at nine o'clock tomorrow.”
We're working on stuff. See, when men are working on things, even though it looks like they're watching football or playing video and whatever it is, they're actually thinking about other things. If they have to get a job done, they're thinking about that; but they're just trying to rest their brain for a couple of seconds before they get back to it.
Mark Unger says,”Men in their head have many boxes, and the most important box is the do-nothing box.”’What are you doing?” “Nothing” What do you think about?” “Nothing!” Men have a donothing box! You’ve got to respect it! “What are you doing?””Nothing!” “Okay! I can respect that!” He's going to be like, “Wow! Praise God! ”
So, this is what my wife does: she comes to me, she doesn't say, “I need to talk to you now!” I'm in the middle of something, right. How many men have encountered this? “We need to talk now!” I'm in the middle of something; I'm answering an email, or I'm doing this. Or you know, I don't play video games, but some men love video games; some men love video games, and maybe they're resting their head because they've been all day cramming their brain on something, so just let them play the video game. It's not a big deal! Let them play a little bit!
Ask them,”Honey, can we talk tomorrow, or can we talk tonight at nine for ten minutes?” That's what my wife does; she shows me that respect. And when she meets me you know what she does? She sets up her clock, she puts the clock in front of us; she puts the timer on ten minutes. Isn't that amazing? Isn't that amazing? How many men would love that?
You cannot promise a man, “I'm only going to go ten minutes, and go two hours,” because now he can't trust you. He can't trust when you make that promise. So if the ladies do, as my wife does, she will set the time, set the date, and she will show me that she's serious about this issue, serious about my time as well. Amen! That's what she does! I am so grateful that my anointed wife does that to me, that she will respect me in that manner.
So there are small things we can do, but in the end it is the respect cycle. It is: loving our wife unconditionally, being the priest of the household, studying the Scripture, being the leader of the house, spiritual leader as well, going and covering your spouse with the Word of God, watering; it says, “ Wash with water with the Word of God”.
And in the other way, wives, also to unconditionally respect their husbands. This is what we do not hear in this third wave, postmodern, feminist- saturated ideological world. We never hear that. But the Scripture shows us the true answer to creating strong marriages, if we obey it. We have the answer right there.
Absolute Sex:
  • This is the most coveted and precious gift God gives to you as husband and wife.
  • Your Absolute Sex life should be glorious and abundant!!!
  • Your Absolute Sex life is the full expression of oneness in Christ
  • Your joyous Absolute Sex life and the romantic and positive energy it creates in the home will be THE GREATEST blessing you can give your descendants!
The third thing that we need to talk about quickly is Absolute Sex in marriage; your sexuality in marriage is critical to your marriage. How many know your children will come from your sexuality in marriage; your descendants will come from that sexuality in marriage? But we have become so conditioned by Satan’s kingdom that we cannot talk about the sanctity of sexuality in marriage, even in the churches; we have become so weak as the body of Christ that we're not even able to instruct families on the importance of sexuality in their marriage. In fact it is the greatest gift, it is the most coveted and precious gift God gives us. Amen!
It is a grace as well; it's not something we deserve or we earn. It is something God gives us to our marriage, to unite us. What did the Scripture say? “The two will become one flesh.” That is the mystery of God! That’s what Paul said; isn’t that what he said? There is a power there, there is an anointing there. Your Absolute Sex life should be strong, it should be abundant; there should be prosperity there. It should not be barren; if it's barren something's wrong, folks! Right, something is wrong. We got to get off some cycles, and get onto the heavenly cycle to build up the abundance in that marriage. Amen!
This is so important; I think it's underestimated how important your Absolute Sex life is. For men it is the primary place; it is the greatest way that we feel totally loved, totally accepted, and totally embraced. It is the greatest way that we feel like we are living as a son of God. It is that powerful as the glue to your marriage. However at the same time I see so many people try to use the Scripture or Father's words to say, “We have to do it three times a week, and that's the Law!”
God freed us from the Law; we're not trying to force the health of our Absolute Sex life, right? We are trying to create that, and manifest the environment where the Holy Spirit and God can be present when we come together as husband and wife. How many know there is the Holy Spirit, the presence of God is there when husband and wife come together of one mind, one heart, one accord and in one body, one flesh. Amen!
There is a Holy Spirit anointing that you will find nowhere else. I don't care what church you go to; when you are with your spouse in the embrace of full trust, love and vulnerability, and when Absolute Sex life is powerful and abundant, there is no more powerful anointing, no more powerful motivator for you to go out and defeat Satan. Amen!
Ladies, stop thinking men are perverts! They are not perverts; that's how much they want you! That's how much they want you. Amen! God made men that way, so we can chase you, so we can hunt you, not to kill you but to love you with everything we have.
Your Absolute Sex life is the gift from God to your marriage. After the Blessing, after the 3-Day Ceremony, Satan has no claim on your marriage; he has no claim on your intimacy. It is totally separated and it is in the presence of God. So our Absolute Sex life is the full expression of oneness in Christ, and your joyous Absolute Sex life and the romantic positive energy that that will create in your family will be the greatest gift you give to your descendants. It is the greatest gift!
When you have a powerful Absolute Sex marriage, you are giving your children the greatest blessing, the greatest blessing! How many know that teenage suicide and all those things with psychological diseases are related primarily, mostly, to parental dysfunction, right? But when you have a powerful, anointed man and woman of God, who are coming together, who are powerful in their abundance, in their Absolute Sex life, which is powerful in creating that energy of intimacy and joy unspeakable, your children will reap the blessings of that. They will want to get blessed; they will have a model in their head to work off of when they get married. Amen!
We saw in the Scripture this weekend: we don't fight for the victory, we fight from the victory; we fight from the victory! If your children have victorious parents who are powerful in their Absolute Sex marriage, they're fighting from a victory! You've already made them empowered, and they already have the victory of you, so that now when they get blessed and they get faced by Satan's attack, now they can fight from the victory, not for their own victory; they're fighting from your victory. Amen! That's how powerful your marriage is! That's how powerful your intimacy is! It will have impact on your children; it will absolutely have impact on your children!
We talk about Absolute Sex all the time with our children, openly because we don't want some progressive teaching them about sexuality, right? We want them to learn from their parents, and the gift that God has given us in marriage. We don't want to wait until they're learning it from MTV and who else, these stars, Lady Gaga, or wherever they're learning it. We want to root it in God. Amen! And this joyous life of the Absolute Sex marriage, the power that it creates and the joy that it creates!
Husbands, as you romance your wife, as you chase after her, you will create an incredible energy that your children will be fed off of, and strengthened in when now they are getting blessed. It has repercussions beyond your personal relationship with your spouse, because you are fulfilling the Word of God in life. And because you are standing obedient to the Word of God, God is blessing your generations. Amen! That's what the Word said; He is “blessing your generations and your children will be blessed.”
Umma, you want to say something quickly about that, real quickly?
Yeon Ah Nim:
Thank you so much! Let us give one more round of applause to my husband! Thank you so much! You know he bragged about me too much! I don't know if I can live up to that expectation. I have to think and pray about that.
You know I just want to make a quick point about the crazy cycle: without love she reacts without respect; without respect he reacts without love. That cycle, that crazy cycle!
You know, women, we nag because we care actually; that is absolutely true. I mean I know men don't understand this, but we nag because we care. If we don't care we're not going to nag okay? “Who are you? I don't care about you,” But we nag because we care, and most of our ladies here can agree with that. So, men, when your wife nags, please understand that's a clue, “Oh, she needs love, okay?” That's a very important cue that she's giving to you.
But another side is: when women nag men, men actually think that's a sign of contempt, right, hatred, “Oh, she hates me! Oh, here it goes again. She doesn't trust me; that's why she nags. She thinks I'm a kid or something, that's why she nags!” But about that point, we really have to understand where man is coming from, where woman is coming from. It is actually so true.
You know my husband said I make an appointment with him for ten minutes, and I do ten minutes; actually it's thirty minutes okay? So he's giving me a clue that I have to reduce it to ten minutes! I got it; I got it! But I do actually do that. I take out my iPhone, I make a schedule with him, I put it in my iPhone schedule list, and I put out my iPhone for thirty minutes, and then I press the start; and I try to finish it within thirty minutes. Okay, I'll work on that!
Another thing I do with my husband is I actually email to him. Because we do ministry together there's not only the family matter but also there's ministry matter; okay, this person wants to make an appointment, there is something that needs to be done, so I actually email to him. He's right there; he's right in front of me. He’s right in front of me doing something, but I make a list and I email him, and that's how he responds to me in terms of ministry work. The reason I do that is that it's more effective, and I don't have to get into him emotionally or, “How can you be so careless about this person? This person is in the hospital, and how can you just do something else?” I don't have to get into that; I simply get to the point, and that's the respect recipe right- we just talked about it.
And men, you know what? I know you guys have something that you want to fix about your wife, something that is not really lovable, but you know the barbecue has to be between the sandwich buns, right, you know you have to prepare your wife that something is coming; the bun has to be soft, right, and if it's butter, that’s even nicer, with a little bit of seasoning on top of it!
So brothers and sisters, you know we talked about many things, but you know I really believe our Blessing comes from God. I think that's the most important point you know. Our Blessing, we have to hold on to it, and center on God, and whenever you struggle, go back to the Scripture and what the Scripture told you. We have to respect our husband unconditionally, and the husband loves his wife unconditionally.
And handsome husband, it's your turn to close it!
Rev. Hyung Jin Sean Moon
Amen! Thank you Umma! Let’s give her a big round of applause, everybody! We want to start the Holy Wine Ceremony so please, attendants, can you prepare the Holy Wine now? Let's prepare the Holy Wine now.
And you know one thing that is so important is, as husband and wife to pray together. Please pray together! When you're going through stuff, and you can't work it out, we’re the priest of the household, men; we go to our wife and say, “Honey, let's pray about this! We can't seem to break through, we can't seem to communicate” or, “You can't understand what I'm saying, I can’t understand you. Let's pray about it! Let's pray together!” Bring God in! This is God's Covenant! Amen! This is God's marriage! Lead your wife to prayer, right; stand in prayer with her. Stand in prayer with her, you will see a tremendous shift; a tremendous shift in the spirit. Yes can we pray? Having prayer in our life is so important!
We're going to, now take the Holy Wine. I'm going to have the attendants come down. Let's prepare the Holy Wine Ceremony, please attendants; they will help you with the Holy Wine and everything else.
What a beautiful day! Let's give our couples one more time a great round of applause as they stand now and prepare for the Covenant. Amen! Amen! Give your spouse a hug, guys; give your spouse a hug! Tell them, “We are one in God!” Amen!
Please bring the Holy Wine; let's have the couples take the Holy Wine! The Holy Wine is the transferring of our blood lineage, the lineage that was lost at the Fall of man, when the children of God became the children of the devil, of Satan. So, the Holy Wine represents the blood of Christ, to engraft us back onto the blood of Christ, so that the blood of Christ is not only covering you, but the blood of Christ is within you; the blood of Christ, which is what? It is the blood of God; it is the lineage of God. And that is what we become as we take the Holy Wine!
Holy Wine Ceremony:
So, please take the Holy Wine in your hands now. Please face each other. The wife will have half of the cup. If you're alone and you have your wife there in the spirit with you, or she's participating from a different country, the husband will take half on her behalf, first in that position. So the wife now may proceed to take half of the Holy Wine please.
Praise God! Let's give them a big round of applause everybody! Come on; let's give God some praise! Now please transfer the cup to your husband; give it to him now, and the husband will take the rest of the Holy Wine, the blood of Christ, the blood of Christ! Amen and Aju! Amen!
Let's give God some praise everybody! Let's give Him some praise! Whoo! Soon we will begin the Blessing. God bless you! God bless you! Beautiful! Beautiful!

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