Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Equal outcomes vs Equal opportunity

The Kingdom Sower (2)
April 17, 2016
Anybody understands you have to lock your door at night. Right? Anybody understands that if you have too much debt, and you borrow more money, you're going to get more debt. It's not going to reduce your debt if you borrow more money.  It's going to go up, right?  Anybody understands that you should not have the Federal Reserve, which is a private banking company, controlling all the money and the interest rates of America, and totally sucking everybody dry.  We should not have that. Everybody can understand, common sense things, but in order to shut you up, and take the seed away which is planted in you, it's what?  You're a racist, you're a bigot, you're supporting freedom and responsibility, you bigot! You bigot, you're supposed to support the UN and the blue hats. Then you're trendy and cool, and then you can stand with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.  You see how stupid people are? They're do brain dead!
So it's very interesting. As you get more aware of the mysteries of the kingdom and the seed of the kingdom, you get persecuted. How many know this is real?  How many have been called conspiracy theorists? Yeah, you're conspiracy theorists.  Whenever somebody calls you a conspiracy theorist, just say, "Oh, that makes you a coincidence theorist. Because you believe all the evil in the world happens by chance! I actually know that there are organized mafias, and organized criminal enterprises that are organizing evil. You have to believe that all evil happens by chance. So you are actually more illogical.  You are a coincidence theorist."  Kook Jin Hyung loves that term, he coined that term. But look at this, when we understand the mysteries of the kingdom you are going to be persecuted, you are going to be chased down.
Did you see, even Trump, he pulled out the 28 pages of 9/11.  Did you hear this?  The New York Times reported about this yesterday, the Saudi government is threatening, saying "we will do an asset dump of hundreds of billions of dollars, if you blame the Saudis for 9/11."  They're getting scared!  Because anybody who has seen the 28 pages, according to senators who've seen it, say it's Saudi stuff.  Totally different from the narrative we've been brainwashed with, "Iraq did it, Iraq did it. Osama Bin Laden did it, right?" And then we went to war and killed thousands of innocent people and stole all their oil.  And Dick Cheney got rich off of it, right?  This is the reality but people don't want to hear it. They don't want to hear it.  They just want to listen to the narrative they heard on CNN, and "no, that's the truth, that's what I heard."
But now the 28 pages scandal is coming out in the open. The New York Times reported about it yesterday.  The Saudis are now threatening the US because of it.  Now all of these coincidence theorists have to face reality!  You see this; you see how all these things are now starting to roll? There is real power against keeping the illusion up in Satan's world.  Keep the illusion up!  Keep just working and sending your taxes, in!  Don't look at the man behind the curtain!  Nothing's wrong!  Just keep on working, keep on moving, and send your dang checks to the IRS!   [Laughter]  Right?  This is what we are made to do!
But look at this.  This is fascinating here. "But he that receiveth the seed of the good ground."  Look at this, hears the word, understands the word, and look at that.  He bears fruit.  Look at how understanding the mysteries of the kingdom, understanding the Cheon Il Guk Constitution of freedom and responsibility, when you understand it, what happens? You're going to hear it, you're going understand it, you're going to start bearing fruit.  You start bearing fruit. Look at this.  "And bring forth some a hundred fold, sixty, and thirty." This is a mystery at the end, right?
Why does Jesus have to say some a hundred, some sixty, some thirty?  It's always been a mystery, it sounds kind of weird.  "Oh, ok, we just usually say, ok, ok, and just read on."  But this is a very important point in Cheon Il Guk. Very important point.  It's actually a hugely important point, and we'll get to it again.  But this is a very important point. The whole difference between socialism, communism, totalitarianism and a free system is that socialism and communism promise what?  Equal pay, equal outcomes.  So it promotes jealousy.  "That person made sixty and you made fifty-four.  Unfair!  That person made a hundred and fifty and you made one hundred!'  You see, so socialism and communism always promote equal outcomes.
Now, on God's side, no, it doesn't promote equal outcomes, it promotes what?  Equal opportunity.  Everybody has opportunity.  But look, some will have, in bearing fruit, will bear a hundred fruit, some will bear sixty fruit, some will be thirty fruit.  That is dependent upon how you serve people.  Everybody has the same opportunity to enter into that free exchange, does that make sense?  But there will be differences based on how you serve people. If you create an incredible aquaponic system that some of the guys here are creating, right?  And you are making that system, and it's great, and you have a customer base that you are developing, and you are racking your brain everyday about customers, and how to bring the price down and make it better for them, make it more beautiful and more efficient and more productive, right?
They are going to keep blessing you with that relationship. They are going to keep buying your aquaponic system.  They are going to want to support your small business.  Even if you get to have a medium sized business they will still want to support you because you are crazy about your customers, you are crazy about serving people, you are crazy about living for the sake of others, you are crazy about proving somebody with good things that help their life in a real way.  And so you will be blessed with a hundred.  Right?
Now somebody who doesn't rack their brain as much, somebody does another aquaponic thing, but he doesn't serve his customers as well.  Well, the customers will say, "You know what; I really want to bless that guy who does it really good." And they go and bless they guy with a hundred. You see there are different outcomes but equal opportunities.  In fact in free systems there are almost unlimited opportunities, not like now where we're becoming communist, where there are no opportunities, you can't even get a job anywhere now.  Very hard to find any jobs, right?  Whereas when it's really free, and there is a lot of prosperity because of that free association and free trade, well if you don't like your boss here, you can always move. You have mobility.  You can move and get a job with another company where you like that culture better.  That helps who? That benefits who? The companies or you?  It benefits you. 
You see that?  So look at this, that's the difference.  They will bear fruit, even the good ones, but look, one hundred, sixty, thirty, depending on how much we live for the sake of others, and how much we serve and love other people. How much we honestly transact with people.  How much we abide by our contracts. You see how the kingdom works? The kingdom is real, folks.  Even if you learn the mysteries of the kingdom before the kingdom is a physical place on earth, you will still be blessed by these kingdom principles. Amen. Oh, my goodness, I went backwards, I got so excited.
Now Matthew 13, look at this.  Now he says this another way.  Another parable he put forth.
"The Kingdom is like a grain of mustard, which a man took, and sowed in his field;"
It's the least of the seeds, but when it's grown it’s the greatest.  It's the biggest tree. And look at this. The birds of the air come and lodge in the branches, let's focus on that last part.  Look at this, this big tree.  Very small. Think about it, in the fallen history, it's always been one totalitarianism after another.  Human beings have lived under totalitarian rules forever since the Fall. Forever.  We've always been under the archangel, always.  Whether you go to Assyria, or whether you go to Babylon, or whether you went to Rome, or whether you went to China, the emperor in China, or the feudal lords in Japan, everywhere is the same system. Different cultures, but the same system.  Same oligarchical, tyrannical system, right?  Even Africa, right? The Philippines, everywhere you had the same systems, over and over again.  No real difference, different names, little different cultural stuff, but really the same system.  Right?
Now look at this.  This is interesting.  Cheon Il Guk starts as a seed.  Very tiny.  Everybody's laughing at it.  It's tiny.  It doesn't look like it's going to make a big impact.  Everybody says, "that little mustard seed, I want a big walnut seed, or I want a big plum seed, give me something with some meat on it, an avocado seed, that baby's going to grow big!"  Don’t underestimate the small seed!  That small mustard seed comes in and it becomes the biggest tree.  Look at this, this is amazing.  Did it say that when the tree becomes big only the beautiful sparrows can nest in it?  It says look, the birds of the air.  Now have you ever heard of a vulture?  Is that a bird of the air? 
Have you ever heard of an eagle or a falcon?  Are those birds of the air?  They are predators.  They are predator birds.  Ok, they are predator birds.  So you are not only going to get insect-eating brown and white sparrows and finches!  In Cheon Il Guk.  You also are going to get some other predator birds.  Isn't that interesting?  Now look at that, in the context of our free system, the free nature of Cheon Il Guk, the free and responsible nature of Cheon Il Guk, right? Because it forbids all those other things that lead to socialism, we talked about two weeks ago -- centralized banking, centralized education, centralized monetary supply, centralized military and police forces, all those centralized things are illegal.  Not allowed.  Against the law.  The birds of the air.  All sorts of birds come.  And lodge in the branches of this mustard tree.  This is why it's so important in Cheon Il Guk to be free and responsible, and also to have the ability to have situational awareness. That's why the second human right is the right to defend yourself.  And it's cultivated from a young age. 
Because this ability to identify predators and threats against your own self, your own person, your spouse, your children, your neighbor, etc. is an essential key of the security of Cheon Il Guk.  Does that make sense?  Because it is a free place, people and evil people can also be there.  Just like we saw in the parable of the wheat and the tares.  Evil is also allowed to remain there.  Remember, until the harvest when they are separated from. So we mustn't be idealistic when we think of the kingdom, thinking only trustworthy people will be there. No, most of the people will be trustworthy, and they will be rewarded for being trustworthy. But there will still be bad people. 
Because there will still be free choice.  There is freedom.  So people with free choice, some will choose evil.  Right?  But it won't be a system where you are forced to choose evil because everything is centralized in the government and they are running the drugs in your town, and they are destroying your neighborhood by giving free things and just decimating your population. And you divorce rate is skyrocketing, and your illicit child-bearing rate is skyrocketing. Well, you've been almost forced into that system.  Right?  So to have an understanding of Cheon Il Guk, the ability to decipher good and evil, to be able to tell what is a threat and what is not a threat, this is critical, because all sorts of birds will lodge in the branches of this mustard tree. 
We must not be idealistic thinking there will be no evil people in Cheon Il Guk or in the kingdom of heaven.  All of the parables show that there will be, okay?  But it's important for us, and the angels will come, and we'll look at another parable here.  He also talked about, it's like leavened bread, it's like a piece of bread which a woman took and hid.  Leaven is like yeast, right?  And it's put into three measures of meal, or bread, flour, until the whole is leavened.  Isn't this interesting?  What happened in the Revolutionary War in America?  It's interesting; Jesus here is talking about three measures.  He's talking about three portions of that flour. Now it's interesting, that yeast which is a tiny portion is put into that bread.  What happened in the Revolutionary War?  You had about a third of the population that said, "No we can't split from Britain.  We're a colony of Britain, that's our heritage, that's our root."  Right?  You had about a third of the population who was ambivalent, "You know, I hate politics,
I have no interest." And then you had another third of the population that says, "We need to be free!  I'll pay for people who will fight." And about three percent of the people fought in the Revolutionary War, but about thirty percent supported them.  Isn't it interesting how it's divided up into thirds?  Just like this cornmeal?  It's divided up into three measures. Three portions, but it's interesting.  The yeast comes in, and it takes over everything.  Notice this, the yeast comes in and the whole bread is leavened.  This is very important to understand.  Remember, in a socialist, communist country, system, they always say, "He makes more than you, be jealous of him, help us get in power so we can steal from him and give to you." 
This is what they do all the time, right?  But look, in a free system, they say what?  No, we want free opportunity.  Why?  Because that lets the entire water level rise up and all the boats will rise up on the water level.  So you may have a small boat, you may have a big boat, a medium sized boat, but all the boats get risen up when the water level goes up.  So when the standard of living for everybody goes up, everybody benefits, you understand? 
So the poor in America are rich in other countries that are really poor.  Because the water level here has been able to rise up, well look at this. The whole bread also rises up with the yeast. When you apply Cheon Il Guk Constitution into society, into the world which is the flour, and you apply it, the whole bread starts rising.  Does that make sense?  The whole bread starts rising. Everybody's standard of living gets better.  Now you may have little bigger portions of yeast in there, and you may have a small boat here, and big boat here, but who cares?  Everybody's getting better.  Does that make sense?
Now imaging if we can do that for the whole world. Everybody's standard of living goes up.  You see that?  When Cheon Il Guk's Constitution is applied, that little yeast will start taking over that bread.  And the whole bread will start rising!  Ooooh, I've got the Holy Ghost right now, praise God!!!
In Matthew 13, Jesus talks about another one.  He talks about the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure that's hidden in a field, which when a man found it he hides it, and he goes and sells all that he has and he buys that field.  Isn't that interesting? There's a treasure inside a field.  Then this man, he's so happy, he goes and sells everything, and then what does he do?  He buys that field.  What does that mean?  He invests in that field.  Not a random field, he invests in a field where the treasure is.  Does that make sense?  You want to invest in a field where the treasure is.  So if you want to invest, you want to invest where the Cheon Il Guk Constitution is, because if it's there that place will start growing in prosperity. In blessing. What did Jesus say in the beginning, "he that had this knowledge of this mystery, even more will be given unto him, an abundance." Isn't that interesting?
So we can see this happening in our own community.  We started with just a handful of people here, but we have people all over the country and world wanting to move here, right?  Come to this field, why?  Because there is a treasure here, there's the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, the mystery of the kingdom is here.  It's here. Matthew 13, again, the kingdom of heaven is likened unto a merchant man seeking goodly pearls, who when he found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. This is very important.  This is no longer the kingdom is like a treasure in a field, he's saying the kingdom is like a merchant.  This is interesting.  The kingdom is like a merchant.  Remember Kook Jin Hyung was talking about the kingdom economy? The kingdom of heaven, Cheon Il Guk economy of the constitution is a producer economy.  It's a merchant economy.  It's a producer economy. 
So this merchant is coming in, notice he didn't go in and steal the pearl.  Did he go in and steal the pearl?  No, he didn't do that. That would be supporting big government! [laughter]  If he wanted to steal the pearl, just make a big government, and call in a law and take the pearl.  That's what all these big banks do.  But he went in and what?  He sold all he had and he bought it.  He made an honest transaction for that pearl.  He didn't steal it.  He didn't steal the pearl. He bought the pearl. He made an honest transaction for that pearl.  This is critical for Cheon Il Guk, this is like one of the core economic values. Honest transactions. Transparent transactions. Right? 
Being able to abide with people, deal with people who abide by their contracts. Keep their promises, run transparent organizations and movements and houses, etc. Right?  This is like a critical, fundamental economic principle of Cheon Il Guk which is necessary for real trade and real win/wins to occur.  Does that make sense?  It is a producer based economy.  How much can I serve you?  How much can I help you?  How much can I love you, is the person that gets rewarded.  Isn't that interesting?  There's an invisible hand in Cheon Il Guk.  Adam Smith didn't know what he was talking about exactly, but he knew there was an invisible hand!  In Cheon Il Guk.
And look at this, this last one.  Jesus was talking about the kingdom of heaven which is like a net which gathers every kind of fish, and is drawn to the shore. It's gathered into the vessels, but look, the bad are cast away.
So shall it be at the end of the world, the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just.   We talked about this in the wheat and the tares.  Remember?  In Cheon Il Guk there will be the third generation that Socrates talked about, the spoiled generation that will become communist and socialist, right?  That have been spoiled by their parents who are lawyers and doctors, and they are totally spoiled, they just want things for free, and so they say, "Let's make a big government that gives us things for free until we die."  And they ruin the country.  Socrates talked about it; the third generation will collapse, right?  So this is the same thing, we know that that generation will arise, it's going to arise, it's inevitable. 
That spoiled generation will arise, but it's against to law to make centralized things in Cheon Il Guk, you can't make centralized education, you can't make centralized welfare, you can't make centralized banking, you can't bring in the central bankers of Europe and different places of the world.  You can't let one corporation control the monetary supply. You see this?  It's illegal.  And there is no amendment process; they can't change the law to bring in communism.  Does it make sense?  So look at this, as they try to do things and try to make violent revolutions, well, the angels start coming out, when they try to make violent revolutions, the angels start flying out of their homes, and who are the angels? 
They are the peace police and the peace militia.  They are the citizens that come out, they say, "oh, that's violent protest, we will defend our neighborhood and we will chase you out."  Do you see?  Then said, he unto them, therefore every scribe which is instructed in the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is a householder."
Notice, he didn't say say tenant, he said house owner.  Owner.  You remember the pledge of Cheon Il Guk?  Every single pledge starts with "I, an owner of Cheon Il Guk."  "an owner of Cheon Il Guk."  Remember this?  I, an owner.  Not a serf or a slave of Cheon Il Guk, which Family Fed is trying to teach now.  "Be happy with your new pledge, I  a slave of Cheon Il Guk."  No.  Father gave, "I, an owner of Cheon Il Guk."  Co-heirs with Christ, owner of Cheon Il Guk, which bringeth out from his treasure, things new and old.  All things promised to Adam, that Jesus promised, they come out of that treasure, when the owners of Cheon Il Guk come and chase the archangel out. 
The old covenant that was given to Adam, that old kingdom that was given, fell and lost.  Jesus brought it again, he said the kingdom must come.  Again, when the householder, the kingdom is like a man that is a householder, an owner of Cheon Il Guk.  An owner of Cheon Il Guk.  From that treasure comes both new and old.  The fulfillment of both new and old, what Father called the completed testament and covenant.  Which of course is the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, is the covenant between God and the people of Cheon Il Guk.  Does that make sense.
Let's look at Cheong Seong Gyeong 877 to wrap it up.
"You may feel that you are only going through hardships and gradually declining, but actually you are moving higher and higher.  Unification Church becomes bigger by being persecuted. In a family of ten the one who is opposed by the others, and continuously endures for the common good, can become the master of that family.  In other words, that person becomes an owner in the Kingdom of Heaven."
And we're not talking about the common good of socialism.  We're talking about the common good of freedom and responsibility. Empowering your children to learn to clean up after themselves.  Learn how to defend themselves.  Learn how to skin a buck and catch some trout.  Learn how climb up trees.  Learn how to do mathematics by looking at the stars.  Learn the real exciting things of this adventurous life, not the artificial, superficial, technological prison of video games and Korean dramas.  Real stuff that makes you feel alive, and makes your blood move.  And praise the Glory of God.  Real stuff.
You see that?  When we reflect of the kingdom, there is joy.  Ok, SOS, come on up guys, let's worship God as we lift Him up.  Let's pray for the kingdom to come, amen?  The kingdom to come and all the mysteries, the mysteries of the kingdom to be given unto all who can have eyes to see and ears to hear.  Amen?   Amen.

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