Monday, August 22, 2016

A single mom home danger for the child

The Kingdom of Love (3)
July 10, 2016
All my friends when I was in high school were from the black community. It wasn't them who created that welfare state. It is the federal government, which gave them incentives to "kick your man out and then you get your paycheck." You get rid of your man, you get your paycheck. And then you get another baby with another guy, well then you get another paycheck.  So then you have a free sex culture, you have an infidelity culture, you have a divorce culture, which then leads to fatherless homes, which then leads to single-mother parenting, which of course, by statistics, is the most dangerous sociological situation for children. Most dangerous, especially if she has a boyfriend who is not the biological father. 
You have a tinderbox of younger children who will have continually rising delinquency and disproportionate difficulties as they grow up. Who did that?  Who was the one who protected the slavery in America?  Guess who protected slavery? The federal government. Guess who protected the slave ships coming in? The federal government. Guess who was enforcing the Jim Crow laws? The federal government, folks. Is there a pattern here?  The archangelic position is the one that destroys communities; is the one that destroy families; is the one that destroys marriages; is the one that gets rid of the fathers; is the one that makes single mother homes and dangerous sociological structures for children.  Increased child abuse, all those things. The one starts it. The archangel starts it. The archangel tactically goes in and breaks down society even though you have all these statistics. They showed another statistic here, which I did not include, but a statistic that shows that black officers are two times more likely to shoot black suspects than white officers. So how can you say it is just the white cops that hate the black people? The black cops shoot black suspects two times more. Does that make sense?
So you have a real dysfunctional society where facts do not matter. There is a reason why facts matter, folks.  Facts matter because facts save lives.  Facts save lives.  When we speak in terms of facts then we can save peoples' lives. If you do not speak in terms of facts, and you just speak in terms of politics or emotionalism, you are not saving peoples' lives.  When you understand that it's all those issues that have happened in the black community since the 1940s with the institution of the federal government destroying their community by design because they were the rising entrepreneurial class which was highly motivated, highly successful, highly educated.  The black community is so vibrant, so creative, look at all the art forms it has created, look at all the music forms it creates, it is so creative. If it had the stability in the household, their young people could be so unbelievably competitive in anything they did. Everybody knows that, right?  Because they dominated the athletic field, they dominate almost every field they go into. So nobody is racist here, saying that black people have their problems because they made them, no.  The federal government is the one, the archangel is the one that deconstructed their families and created a constant, fatherless victimization psychology, which then multiplies and produces delinquency.
And of course, that's what happened to the Vietnamese community, by design, now in LA and in those different parts there. Mexican communities, Hispanic communities, by design. If people become aware of these facts, then they are empowered to stop that deconstruction. They are able to stop their communities from being destroyed. That is why facts matter, folks. That is why truth matters. Because truth not only changes minds, it saves lives.  It saves peoples' lives. That is why people, who do not want to look at facts, do not want to look at truth because it's uncomfortable.
Women get very uncomfortable when I say single mothers are the most dangerous sociological structure for children. You may feel bad about it, but so what?  I do not care how you feel about that issue because, when you look at the facts, it is the most dangerous structure for children. Having a single mother home with a boyfriend is the most dangerous, it is eleven times more dangerous in terms of child abuse for children.
So the facts are important. The facts are important to look at and to accept because they change peoples' lives.  They save young children's' lives. They may help the single mother understand, "Wow, maybe without knowing, I am creating a very dangerous environment for my children." We had such a sweet, little young man come here for the camp. And his mom and dad separated, they were blessed but they were separated; now the mom's with a boyfriend, the other guy is with a girl, and the little kid comes up to me and says, "Hyung Jin Nim I want to talk to you."   I say, "Ok, what do you want?" Then he said, "This is my situation."  He is ten years old or something.
And he's just crying, welling up, a little Hispanic young man, and he says to me, "My mommy has a boyfriend, and he does bad things to me." I do not know exactly what that means, but I told him, I said, "Look, that's why you should be training in some type of martial arts. You should be training some type of martial arts."  He loves it, he loves the ninja training we do here, and he loves the jujitsu stuff. He said, he would watch the sermons and whenever I would talk to the young guys here and say, "Hey, who got punched in the face for the first time, and who got choked out for the first time?" He would be laughing all the way from the other side of the country. He would say, "Mom, did you hear that? They are practicing; they are choking each other out." He wants to come train with us. But he told me this very unfortunate reality and it comes exactly down to that.
A single mom home, boyfriend in the house, danger for the child. Very big danger.
When we avoid the facts and we go on emotionalism, the archangel wins. And that's why the archangel loves these kinds of mentally ill signs. Things that just make you feel good.

"Love Not Hate." "Peace, Shalom, Salam Alaikum." It sounds like Michael Jenkins or something! Right? Just things that make you feel good or something, right, or whatever! It sounds like UPF or something, right?  That is what it sounds like. It has no standard. "Just give us your money, peace, shalom, salam alaikum, or Love Not Hate." But it's emotionalism. It's emotionalism.

It has nothing to do with the facts.  White people do not hate black people in this country.  The normal white man is not a ravenous, bitter racist who wants to devour black people. In this country we have literally no remnant of discrimination against blacks, minorities, Asians; you can go and see it for yourself. But it's being painted as that, and of course, the solution is "Love Not Hate," all these feminists coming out, "Ohhh, Love Not Hate."

The whole feminist movement is supporting what?  Do you think these women support men and women to be armed?  Do you think these feminists support decentralizing power and getting rid of the federal government and the Department of Education?  Do you think these feminists believe in getting rid of the welfare state, or do they want to pump more money into the welfare state, further destroying minority communities? They are not looking at facts; they are looking at emotionalism and a lot of good-hearted, dumb young girls get sucked into this because it sounds so true, it sounds emotionally good. It is like watching a Korean drama which feels really good. It makes you feel really good. "Oh, I wish I could be with that kind of man!" Even though that kind of man, if you lived with him you would hate him. You may like him for one day, but as soon as he's trying to chase you around, you're not going to like him anymore.

You have this type of cultural relativism, this kind of reality that is mainstream in our society today, mainstream.  And look, I love this, they say, "Love Not Hate," it's about love, and you see some of the protesters saying, "Love, Unite, and Love", "it's not hate, I don't hate you, I love you, I love you." This is what you get, right?  Jesus said you have to love God.  He did not say you love everything. You see, when you love everything, you have to love evil, because that is part of everything. You have to love wickedness, you have to turn a blind eye to it, if not passively accept it.

Jesus says to love the lord your God, he is one, he has one standard, there is one way in which He wishes for us to relate with him.  It is one. You can try to be a cultural relativist and think you are modern, and think you are intellectual and think you are educated, but you are stupid!  You are a total brain dead idiot who cannot filter even basic philosophical concepts. You cannot understand the weakness of the relativist position because it is emotionalized, it is not a logical argument, it is not a fact-based argument. That is why, it destroys communities, it does not save people. When people have a problem, if you are an alcoholic, is the best thing to do to give that person more alcohol?  "Oh, I love you dear, Oh you're an alcoholic, I love you, I have no hate, I only have love. Therefore, I am just going to give you what you want.

You're a victim, you're a victim, you have a disease, so I'm going to give you more."  Is that the way for that person to get out of that problem? No, of course not.  Every successful alcohol, substance abuse program knows that you have to confront that issue, that addiction. You have to confront facts, you have to confront reality, you have to confront the fact that you are destroying your own life. Does that make sense?

The same thing with couples who are in marriage counseling. You cannot just tell them, "Oh, okay, please continue hating each other, I love you both." You have to help them confront the demons that they have invited into their bed.  You have to! And if they can't handle that, they're going to leave the counseling, or they're never going to get over it, or they're never going to get a better relationship, right? You have to confront reality; you have to confront facts. That is how you change lives, save lives, and change the world. You do not do it by running to emotionalism.  This one hundred percent sucks people in to be used as pawns to bring in socialism. Slavery.  Kingdom of joy for the oligarchs. Kingdom of joy.

If our little group here wanted to consolidate power around the whole world, we could just tell the kids what they want to hear. Just let them gather money for us, that is what we would do. It is such an easy strategy; the devil does it every single time. Tells you what you want to hear, tells them emotional things that feel good; makes them feel like they are fighting for a larger cause and being social justice warriors when they are in fact bringing in communism. When they are supporting a centralized state. When they are supporting indoctrination through the Department of Education. No freedom of choice. Disarming the public. Are you kidding me? That is classic idiot totalitarianism. Dumb young people and older people to get sucked into this idiocy. Ridiculous. No brain, no analysis, no factual thinking.

Satan wants us to love everything. God did not say to love everything. He said love God! You cannot love everything.  I cannot love my wife and love adultery at the same freaking time! I cannot do it. You cannot do that.  You cannot love your children and at the same time sell your children into prostitution. Does that make sense?
That rather makes sense, right? If you love your children, you do not sell them into prostitution. You don't human traffic them, that makes sense. I am not crazy, that makes sense! Satan wants us to love everything.  If we love God, we have to love what He wants. Not what the world wants, not what feels good. We have to love what He wants.  We have to love His covenant. The [Cheon Il Guk] Constitution outlines it. Freedom and responsibility for the people. Decentralized power. Balances of power. Even more so than the U.S. Constitution. States' rights, private property, the right of the citizens' sovereignty. This is what God promised to His people. He said I will give unto you a land of milk and honey. I will give unto you a land, a place where your enemies will falter. God was constantly promising sovereignty to His people, the Israelites.

We have to love God. God, and by extension, his presence on earth, Jesus. You see, when we have one God, whom we have to love, we have a focus. We cannot just love everything, and fall into the emotionalism that makes us feel good. We have to actually shape our lives to that one standard of goodness.
We cannot make our own standard of goodness and call it good. It is not good. It is stupid. Actual good, what philosophers call "the greatest good," is God. And what does God, who is the greatest good, give to humanity?  He gives us freedom and responsibility. Thus, we know He is not an evil God. He gave us freedom, for Christ's sake, He gave us freedom! He did not make us slaves. He did not make us into A.I. He did not make us into robots.  He gave us dang freedom, dag nabbit! You understand?  That is amazing! [Applause]  He gave us freedom and responsibility.  I am like right on the edge of being politically incorrect with my language!

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