Monday, April 11, 2016

God does not need to go to divorce counseling

The kingdom of righteousness (2)
March 27, 2016
Now i would like to talk about the Cheon Seong Gyeong.

Father said in 2004

"The word Cheon Seong Gyeong is a very dreadful word.  Any person, a third person, regardless of how great they may be, even if they have several Nobel prizes under their belt, nobody can touch or change the Cheon Seong Gyeong.  That is why new denominations will not arise."

Father was predicting that if the Cheon Seong Gyeong were changed, there would be a split in the church.  He knew this, he predicted this.  Okay.  In 2008, do you mind if I read the words of the Messiah, even if they are a little bit shocking words?  [Audience members say "read it"] Okay.

"You stupid idiots, what does a "stupid idiot" mean? We see them and have to deal with them.
We have to move beyond that, there is no other way.  It is with that content that I spoke of the Cheon Seong Gyeong, of the Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong; they do not contain any of my personal feelings. That is why I am telling you not to mix in any other words into it.  If I said "shit" then it's "shit." If I said "fist" then it should read "fist." I will be the one to untangle that. I will say they couldn't change it around carelessly because it is a most precious thing."
Then in 2009, Father said
"Hyo Yul, Peter Kim, can you say '"let's leave only good things about the Founder, Reverend Moon, for history? Any bad things I will cover up, I will take responsibility."'  Can you say that?  Do I have to follow what you say?  Hyo Yul, do you have to listen to me, or do I have to listen to you?  You villain! I told you to publish this and to do everything, but you do what? You yourself want to correct it, proof read.  Who is going to proof read?  You cannot do that.  No one should touch this.  Do not touch even a single word. This must be published as it is."
That is what Father said.   Now I want to show you what Father said about the 8 Great Textbooks, and here is the ceremony in 2008.  Let us play that video.
Video of Dedication of the 8 Great Textbooks, Father speaking
"On this occasion, I'm giving the contents of the Word, and also passing on the substantial realm of what the True Parents actually practiced.  The word is precious; the reality of True Parents is precious too.  I will ask that you have the conviction that you will become the representative.  Prince and Princess and heir that can climb the hill of heart that is the reality of God.  Do you understand?  In light of this, I am conveying you this, the Word, to you."
Video narrator speaking
"True Parents prayerfully ask that the Unification family support President Hyung Jin Moon and his wife, so that they can become one with the Word, and become Heaven's representatives and heirs."
Okay, now I want to show you, there were three ceremonies, and I'll show you a video of one of these ceremonies, it took place in 2010, 2011, and 2012.  Let us play it.
Video, Father speaking
"True Parents have already prepared the last words I'll give to mankind.  These have been prepared based on my triumphs over six or seven life or death situations, including six periods of unjust imprisonment.  I am leaving behind eight textbooks and teaching materials for humankind to use for all eternity. These are textbooks you will have to read and study even after you go to the spirit world. They are not just teachings that come from the mind of one person."
Okay, it seems like Father was not confused about the 8 Great Textbooks. The leaders, these were top leaders from all over the world, and they gave a set to each one of the leaders.  You have to study these now and in the spiritual world.  Of course, Mother and the Family Federation think they know better than Father does. They think they have the right to edit the Cheon Seong Gyeong. I have to admit, the cover of the new Cheon Seong Gyeong is pretty. I mean, they did a great job! It looks really like a classy book.  It's too bad it doesn't have the Messiah's words in it as he originally intended them to be.
Also, as we all know, we sang The Blessing of Glory.  Father chose that song which he wrote when he came out of Hung Nam death camp, and he came out of the death camp praising God, and saying, "I'm not worthy to receive your love." That is a song that I am happy to sing.  Now, the Family Federation anthem, it has a lot of poetry about the six continents, the five oceans, the whatever and ever.  I prefer the original.  I prefer the original!
And then also, actually, Mother said, in a speech in 2012, this is very soon after Father's Seung Hwa. 
She said
"Do you think that Father will just appear anywhere?  No, Father will come only to me or to Cheong Pyeong. Do you understand? If there is anyone among you who did not know that, it has now been explained."
Now think about this.  This is Easter morning, okay?  Did Jesus only appear to the approved people in the Jewish nation?  Did he appear to only the high priests in the temple in Jerusalem? Or did Jesus appear to anybody who loved Him and sought Him, and wanted to see Him again? How can Mother say that Father will only appear to her or in Cheong Pyeong? You know, does she have a copyright or a trademark on the Messiah? The Messiah is limited to where she tells him to appear?  That is sad.
I'd like to play another video.  Let us play this as well.
Video of mother speaking
"We must change the name.  We prayed to Heavenly Father, now we will say "Heavenly Parents." The name Heavenly Parents is smooth in English and meaningful in Korean, don't you think? The first words you say when you pray should be "Heavenly Parents."  Then "Loving True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind." Make these changes first. If I do not sort this out as we welcome Foundation Day, you will not be able to do that. Even my sons and daughters cannot do that. This is something I have asked my original mind. And for now on, we are not Unificationism, but the Family Federation of World Peace and Unification.  I plan to announce this after the Foundation Day. But we need to be united on this matter before the Foundation Day ceremony. I am saying this because there must be unity."
Well, the result is not unity. The result is division. Okay. So here are the words.
"I would like change the way to address Him. In prayer, we should call Him our Heavenly Parents. By calling Him that way it is natural in English, and it has a good meaning in Korean."
So what is the problem with addressing God as "Heavenly Parents?" The problem is that you actually have two subjects. And why is that a problem?  Actually, I want to give you an example. I've received an email from a sister; I've known her for more than forty years. And I love this sister, and admire her. But I want to read you her email.
And I just want to say before I do, I want to be clear about my perspective is, God has both, as the Principle teaches, both masculine and feminine nature. I do not even have a problem with our sisters, if they want to relate to the feminine aspect of God in their prayer life, I do not have a problem with that.  And I even believe that, because the history of restoration has almost been like a war, then many aspects of God could not be fully expressed. Surely, there are feminine aspects of God that, maybe they could not be expressed because in the restoration time, you are fighting a war. Okay?  I do not have a problem with that.
But I heard one UTS professor say, "Oh you can pray to Heavenly Father, to Heavenly Mother, Heavenly Parents, take your pick." It is like a shopping list, you know? If your Father is a little too strict for your taste right now, you can go to Heavenly Mother; maybe Heavenly Mother will give you a different message than Heavenly Father, right?  You know, sometimes children, they play a game, right?  If the father is too strict, or the mother is too strict, they go to the other parent.  Let me show you what this sister wrote to me.
"Dear Richard, Mother God, who had been suppressed and oppressed throughout human history began emerging after 2006 and was asserting herself alongside Father God, who had been a single parent throughout human history. Naturally, there would be friction. Even if someone has wanted to share the burden for 6,000 years it may still be difficult to actually begin to do so with someone who does things so totally different from yourself."
So, this sister, in her mind, she actually seems to believe there is one God called Heavenly Father, and another God called Heavenly Mother, and they disagree with each other. And they have arguments with each other. And one of them is oppressing the other. This is what she is saying, if you look closely at her language, this is what she is visualizing. It almost sounds like Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother need to go to divorce counseling! [Laughter] Okay? Well, you see this is the problem that we're going to get into when we project our own image onto God.
God is God.
God does not need to go to divorce counseling! And I guarantee you; the feminine and the masculine aspect of God are in total agreement about what should be done. I am very confident about that point.
But it's got a pretty cover, [referring to the new Cheon Seong Gyeong] look at that cover!   I'm talking about the new one.
Okay, so then in a public speech given on july first, 2014, mother declared
"The process of changing the lineage occurred while I was in my mother's womb.  This is something that you have to believe."
She's saying that she was changed from the satanic lineage to God's lineage before she was born. She's saying that she was born sinless. That's what she's saying here.  So obviously, if she was born sinless, she did not need to meet the Messiah. Actually she says further, she says, actually, that Father was not restored until he met Jesus at the age of sixteen. So actually, she's kind of saying Father needed to meet me. That is actually what she's saying here.
Then on October 27, 2014, she proclaimed
"Nobody educated me.  You cannot say that God's only begotten son educated God's only begotten daughter."
Now, of course Father says, many, many times he explained, other people too, that Father did train her, Father did educate her. Now if she had said, "You know, there were certain things that Father could not teach me about." I would accept that. I mean, Father's a man, she's a woman. There are certain things maybe that Father could not teach her, that she had to overcome herself. I would accept that.
But she's saying, "Nobody educated me." Look more closely here. When she says, "You cannot say that God's only begotten son educated God's only begotten daughter." Isn't she saying that that would be an insult? That she feels it would be an insult to admit that she was educated by Father. Why is that an insult? Why?  Why would she feel that way?
Then, in 2015, just a few months ago, she said
"The 2000 year history was the foundation to search for the only begotten daughter of God.  Do you understand?"
It wasn't the foundation to search for the second coming of Christ. It was for her, all of Korean history was to find her. Now, there were two previous women chosen to be in the position of True Mother. Unfortunately, the first one did not fulfill. The second one had a tragic event and she felt she did not want to burden Father so she stepped down. Then Mother was the third one chosen. And I believe that Mother was prepared in many, many ways.
You know, Hyung Jin Nim shared about his meeting with Mother several times, and he said that Mother asked him, after Father's Seung Hwa, "Who do you think I am? 
Then he responded, 
"You are the victorious Bride of the Messiah and the True Mother of mankind."
Then he said her response was to shout:
"No, I am Hananim."
Then, he responded, "Mother, you can't say that. God will judge you if you say that." So, when Hyung Jin Nim shares this with me, it is so shocking to hear that anyone would say that 'I am God.' It's so shocking. I believe you, Hyung Jin Nim, but it's such an unbelievable statement, you know, I'm thinking, you know, "did Mother really say that?"
Well, just a few weeks ago, we got a copy of a Korean textbook being used by the Family Federation for the past two years. And it's called The Theory of True Parents, and if you look at the third section in the table of contents, it says "The Theory of True Mother as God." Look, all of us, we were blessed to live during the time of the Messiah, you and I; many of us were able to hear Father speak directly. So we know a lot because we heard from Father directly. What I'm worried about is the second, third, and fourth generation who will never meet Father, and the only way they will know anything is what they are taught. And they are training second generation leaders and educators with this unprincipled theology. They are creating unprincipled theology and they are sharing that with the next generation leaders who do not know any better.  You know, I have to say this. The term True Parents is being used like a marketing brand to peddle unprincipled theology.
So you all know what the two golden arches are, right?  Is there anybody in this room who does not know what the two golden arches are? You all know, Clark, you raised your hand, you are not sure? All right, that is branding, you see the two golden arches and you know that is McDonalds, okay?  Now, of course you do not know whether their products are healthy for you, you have to check that out yourself.  But you know the brand.
In the same way, all of us have these beautiful pictures of Father and Mother in calendars that we have bought for decades. All of us saw Father and Mother together and we do not know the details of their relationship but we see what Mother did in the past, we do not really know what has been happening for the past ten years. And we have an image, we see those smiling pictures, and we project our own thoughts, our own interpretation of what their relationship must be like. That's a brand. I do not want to live my life according to marketing brands. I want a real relationship with God that is what we all should achieve.  Not based on what our hope or fantasy is.
So I want to talk about the original obedience of Hak Ja Han. And I want to read to you a statement that Father made in 1981.
"Even under such circumstances, she still kept up with it all, and in the end she became the True Mother who is even greater than the holy Mother Mary. The most admirable point about Mother was that she believed in me more than in her own father, grandfather, or elder brother. She believed in me 100 percent. Thus she overcame all the obstacles and established a firm position. Whatever happened, even if she should die, she had to keep an unchangeable attitude towards her husband."
That's what Father said about Mother in 1981.  That's why we all have loved her, because she loved Father. And many people think, people fantasize, many sisters, they fantasize, "I wish have could have become the bride of Jesus. That would be the most glorious thing." Yeah, the most glorious thing and the most difficult thing, because the bride of the Messiah has to share him with the entire world.  The entire world. And I think we all know there are many situations where Mother would ask Father, "Father, please don't speak too long at Hoon Dok Hwe, and then Father would say, "Yes, ok, I'll keep it down to like one or two hours." Then what would happen? Well, ten or twenty hours later, Father is still talking!  He is still speaking!   So, can you imagine, sisters?
If your husband made a promise to you and he said, "I'll be back in one or two hours, at the most three." Then, ten or twenty hours later, he's not there. And he does this repeatedly, not just once or twice. Repeatedly, over and over and over again. And your natural reaction, be honest here sisters, be honest, if your husband did that to you, your honest reaction would be 'I'm married to a person who breaks his promises.' Right? That would be your natural reaction and the only way to overcome this is to offer it up to God, right? That is the only way you can possibly survive.
The big question is, why did Mother change?
We have seen, many things that Father clearly said not to do, she did them immediately.  Actually, my understanding is, the plan to change the Cheon Seong Gyeong actually happened while Father was in a coma. While Father was in a coma at St. Mary's Hospital, Mother is meeting with some other leaders across the street from St. Mary's Hospital, and they are talking about changing the Cheon Seong Gyeong, even while Father is alive. Father had many, many years, if he wanted to have it changed, he would have said so.
You know, the Bible shows us that Satan is ready to invade even at the last moment. Actually, if you watch the Passion film, which I recommend, it was showing while they are whipping Jesus. They showed a picture of a man who was Satan, who was walking in the crowd, Satan, was watching, ready, wanting to invade.  He was happy that Jesus was suffering, but he wanted to make sure that none of the disciples would stand up. So he gave them a spirit of fear to the disciples so that they did not stand up.
And you see, Father loved Mother. Father was guiding Mother, helping her to fulfill her responsibility, but there was one last test that Father could not help her with.  And that was the test that came after Father was in the spiritual world.  That was the final test that Father could not help Mother with. She had to lift him up and testify to him as her Messiah, and she was not willing to do that.  That is the sad thing.  And we can see, we saw before that this disunity with Father was actually taking place at least for ten years before Father passed away. Mrs. Eu was explaining,  about the period of around 2006-2007 where she said "Mother did not agree, Father said "yes" to Hyung Jin Nim, Mother said "no."  So there's a period of ten years.  Father knew, I'm sure Father knew that Mother was struggling, and he was trying to help her.
Of course, there were people around her, encouraging her to think that she was the only begotten daughter, born sinless, that Father was lucky to have met her that without her there would be no palace; there would be no Chung Pyung palace.  There were people feeding these ideas to Mother, but she chose to have give and take with that, and she chose to believe what they were saying instead of what Father said. The bottom line is that Mother was no longer willing to be an object to Father. She no longer believed in Father more than her own father, grandfather, or elder brother. She wanted to be the subject with absolute power to veto Father's will. That is the reality; that is the painful reality that we all have to deal with. None of us wants to deal with this reality, nobody in the Unification movement wants to deal with this reality, and this a reality that we all have to face; as painful as it is, we all have to realize this.
Now, the failure of True Mother at this last moment, it would be devastating, except for two things.
  • Number one, Father passed on the authority of True Parents to a successor in 2008 and 2009. The full authority, if you read the statement, Father mentions the word "authority" about 20 times in this statement. Passing on the authority to his son and his [son's] wife. So that authority has already been passed on.
  • And number two, we have somebody who is willing to bow down to the Messiah's lineage, and her name is Yeonah Nim, Yeonah Moon.
So on April 26, 2015, Yeonah Nim pledged to surrender to the Messiah's lineage. We have this video on our Vimeo channel; you can watch it any time. Then on May 24th, Yeonah Nim bowed to her husband and to her son, Shin Joon, as the Second and Third Kings of Cheon Il Guk. This is what Mother could not do. But Yeonah Nim has done this. Thank you. Thank you. [Applause]
Now, I would like to play for you a few minutes of an interview with Hyung Jin Nim, talking about Father's messianic identity, so let us play this.
Video, Hyung Jin Nim speaking
"And then basically one day I had a vision, and Father's face was shining like ten thousand suns in this vision, and it was so brilliant I could not approach it, so to speak.  But at the same time I saw Father's body in hell, I'm sorry, in prison, he was in prison as well, and at the same time I could see that his spirit was in hell.  So his body was in prison and his spirit was like, mirrored in hell.  In hell there were like these demons that were ripping apart these souls, and Father was saying, he was shouting to the demons, "Take my body, take my body instead.  Let my children go."  So, then the demons would cast down the flesh that they are eating, that they were devouring, and they would just grab Father and they would split him apart. 
And when I saw this vision, it really, really I had a spiritual breakthrough because I realized that when Father went through those prisons and all of the different six life and death tortures, tribulations, that actually those were also Father was going on those things, he was willingly going to those places.  Even though He could have fled the country etc., but he was willingly, going there to be tortured for the sake of me, for the sake of my family, for the sake of my tribe, my future generations, etc. 
And once I understood that Father did that for me, instead of some kind of detached suffering, it was a suffering that was for my own salvation, and my family's salvation that we could stand righteous before God because of that indemnity that Father had to pay.  So that kind of seven, at the time I just was inspired to call it the 'seven deaths and resurrections.'  That a father's love is one that will not only lay their lives down for their friends, but lay their life again and again and again and again for their children. And so this was like an ontological jump from what Jesus says about, because he was never a physical parent, a father.  But I realized what Father was talking about when he was talking about true love, is that kind of love that he actually actualized, you know, that he actually went through in all of those different imprisonments, tortures, crucifixions, etc.
And then all of those things are not some detached suffering or some detached payment of spiritual indemnity or spiritual prowess, but that those are tribulations and the path he had to walk to liberate me from my own unrighteousness before God, and to be able to allow me and my family, my children, my grandchildren to stand in front of God.” [Applause]
Aren't you happy to have a successor who understands who his father is? I have to say that there is more content in even one sermon of Hyung Jin Nim than in an entire year or two from the Family Federation, no comparison! No comparison!
So, brothers and sisters, we all have a choice to make.  After his removal, Hyung Jin Nim prepared for two years to fully embrace and proclaim what his father said about him and to confront Mother's rebellion in public. And he knew that he would be vilified as an "unfilial son" and "angry, rebellious, disrespectful child."  But he's standing up.
Standing up for Father's words, legacy and his lineage. He is standing up despite all this opposition. So my question is, "what about you and me?" What are we going to do? You know, in the Passion movie, I was watching this very closely, when Jesus was being whipped over and over and over again, Peter was in the crowd, and he was afraid.  He was afraid to stand with Jesus. And he betrayed the messiah. But thank God, because of the faith of Jesus, he was able to stand.
After Jesus rose and because of the faith of Jesus, Peter was able to stand, stand up for God, stand up for the Messiah, stand up. Brothers and sisters, I believe that is what you and I have to do.  You know, I know, many of you followed Father for more than four decades, you were looking forward to your retirement, you wanted to enjoy your grandchildren, and you were not looking for another cosmic battle!  I understand!  You were not planning to get involved in World War III!  Spiritually.  You were not thinking about that, but God's providence does not go according to what you and I want.  God has one more thing that He wants you to do and me to do.  So let us do it.  Can you promise me?  We will do that?  Okay?  Come on!  You can do it! [Applause].

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