Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Kingdom Sower

The Kingdom Sower (1)
April 17, 2016
Let's go to our Scripture, if you have your Bibles.  Go to Matthew 13.  We're going to look at a whole bunch of parables in Matthew 13.
Now remember, two weeks ago we looked at the parable of the wheat and the tares, remember that?  Wasn't that fascinating?  The wheat and the tares.  Now we're going to look at some of the other parables here, let's look at one of the most famous ones, the most prominent ones in Matthew 13, and that starts from verse 1.
"The same day went Jesus out of the house, and sat by the sea side.  And great multitudes were gathered together unto him, so that he went into a ship, and sat; and the whole multitude stood on the shore.  And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow; and when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up.  Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth; and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth; and when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had not root, they withered away.  And some fell among thorns; and the thorns spring up, and choked them  But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold; some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.  Who hath ears to hear, let him hear; and the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them, because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance; but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.  Therefore speak to them in parables; because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand."
Now look at this last verse.  You know this last verse has always been a mysterious verse, hasn't it?  Look at this.
This last verse from 12.  Let's go to 11.
"He answered them, "because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom, but to them it is not."
Look at this here.
"For whosoever has…" Has what? Has understanding to know the mysteries of the kingdom.  To him shall be given.  And he shall have more abundance. Look at this.  "But whosoever hath not…" Whosoever does not know of the mysteries of the kingdom, from him shall be taken away ever what he has. This has always been a mysterious one, right? We don't know exactly what that means, but we can kind of "feel" what that means, right?  There is a lot of commentary on this in the biblical world, in the body of Christ.   Let's look at that last part.  We're going to get back to this top section, but let's look at this last part in the context of the Freedom Society.   And in the context of the Cheon Il Guk Constitution.  Which are really the mysteries of the kingdom.   It is delineated in the Cheon Il Guk Constitution how the mystery of the kingdom will look like.  Now look at that in the context of the Cheon Il Guk Constitution.  Look at this statement here in verse 12. "For whosoever has…" Has what?  Has the knowledge of the constitution, of the law of the set-up of the Cheon Il Guk, of the kingdom.  To him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance.
Very interesting.  People who know that kingdom, who can dwell in that kingdom, who can live in the blessing of that kingdom, who can reside in that kingdom, we know we will create the most free society in the world.  It will create the freest society.  It has more freedoms and opportunities for free association, free trade, to work with partners and co-workers. This is a real place with real people, right?  The kingdom of heaven on earth is a real place with real people. Amen?
It's not supposed to be some la-la land, Disneyland, where angels are flying and there are no problems.  We saw in the parable of the wheat and the tares --- there are tares in the kingdom.  Right?  We saw that in the parable that we studied two weeks ago.  There are problematic weeds in the kingdom, "tares" is how Jesus described it, right?  And remember how the angels come and they separate them and they throw the tares into the fire?  And we studied that word, "Angelos," remember that?  We studied the word "Angelos" which is the word for angel or messenger, remember that?
And that it's not only a divine or celestial messenger; it can also be a physical angel.  It's interesting because the bible also says that when you go to heaven, you will be as the angels are.  It's interesting, as angels.  Because angels, at the same time they are very powerful, they are also servants to the kingdom.  But think about it in terms of the peace police, the peace militia, all citizens practice their serving, their living for the sake of others and protecting their neighbors by being part of the peace police, the peace militia.  Does that make sense?  There is no federalized police, there's no federalized military, there's no federalized, centralized power block which is armed like that. 
Because of course, everybody knows in the history of totalitarian man, centralized military or police force is the most dangerous thing you can possibly have.  And it is the most easy to take over if you are a tyrant. If you have a centralized military, it's easy if you've got billions and trillions of dollars just to take up that force.  All you have to do is buy up the politicians, buy up that government; you've got control of all the power there. And you can force people to do stuff right?  And we see this pattern of totalitarian, archangelic, satanic history repeat, repeat, repeat throughout the entire fall of man, amen?
What was given to Adam was the kingdom, he was to be the king, he was to rule and reign, have dominion, that means to rule, to have sovereignty over the earth and all the things of the air, everything.  It was supposed to be a kingdom where Adam and Eve were supposed to be the sovereigns.  Isn't that interesting?  But that kingdom was taken away, the kingdom fell, Lucifer stole the kingdom.  And then he became what?  The prince of this world.  He became the king that rules over all the kings, right?  So we've discussed these things.
Satan tempted Jesus with what?  Not money, power, but with kingdoms of the world.  "I'll give you the kingdoms of the world, you bow to me, I'll give you the kingdoms, right?    It's the fall of the kingdom.  When Jesus came back, we looked at all those dozens and dozens of scriptures talking about Jesus saying, the gospel of the kingdom. "Vasileus," "Vasilia" the kingdom.  The gospel of the kingdom.  So, now when we look at this verse 12, "for whosoever hath, he shall have more abundance."  Look, for people who have the kingdom, who have the constitution, they will have the understanding of what it means to be free.  They will be building up the networks and the relationships to have actualization of what exists in the kingdom.  Free trade, free association, partnerships.  Win/win solutions.  They will be thinking in a different kingdom, do you see what I mean?  Even before that kingdom comes, they will be in a spiritually different kingdom, amen?  They will be looking to find honest partners with whom to work, they will looking to find win/win solutions to work with people.  And so abundance will come to them.  Isn't that interesting?
But look at this.  But those who don't have the mysteries of the kingdom, don't understand the Constitution of Cheon Il Guk, how Cheon Il Guk, how the kingdom will look like, how the kingdom will be set up.  They will what?  Even what they have will be taken away because they are still thinking "win/lose."  Every socialist system, every communist system, every single totalitarian system does what?  It promotes the jealousy factor.  "They have more than you. You should be jealous of them.  That's bad what they have.  They have more than you.  Give us power so that we can take that from them and give it to all of you."
Of course, when you do that you become a slave to the government, right?  So every totalitarian state does that, and even what you have is taken away because you've sold out your freedom.You've adopted the socialism, you've adopted the communism, you've adopted that, and even in your mind, you're no longer thinking win/win, you're thinking "I'm a victim, I need to use force to steal other peoples' things, and then I'll be better."  You see, you become almost like a demon.  And so what you have is taken away.  In the end, the people who go after that, in the end, look at them, look at all the countries that have become socialist, communist.  Even what they have, even what the citizens have, all taken away.  They are promised lies, they are promised, that there will be equality for everybody, everyone will get paid the same way, the proletariat will rise up and get rid of the big corporations, we will centralize government. 
Marx predicted that once he centralized the government, that it will naturally come under private ownership, and that it will naturally dissipate.  Which of course, it never happens!  It stays more centralized and more centralized, and then it gets bought up by the big money boys.  The big money boys.  Right?
So in the context of understanding the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, you can see how that totally makes sense.  If it's the battle between the political system of Cheon Il Guk and the political systems of totalitarianism, oligarchy, socialism, communism, you can see that whoever has Cheon Il Guk, to those shall be given and shall have more abundance.  More opportunity.  Look at this.  But those who have not the Cheon Il Guk, but have socialism, totalitarianism, oligarchy, who have communism, what?  Even what he has shall be taken away.  It's exactly the picture of a communist state.  I've been to a couple of them.
Father has sent us to a couple of them.  We've been to North Korea.  We've seen it.  You have to get a permit to move from city to another.  To go to another town you need to report it to your local consulate.  You can't just walk to the next street; you can't just drive to the next street like you guys can do here.  This is how totalitarianism always ends up.  So in the context of Freedom Society, we can see, my goodness, that scripture makes total sense.  Total sense in terms of understanding Cheon Il Guk and its opposite, the satanic kingdoms.  Amen?
Now let's look at what Jesus said, this is very fascinating because now the disciples come back in and they ask Jesus, "Jesus, what is this, the parable of the sower, and he explains more in depth starting from verse 18, so he gives it in verse 1, and he's explaining it in verse 18.  And let's see what Jesus says.
He says,
"Here ye therefore the parable of the sower.  When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart.  This is he which received seed by the way side.  But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it;  Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while; for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended.  He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches; choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.  But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it, which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty."
That's quite a mysterious parable, isn't it?  Now we usually interpret this in terms of faith.  And obviously there is an element there.  But look at it again in the context of the kingdom.  Jesus knew about the kingdom.  He knew that the kingdom that was in Eden had to come back to this earth.  In fact, he told his disciples, pray every day, "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."  He said to pray it every day, you should be praying about the kingdom coming every day.  Right?  We're not supposed to be just praying about our stuff, we're supposed to be praying about his kingdom coming to earth.  So Jesus knew very clearly that the kingdom had to come. 
He knew what the kingdom was, but the people of this time lived under the imperial system.  They grew up their whole lives under Roman control.  They could not understand this.  It's like trying to explain Freedom Society or it's like trying to explain Cheon Il Guk Constitution to somebody who has lived in a communist, socialist state their whole life. They can't imagine how that would be possible. "What do you mean, how would that be possible? How would it be possible that we don't have to report to our consulate to go to the next town? How would that be possible? That's crazy, that world can never exist."  You see, they are not able to see it.  Right?  So what's interesting in this scripture, Jesus is explaining, look at this, he's saying, those who hear the word, they don't understand it, then the wicked one comes and catches it away.  Right?  He takes it away.  Again, there's another one who receives the seed in the stony places, he hears the word, he's happy about it, but then persecution comes.  Persecution comes and then he can't handle it anymore, and then he is offended.

I think that there are now studies that show that the wealth of the entire world is in the hands of about a thousand people.  And all of those thousand people are related to just a couple of major big banks.  All the world's assets, ok?  So how is that happening, in the deceitfulness of riches?  In the current world, how you amass that type of wealth and power.  What happens?  You have to become deceitful.  This is really the archangelic mammon system broken down real simple.  You have the big money, right?  Jesus said you cannot worship God and mammon.  Mammon is the big bank god.  Mammon is the money god.  So he's the money god.  So you cannot worship God and you cannot worship mammon at the same time.  Right?  The big banks, they control all the money supply of the world, do you understand how crazy that is?  That's the real world.  They control the money supply of the world.  Look at this.

There's another one that receives it among thorns, and look at this, the deceitfulness of riches chokes the word. This is very interesting, because what we have to realize is that there is pressure. Once we understand the kingdom, we know Cheon Il Guk is coming, you will have pressure. There will be attack upon you. This is very important. Because it is not of this world, it is not of any kingdom that has come before. It is so radically different from what the kingdoms of the past have been. So as you understand the mysteries of the  kingdom, and as you understand the mysteries of freedom and responsibility, as you understand the mysteries of the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, you will start feeling pressure from the world.  The wicked one will want to come and snatch you away, right?  Or he'll want to give you tribulation, right? Persecution, and by and by offend you, right?  The wicked one will what?  Will want to tempt you with the deceitfulness of the riches of this world.  Because look at today's modern world, how are riches, how are the super-rich --- I'm not talking about the one percent, I'm talking about the 0.1 percent, the one percent of the one percent. How is it that they amass all the money of the world.

Big banks and big money always support socialism, communism, oligarchy.  Why do they support these types of philosophies?  Why does big money always support socialism, communism, and oligarchies?  Even feminism, it's the same thing, it's clothed in a different style.  It also supports socialism.  Big banks finance these things, why do they support those kinds of ideologies, cloaked in different things, but the same stuff.  Pushing for socialism, communism, oligarchy, pushing for centralization of government.  Why do they do that?  Because it gets you a big government.  If you get a big government and you are big money it's easier to buy one big government than it is to buy millions of people.  It's easier to convince one big government to be in your pocket than three hundred million individual people.  You see that?  It's so much easier.  Once you can get control of the big government, and that's why they love centralizing the army in, and centralizing the police force in, federal, everything federal.  Because now you've got that in your pocket if you're big money.  Now you've got the weapons to enforce what you want.  And what do you want?  You want an environment which is helpful for your big corporation.
You want all the laws to help you, you want all the laws to kill off your competitors, you want all the laws to benefit you and your corporation.  Right?   So that what this next stage, always the big businesses are there. They will also finance big religions, big megachurches, big churches like the Catholic Church.  Look at the Pope who is hundred percent supporting big bankers, big international bankers, the UN agenda, the gay agenda, and all of those kinds of things.  Hundred percent supporting world government, hundred percent.  You will buy those kinds of people. 
You will infiltrate those kind of organizations to get control of those big organizations because they you've got power over people.   And then, as you see here, you have big corporations and media. Do you remember, and this is a very important point, in Cheon Il Guk it is prohibited, it is illegal for corporations to own media companies.  Now when you heard that, you are probably thinking, "Oh, that's nice, ok."  But we don't know the meaning why.  Why is it important that the media is owned by private people?  Very important.
In Cheon Il Guk, the media, like CNN, and all these kinds of things, cannot be owned by companies.  Does that make sense?  They cannot, it's illegal to have them owned by companies.  Physical people have to own the media.  So for example, in America you have, now, on Direct TV you have 200 plus channels, right?  Did you know that about three or four companies own all those channels?  So basically, you have three or four people, three or four big wigs in a suit are determining what you hear and what you see every day.  Three or four people.  It's not even a thousand; it's not three thousand or four thousand.  It's three or four people.  Isn't that incredible?  Like the Ted Turner branch is a big one, the Rupert Murdoch branch is a big one, the Disney branch is a big one, right? You have like three or four major conglomerate corporations that own almost all the media!  No wonder you get the same dumb, stupid, dumbed down message everywhere you go on TV. Families suck!  Parents suck!  Kids know best! Drugs are cool!  Sex is fun!  Free sex is good! Marriage sucks!  You get the same stupid message everywhere you go. 
Same stupid message everywhere, why?  Because three or four people own it all.  Same ridiculous stuff.  Stuff that tears down your happiness.  Stuff that tears down your life.  Why?  Because if you're happy, if you're not happy and you're depressed, and you're dumbed down, you're easy to control!  You're so easy.  They just say, "Go this way," you will go.  They don't want people who are smart, who understand the mysteries of the kingdom, who understand the dynamics of power, who understand the dynamics of centralized power versus free and responsible power.  Whooooo, you see that folks?  It's all connected.
This is the system that Satan loves, he loves it. Big money, support the philosophies that support big government, supports the big corporations and the big media, the big religions, whatever.  So this is very important, in Cheon Il Guk, the media.  Look at how in this one, in Matthew, Jesus is talking about all this pressure from the outside, like the devil trying to snatch you away, or the devil starting to persecute you.  Look at this.  If you're a young person, and you go to college or you go to high school, and you start talking about, "You know what, I think we should stop centralized banking in America," or if you said, "I think the government is too big and the government should not be involved in marriage," so should not be saying "gay marriage is legal," that the government shouldn't be involved in marriage, period.  If you are a young person and you say that in school, you are going to get persecuted.
This week, there's a whole group of young people, twenty or thirty young kids at one the universities, I can't remember exactly which one, maybe someone here has heard about this story, but a whole group of kids, Trump supporters, all different races, they gathered at their school.  And there were a hundred fascists, a hundred socialists from companies like Black Lives Matter, or Move On..org, all funded by George Soros, by the way, who was a former Nazi.  He's a central banker, he's a multi-billionaire, and he funds all these leftist campaigns, these non-profit companies.
And they had a hundred of these kids come up, they violently assaulted these kids, they didn't argue with them, they just called them "racist, racist, racist," no arguments made.  And this went viral.  And so now they are meeting again in defiance, again, they're saying, "we're going to meet again, we have a free right to discuss who we want to support, this is supposed to be a college campus where ideas are supposed to be free, you're not supposed to come and threaten people when they have a different opinion."  These are the kind of tactics that are used by number one, the devil, but also all the systems that support socialism, communism, totalitarianism, oligarchy, all of them use the same system.
They pressure you, they torture you, they try to what?  To give you tribulation.  Try to what?  Persecute you and make you offended.   "If you support Trump, you are racist."  Right?  That's what they say, that's the way to shut you up.  But what's great is that now there are all these black Trump supporters, all these Hispanic Trump supporters, saying "I can't be a racist, I'm black!"  They're turning it around on the Nazis now!  If you believe that having a door on your house is a good idea, at night, locking the door.  If you believe that's a good idea, well, you're a racist!  You're a racist, you're not letting the immigrants come in.  Or you're not letting the refugees coming into your house, you're a racist!  You're a racist, don't lock your door at night, leave it open! And when we send you people, let them in!  Do you see how that argument is ridiculous?

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