Sunday, April 4, 2021

Desexualized societal relationships

Pastor HJ Sean Moon

A Moabitess proves herself worthy (2)

February 28, 2021

Desexualized societal relationships

But again it's not like how the Catholics say, where even the men are like the bride. Because men, we do not get married to men! Amen! That is against God! And last time we checked, Jesus was a man, okay. So this of course creates a lot of confusion in the churches that teach “bride” is everybody; the whole church is a bride; and thus even priests, “you're married to Jesus!” The problem with that of course is that the priests start sexualizing Jesus literally. Well they start saying, “I am married to Jesus” and then homo-eroticism may erupt, and then look at what happened with the sexual scandals, the pedophilia in the Catholic Church; that is many times primary targeting young boys.

So again, men developing our identity in Christ we have to be sons of God; in the Body of Christ, but we are not identifying ourselves as brides. Amen! We identify ourselves as sons of God. He is our Father; non-sexual relationship, right. The Left always wants to sexualize every relationship, so as to poison and destroy children's future marriages, because Satan knows that is where it will flourish and be strong and be productive and basically create godly S.W.A.T. teams (Special weapons And Tactic) against him. So he wants to kill that early; nip it down in the bud early.

But the point is, the Left is trying to sexualize all relationships. What God says about the covenant of marriage is, “Sexuality is for that covenant of marriage, and when you are married under God's covenant, then enjoy; beautiful with your spouse, glory! But anything out of that, every other relationship is desexualized!” You understand. That is why, even socio economically, it creates a productive society.

When people are married they are not only stable, but they are also sociologically more stable, and economically, because they are not wild beasts running around trying to mate all the time.

They have in their heart and mind desexualized all the relationships that they have on a normal basis in society, and that sexual relationship is preserved specifically for marriage.

Now, their co-workers; no! These are desexualized relationships! You know what I am saying. Training partners; desexualized relationships! Friends at the gym; desexualized relationships! You see.

All those things create clarity socially and economically, and allow people to be much more productive. That is why societies that have strong family units, we know they are more productive. They create more economic wealth; they create more entrepreneurship. It does not mean they are all perfect, okay. Do not get it twisted, young people! That does not mean all families are perfect; they still got problems. But there are a lot of additional sociological benefits to the whole society, when a higher percentage of people are in strong long-term marriage covenant relationships. Amen!

Make Daddy happy

So, in the same way here on the New Testament level, Jesus is almost like the Boaz figure redeeming his people, who once what? Were strangers like Ruth! See, they were strangers to God. They did not know Him, they hated Him; they rebelled against God. Anybody who is saved, we all rebelled against God. We all hated God, we all wanted to turn away; we all enjoyed in sin etc. And God calls us away from that because of love and grace, and redeems us so that we can be in right standing. We now go before the court and He has paid the fine of the tickets that we have received.

So now, we are able to go free, not because we earned it. It is because Jesus paid the fines. He paid the fines and now we can go free, and we are, “Oh whoa! I do not have to go to prison for that? Now I can...” No! No! No! If somebody paid that fine for you and you go and urinate on them, that's not a sign of gratitude is it? No!

If somebody freed you like that, let us say you committed some crime and somehow that person paid your fine, and got you out. You would feel a tremendous load of gratitude towards that person, right.

You would feel, “Man! I do not even know this guy; he didn't have to do that! He did not have to bail me out; he did not even know who I am! Why did he do that?” And you would want to know. If this really happened in your life, think about it, it is something of tremendous value, “Wow! I do not want to ravage this person; I want to be thankful! I want to pay him back somehow; I want to serve him some way,” or whatever! You would feel that natural desire to reciprocate that undeserved love, to return it.

And that's where Christian righteousness comes from! That is why people in Christ do good things! Not because we think by doing good things we're going to be saved; we are saved by Christ.

It is not by doing good things that we think we are going to be saved; it is doing good things to what? Say thank You to God and bring Him joy! That is very simple! We try to do good things because it just makes him happy!

The man who paid our fines, got us out of capital punishment-whatever the case may be, right. We are so grateful, so, “Praise God! Thank You so much!” And that's why you'll see in the Christian world, the habit of when good things happen, or bad things happen, “Thank you Jesus! Thank You God!”

That is a very important thing, because we are turning any situation around for the glory of God! Amen! Anything that can be bad, anything that is storming our life, whatever the case may be, we are saying, “You know what? I am aware of that now, and thank you Jesus! Thank You God! I am going to start fighting out of this.

I am going to do my 5%! I am going to fight with You. I have received Your power and I have received Your grace; I have received forgiveness and I have received the Holy Spirit etc. and now I want to live for You!”

Not because by doing good works I am going to impress people, or I am going to get salvation or some reward or some award! Like in the Leftist schools, everybody gets an award! Uh, uh! Not that kind of stuff; not for those reasons. You know what; I am doing the good stuff because I want to make Him happy!

That's it; that's it! It is simple! I want to make Him happy! That's it, that's it! I want to make my Daddy happy! That's it; it’s that simple!” (Applause) Okay! That is simple, simple; simple and hopefully pure! Okay, amen!

Covenant son of God

So that's like in the New Testament realm, you see Jesus playing that redeemer figure, that bridegroom figure, and of course marrying so to speak.

The Bible does talk about the Body of Christ or believers generally as bride, but then males we are not in a position of a woman bride to Jesus. Do not homo-eroticize Jesus or that relationship! That is a problem if you see that as a marriage relationship; that is the exclusive relationship for sexuality.

So a lot of pastors, even in the evangelical churches, they have problems with homosexual stuff behind the scenes, because they keep on thinking that they are a bride to Jesus, “I'm a bride; I'm married to Jesus!” Imagine telling yourself you are married to a man a hundred times a day! You know what I am saying! You can get messed up; you can get messed up. You can get messed up in your head, okay! Are you with me, folks?

So, generally speaking, the Body of Christ is like in the object position or the brides, but specifically men, we are in the position of son, son to the Father. There is none of that craziness there. It is our Daddy, we want to please Him, we want to give Him joy; we want to make Him proud. Amen! We want to make Him proud!

That is why in the 3-Day Ceremony or even in the Blessing ceremony in the Completed Testament Age, we are not only saved in Christ; we are not only redeemed by Christ. But now it is almost like going back full circle, but not only through the lineage of Israel; for the strangers who are saved in Christ, what does the Blessing of marriage do to our lineage? It now coronates our lineage; so then each one of our tribes becomes like a mini Israel. That is why colloquially we call our families “kingdoms.” God says, “You will rule the nations,” not to be grandiose or megalomaniac, or anything like that.

But the point is to have that sense of responsibility over our tribe as well; leading them in the pathway towards God as a king as a priest etc. And that is what the Blessing makes so very clear. When we receive the Blessing at the Completed Testament Age, under True Parents’ authority, then the positions are clear.

The man is not a bride to Christ; the man is a son of God, being redeemed. He is more in the archangel position in the beginning, because he comes from Satan's side, and then through the covenant of marriage comes back. Remember that word “Covenant?” That is the whole week of Shavuot; it is celebrating that Covenant, it is like a marriage covenant.

Now the man through the marriage ceremony becomes Covenant son with God!

Save the whole bloodline

That does not just stop here; because in the New Testament level, it stops at our individual faith. Our faith is individual and our salvation is individual. But just like for the people of Israel, God's will is for the whole bloodline to be saved. Amen!

In that bloodline, everybody has individual responsibility; that is true, that never will go away. Everybody does have to make an individual decision to believe in Christ; even our children. The role of being a good priest in a home as well as a father and of course a wife as a queen and evangelist is to educate our children and help them accept Christ too. So they do not become like secular Jews who do not accept Jehovah God but who call themselves “Jews,” but really are in Satan's kingdom. Are you with me, folks?

So there is a sense of responsibility when we receive the Blessing, because now our line just like we would be King David or King Saul, our line is under God's authority. It does not mean everybody does not have responsibility; everybody still got to come to faith right, and we got to realize our foundation of substance as well.

But the point is, when we get blessed, now our lines are coming into Covenant relationship with God as a nation. It is not common in the west that you would see your family name as a line; we usually tend to just see ourselves as individuals. But in the biblical world everything is timed with lineage and genealogy and even two of the Gospels go into very great detail about Jesus' genealogy; it's a big deal. It is a big deal to God! To a normal secular man maybe not, but to God, it’s a big deal whose line is in His camp. Are you with me? It is a big deal, because He is fighting a war against Satan.

So you can see in this Boaz and Ruth story, the reaching out of God to the stranger that is Ruth, and then bringing her in into a Covenant relationship with Him as Redeemer and as Bridegroom.

Of course, that applies to us as well. When we come into Covenant relationship with Christ, we come from the archangelic realm, we leave that realm and we become a son of God, co-heir, a king and a priest. That is why the marriage ceremony has coronation, has crowns involved; because it is not only two people in love just deciding to cohabitate.

We are talking about entire lines. Just think of yourself! Basically when you get blessed, you have to be like King David, and you have one wife, not ten thousand. You're standing before God in that Covenant line as King David would ideally speaking, if he did not fall into the traps of all those women and have the queen, and that line that's produced would be in a strong Covenant relationship with God! Amen! Does that help a little bit?

So, Ruth is kind of showing this picture.

Caring for widows & orphans

This is interesting because this is also like when Father was doing the whole Las Vegas providence and starting ministries in Las Vegas for the gamblers and the prostitutes, everybody was going:

“Oh my gosh! This is nuts! That is the worst place! Why are we going to Sin City? You know, we have beautiful properties, retreats, and Father has a huge foundation around the world; why, why, why, why, why, why, at this stage we have to go to freaking Sin City and try to save the gamblers and the prostitutes?”

It drove a lot of people crazy!

But the point is, the outcasts, the strangers are those who are like Ruth. The strangers, the people who live in a strange land, it does not mean that the culture that they come from is good. No! It is evil, satanic, and is wicked. God hates it! But He still loves the soul of that person. He wants that person to come, be saved, become a son of God, and eventually become a king and a priest, to lead a holy army in God's Covenant for the protection of His Kingdom and for His will.

In the same way, God's heart reaches out towards that widow and orphan. Remember Ruth is also a widow, right, her husband has died and an orphan. So in this particular story of Ruth, Boaz is following the laws in Deuteronomy, and he says, Okay, on the edges of the field, any of the barley grain that has fallen down, you can collect it; you can take it.

They were farmers, and at the time, farming was very difficult; even modern day farming is difficult. Anybody who has done farming, you all know it is difficult; it is not easy. But you had to share that edge of your property line at least, with the barley grains that fell, for whom? Widows and orphans! Now the widows are female, they are especially female, but orphans can be both; they can be boy or girl.

So, God's love extends. Even from Deuteronomy, you’re talking about early, early Old Testament period, all the way through Christian history, caring for widows and orphans was very important; raising them up to eventually what? Not only to become sons and daughters of God, but to become king and priest.

Watch out, young people!

That is why it is so important that the young people when they are of teenage age, they learn the arts of self-defense, and even before that, they have a general notion of self-defense. Because they have to defend themselves first, and they have to defend their family; community, neighborhood etc. comes as an extension of that, and kingdom in the end.

But the point is that young people have to understand as well that the church ministry, this is not for a group of just perfect people. Amen! Everybody is working through sin, problems, and faltering, all these kinds of things!

A church is more like a hospital, where people who are sick need healing, need to have a direction, need to get back on track, and need to get rejuvenated etc. come to hear and to feed on God's Word. God uses metaphors of hearing the Word as “drinking from the Living Water” right, “eating of the Bread of Life”. These are things that bring nourishment and healing.

So churches are not places where perfect people gather, but imperfect people, sinful people saved by grace, brought into the bloodline of God, brought into kingship and priesthood; not because we are perfect, not because we deserve it, not because we wanted it, but because God wants to use us to effect His will. Amen!

So, in the same way, we must educate our children that their responsibility is to defend themselves; their responsibility is to defend their future, their marriage, defend their bodies etc. This is very important that the parents teach this early to the kids. And in the martial arts program and the self-defense programs when they hit about 11 years, they can start training and understand then more viscerally and physically how to become defenders and defend against opponents etc.

But before that too, parents as the priests of the home, we have to be talking with our kids. Understand that the average age of watching porno now is seven to eight years old. When you were growing up with Playboy and Penthouse magazines, it was 14-16. No! Now kids have the black-eye box. They have direct access, and their cousins, their friends and everybody else, and predators online are sending them junk. Then, they are opening up and they're getting sucked into what? Luciferian sexuality! And then they can get addicted.

We have talked to you about all these dangers, especially Dr. Richard Panzer has been teaching on that, as an expert with abstinence training, how it changes the mind, the brain and the hormonal function from just seeking dopamine highs to adrenaline highs. That is the same thing that happens with drugs: you need a bigger hit to get the same high. You all heard of this, right; even though you guys don't do drugs, I know.

But the point is, you need a bigger hit to get the same high, and it now changes from getting dopamine to getting addicted to adrenaline. So now, that person is seeking adrenaline, the race hormone, as opposed to dopamine, which is a pleasure hormone. He’s seeking adrenaline and now he'll do whatever; he'll break all the boundaries to get a huge hit on whatever. He will kill, murder-whatever the case may be to get that adrenaline high.

That is the same with porno! And on the women's side that’s dramas; it’s also the same genre. It is not actual pornography, but it is a type of pornography; same psychological effect on women, enticing you through fake romance and Luciferian romance. Notice that the dramas, if you watch them and break them down in terms of story line, they always involve love triangles. Does everybody understand? You know that, right, about dramas; whether you look at Korean drama, or western dramas. I am talking about the soap operas! In the west, you call them “soap operas,” right; in Korea we call them “dramas”.

This thing is directly targeted towards women and your desire for romance. Pornography is targeted towards men's desire for sexual interaction. But dramas are targeted towards women; same spirit, same psychology. It teaches you about the love triangle, to be excited about love triangles, and that it’s an exciting thing and an exciting way of life; and it's forbidden and foreboding, and it's amazing. And you'll see the protagonists moving through those love triangles, and they finally come to their final love, and it always ends up in a happy way, which is a lie. It always ends up in a terrible way in the real world! But just like pornography, it lures you in; using your desire for romance which you should have with your husband. Amen!

Spousal training day

That is why by the way, husbands make sure you get your training on with your wife; make sure you make at least one day a week! It does not matter how busy you are. One day a week, take your queen out. You have your day; have a beautiful meal, lunch whatever it is. Winter camping if she is up to it; if she will include that inside the day! Hey, go for it! Most ladies won't, okay; I'm just being honest with you. Take her to a good place, and then remember, we have to create an attitude of gratitude in our family. That is a great training and very important training that you must continue to do. This is your five percent; you got to do it, right! We have to do it in our marriages. So we are constantly dating our queen! We are excited about our relationship with our queen! Amen! Men!

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord Almighty! And that's important!

And then on that day it's not just, “Hey! Eat good food etc.!” That's part of it, good, good. But remember, repeat the blessings of gratitude.

Just like when Isaac gave the blessing to Jacob, he did not say, “Son! You know that I've given you the blessings!” No! No! He said he gave him the verbal blessings, “May your lineage and your descendants be prosperous, etc.” He gave the actual blessings through his mouth. Same way! We give the blessing as the priest of our home, to our wife, okay; we give blessings upon her too.

So on your spousal training day, make sure whatever it is, Red Robin, McDonald’s, it doesn't matter what it is, as long as you're getting that face to face time and you're investing in your queen; investing in her, pouring into her, telling her why you're grateful God has given you her. Now I am not saying go overboard and gush, gush, gush, because that may turn out negative.

But the point is, do not appear weak or anything! You are still man, okay, “I worship you! I worship you!” Do not worship her! That is idolatry; you cannot worship your queen. But you can express gratitude. Amen! Yeah! Okay! Do not worship, do not worship; do not worship! That is reserved for God.

But you can give gratitude, three things of gratitude and vice versa. Then she can say three things why she's grateful for having a king and a priest like you. Very important! That encourages both. That reminds us that we are on the same path together, that we have the same purpose in God's dispensation; that we want to effectuate His will together. Amen!

That is power, and you got to make that investment. It is like putting into your bank account. You got to put into your bank account on a regular basis, otherwise it's going to be banco, that means zero, real quick and can go negative. So we don't want that. Why? Because you are the front line, folks! This is what people do not understand; the Body of Christ many times does not understand this. That is why Father is talking about the Blessing as being central; it is the front line! Satan wants to attack that! You understand?


Deconstruction of the family

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