Tuesday, May 31, 2016

An acculturate culture vs an incompatible culture

The Kingdom Acculturation (2)

May 15, 2016

Hyung Jin Moon

Remember, Cheon Il Guk too, as a nation, allows for other nations to join the United States of Cheon Il Guk.  Right?  As long as they abide by the Constitution of the United States of Cheon Il Guk, and they are a republic.  So it allows them to come in, so on a sociological level, the politicians, the servants, have to do the bidding of the people. They represent such small groups of people that they have to do their bidding, otherwise they will be fired, does that make sense?  And at the same time, on the national level, there is a constant invitation to other nations to say, "Hey look, you guys can be as free and prosperous. You can join this banquet feast with us.

You can join this type of prosperity and this type of bounty, and come to this marriage feast."  There's a constant invitation, maybe to socialist countries, or other countries in the world that are oppressed.  It doesn't mean that we intervene in everything that they do, but there's a constant invitation, if you want to join, you may join.  You have to change your system, but you may join.  There's an invitation to come to that wedding feast.  Does that make sense?

Now, they do invite these people, and what do they do?  They make light of it.  The people who have been invited make light of it.  "We don't want it.  We don't care."  They went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise, and the remnant took his servants.  Then some of them took the servants and killed them.  They killed the servants.  They slew them and he sent forth his armies and destroyed them. So the king then sent forth his armies and destroyed those murderers.  I like how it says, and destroyed those murderers, it doesn't say he just got angry and killed everybody!

There's justice here, he went and killed the murderers of the people.  So in that context, also the Cheon Il Guk Constitution outlines how even a declaration of war is made.  There are times when nations have to defend themselves and/or declare war on other nations.  So even in the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, how that process is done and who has the authority to do that is outlined in the Cheon Il Guk Constitution.  And at the local level, of course, when the king, when the citizen is angry, he has to, with his local community, send local juries, local justice, and then bring these murderers into justice.  But it's not just revenge; these people were killing the people that he was sending, right?  So that form of local justice becomes very essential in Cheon Il Guk.

Now this is interesting because it goes on and now he moves from specially inviting these people, saying "come join the wedding," now he says, "Go and invite everybody."  So this is also another issue too in terms of the national level.  There is a constant national invitation for other nations to join the United States of Cheon Il Guk, but there's also another type of invitation that is called immigration and naturalization.  There's an invitation to the entire world, if you want to come immigrate to this nation of Cheon Il Guk, or those nations that are under the United States of Cheon Il Guk, there's a process, but you can do it.  And so he goes out and he invites, look at this, both good and bad, and the wedding was furnished with guests and the king came in to see the guests, he saw that there was a guest who had not a wedding garment.  Look at this, there's a whole bunch of people who wanted to come into that party, or were invited to that party, but look at this. The guy who did not put on his wedding garment got bound up and kicked out. Isn't that interesting? This is very important.

This is what Europe is dealing with right now, because they are allowing all these refugees, called Syrian refugees, but really actually Iraqi and Iranian refugees, eighty percent of them are military aged men, fighters, they're letting them pour in by the millions, and they are not doing this process. They are not looking whether or not these people are going to wear their wedding garment or not.  Are you going to acclimatize to our culture, are you going to acculturate to our culture or will you import an incompatible culture? Does that make sense?

Will you acclimatize, will you acculturate yourself to the Constitution of Cheon Il Guk, which is freedom and responsibility, or will you try to bring Sharia law in?  Does that make sense?  Or will you try to bring communism in?  Will you bring fascism in?  Are you going to put on the wedding garment?  Will you acculturate to the culture of this kingdom?  If you don't, we're going to bind you up and kick you out of here. [applause} Amen?  Does that make sense? You're not going to stay, if your purpose to come here is to destroy here, bye bye! You have to put on the wedding garment of that culture, right?  You can't just let millions of people come in by Saudi backed, Wahhabi dangerous, fundamentalist Islam, probably some ten percent of which are radicalized of those millions who are coming in, which is a huge number. You can't just let them pour in without acclimatizing.

But that's exactly what's happening in Europe, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany. Anyone from Europe here?  Oh, yes, European people, you know how messed up Europe is becoming with this!   And of course they are trying to re-implement that same program here in the United States.  And [they say]if you don't do it, you're a racist and a bigot. No, I have common sense, and I have a survival instinct, and I'm a normal human being with a properly functioning amygdala, that's why I know that having that dangerous Sharia law based, backed by Wahhabi Saudi radicals coming into this country is bad!  [applause]

If you had one out of ten, if you had a ten percent chance that this guy was a rapist, would you let him sleep in your living room? Ten percent, if he had a ten percent chance he was a serial rapist, would you let him sleep in your living room with your children?  Okay, so why would you do that in a nation, right? Anybody who is against common sense and not letting radicals in or letting radical foreign type of very fanatical Wahhabi type fundamentalism in, which is, of course, incompatible with reason and freedom and non-centralized power.  Anybody who cannot see that should immediately let anybody who wants, to come live in their house.

If you believe that no, you shouldn't stop these refugees just pouring into Europe, just open your house and let anybody who wants to live there come in. You have to shut up about anybody coming into your house, it can be murderers, rapists, whatever, be tolerant, be open, and be modern, and let them sleep in your house, next to your daughter's room.  See, it's so funny how people will change their opinions when they are put on the spot and now they have direct consequences that come from their behaviors.  As opposed to national level, where you have consequences that come later, later on they come.  They come not so suddenly, but they come, they come, like they are coming now in Europe.

If you don't put on the wedding garment, you cannot stay in the kingdom. That's simple. You're out. You want to enjoy the feasts and the banquets and the prosperity and the joy of freedom and responsibility in the kingdom of Cheon Il Guk, you're welcome to do that, and there's a naturalization process, you're welcome to do that. But if you're here to seek, maim and destroy, you will be bound up and taken away. Does that make sense?  You see, on the national level, folks, this does make sense, doesn't it?  When Jesus is talking about the Kingdom of Heaven, it makes sense, it really does.

Matthew 23.  This is from the Living Bible; I thought it was a little clearer.  So let's look at this one.  And this is his next reference speaking about the Kingdom of Heaven, let's read this one from verse one.

1 "Then Jesus said to the crowds, and to his disciples, 2 "You would think these Jewish leaders and these Pharisees were Moses, the way they keep making up so many laws! 3 And of course you should obey their every whim! It may be all right to do what they say, but above anything else, don't follow their example.  For they don't do what they tell you to do.  4 They load you with impossible demands that they themselves don't even try to keep."

Wow, that is literally the state of America now!  That is literally America now.  Do you know the income tax, which is illegal; it's a totally illegal tax.  It was non-existent before the 1920s.  It's an illegal tax.  Americans never had to pay an income tax, right?  But we just think it's part of our history.  No, it's not.  It's an illegal part of our history.  But they do it.  To explain the income tax in the law code, they have thousands of pages. Thousands of pages to explain income tax. Why do you have thousands of pages explaining that you're going to tax your citizens?  Why?  Because each one of those clauses, amendments, each one of those little things they have with the little "f" in the legal books, all those things are little loopholes for the elites, for the oligarchs, for their friends.

Every little clause, every little thing is a little way around that system, so of course, all the normal people have to pay the income tax, by coercion.  And if you don't pay it, you will get men with guns that come to your door, and take you away by force.  By force.   That's called what?  Coercion.  That's called forcing people, right?  So this is the reality, but all these laws.  The heaviness of law, the continuation of making more laws, more law, more laws, making the law so complex, so heavy, so specialized is for what purpose?  It's so the elites have loopholes.  Make sense?  The original founders of the Constitution tried to make it simple so that a normal person can read it and understand it.  But when it gets so complex that you have hire an army of lawyers and an army of accountants, only the elites can do that.  And then they'll use that army of accountants and lawyers and politicians and lobbyists to do what?  To make laws that let them create loopholes to get out of the tax system.

Which is the reason why the elites are the top proponents of increasing the tax.  They always say, "We want the tax to be raised.  We want to be taxed more."  Because they can get out of the tax.  Does that make sense?  They can get out of those taxes, there's an estimated, about 4% cost of doing business in these big conglomerations. Which means they can get around things, break laws, do this, and they get fined, they get penalized, but the fine adds to only about 4% of their total profits. So they're getting away with 96% but they're just paying a little fine. That's why they love fines, they love laws, they love lots and lots and lots of laws. That is literally what the centralized leaders in Jerusalem were doing too.

Whether it's big religion, whether it's big business, or whether it's big government.  Wherever you have any one of those, you are going to have this problem. Jesus said, 'You would think these fools are Moses, they're trying to make so many laws here!' They load you up with impossible demands, higher and higher tax rate, and they themselves don't even do it.

The Family Fraud is totally like this.  When we went to Korea, the ministers said they were paying a tithe, and there's a reason, biblically why we pay tithes, but the ministers were saying, "Oh, yes, we're all paying tithes."  Okay, so we looked into it, and were they paying tithes?  No. They were putting their money into medical insurance and calling that a tithe. While everybody else had to pay for medical insurance, house care, all the things you have to do for your family, etc., and then pay tithes.  And they were lying and frauds, saying, "No, no, we're paying tithes, we're holy."

"They act holy by wearing on their arms little prayer boxes with Scripture verses inside, and by lengthening the memorial fringes of their robes."

This is what's happening in Family Fraud, it's totally like this.  They were saying one thing, they were doing another. More and more demands, and they themselves don't even do it.

But look, this is not only for religion.  A lot of the discussion even in the secular communities is about religions, "Oh, religion, they do all these, they have these weird guys and costumes, and they have this and that.  And you know they believe in this big celestial daddy who is going to take care of them and answer their prayers.  Ha, ha, ha."   But then you see seventy percent statistically, of atheists, they vote leftist.  So what these atheists have done, is that they've simply gotten rid of God, but they've put the State in.  They may make fun of religion, and say, "Ha, ha you have a big daddy that gives you things and takes care of you, ha, ha, ha, yeah right.  You've got people dressed in costumes and big buildings, ha, ha, ha, yeah, yeah, you're religion doesn't exist, that's just a thing in your mind." Well, government doesn't exist.  Government does not exist either.  Government is what?  Big buildings, men in costumes, men with badges?  If you wear the costume you can kill people.  And you have permission to kill people, and you get a medal, and you get medals of honor.

But if you do it as a citizen, you don't have those costumes, you can't kill nobody.  That's murder, right?  "You the religion, oh those priests, they wear those little things on their head, or whatever."  Well, look at some of the judges, they have to wear wacky outfits.  You've got people in big edifice buildings with wigs, sometimes they have to wear wigs, costumes, they wear costumes too.  They also have guns which they use to coerce people to do things.  You see, all they have done is taken out God and replaced him with the state, that's all they've done.

That's their big daddy that gives them, solves all their problems, takes care of the bad things of the world, they don't have any personal responsibility, they just make the big daddy do it.  That's exactly what the atheist community has been criticizing religion for, and yet they're doing it with the state.  The state has become their god.  Seventy percent of "atheists" are for the state. Total totalitarians. And then of course, they say, "Atheism has nothing to do with politics."   Baloney!   If it had nothing to do with politics, it would be as innocuous as your skin color, or the color of your hair. Which means what?  You would have the same distribution, you should have people with blue eyes, seventy percent don't all vote for Hillary. Right?  People with a certain type of hair color, seventy percent don't vote for radical left ideology, right?

There's a connection between atheism and seventy percent of that community voting for totalitarianism, and a big centralized state.  There's a direct connection.  It's shown in statistics.  So all of these atheists, of course, try to deny that, but the math and the science are adding up to that.  So you not only have this with religion or with state run religions like the Catholic church, in the history of religions like Sharia law or the Taliban, you also have this with state governments.

Government itself doesn't exist, what is a government?  Explain to me what the government is.  Do you say it's some buildings or its Washington's upside down toilet bowl building of Congress, that's the government?  Ok, how is that the government?  It's just a building; it's a big edifice, that's like saying, "Well, Christianity is the Vatican Church, St. Peter's Basilica."  No it's not!  "Well, Christianity is the priests."  No, it's not!  So what is the government?  It's not those buildings.

It's not those people wearing costumes at those buildings. It's not those people wearing costumes with the funny hats in those buildings, it's not those things.  Right?  So you have that same issue and reality. Currently today we are seeing it in the implosion of the West.  You see how these politicians are literally becoming like the ancient world's priests and high elites in those buildings with their super powers. Getting all the respect and benefits of their collusion or corruption, etc.

What does Jesus say?

"Woe to you Pharisees and you other religious leaders. Hypocrites! "

You hypocrites.  Woe to you, Obama, you hypocrite!  Right?  That's what he's saying.  You fake religious people, right.  Obama says, "I'm a Christian, I'm Christian, just let boys walk into girls' locker rooms and have girls exposed then." Are you crazy?  Are you crazy? "I'm a strong Christian, let's allow gay marriage. Go after those Christians! But I'm Christian."  He just got off his prayer rug; he just got off his bisexual phone call. The guy is insane, totally insane.  He's not Christian, not Christian.

"Woe to you Pharisees, and you other religious leaders.  You Hypocrites, for you won't let others enter the Kingdom of Heaven and won't go in yourselves."

This is so emblematic of totalitarianism, so emblematic of authoritarians.  Look at this.  The Family Fraud is the same way.  Look at the micro and macrocosm.  Evil corrupts the same way.  You look at them.  "No, we won't let our members go into the Kingdom."  Yet Father chose His Kingship.  He chose His successor.  "But we won't let members go to him."  Because why?  They know they have been holding on to their little structure, their little delusional structure which they think that if they hold on, what?  They can keep exploiting people, they can keep that lifestyle, they can keep those fancy restaurants.  Whoo, yeah!  They can do these things.  This is the reason.  And they would rather have themselves and not only themselves go to hell, but the people too go to hell.  So they can keep their little temporary lifestyle, benefits.  Those pitiful, pitiful hypocrites.  Pitiful brood of vipers.

"You pretend to be holy, with all your long, public prayers in the streets, while you are evicting widows from their homes."

That's a word for politicians right there!  Big government, state religion, the new state religion, the new religion is big government, in their little costumes, and their little badges, and their little hats. That's the new government, that's the new religion.  And these Pharisees, on the macrocosm, and on the microcosm, of course Family Fraud.  Look at those leaders. Pretending, "Oh, I was in the church for fifty years serving Father!  I only sold him out for my little salary at the end!  I only totally betrayed everything he said, I went along with destroying him and erasing him and changing all the Scripture.  But I'm holy!  But fifty years I followed!"  Right?   No, fifty years you followed but you showed your true colors in the end.  When the schmitta hit the fan, you showed who you are.  Fake!   Right?

"Hypocrites! Yes, woe upon you hypocrites.  For you go to all lengths to make one convert, and then turn him into twice the son of hell you are yourselves."

Look at what they are doing.  This is why centralized governments always try to control what?  Education, folks.  Education. Look, they go to all lengths to make one convert.  Who are they targeting?  The young.  Right?  They do that, young children. Now they're trying to push for kindergarten sex education.  Kindergarteners at five years old will have to learn about sex, sex positions, how to have sex at five years old!  In Chicago they are already doing it.  It's the UN "health and science" program. They're doing this already in public schools in Chicago. So this is why centralized governments always want to control the education.  If you can control the education you can keep control of that new wave of people that are coming up.  And then the old ones can die off, but you've got that new wave, you've got them indoctrinated, the state is your daddy, the state is great, politicians are the stars, they hang out with Jay Z and Fifty Cent!  They're the new stars.  Right?  Worship them!  Worship Obama, he's a star!

And then of course, all the transgender stuff.  "Oh!  Oh! Our hero, he's now pushing transgender, yea, yes! We're so liberated.  Yes, boys come in the shower with us!  Whooo! I'm so liberated!"  And you destroy children.  You destroy any of their ability to decipher between good and evil.  You normalize very mentally ill behavior.  You normalize mental illness, you create mental illness nationwide.  So people cannot decipher between good and evil, they cannot decipher between what is beneficial and not beneficial to society and themselves, and then cannot function.

And they're so happy to give up all their rights to live in a special identity ghetto, because in that ghetto I can be superman.  With my special identity.  My secret identity.  I can be a transgender, gender dysmorphic, gender fluid superman/woman/it creature.  I'm special.  Right?  And this is of course what they are doing with the new movie, the next frozen movie Disney is contemplating to make it lesbian.  A lesbian hero!  Whooo!  So liberal!  People are a joke.  These people are enemies to your families, folks.  Enemies to civilization.  Enemies to God.  [applause] That is exactly where our state is in.  In this insanity.

In Cheon Seong Gyeong 819, Father said

"Now, as we enter the age of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, our families become royal households."

Right?  Our identity is not in some stupid made-up gender.  Our identity is in the royal blood of Christ.  God in the flesh.  The King of Kings is where our identity is.

"This is what you must exemplify.  Can the king live as he pleases?  Can a queen live as she pleases?  Can their sons and daughters live as they please? The king, queen, prince, and princess should all follow the laws of this nation."

Cheon Il Guk.  It is our prayer that not only America wakes up from this delusional craziness that they are in.  Literal mental illness nationwide. To wake up, remember and understand their Judeo Christian Protestant heritage.  Protect freedom and responsibility that they have, they're just quickly losing it and fading away, and being sold into globalism.  And to establish remnants of the Kingdom where the King can be.  We don't know how God will bring the Kingdom.  Right?  In the period of judgment, we don't know what will happen, although we know that the tribulation will get worse.  But like Kook Jin Hyung says many times, the world will not look the same.  The America that we know will not be the America that we know.  Canada we know will not be the Canada that we know.  The whole map may look different.  But what we do know is the tribulation doesn't go on forever.   Because there is a kingdom that is coming.  And for those who know Christ, and have a relationship with Christ, to prepare ourselves for the Kingdom.  To get as many into the Kingdom as we can.  Amen?

Let's invite SOS to come up as we praise God.  Let's think about the Kingdom.  You know, we don't have to have the answers to how we're going to establish it, and how it's going to come, we don't have to have those answers; all we have to know is that we are walking in the right direction.  God takes care of the details, and step by step.  We do not have to take care of those details.  All we need is to be faithful, to stand with the Providence of God, to stand with the movement of history and destiny.  That is what we need to stand with.


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