Monday, August 22, 2016

The media, free press cannot be owned by corporations

The Kingdom of Love (2)
July 10, 2016
So the Scribe here is saying, 'I understand, we have to love God with all our heart, understanding, all our mind. Preoccupied with God, the soul preoccupied with God, our mental strength preoccupied with God, everything for the glory of God. If we are doing, something that God has given us gifting in, it is for the glory of God, and I am using all my strength for His joy, His glory. That's the purpose, right?" In the context of the Cheon Il Guk this is very important because, think about it, there are patriots in this country who love the U.S. Constitution.  They are truly proud to be Americans, they love the U.S. Constitution, isn't that right? Some of them are not related to George Washington, to Thomas Jefferson, Madison. They are not related, but the fact that they have the Constitution affords them that kind of freedom, the remnant that we have in America, and they are grateful for that Constitution.
The Cheon Il Guk Constitution will also have many patriots like that because it is a country which will produce even a larger middle class than America. America at its height had about from 40-45 percent middle class, which was massive, and if you came here from any other country, normal people could own two cars, a boat, a house, their standard of living was so high. So people were shocked. And that was only about 45 percent. In Cheon Il Guk, probably you're going to have about 60 percent middle class because you're going to have such a decentralized system with no amendment process for the centralization of power to occur. And so much decentralization even within the voting process, for electing your House of Representatives, etc.
We have gone into that many times.  So much freedom, so much destruction of regulation because every year 10 percent of the laws disappear --- they are immediately cancelled. Anybody who does business here you know, you try, to start a business it is a nightmare!  You have hundreds, millions of regulations and paper upon paper upon paper.  Forty thousand new papers per year that you have to go through! All that is made to destroy the small businesses and the middle class businesses, which cannot afford an army of lawyers and accountants and legal advisors and counsels to get through all those crazy loopholes.
In Cheon Il Guk we are living in a different system and because we have those checks and balances in place, we have not only three branches of power, we have five branches of power with no consolidation underneath any of them. Moreover, we have the media, the free press that cannot be owned by corporations. Therefore, you cannot have the current situation with the brainwashing media where five big companies own everything you see on TV now in America. We are living literally in the Soviet Union in terms of propaganda. Five multi-national corporations own every media company we watch.  That is very dangerous.  Then, of course, the seventh balance, the point of power, in Cheon Il Guk is natural rights --- the concept of natural rights which come from God. God gives all citizens natural rights which cannot be infringed upon, including the kingly rights of private property, defending your property, the right to bear arms, the right to be free in your person or papers, not to be stolen or taken away or having soldiers quartered in your house. All these are illegal things, not allowed.
In that context, you will have tremendous prosperity. You will have tremendous prosperity but you will also have tremendous responsibility because the social welfare state is illegal, it is not allowed. Social welfare is done by private citizens, by churches, by good people like you who start organizations for orphans or the poor, or people with multiple sclerosis, or children with myofibrillosis, or whatever it may be. These are done by private institutions and good-hearted people, so the people are exercising their love and compassion, not outsourcing that to a centralized, detached, cold, heartless institution of corrupt politicians called the federal government. Does that make sense? A crime syndicate. You are not outsourcing goodness to a crime syndicate. It is like trying to outsource goodness to the mob, if you are doing something in Brooklyn, you say, "Oh, instead of helping this person, I'm going to ask the mob to do it for me." No, you do have to do it. You have to exercise your own responsibility to do that. 
So in Cheon Il Guk we have that kind of reality, but great prosperity because each generation has to learn principles of responsibility, they have to learn principles of honesty, modesty, they have to learn principles of hard work and being trustworthy, abiding by your contracts and things like that which help the next generation to succeed. Things that you are not taught in public schools or in college, right? 
In that context, because there is great prosperity, great success there, you have people who understand the value of that constitution which produces that kind of freedom and success for the middle class. Can you imagine if there is a nation which has 60 percent middle class? Can you imagine how it would be to walk into that nation from a different nation? It would be unbelievable! You would literally drop your jaw at how good the standard of living is, it will be jaw dropping. America at its height, to which everybody in the world wanted to come, had 40 percent, 45 percent middle class. And you had a whole slave class here. 
Imagine that nation, even if it is small at first, how much prosperity and freedom it would create. How much innate morality it would have to create because you do not have the social welfare nets that trap and decay society.  They are illegal. So the responsibility is still with the people and the maturity happens because they have that responsibility, they are not giving it away to the devil.  Once we give away our responsibility to the devil, we have effectively sold our soul to him and said, "Ok, you take care of my eternal life, I'll trust in you, and I'll just live my life." That is not a good deal, that is not a good thing to do. 
We are in this kind of society now, and I am going to show you some current events I think are quite significant, that happened last week. For example, the current event with Hillary, the front-runner for the presidency. Rand Paul this week wrote a very interesting article about that whole issue. You have a woman who has received, Bill and Hillary Foundation has received [money] from these very totalitarian regimes, regimes that totally oppress women.
How can you claim you are for women when you are receiving twenty-five million dollars from Saudi Arabia, the most oppressive state in the world towards women. Women cannot drive. You know, girls, you'll be lucky in Saudi Arabia, once a week you can go to the amusement park and drive a bumper car! That is the only place they can drive.  You can drive a bumper car on the one day in Saudi Arabia, per week, that they have only women staff.   Every other day you have to wear your burka, you have to wear your hijab suit, that big black thing with the ninja suit. Then on that one day, you can go to the park and then you can wear your jeans and your open kneed jean pants and you can pretend to be Western. Then drive your little bumper car, and go, "Whoo, wow, we're so grateful to the King of Saudi Arabia, we can drive a bumper car!" How pitiful, how sad. Think about that, that is literally 13th century.

Here we see these kinds of super totalitarian states funding our top leaders, whom we are supposed to worship because they are like the celebrities. You have seen the fanaticism that surrounds these people, they are literally like celebrities.
They bring Jay-Z, they bring all these rap artists, they bring Leonardo DiCaprio to be with them on stage, "Whoo, look at me, I'm a celebrity too!  I'm Hillary, I'm a criminal, but I'm a celebrity with Leonardo DiCaprio on stage!" Literally people have to worship these people. And this is the current state of America, right?  This is an interesting one.

Hillary tweeted, "Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed and supported."  Hillary Clinton, that is what she said.  She tweeted that herself, "every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed and supported." Unless, of course, your husband does it.
These are the names of all the real women, these are real women, they are not internet names, they have real bodies, they are real women, who have been sexually assaulted and/or raped by her husband. Obviously she does not care for those women even though she says, 'Everybody who is sexually assaulted deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.' Of course, when Bill does it, you had better shut up about it, and if you do not shut up about it, I am going destroy your reputation.  Right? 
So you see these kinds of totally nefarious celebrity wannabes, these little puppets running around, literally having control over the nation, and that's important to understand freedom society and the kingdom in the context of current events because you can see then the dichotomy. You can see the binary, how different it is. This is what we live in now, this is the reality we live in now, right?

July 5th, which is what, five days ago?

"FBI Director James Comey held an astonishing press conference in which he delivered a scathing rundown on Clinton's wrongdoings in handling classified information and national security during her tenure as Secretary of State. The FBI showed clearly that Clinton violated classified procedures and carelessly, recklessly endangered national security, and did so repeatedly over one hundred times.
The FBI then announced that she would face no charges. No charges, this is an outrage and the rule of law has been shattered.  Any career civil servant or military officer who had been so careless with national security and classified would have his or her security clearance taken away."
This is the state of our republic now. We're not a republic anymore, we are now an oligarchy where people like this demonic witch, very demonic, very satanic, very relativist, very Luciferian -- - where people like this can parade around squatting on top of entire countries. Lecturing us on how we should feel guilty, how we should obey these kinds of people. And this is the weakness and the joke that the American population has become.  They have become so spineless and jellyfish-like that they will listen to dictators and totalitarians like this woman.  They will actually sit there and listen to her because they are so trained to be obedient to their authorities.

This is also another man that you may know of.  His name is George Soros.  He is a Hungarian creepy grandpa, crazy, crazy leftist Nazi collaborator, regressive, dangerous individual.  He supports organizations like the ones last year --- this is from last year, but he donated 33 million plus dollars to non-profit organizations fomenting riots in America, which of course, now we see today.
We see that in organizations like Black Lives Matter, --- real organizations -- if this was the Roman Empire, we are dealing with it now, folks.  Right now we're dealing with it. It is not two thousand years ago, we are dealing with what Jesus saw right now!
Just now, this week, you heard about this, of course.  All you see on the mainstream media is this, all day long because civil war is being created. We know it is being created, we know, it is being funded by people like this because they have to show where they receive the money, and the Soros Foundation is a huge donor to these organizations, millions of dollars. And these millions of dollars go in to create these kinds of products which are the killing of innocent people. And all day long, we're told that because these people are white that they should be killed, that it's ok, that the cops are totally evil.  Let me tell you something about the cops, okay?  The cops, on average, the police, on average, there are statistics about this, on average most police support the Bill of Rights, almost all of them. They support the Second Amendment, they support people being armed. There are some departments which are super communist, I understand that, but in general, most police men and women are quite responsible people. Now you always have crazies, you always have a wacko, but the fact of the matter is, this of course is the constant propaganda being put out by the media, that now we have race war. Now black on white crime is going up. And it is, it's true. Now the black community has to rise up. You have all these different concerts and artists -- BeyoncĂ© coming out and doing her performances in the standard black power, Black Panthers posture right?  In leather, in military gear.
So you have all these different types of avenues of information and indoctrination that make people believe a false reality. A reality that they believe, for example, that the cops are out to kill them if you are a person of color.  When you actually look at the statistics, and of course, you see this at the Trump rallies, "Trump is racist," you will hear this all the time. "You support Trump?  He's racist, how can you support Trump?" Even though you are Mexican, even though you are of Hispanic origin, even if you are black, they call you a racist! Then when they are called a racist, they say, "No, I'm black, I can't be a racist."  It is literally la-la-land what I think determines their reality.
Of course, you see this at the Trump rallies, at the Black Lives Matter riots.  Really this is an organization that we know Soros is funding, we know that the elites are supporting these kinds of things because, strategically, look, what was the Roman Empire known for doing? Whenever it conquered a different nation, it used the strategy of dividing and conquering. This was also, what the British Empire used to dominate, how much was it, 60-70 of the globe?  Huge portion of the world. The "divide and conquer" strategy has always been used by dictators and think about it, two years ago it was used in the Ukraine when the U.S. government was going in and fomenting civil unrest in the Ukraine, destabilizing and then pretending we have to go in to save them.

Now Ukraine is in a war with Russia.  Same with Syria, same with Iraq, same with Afghanistan, my God when are the wars going to stop? They do not stop folks, do you know why? The archangel needs wars, he loves the wars. He loves the "divide and conquer" strategy, he used it in the Ukraine and Syria just last year, and now the project is here in America.
It is coming folks. It is coming. Divide and conquer strategy, the takedown of America, the takeover of America is coming now. It is coming.
You can see immediately what the politicians start saying. As soon as these kinds of things start exploding, of course Obama comes out and says, "There's no real division. This is a terrible situation." And then he goes on to say that the cops are the problem and that the Second Amendment is the problem. That was his big spiel. The Second Amendment is the problem, we have to disarm the public, there is too much danger, even though these people are doing it illegally.
And here we go, pushing the federal police. If you look up here, on Drudge Report, this is by far the biggest news hub in the world. Twelve million views per day.  CNN does not even get 800 thousand views per day.  This is the Drudge Report, you should know about the Drudge Report, but it is the news hub of the world and of the top stories.  Look at this, the rioters here in Baton Rouge, there were explosions, they were using firecrackers to throw at the police. More escalation in city after city after city.  Right here, Chicago is now closing down some major events because of potential riots. Tennessee, different states, closing them down.
So the tribulation is now coming to a point where it's becoming visible. Not only we have riots, we have the problem of an economically collapsing world, which is of course done by design, to bring everybody into archangelic control, archangelic world government, archangelic dominance, which Father always opposed. The UN he called the satanic, Cain-type UN, that it was going down the path towards communism. Of course, the Family Fraud people do not want to accept that. They want to go along with communism thinking they will get a piece of the pie when they will lose everything, including their soul.
These kinds of explosions are now happening, even though, when you look at the real statistics, and there are whole articles on this, I just only chose one little piece, statistics that totally destroy the mythology that the white man cop is trying to kill black people. They have major statistics coming out. "Cops killed twice as many whites as blacks in 2015." Cops are killing more white people than black people in this country.   The number of deaths last year of blacks was in the 200s which is, of course, that's 200 people who have been shot, or killed.  But at the same time, when you compare that to people who fall down in their showers and get killed, or people who hit deer, it's not even a comparison.  The actual rate of death or the likelihood that you will die by a cop is less likely than very, very strange ways of dying, like hitting a deer and dying.

So you have people, like this lady Dr. MacDonald, who did an analysis of different types of statistics showing the reality between deaths of blacks and police. Of course she found here, "Some may see the statistics as evidence of racist treatment towards blacks since whites consist of 32% of the population, whereas blacks make up 13% of the population.
But just as McDonald writes in the Wall Street Journal, 2009 statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics reveal that blacks were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the 75 biggest counties in the country, despite only comprising roughly 15 percent of the population in these counties.  Such a concentration of criminal violence in minority communities means that officers will be disproportionately confronting armed and often resisting suspects in those communities."
We need to actually looking at the facts, and acknowledge that the black community needs to address some of these issues. It has to address the issue, for example, of an epidemic of fatherless homes, which, of course, statistically show that you have lower IQ's if you have no father in the house; the kids will have lower paying jobs; they will have higher criminal delinquency rates; and higher divorce rates. Sociologically they become unstable if there is no father in the house. Just by having a father, even though he is not the greatest father in the world, just by having the father in the house, sociologically your children are safer as they grow. We have an epidemic created by the welfare state. Who created that epidemic? It was not the black people, it was not the black community.

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