Monday, April 11, 2016

Will she choose authority or lineage

The kingdom of righteousness (3)
March 27, 2016
Hyung Jin Nim
Praise God, thank you Richard. Let us give Richard a big round of applause, everybody.
Thank you Richard. So that presentation will be available for download, I think.  When will that be available, Richard? [Richard replies, "tomorrow morning."]  So if you need that, it's going to be on the website. So we wanted to share that worldwide so that the communities around the world, Europe, etc., Russia, that they can have access to that material. I'd like to ask Martha to come up, I'm sorry, its Misha today, go ahead Misha, you can choose your rhema. The painters have had not enough time with the praise songs, so they are going to start now, and I'm just going to say a couple of words really quick, and then we'll end in our praise songs. Can you go to the slides please?
I think that was a wonderful synopsis of what has happened. Many of the key issues and concerns that have happened. I think that God really used Richard to bring a lot of different elements together. Today I want to talk about the righteousness of the kingdom, briefly; we will keep it brief because we do have to eat Easter lunch at some point!  Let us go to the "kingdom of righteousness" and see some Scriptures here.
Let us go to Cheon Seong Gyeong 202, and let's read this together, we'll start with this.
"God's hope was to raise His children to perfection. Had this happened, it would be possible to say that God would have harvested both Adam and Eve."
He would reap the harvest of Adam and Eve, the fulfillment of the ideal of creation. So I think this came across very clearly, that Father had to take Mother to the top of the growth stage. You know, in order to reach the level of perfection, you have to choose in the end. You must make a decision.
Somebody cannot do it for you is what I mean. Does that make sense? Somebody cannot do it on your behalf. That would be great if somebody can do that but they cannot.
So Father took Mother to the top of the growth stage, and as you saw in that Scripture, in the words that Father said, she has to reach perfection by this and this date, 2013.
Because, again, Mother was always able to follow Father and he was able to make the key providential decisions. Now, he's not in this physical world, so for the first time, she has to make a key providential decision by herself. For the first time in her life. First time she has to make a key providential decision. She has to choose between good and evil. Just like the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, you have to choose between good and evil. Will she choose power or will she choose love? Will she choose authority or will she choose lineage? Which one?  Will she choose positions, worship of herself, or will she choose worship of God?  This is really the fundamental choice; really this is the difference between somebody who is living for themselves and somebody who is living for God.
This is it; this is the difference between good and evil. So she was now at a place where she had to make that decision to become a woman who was incapable of falling.  She had to choose for herself. Free will is involved in this, right?  She had to use her free will to choose, 'even though I can have all this power and authority, I'm not going to take it,' because what was more important, is my love for the Messiah and His lineage. A lot of moms can't understand it because, they are like, 'My God, if I was in that, yeah, I'm going to support my son, to just get up there and do it,' you know. Mommy is rooting for you!" Many moms can understand it, because many of the moms do not have that much money, power, or worship available to them. Your normal moms, your normal people.
You do not have five hundred million dollars, you do not have people running around you, trying to get stuff from you all the time, and worshipping you to steal stuff.  You do not have that.  You deal with your kids, you deal with work, or whatever you are doing, and you deal with regular issues.  Now once you have this much elite power, now you are in a different situation.  Now you are in a different situation, right?  So she had to resist that ultimate temptation.  What did Satan tempt Jesus about when he went into the wilderness? "I'll give you all the kingdoms of this world, all the power you want, all the worship you want, just bow to me, that's all you got to do, just bow to me, I'll give you it all."  Same stuff.  Exact same stuff.
And her decision of that, will she make that covenant with Satan or will she keep the covenant with God, this is it, the decision. Which covenant you are going to choose?  On that day when Satan is tempting Jesus, if he chose Satan's covenant, that would be it. One decision in one point of time. So quick it can be done. And that's of course what happened.
She chose position, power, and authority. She was screaming to us, "I have absolute authority", bug-eyed, you know, eyes literally bugging out, I have never seen anything like that, even in these stupid, crazy Korean dramas, okay?  Never seen it.  It was unreal to see that!  I mean, me and Kook Jin Hyung, our mouths dropped open, we said, this is unreal, unreal. Okay?
So there is a choice that is required. There's a choice that we have to make between good and evil. This is also the micro and the macrocosm, you see it here. Same situation.
You see, for example, in America, when we look at America, and we see the promise that America had given the world in the 18th, 19th century.  This literally was the kingdom of heaven for people to come to, literally, if you're coming from Eastern Europe, if you're immigrating here from some other place, coming here was like the kingdom of heaven. You make two, three cents in your country a day or a month, you come here you make thirty dollars a week.  All right? 
So for you, for those immigrants it's like the kingdom of heaven, literally. You have all this freedom, you have no government intrusion on your life, they're not here telling you, you can't burn wood in your wood stoves, they're not here telling you, you can't breathe, you're going to be carbon taxed for breathing!  You have freedom, you can be free, you can raise your family, you can grow your crops, and you can build your houses on your land without permits and all this stuff.  Can you believe that?  That is how America used to be. 
You cannot imagine it now, because we've become socialist, we've fallen.  But before, it was not like that.  So America, if we look at America, it's like at the top of the growth stage, it's right near being the kingdom, of being a place where you can be free, but you have to be responsible, you have to take responsibility for what you do.   Remember this is before the great welfare state, okay?  So this is where people have to be responsible, you can't just burn all your bridges, because your bridges and your relationships are going to save you if you fail, if your business flops, your relationships, your friends, your family, they are the ones who are going to help you, your church community, right?  Not the 'big daddy government' come in and swoop down to pour money on you!  Of course, if you want that money, you have to show your divorce papers, etc. etc.
So really, America is like at the top of the growth stage, it was the place prepared for the Messiah to come to, to be like the Rome that would spread to the world, that could spread the Messiah to the world.  Father was talking about that many times.
So it played such a providential role. However, being in the top of the growth stage still means you are in the growth stage, so you still have the what?  You still have the potential for falling, you still can fall.  You're still susceptible to falling.
The same exactly with Mother. She was susceptible to falling because she was not at the perfection stage. And here, America too, it had the potential, it's at the growth stage, why? It had a huge sin, a huge sin that it did. And I don't think people have connected this, I think Kook Jin Hyung has connected this, and this is what's so amazing to understand about American history, it was literally the kingdom for people to come here, however it had one huge sin.  That was the sin of slavery. Slavery, it did not abolish slavery.
Did you know that because of slavery, eventually what we got was the amendment process? We got the federal government, and then we got the amendment process. Now what that amendment process did, is it allowed big money and big banks to start buying power to start changing the laws. That's what you see in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act. Everything cascades from there, once you let socialist money come in, centralized money come in, it's pretty much over, it's going downhill from there.
That is what you see, you see the fall of America, the endless debt spending, endless welfare, larger and larger program destroying minority communities, this is what you see. Now coming into this era.  So you see that sin of slavery that was the sin which opened the door to the amendment process, but see the perfection level constitution on the national level cannot fall.  It has to be at the perfection level.  So obviously, in the constitution of Cheon Il Guk, slavery obviously is not allowed, and of course, there is no amendment process. There is no amendment process in the Kingdom of Heaven; you can't just change God's laws because you want to, right?
You have, for example, one social analyst said; you have a whole generation of baby boomers who grew up on welfare. Socrates talked about the three generations of decay, remember we talked about that?  The first generation is the pioneer that worked so hard, they are building everything.
Then the second generation lives a lot better, they can become doctors and lawyers and whatever.  But then their children grow up in total luxury, by the third generation, Socrates said, the children become so irreverent, so arrogant, they don't even know who built this city that they are living in.  It was their grandparents.  They do not even know that they built it.  And they are just in the lap of luxury, because their parents are doctors or whatever, spoiled their kids and the kids become entitled brats, who, all they know from a young age is being poured money on.  That is all they know, so they become what, they become Marxists they become socialists.
One social commentator said those kids, the baby boomers, become professors because they don't really want to get a real job and compete in the market place, so they become a professor at a socialist institution we call universities!  [Laughter]  Big socialist groups, and power, big money like the banks fund that. So then, you have this whole generation that is educating the new generations that we should become Marxist.  That is why for you example you have now, Bernie Sanders, he is running around publically saying he is a socialist.  And you have these people who have been educated in universities saying, "Oh, that's really nice."  It worked really well for Europe, right folks?  Blowing up and imploding. This is the lunacy you receive and Socrates predicts it.  It is true.  It does collapse over time.
So that's why, in the kingdom, the Cheon Il Guk does not allow for the amendment process, because you will have that spoiled generation of rich children through the prosperity that's given to them, by the grace of God and the freedom that people can enjoy, and the hard work of their parents and grandparents.  That spoiled generation will come, but when they come, they cannot go and start messing up the laws.  You see what I mean?  They have to learn the values of hard work. They cannot just try to grow a big government because it's illegal to grow beyond ten percent of GDP.  They cannot just grow an Environmental Protection Agency; it is illegal to have an environmental protection agency by the state, federal.
People protect the environment, not a government. And I've shown you the statistics on that; we don't need to discuss that. Those things, central banking, all illegal in Cheon Il Guk. So every generation what does that mean? Every generation, people have to learn the value of freedom and responsibility. If they are not responsible with the money they are given, they are going to lose it all. If their arrogant and entitled and they pooh away the money that their parents made for them, they are going to be broke and poor! They will have a direct consequence to their irresponsibility. That is why it’s a nation of freedom, where you can make the most prosperity and most blessing for your family if you're willing to be honest, to be moral, to keep your promises, to keep contracts, to work hard, to serve your customers, to live for the sake of others.
If you're willing to do that, you can be blessed there.  Just like in America, you can make three cents in India, but you come here, you can make three hundred dollars a week.  And India, it wasn't a kingdom, but it was a place where people live in total poverty, they could come out of poverty and have a new life.  They would not start at the top, they would start at the bottom, but by the next generation, their children would already be climbing up that ladder.
The opportunity was there, whereas in socialism, unless you are part of the big boys club, you have no opportunity. You are a slave, right?  So that's why the perfection level constitution must have that check and balance on the decayed generations that Socrates talked about. And that emphasis on freedom and responsibility, where we, the citizens, become peace police, peace militia, no federalized police, no federalized armies. The people, you are your brother's keeper, you love your neighbor as yourself, if the neighbor is being raped, I am the policeman, I am going to help him. Does that make sense? 
I have a responsibility for my neighbor; I have a responsibility for my brother.
Just like the Bible said. It is a place where we don't delegate that to other people, we take it, and so it's a place of free peoples who are responsible.
Now, Jesus talked about an upside down kingdom as well.  Oh my goodness, I'm going to get into this.  Jesus talked about an upside down kingdom.  It's a crazy kingdom.  Can you really get in a socialist system or communist system, collectivist system, can you really, really get "loving your enemy?"  Can you incentivize loving your enemy in a socialist system?  No you can't.  Not possible.
Socialist system is a system of jealousy.  From the outset, it is a system of jealousy.  It is not a system of trying to free up opportunity, it is a system of dividing and conquering, class warfare, black and white, inequalities, etc. Attacking those things.  It is not about opportunity.  In a truly free place where we can exchange things, we can choose to work with people who we believe to be moral and honest, hardworking people, we are not forced to work with mega-corporations, or forced to work with this or that people, do you know what I mean?  You have freedom. 
In a place where you have actual freedom, you have what?  You have competition, folks.  Now people, who do not understand competition, lean always towards socialism because from a young age you have not competed.  You have not been in sports where you had to compete; you have not been in things where you had to compete, so naturally you think competition is bad.  But if you've competed, you know that competition makes you great, it brings out the best and strongest in you. Absolutely by far.  Competition is essential for the high actualization of human beings.  It is essential.  In fact, in a truly free place, in a truly free market, Jesus said, "love your enemy, and pray for the ones who persecute you." Guess what? 
In a true, free market, in some crazy way, you love your enemy.  You love your competitors, because your competitors force you, because they are producing better and better products, they force you to produce better and better products for your customers so you can live for the sake of your customers better, and then they will reward you by buying your products.  Does that make sense?
So you actually have to appreciate your competition.  Just like if you're in the jujitsu world, you do MMA, you appreciate your opponent.  You appreciate them because they are making you train your butt off, they are making you train hard, they are making you really scared, so you really work hard to get out the best of you.  Right?  They are training to destroy you on your weaknesses, and all that, so you have to tighten up your game, whatever, right?  They force you to become somebody you never thought you could be.
That is the same, actually, in real competition, in the real free enterprise world.  People embrace the competition, people who really can succeed.  It is the monopolists who hate competition, and that's why they want big governments to give them power, to kill off their competition.  And that's what you see in socialism, communism, collectivism of all shades and sizes. So actually, in the free and responsible land, is the place where actually societally the upside down kingdom is happening. The upside down world is happening.
You actually have to, in some crazy way, love your enemy.  Love your competitors. Love the ones who persecute you, they are making you better and stronger.
But we are talking about oaths, keeping contracts, keeping promises, covenants. Look at this; this is going to blow your mind.  In Genesis 24, ok, honestly let me see if any of you have ever heard of this.  Look at what Abraham does.  "Abraham was now a very old man, and the Lord had blessed him in every way.  One day Abraham said to his oldest servant, the man in charge of his household, "Take an oath by putting your hand under my thigh.  Swear by the Lord, the God of heaven and earth, that you will not allow my son to marry one of these local Canaanite women.  God instead to my homeland, to my relatives, and find a wife there for my son Isaac." He said, make an oath, come here and put your hand under my thigh. 
How many of you heard of this?  You heard this?  Isn't that kind of a weird thing, right?  Ok, Richard, let me put my hand under your thigh!  It's kind of weird.  So let us look at that word, thigh, in Hebrew it is the word "yarek." And look at this, what does it mean, look right here, "thigh, loin, side, or base."  In God's line of people, when they made a promise that was serious, that was serious, it says they put under the thigh, but what does it really mean, under his loins.  What is somebody's loins?  It is their genitalia.  You understand? 
So when he made this covenant, Abraham made this covenant with his servant, he said, "You better not let my son marry the Canaanite women. You swear upon this oath, come here give me your hand." And made you put it under his thigh, or under his loins.  You see that is how serious it is; you just do not let anybody put their hands on your loins!  [Laughter]  It has to be a serious covenant, you let another man put their hand on your loins, you understand?  It has to be very serious, very special.  Okay?  So this is in the Bible. 
You never heard of this in the Bible?  Now in biblical hermeneutics, one of the things that you have to do is to use the Bible to interpret itself.  So the way the Bible defines things, if it says, on his thigh, we can see, well, what does it mean by thigh, well it means "yarek," it means thigh, it could be loin as well.  Now this is very important, because look at this, when the Lord returns, the three identities of the Lord of the Second Advent -- bridegroom, judge and king. Obviously, we know bridegroom that is connected to sexual covenant and sexual contract, okay?
Look at this in Revelation 19,
"And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.  And out of this mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations; and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.  And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King of Kings and Lord of Lords."
This is when Jesus comes back.  So notice he is the judge, and he will smite the nations, these are the nations of Satan, Satan's kingdoms, and he shall rule them, he shall rule these satanic kingdoms with a rod of iron.  And he had on his vesture and on his thigh, that's so weird, on his thigh he has the name written, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Now, seeing this scripture in the context of how the Old Testament covenants were made, very serious covenants were made, that thigh was his loin.  So the identity of the Lord of the Second Advent is on his thigh or his loins.
This is the center of OSDP. This is the center of the teaching of OSDP, Original Substance Divine Principle. The seed of God.  So from the seed of God, which the Messiah carries, where? In his loins, comes the Kingdom. So we have the three Biblical identities, we have bridegroom, we have judge, now this is interesting.  See, the judge is not only here to say, "Ok, you're bad, you're good."  This kind of thing. It is judging politically, its political judgment. This is very important.  This is a political judgment, and also military in the Book of Revelation. But it’s a political judgment on the kingdoms of this world.
Is not that interesting, we always take that political dimension out, because we keep forgetting what the Gospel actually is. And we've been covering that in the last two week, the Gospel as defined by Jesus Christ, is not the cross, it's not the Resurrection, it's not Easter or Easter bunnies, it is the Kingdom of God.  Right?  And of course he comes as King.  True Father came, he established a bridegroom, he gave the Blessing. He established judging Satan's kingdoms; he judged all the collectivist, communist systems of the world. Including the U.N., including the U.N.  Wasn't it always so weird, why was Father always in these politics things? 
That is because we do not understand the Gospel is about politics.  It is about a Kingdom versus another kingdom. A kingdom of God's world that has to come to this world and take over. It has a lot to do with politics.  Isn't that interesting?  So he comes and he judges communism, collectivism, and number three, he establishes the Kingship of Cheon Il Guk. From which we get the constitution of Cheon Il Guk. Therefore, all these quotes that we have been discussing the last few weeks, "Seek ye first the Kingdom. Go and preach the Kingdom is at hand.  I must preach the Kingdom for this reason, wherefore am I sent. Jesus himself is saying he is sent to preach the Kingdom.  Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, not the cross. The cross and the redemption of the cross, the Resurrection was an incredible gift of salvation for humanity; however, it was not the Gospel that Jesus was teaching. 
It was not the Gospel. The Gospel is preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom.  See, the Principle is so right. It was not the first course of God to have his son die.  That was the second course. He says it himself; the son of God says it himself.  Preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God. The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand. Believe the Gospel. The Gospel of the Kingdom. Jesus went about all the cities and preached the Gospel of the Kingdom. He preached the Gospel of the Kingdom. Look at this one. This is a very tricky one.
Matt: 24:14
"And this gospel of the Kingdom (not the cross, not the resurrection, we're not denying the power of those thing, but that is not a gospel as how Jesus was defining it) shall be preached in the all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."
Once the gospel of the kingdom is, once again, preached, over the nations, then shall the end come?  Does that make sense?  It is not as we are waiting for the end to come. There is a big portion of human responsibility here. Big portion. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then the end will come.  Meaning if we don't preach the kingdom, no end to the perpetual cycle of slavery and tyranny.
We are living in such a crazy time, seriously.  A crazy, crazy time. Paris, Belgium, this is insanity. We are not living in the Kingdom, we're not. It is not going as the Han mother said. We told her three years ago; we told her what would happen.  We told her the consequences of what happens when you turn from God. And that gave a providential position. Unfortunately it's only the beginning, it will only get worse. But for us, for us, and Sanctuaries worldwide, we have something I think very, very special.
We are, like that first slide showed, we are a community of believers, yes, but we can see the Kingdom. We may be going through tribulation, and we still may be in Satan's time and kingdoms, but we can see the Kingdom that is coming. Now that is a big difference. Because there are many people in this world that cannot see the Kingdom, including almost all Evangelical Christians. They are praying about the kingdom, waiting for the kingdom to come, they don't know how that kingdom will look. They don't know how it will look. And that's why they need to meet the Lord of the Second Advent. They need to come into His Kingship, into His Kingdom. They need to be engrafted. They need to be elevated into the Kingdom which they are awaiting.
As we go forward, folks, we have to keep our eyes on the prize.  Our eyes on the prize and eyes on the Kingdom.  What we know, is even though it's now tribulation, the Kingdom is coming.  There is a guaranteed end to Satan's tyranny. [Applause]  For the people of God and the children of God can be the co-inheritors.  Look at this.  Co-heirs with Christ.  What are the rights of a king?  Think about it.  A king has the right to a territory, right?  He has a kingdom.  Think about this also, you can't tax that kingdom.  You can't tax that kingdom if it’s a kingdom. There is no other body that can say, "You owe us tax for using that land."  Now, in the kingdom, if you understand the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, you will see that that right of a king is the right of every citizen.  Where you have the right to territory and sovereignty.
And where that sovereignty cannot be forcibly taxed.  It is a place where also, think about it, the Kingdom the King has territory but he has the means to defend it. You can't be a king of some territory and have no means to defend it.  Otherwise you will have vagabonds and robbers, like Europe, being invaded and taking it over.  You will be taken over.  So as a king you must also have the means to defend your kingdom. In the Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk, that right that was always given to the kings of the past is a right of every citizen.
Jesus said you will be co-heirs with me in the Kingdom. How is that possible?  How will be we be co-heirs, inheritors of the Kingdom, rulers of the kingdom is everything is owned by centralized government? Not possible, you're a slave.  In the Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk, every one of us has the right of the Kings.  You see, folks, we can see the Kingdom. That's why in the Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk, it is a Kingdom of Kings and Queens. It's a Kingdom of free association between kingdoms and it's united by the King of Kings, and His Kingship which defends that covenant between God and the citizens of that world.
The whole body of Christ is thirsting for the picture of the Kingdom.  They know America has failed.  They know, it's undeniable now.  God's Kingdom has to come.  His Kingdom has to come.  And that Kingdom has to spread over the world. Why?  So that people can be enslaved?  No, so that people can become the children of God.  The inheritors of the world. And all that is tied together by the one who has returned.  The Bridegroom, the Judger of all evil, and the King of Kings.  Our True Father, Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the lineage of the seed of God.  "For I saw a vision, and when the King returns, it will say on His "yarek," "King of Kings" and "Lord of Lords."

Let's all stand up and worship God. Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven

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