Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Free from Evil people Evil controllers Evil tyrants

Upside down Kingdom (2)
April 24, 2016
And we know every socialist, communist haven, which of course the elites in those countries love, they love it. Because they own everything and everybody's a slave. The oligarchs in those countries, who rule Russia, who rule North Korea, they can do whatever they want to do. China, they see a beautiful young woman, "she's mine, send her to me." Right? You can't do anything about it. In the modern world! You understand this happens? What if that was your daughter?
If we fall into those things, it's better that we would even separate, like Jesus said. It would be better to enter the Kingdom maimed or halted rather than to have two feet and to be cast into fire. Lead other people to hell. Lead other people to living hell. Socialism was promised to the Cubans? They would be given a great haven, what's the other nation down there, Venezuela? That's collapsing big time, wow! What is it Luchowski, "We Are Changed," the young man, the young man, libertarian guy, I don't know how religious he is, but he had his team down there in Venezuela. Totally collapsing.
You go to a restaurant, you go to all these places, and the crime rate is one of the highest in the world. Every restaurant says, "This is a gun free zone." "This is a smoke free zone." And who's the leader down there, is it Chavez? Maduro? They have "hail Maduro" everywhere as graffiti, it is a living hell. The population is disarmed, there are gangs running around everywhere, the highest murder rate in the world, you can't defend yourself. That's wonderful paradise, socialist, communist paradise. Well, of course the elites are in those palaces with armed guards, and they get to eat all that wonderful Venezuelan rib eye, or whatever they eat, whatever they have down there, right? While everybody else is in poverty. But think about history, folks, think about history.
The history of man is slavery. The history of man is living under the foot of tyrants, that's the history of man. Do you understand? The history of people who came before you, your ancestors. Most likely they were slaves or living under the foot of some kind of oligarch. Right? They dreamed for a place where they could be free. Where the normal citizen could be free. Free, free! Not only free to do only whatever you want, no. Free from, free from! Not only free to, but free from what? Evil people, evil controllers, evil tyrants.
You see how that freedom works? It's not only freedom to, its freedom from. Freedom from this kind of skandalizo trap. Cheon Il Guk people in the Kingdom mind, even though we don't have the Kingdom physically now, we have the law for it already, but we don't have the Kingdom now. We can still be in a Kingdom mindset. And we can still decipher between good and evil because we have the mustard seed. Does that make sense? We have the mustard seed. [applause]
We can see through what many people cannot see through, because of the yeast that is put into the bread and the whole bread rises! Oh Lord, mercy!
Jesus then goes on to talk about this example, and this is a very interesting example, because when we look at this example, I think this is going to really play with our minds, okay? This is the last example that Jesus gives, he's talking about it in the context of forgiveness of brothers of faith. So people in the community, let's say, for example, in Sanctuaries throughout the world, when there's some fighting, Jesus teaches how to overcome those things. Approach a person with two or three witnesses, those kinds of things, right? This is where it all comes out, in this chapter. And then Jesus is saying, Peter asked him, "Well, if my brother in faith…." So let's say, this Sanctuary person keeps on lying to me, should I forgive him seven times? And Jesus said, you'd better forgive him seven times seventy times. Right? So it's in that context that He's talking about this.
Then he says,
23 "Therefore is the Kingdom of Heaven likened unto a certain King, which would take account of his servants. 24 And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him ten thousand talents. 25 But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made. 26 The servant therefore fell down and worshipped him, saying Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. 27 Then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt.
Isn't that interesting? The story continues
28 "But the same servant went out and found one of his fellow servants, which owed him a hundred pence, and he laid hands on him and took him by the throat and said, "Pay me." 29 And his fellow servant fell down at his feet and besought him, saying, "Have patience with me, I'll pay thee all. 30 And he would not; but went and cast him into prison, till he should pay the debt. 31 So when his fellow servants saw what was done, they were very sorry, and came and told unto their lord all that was done. 32 Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me. 33 Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellow servant, even as I had pity on thee? 34 And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him".
So now, Jesus is talking about a certain King. Remember, in the time of Christ there was nothing that was even close to the growth stage of Eden, not even close. Everthing was oligarchy, it was Roman Empire time, everything. Jesus is using this example of a certain king. Now remember, we talked about it, in Cheon Il Guk, in the Kingdom of God, Christ says you will be co-heirs with me and rule, you will rule with me, right? So we know that the citizens will be co-heirs with Christ. We talked about this many times, right? And we'll rule with Him.
What does that mean? Citizens of Cheon Il Guk, and you can see in the constitution, citizens of Cheon Il Guk have rights of kings that historically only kings had. Citizens of Cheon Il Guk have rights of sovereignty that means you can have a territory, right? And also, not only that you have that, but nobody can force you, no external power can force you to pay taxes on that. Does that make sense? You can't do that to a king in a kingdom, right? That's war; you wage war on him if you do that. Right? And then also the citizens have the right to what? Have the means to defend their kingdom, right? That's critical, that's the second human right in Cheon Il Guk, right? 
They have the means to defend their kingdom, so really Cheon Il Guk is a kingdom of kings, of sovereigns, does that make sense? It's not a kingdom where you have a king, and an aristocracy, and you have serfs, which everybody is, right? That's the normal satanic history kingdom. But God's kingdom is what? One hundred eighty degrees opposite, it's upside down. It's an upside down kingdom, okay? When Jesus is talking about a king, now let's look at it in the context of Cheon Il Guk, the constitution. Who is a king? We have many kings in Cheon Il Guk, but we have, of course, the King of Kings, right? We have the Kingship that He establishes, we have the law that He has established, we have the law that has to be protected by the kingship. Does it make sense?
So in Cheon Il Guk, who is a king? Let's make it simple. A king is a citizen. Father always said we have to become "paeksung." "Paeksung" means citizen. Not members. We're supposed to become citizens, remember that? So in Cheon Il Guk, in normal kingdom, a king is a monarch, he's an oligarch, whatever, but in the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, a king is what? A citizen. A citizen is a king. So now look, and it will make a little more sense. Let's identify who the servant is.
Who is the servant in the Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk? Who are the servants in the Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk? Ok, remember, there is still, there is still a House of Representatives, there are still Senators, there are still government officials, right? There is still an elected President; the House of Representatives elects him, right? So there are still elected officials. Okay? There are still local jurisdictions, right? There are still local commissions, local power. So who are the servants in that context, are the servants the citizens, we identified the citizens as the kings.
Who are the servants? The governmental workers, anybody who works for the government is a servant. That's how it's supposed to be. They're supposed to be public servants, right? They're not supposed to have cameras on the citizens; we're supposed to have cameras on them. Does that make sense? [applause] They're not supposed to be able to spy on you from your IPad; you're supposed to be able to watch them on their IPad! [laughter] I'm not joking! Seriously, right?
How insane is it that in America, in Britain, Britain's even worse, Europe is worse, America, Korea's terrible, Japan is terrible. You are spied on by governmental offices. They can see what you are doing, see where you are going, they can take pictures of you, audio/videotape you. No, in the Kingdom it's opposite. If you are a servant of the nation, well, the nation gets to watch you. How you are serving, how you are enacting and trying to pass laws that are fair and helpful to the citizens, not you or your monopolies! Does that make sense? See your secret meetings on camera, then they're not too secret! Can't make secret deals. Does that make sense? Opposite world.
So, we have a certain citizen who takes account of his public servants. Let's say this government official is indebted to --- who would the government officials be indebted to? They will be indebted to the citizens of Cheon Il Guk. So we have government officials, and let's say this person was forgiven his debt from this citizen. But then the citizen didn't forgive any one of his lessor minions, right? He got in trouble, he got caught. They brought him before the king, who is a what? A citizen who has sovereign right over his kingdom, and the citizen said to the government official, "you wicked servant."
Do you know, folks, that's how America was? Do you realize that's how it was in the beginning? When it was at the top of the growth stage, that's literally how it was. Do you understand how shocking that is for normal people from Asia? You know people from Europe, it's mind blowing, you can't imagine, it never existed in that culture. It's always you have to grovel to the public official. Does that make sense? Right? So the citizen says, "Thou wicked servant, I forgave you because you desired me, I gave you my support, I gave you, you were indebted to me, etc. Should not thou have also compassion on thy fellow servant? On people indebted to you? Even as I had pity on him.
Then the lord was wroth, then the citizen was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors. Tormentors here are people who adjudicate the law. The people who dispense the law. What happens in Cheon Il Guk? Are these government officials, can they hide behind federal bureaucracies and different bureaucracies? They are accountable to their local constituents. And remember, because local jurisdiction trumps any other jurisdiction, local jurisdiction, and if that person is brought before the local courts and the local jurors, and they find that person guilty of fraud, guilty of whatever crime, he is punished right there, on the local level. You see what power the citizens have? They are the kings, they are the sovereigns of Cheon Il Guk.
You see how it's an upside down kingdom, folks? It's an upside down kingdom. America had it at the growth stage level. It's been, of course, taken away. It's been taken away, because it didn't have the perfection stage level, why? America in the beginning had slavery, remember that, we talked about that? And the sin of slavery, which the Founding Fathers, in the end, when they died, they freed all their slaves, but still that sin of slavery allowed for what? The amendment process. The amendment process. And we know, "Honest Abe," what did he do? After the war he centralized even bigger. Centralized even more.
And then after that, what happened in 1913? We have the Federal Reserve Act. Which then brought in the centralized money banks which is what? One of the planks of Marxism, to have centralized monetary control. That is one of the planks of Marxism, one of the planks. So then we started on our journey to become a Marxist country. Do you see what happened with the amendment process? Bringing those new amendments and more new amendments that would then erode and destroy the growth stage freedom and responsibility this country had, which created the most opportunity for black, white, Asian, Indian, whatever. 
The most opportunity, the most prosperity in history out of any civilization, and it's now collapsing. You see that folks? This is why, of course, the kingdom has to come, and this is the end of what Matthew 18 is talking about. But look, when we decipher and we go into the parables that Jesus was talking about in the Scripture and the Kingdom of Heaven, when we look at it from the context of the perspective of God, as a Father, who loves his children and wants them to be free and responsible, and empowered and strong and beautiful and create beautiful lineage and children and grandchildren, you see what I mean? He doesn't want them to be archangelic slaves, right? And we see it from the perspective of the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, with God's perspective; we can see Jesus' words on the Kingdom of Heaven come to life. Come to life and actualized in a real place, which is not yet on this world, but is coming. Is coming.
Let's look at What Father Says, In Cheon Seong Gyeong 722.
"The Messiah represents king. In his land, the saints will return and rule in his name as rulers of tribal kingdoms."
Wow, isn't that interesting? The saints, who are what? Believers in the Messiah will come and what will they do, become servants? What did it say? It said rule, they will rule. They will rule in his name as rulers of tribal kingdoms. Who rules kingdoms? Citizens are kings. They are held together by the King of Kings, but they are also kings.
"This will form a realm of liberation in which kingship constitutes part of the national domain." [applause}
See folks, the word is powerful. The devil don't want you to see this! The big banks definitely don't want you to see this. [laughter]
Let's look at 799, This Is Also From The Cheon Seong Gyeong Here.
"God created Adam and Eve as physical entities in order to multiply people of his nation. [the kingdom]. They are the sons and daughters of the Kingdom of Heaven."
The people of the nation will be kings, the inheritors of the nation. No longer the false cycles, these continual oppressive cycles, the lies and socialism, communism, and oligarchy. However, we are in a stage now in which judgment is coming upon the world, because we are in the end of days. Remember, folks, end of days doesn't mean the end of the world, the end of days means the end of the ruler of this world. Does that make sense? So yes, there is going to be tribulation, yes it does get worse in many aspects, yes we do have to be smart, we do have to prepare, and we do have to save who we can save. At the same time we have to know and have strength because through tribulation, through that tunnel, there is another dimension. There is a kingdom that is coming. We know how it looks like. Take a look at the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, you will see that it is coming to this world. It is coming to this world.
All right, SOS, come on guys, come on up here, let's all rise and say a brief prayer as we pray for our kingdom, let's pray.
Hyung Jin Nim's Prayer
Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Father, we thank You. God, we thank You so much for all the grace that You are pouring down upon us, Father there are many with eyes that cannot see, many with ears who cannot hear, but the select, the ones whom You have chosen, we can see. Father, we can see, and we can hear You, and we can see Your desire that You had from the beginning of time. We can see Your purpose of creation and the great Kingdom of God which You wanted to bestow to Your children. Father, we know that the Providence is moving, and the Kingship of Three Generations now, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, we know that we are the Isaac generation, Father, we know that the Isaac generation has to endure sacrifice, has to endure getting up on the altar to be persecuted as most of us here are right now.
Father, we ask You that we would stay strong, that we would stay faithful, that we would have good spirits even though our Father asks us to step on the altar. Father, let us have that kind of faith that Jesus talked about in Matthew 8 of those little children who believe in Him. Father, let us stand with You and Your Kingdom even let us embrace the reality that we, our physical selves, we may not see the Kingdom come. We may lose our lives in this time of tribulation. But Father, Your Kingdom will come and our descendants, our seed and Your Kingship will rule and reside there. Father, let that land come because as a parent, as a father, as fathers and mothers that are gathered here, we know that we will fight for our children. Even though we do not get to enter that land, we will fight for our lives that our children can. And Father, we thank you that the Cheon Il Guk Constitution has been given so that children who have been given the freebie to walk into the Kingdom may not become spoiled and demonic, and turn the Kingdom into hell. But they will keep it in freedom and responsibility that they would be able to be there and lift up the Creator, respect their neighbor, and protect their neighbor, to be the peace police and peace militia there.
To adjudicate justice from the local, from the bottom up. And Father, we thank You so much that You are guiding us at this time, that You are giving us wisdom, You are giving us real insight into Your kingdom. As we walk through this tunnel, Father we pray Your hand of protection upon all those who are walking in the Sanctuaries of this world, that You would have Your hand of protection around them, that their ancestors and those who are departed into the spirit world will stand as angels, stand as spiritual protectors, for we know this battle is not only against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. And Father, we thank You, one more time we give You all the praise, glory and honor, as we reflect on Your coming Kingdom, and we give You the praise, in all the names of the central blessed families, we report in Your precious Name we pray. Amen and Aju.

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