Monday, April 11, 2016

The Kingdom Harvest

The Kingdom Harvest (1)
April 3, 2016
For the last couple of weeks we've been talking about these scriptures. We've been focusing on these scriptures. What is the Gospel that Jesus described? That's a very important question.
Normal Christian religion has taught through the centuries, especially after Constantine and Christianity became a state religion, we started teaching the Gospel; it became more and more localized to just personal salvation. 
Now, personal salvation is very, important. It's very important, amen? Very, very important. But what was it that Jesus said was the Gospel? What was it that he said he came to do? And this is why it's so important to actually look at the Gospels, without religion, right? We all know Christ comes not to make religion, but he wants to make relationship.
He wants to build a Kingdom of relationships. So in Matthew 6:33 it says very clearly, he said, "Seek ye first the Kingdom." He said the first thing you have to do is seek the Kingdom. That's the first thing you must do, seek the Kingdom. If you want to be a follower of me, seek the Kingdom. And his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. This is where the disciples were worrying about this and that, "how will we eat, how will we drink, how will we have water, how will we have shelter, etc., right? He said, "No, no, no, first seek the Kingdom." First seek the Kingdom, first seek God's righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. 
Now, Christian religion has focused on John 3:16, really as the core of Christian theology. God so loved the world, so that He gave his only begotten Son, he basically died for us, right? So that all who believed shall not perish but shall have everlasting life. Now, we are not saying the cross is inept or didn't do anything. No, the principle is very clear, the cross offers salvation, it's true. It does offer salvation, however, at the same time, when we look at Jesus, what was he talking about when he talked about the Gospel? When he defined the Gospel? The Gospel means, what does it mean? Good news. So what was the good news that Jesus was talking about? Well, in Matthew 6 he says 'seek the Kingdom.' In Matthew 10, he says, 'go preach, saying the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.' He didn't say, 'go preach, I'm going to die on the cross.' In fact, look at all the Gospels, Jesus not once said, preached in public about his death. He told his disciples in private that it was inevitable that he was going to die at this point. But he never went out and preached, that's the difference between teaching inner circle disciples and then preaching to the masses. He never preached the Gospel of the cross. Never. He never preached it. He never preached, "I'm going to be arisen in the third day.' Never preached it to the public. 
So here, he said, 'Go preach the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.' The Kingdom is at hand. 
Luke 4 
Look at this, and he said unto them, "I must preach the Kingdom of God to other cities also, for therefore am I sent."
Look at this, it's normal Christian theology and normal Christian religion says 'Jesus was sent to die for you.' That's what Christian religion says. Now remember, Christ did not come to make a religion or a state religion. Amen? What did Jesus himself say? He said I must come to preach the Kingdom of God for that's the reason why I was sent. I was sent by God to preach, the cross? To preach the resurrection? Easter? To preach what? The Kingdom of God. 
You see, think about it, in the past when Christianity became a state religion, it could not even put in the word "Kingdom" there because it was inside of a Kingdom. For example, in the Korean bible, the translation here is, 'I must preach the nation of God.' They could not even put the word 'Kingdom' in there, because the Korean bible was translated at the time when there was still a king in Korea. It was translated in the late 1800s. It was translated into Korean in the late 1800s and still Korea had an emperor. So when you look at the Korean, they could not even say 'Kingdom', 'Vasilia' which comes from the word 'vasileus" which means king. They had to get rid of that and say 'nation,' because it would offend the Kingdom that they were already in. Do you see what I mean? So this is why Christian religion has stayed away from preaching the Kingdom. 
If they do talk about a Kingdom, it's about some other worldly Kingdom which we'll meet on the other side. But Jesus said, 'Pray like this, Our Father who art in heaven, thy Kingdom, Vasilia, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven." He didn't say on Heaven as it is in Heaven, so when you die you go to the Kingdom in heaven. He said the Kingdom must come to earth. This is a problem when Christianity got involved in state religion, it lost the message. It started losing the message. It was prohibited, really, from the powers that be, the principalities and powers, from preaching the actual coming of a real Kingdom to earth.
So look at this, Christ says himself, "I must preach the Kingdom of God, for this is the reason why I'm sent." This is mind-blowing. Because every Christian person who grew up in a church has been taught by Christian religion that 'Jesus came to die for you on the cross.' He was sent to die, that's what everybody's taught. But that's not what Jesus said. That's not what Jesus said. He said, 'I must preach the Kingdom of God, for therefore I am sent." I am sent to teach you about the Kingdom. You see, this is the problem; we have become so much religion and not relationship with the King.
In religion, you can only become a member who is trying to appease God. In a Kingdom, you become citizens of that Kingdom. You become citizens with rights. You become citizens with privileges. You see, it's totally different. You have a different relationship.
Jesus said, 'in the Kingdom you will be co-heirs with me.'
Wow! That's radical. Radical statements. So we have to understand that Jesus was talking about a Kingdom. In fact, this is the reason why he said he was being sent. Now, if you're hearing this for the first time, it's going to be shocking. You'll say, 'what are you talking about? That's not what my church said. It's not what the Baptists say, it's not what the Pentecostals say, it's not what Catholics say, and it's not what Episcopalians say. They don't say that because we've been taught religion. We have to go back to the word of God and the true testimony of Jesus Christ, and what does he say? He's here to preach the Kingdom, that's the reason why he's sent. That is the reason, look at the scripture, go check your own Bible, I'm not making this up, I didn't put anything in. Go check your own Bible. You're not supposed to bow to religion; you're supposed to bow to the King of Kings, and to His words. [applause]
Not to religion, no matter how comfortable it's made you feel. Our obedience has to be to what Jesus said. So look what he says there. Matthew 4. And Jesus went about Galilee, teaching in the synagogues and preaching, what? The Gospel. He was preaching the Gospel. The Gospel of what? Now look, Christian religion, ever since Constantine made it the state religion, has been teaching what? The Gospel is the cross. The Gospel is the death, the burial, the crucifixion, the resurrection of Christ. Now that is true, that is the path to salvation, that is the path to redemption. That is true; however it is not what Jesus described as his Gospel. The Gospel means 'good news,' in Greek, it's 'euangelion.' It means 'good news.' What was the good news Jesus was talking about? He was not talking about the cross. He never preached the cross one time in public. Go check your Bible, read it ten times, read it a hundred times, you won't find it, he never preached it to the public once. He was talking about preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. Is this kind of doing a 'mind bomb' on you? This should blow your mind because this is really what the Gospel is. The Gospel is about a Kingdom. 
Mark 1:14 
"Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God."
Not the Gospel of the cross. Not the Gospel of the resurrection. You see, Christian religion has been teaching those things as the Gospel, when it is those things that are the path of redemption, salvation.
However there is a Gospel, there is a good news that through that salvation and that redemption you are being prepared to enter into the Gospel which is the Kingdom that is coming. Does that make sense? None of us here are denying the salvific power of the cross. I know as this gets on Youtube I'm going to be called a heretic, I'm going to be called all these kinds of things as if I'm denying, but no, nobody's denying the salvific and redemptive power of the cross. However, that's the Gospel, look at the Scripture, look Jesus' own words. Look at it, read it! It says 'preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom.' And saying, 'the time is fulfilled,' and 'the Kingdom of heaven is at hand,' 'repent ye, and believe what? Believe the Gospel. What Gospel? The Kingdom of God is at hand. We've been taught by Christian religion, tradition. By Catholic tradition, Anglican tradition, all these traditions. But what is it that the founder of it all said? Just go watch God Is Not Dead II; you'll see how the testimony in the four Gospels is very reliable. There's an episode in that whole drama where a homicide detective comes up and gives his testimony. Just definitely go see the movie, okay? The Gospel is about the Kingdom, It’s about the Kingdom. 
Matthew 9 
"Jesus went about all their cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the Gospel," the Euangelion, of what? Vasilia, which means 'Kingdom.' The Gospel of the Kingdom.
Matthew 24 
"And this Gospel, this Gospel, of what? The cross? The Gospel of the Resurrection? The Gospel of Christian religion or tradition? The Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all the nations. Then the end shall come. So when the Gospel of the Kingdom is preached once more, the end is near. The end is near.
We are truly in the last days, folks, because somebody's preaching about a Kingdom. 
Matthew 13:24, let's go into this. Let us read together 
"Another parable put ye forth unto them, saying 'the Kingdom of heaven is liken unto a man which sowed good seed in his field, but while a man slept, his enemy came and sowed tares amongst the wheat and went away. But when the blade was sprung up and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also, so the servants of the householder came and said unto him, "Sir, didn't that thou sowed good seed in Thy field, from whence then have it tares? He said unto them, 'an enemy hath done this.'  The servant said unto him, "would thou then that we go and gather them up?' But he said, "No, lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both go together until the harvest, and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, 'gather ye together first the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them. But gather the wheat into my barn."
A couple of years ago, when I was the head of the American church here, before they fired me and all this, you know, my own Mommy fired me, for no reason! [laughs] Okay, so I was preaching on this, and I was preaching on this in the context of good sex vs. bad sex, remember this? Good sex in the covenant of marriage, which God intended it for, and bad sex, outside of marriage. And this is very important because most of the time, remember we did this study on "R" and "K" organisms, remember this? On this slide, we're looking at economic vs. sexual freedom. Because what we don't realize, is that there's a relationship between sex and the state. Let me say that again. There's a relationship between sex and the state. There's a relationship between sex and government. Isn't that interesting?
That's not something we usually tie together. But there's a big relationship between sexual behavior and the state. Now remember when we studied "R" type organisms vs. "K" type organisms, we looked at "R" type organisms have higher sex drives, they have a thirst for variety, they have little capacity to compete in the economic free market, so they would prefer sexual liberty to economic freedom. 
These are kind of the predatory men that really know they can't compete in a fair, honest, free market. So they'd rather, in order to spread their gene set, remember, they'd rather just say, 'no, I don't want that, I'd rather have sexual freedom.' So look, for example, at a lot of the communist revolutions, in China, even in Russia, what did they offer you when the social revolution came? They actually offered the people sex. How did they offer them sex? They said, 'the morality that you have now is because of these ancient religions, these primitive forms of thought. We have to go back to the egalitarian, where the proletariat can rule, and we can decide our own morality.' You see? That's how they sell it. Does that make sense?
That's how socialism and communism is sold. So it's attacking traditional morality because that's 'old', 'we have to be able to make our own morality. So basically they are selling sex. What they are saying is that, 'don't believe in that marriage junk. Marriage is a prison bed for girls, you're going to be a housewife for the rest of your life, and you're going to be miserable and you're going to be under the hand of a vicious husband.' That's how they sell it. Even though women, statistically, who are married, and we'll look at some of the statistics, are happier. It's the safest place for children; we'll look at those statistics. So, preferring sexual liberty to economic freedom. 
Also preferring sexual subsidies to low taxes, look at this, preferring sexual subsidies. What does he mean by sexual subsidies? He means by sexual subsidies, if you have a large welfare state, in order to get your welfare check, you have to show that you are divorced, that a man is not in your house. Which is why you see the huge skyrocket of divorce rate after the welfare state. Because now you're incentivizing women to get rid of their husbands, which, of course, is the worst thing you can do if you have children. It's the most dangerous thing for children to get rid of the father. And then those women, who are "R" type, have sex with more men, and get pregnant and have more children, what does the government do, it still subsidizes them, that's called a "sex subsidy." 
So this is how the relationship between sex and the state is, there's a relationship which people are not usually aware of. Are they funding free sex culture or absolute sex culture in the covenant of marriage? Which one are they funding? Free sex culture. Because if you have lots of sex with everybody and lots of children with everybody, then the government will give you money. You see that? Is that paying for free sex, or is that paying for absolute sex? Yeah, it's subsidizing it, that's what it means by sexual subsidies. So the "R" types will prefer sexual subsidies to low taxes since they are far more likely to have more sexual partners than high taxes.
They prefer government policies which lower sexual standards and reduce inhibitions, which reward irresponsibility. Very willing to trade economic for sexual freedoms, remember the study we did on this? Now look at the "K" type organisms. The "K" type organisms have a lower sex drive. This is also true in the animal Kingdom, right? So the "R" type animals would be like "prey" animals like rabbits and mice, things that reproduce very quickly. The "K" type organisms many times will be more of the higher chain, higher up the chain. So they'll be like wolves, which are very loyal to each other; lions; much higher up the food chain. Much more intelligent, larger brains. They have lower sex drives; less thirst for variety.
Wolves actually stay together their whole lives, for life; one partner. They protect their pack. There's a high capacity to compete in the free market. "K" type organisms are confident they can compete in a free competition. Economic freedom and sexual access to high quality monogamous partners. "K" type organisms are seeking high quality partners, because high quality partners will determine the gene set of the children. And "K" type organisms invest in their children, they raise their children, they have fewer children. 
They're not like rabbits, which just pump them out every three seconds. That's why the "K" type organisms value children; they're against policies like abortion; they're against policies that kill children, or hurt children. They prefer low taxes to sexual subsidies since far more are likely to accumulate market value resources, that means they are going to be more successful because they're more willing to compete, and they are more apt to compete in a free market place, become more successful. It gives them more and more options to find higher quality partners and spouses, which will help improve their gene set, because they're competitive, they are able to compete well. So they reject government policies with lower sexual standards, and reduce inhibitions, and they punish irresponsibility. They are not for sex subsidies. 
They don't like policies where government is helping to pay for irresponsible sex. And of course they are very willing to trade sexual freedoms for economic freedoms since competition enhances high quality sexual access. 
Now we also looked at this in terms of state welfare vs. private charity. This is a very important discussion of how sex is related to the state. And also what did Jesus teach? Did Jesus teach state welfare? Did he say that we have to build a large centralized government so that we can collect taxes from everybody and then redistribute them to the poor? Or did he say, serve the poor? He said each one of us has an individual responsibility, that's called private charity. We have a personal responsibility from our conscience, from our nature, made in God's image, to help those who are in trouble. Not to create a monster bureaucracy which steals all the money that they steal from taxpayers. Does that make sense?
So when you look at the state vs. private charity, look, the "R" type organisms, and the "R" type organisms, usually will fall, remember how we studied the patterns of biological gene sets, the "R" and "K" type gene sets to politics, to political choices that people make. And of course, the people who are "R" type usually tend to lean toward the "progressive/liberal" camp, which is, of course, communist. It's socialist, communist. And so, what do they say, "R" type organisms' welfare promotes sexual subsidies, this is good for the "R" type gene set. If you're in a situation where you get sexual subsidies, you're promoting, you're having lots of babies with many, many partners. You're promoting that "R" type gene set, the rabbit type gene set. You're promoting 'quick, quick, quick,' reproduce 'fast, fast, fast,' 'we can't fight against predators,' 'I got to hurry up and have babies, pump them out as fast as I can, because I don't know when I'm going to be eaten by a fox or a wolf, right?
This is how rabbits or mice behave. So a lot of "R" type organisms in the human realm almost always lean towards state welfare, because it promotes sexual irresponsibility, it funds it, which then promotes what? It promotes that "R" type gene set in the pool. Does that make sense? Welfare reduces the requirements for quality since the government provides money, and economic determinism destroys the concept of quality, so this of course is tied to also philosophy, economic determinism, 'we are born in this class, and we are going to die in this class.' So we might as not even try, and let's just have sex. That's what the hippies were doing, right? 'Make love, not war, dude, and all this smokin', right? Welfare reduces the need to invest in offspring, producing the next generation of "R" sets. The fantasy of infinite resources feeds the "R" type gene set and welfare enables and encourages hostility towards men. 
Because you must kick out the man to get the welfare check, it breeds hostility towards men. And because the men are kicked out, the children grow up without a dad, which sociologically, is the most important factor for child health, potential income, marriage, divorce rates, jobs, whether or not they do crimes. Having a dad is the most important factor, not the mom --- dad. Dad is so essential in the home, okay? But when you chase the men out, that produces a whole generation of kids who don't have dads, who then become what? More likely to become criminals, more likely to have lower education, more likely to have lower employment, more likely to have irresponsible sex, etc. Which then feeds a cycle of destruction of that community, that's how Lyndon Johnson targeted the black community and the Democratic Party targeted the blacks, because they were the most educated in that era. They were becoming the most entrepreneurial; they were becoming super wealthy and super successful. So they targeted that minority community, not the Republicans--- the Democrats did.
Dinesh D'Souza's movie is about that, by the way, okay, in June. So "K" type organisms, they value voluntary charity, because this promotes responsibility in general. You know when Jesus was talking about, 'love is kind, love is patient, love is long suffering, right? All these things that Jesus was talking about, love, love, love. It's actually the word charity if you look at the King James Bible, it's not the word 'love', it's "charity." Charity.
So Paul was talking about charity. Voluntary charity promotes sexual responsibility, which is good for the "K" type gene set, right? Because they don't want to produce "R" type genes, which destroys the higher level order of beings. If all the males, or if all the females in the pride of lions become promiscuous and start acting like rabbits, it will actually kill off the lion tribe. The "K" type organisms deal with scarce resources. They don't deal in lush grass available everywhere. They're dealing with scarce resources; they need teams to hunt higher, higher level prey. They need teams to work together. They need to work together. They can't just be out smoking weed and having love, not war. Listening to music all day. They have to work together; they have to be out hunting; they have to be catching the antelope; they have to be feeding the young, you see what I'm saying? They have to value their relationships, they can't just live hedonistically or it will kill off that higher level order animal species.
So charity increases the requirement for quality, since voluntary judgment provides that, and the rejection of economic determinism strengthens the concept of quality partners. Trying to find a quality partner, a person who is virtuous. Charity increases the need to invest in offspring because it promotes a general morality and a sense of responsibility for others, producing the next generation of "K" type mothers, who can have their children move to "K" type families. The reality of finite resources feeds the "K" type gene set, we just talked about that.
And charity punishes hostility towards men. Father presence feeds the "K" type gene set. So you can see how these are diametrically opposed, and you can see how this feeds the political structure in all of history. This side is representing communism, socialism, oligarchy. This side is representing republics. So these are the real two systems. Now what Jesus was talking about he said, 'there was a good seed that was sewn in a field, and a bad guy came and sowed a bad seed.'

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