Monday, August 22, 2016

We are falling into a time of tribulation

The Kingdom of Love (4)
July 10, 2016
We have to love Jesus' commandments. He says, "He who loves me, loves my commandments." That is in what, 2 John? Because we know that if we love God, we know His commandments are best for us. When he says, Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, might, strength, soul. Love your neighbor as yourself. Think about it. We always think of "love your neighbor as yourself" as like, just take out his garbage. Or mow his lawn. Why don't we think of loving our neighbor as being his protector?
Being a peace police and peace militia person. If something were to happen to him, I would run to his defense. If a fire were to break out I would be the fireman. If an enemy came, I would be the policeman. Why don't we ever think in terms of that?  Because we are in a fallen kingdom. We are never taught to think about that as the true way you love your neighbor. Even though he is maybe totally different from you, even though you may disagree with him. You are still the policeman in the Kingdom to protect his life. Doesn't that make sense? You are not only called to just protect Christians. In the Cheon Il Guk Constitution there is freedom of religion too, even though a Christian worldview, I believe, in the free market will win, it will win. But you are called to help that neighbor, even if that person is a Muslim or a lesbian, or whatever.
You disagree with them. You can still have a conversation with them, but you would go to protect them. You would love your neighbor, you would be their keeper. You would stand up for their rights.  Even though you hate what they say, you would still stand up for them. That is the difference between a truly Godly person, a true liberal, and a current liberal, which is a communist. That is a huge, huge difference. And in the kingdom, when we are our brother's keepers, we are truly loving them. Think about it, what more can you do for that person, you are serving, you are protecting them.
You are willing to give your life for that person, even though you disagree with that idiot, he may be the person that drives you nuts, your neighbor, you hate that fool, but when the Schemitah hits the fan, somebody is hurting him, you go out to defend him. That is a real man and a woman, right? That is what we are taught by Jesus. He did it. He went on the cross for people who hated him, who persecuted him, killing him, crucifying him.  He did it.  He did it.
So that's why when we love God and we love Jesus, we become those kinds of incredible people. We do not become part of a cult; we do not become part of a religion; we become part of a relationship which transforms us by love, transforms us to be better. Defenders, protectors of peoples' freedom, liberty and responsibility. People who love God with their mind, their thoughts, their soul, their strength.  Who love and protect their neighbor. This is real folks, you see, this is real. What Jesus was talking about has huge implications for actual society.
Love the Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus preached. So many churches are straying from the Gospel, not preaching the Kingdom. Love the Kingdom of God on earth where the gifts of God -- freedom and responsibility -- are the core. Help others understand those gifts of freedom and responsibility. If we love God, we must hate that which harms God. We must hate that which destroys that which God has given, which is freedom and responsibility. We must hate the oligarchs and the tyrants who stand up to take away human liberty, human freedom, human responsibility.  Because by doing that, they destroy human flourishing. They do not increase it; they do not help it; they don't encourage it; they don't allow it to come to its full fruition.
We must hate that which robs God's children of their inheritance, of their divine rights. We must hate institutions that try to steal our inheritance from God. To steal our property, to steal our work, to steal our labor, to steal the gifts God has given to us, the talents; steal whatever God has given. We must hate those. We must hate the very nature of that institution, because the nature is archangelic. We must hate the ideologies that destroy the gifts of God.  I cannot stand here loving my wife and loving adultery. I have to love my wife and hate adultery. I have to hate it. I cannot be just be "com se com sa" with it. I cannot just be relativist with it; I can't just say, "sometimes yes, sometimes no." Boo hoo hoo. No, I must hate it. Right? You must hate it.
So we have to stand up. We have to hate the ideologies that destroy the gifts of freedom and responsibility. You must hate the ideologies that masquerade as being for the people when they are for the oligarchs. This is standard communism, socialism, oligarchy. Pretends to be for the people; ends up making the people the servants of the oligarchs. That is what is happening now in America. Clinton is of a different class. You cannot do what she did, folks. If you did what she did, you are in prison. You cannot do what she got away with. She can get away with it. What does that say about this country? We are not a free country that is what it says, very clearly.
We must hate the psychological propaganda used to social engineer and suppress human flourishing. Like the controlled media that lies to people constantly. It brainwashes them to be totally brain dead, not think about anything further than what the media tells them. That is what Soviets used, that is what Hitler used. They all use it folks, they all use it. All the governments use it. All the archangels use it. That is why this is limited in the Constitution of Cheon Il Guk. 
This is the state of our country now folks. This came out last week. We talked about it in Freedom Society.  This is from the White House, this is right here. I am not making this up.  It is the White House website.  And they have this new Executive Order. This came out July 1st, just nine days ago.  Just a few days ago, this our July 4th Independence Day present. What did we receive as a present?  Executive Order, United States Policy on Pre- and Post-Strike Measures to Address Civilian Casualties in U.S. Operations Involving the Use of Force.  Very complicated statements, legalese to confuse you, but what does it really say?  This is now a law in our country because of Imam Dictator Obama.  This is what Imam Obama has ordered.
"Section 1.  Purpose.  United States policy on civilian casualties resulting from U.S. operations involving the use of force in armed conflict or in the exercise of the Nation's inherent right of self-defense is based on our national interest, our values, and our legal obligations."
Do you understand what the heck that says? See how crazy that is in terms of legalese?  It is very simple, you can just focus right here. This is the key word right here. See the middle of that blue section where it says "exercise of the Nation's inherent right of self-defense"?  Do you see this? The Nation's right of self-defense. Whoo, that is changing the laws. The government has no right of self-defense. It is not a legal actor; it cannot be something which has a legal right of self-defense. What that is saying is that there may come times in the United States where the government may have to defend itself, and it has that inherent right.
And at that time, it may use force, and there are no restrictions on the use of force. So it can use all necessary force to defend its inherent God-given right. So even if all the citizens are killed, it is still the nation's right to protect its government. It means they can use unlimited force against United States citizens. The army is forbidden to be used against United States citizens, right? This changes it now. Now the federal government is seeing itself as a nation with the right of self-defense which can use armed forces, swat teams, special forces, special operations; can also collaborate with other governments to defend itself from unruly citizens.
And they cloaked that in all this language of "the protection of civilians is fundamentally consistent with the effective, efficient and decisive use of force in pursuit of ……."   It uses nice language to try and cloak it. But really what it's doing is giving them power, legal structure, making it legal to now kill United States citizens. This is what happened in Hitler's republic as well. Everything Hitler did was legal. They created the legal infrastructure, foundation to do the genocides, to do the killings, they made it legal folks.
This is now the United States. This is now our country, Merry Christmas, Happy Independence Day, you now live in Germany. Fascist Germany, you live in 1940s Germany now, civilian casualties are tragic, they are tragic. The politicians, you can trust them, they have such a large heart. Tragic at times, unavoidable consequences of these forces and situations of armed conflict, or in the exercise of a state's inherent right of self-defense.
Again, citizens. So you can see now the full spectrum picture, not what the media makes you focus in on, which is that white people hate black people. That is what they want you to focus on. You can now see the full spectrum of what the archangel is doing. You can see the race wars that he is trying to set up to divide and conquer, just like the Ukraine. To take America down, bring in UN forces to say the police need backup. "Police, you can't control it, all the people that are trying to kill you, you need help, you need our international help. You need international help." What does that mean? You need the UN to come in. It means you need NATO to come in.
It means you need now other military people from other countries to come in and do policing in America. That is extremely dangerous folks, very dangerous. Because those people do not care about American citizens, they are not Americans, they are from different countries, their loyalty is to different countries. That is why you never have other countries' military policing your people, unless that is done by design by totalitarians.
If you can see the full spectrum, you can see what Satan is doing on the world level.  He is trying to bring in his world domination and control. And we know that this battle is great. We know because the Han mother did what she did, we are falling into a time of tribulation. Everybody thought we were crazy, you have seen it now in three years, the economies have collapsed worldwide. Deutsche Bank has now collapsed, bigger than the Lehman Brothers crash is coming real soon. Huge, huge economic crisis.  Huge, race war crisis. All these things made to be done so that the archangel can come in as the savior and pretend that he will save the day by creating the world government. Guess what? Guess which Scripture predicts that?  The Koran doesn't predict that, Buddhist texts do not predict that, guess what? The Bible predicts it. The Bible predicts the world government that will come, that is coming, that is here.
We are now literally in that hegemonic time. It is an intense time. A time of great, great tribulation is coming. It is not a joke. Great tribulation is coming. 
Father says, in Cheon Seong Gyeong, page 1788:
"American youth have no ties to the world, their country, family or parents. Based on free sex, they accept homosexuals and lesbians, and deny masculinity and femininity. If this continues, humanity will all disappear within a century.  How unspeakably pained must God's heart be as He looks upon this miserable state of humanity caught in the devil's spell!"
Goodness! Look how disconnected the youth is. When you see some of the protesters they say "Death to AmeriKKKa." And they say America with a KKKa. They try to pretend that America is the KKK. Even though it is still the freest country in the world that allows for human flourishing. But the young people now have been so brainwashed, they literally believe their problems are white cops, not foreign national banks who have hijacked their country.
Not criminal politicians who get away with murder, who get away with the things like Hillary Clinton, rape, her husband sexually assaults people, above the law. That is not the problem. The problem is not the federalized government, the problem is not the CIA spying on you, the problem is not the government putting fluoride in your waters or feeding you GMO's or making you take very deadly vaccines. That is not the problem.
The problem is this white cop hates you. This white cop wants to kill you. And you have to now kill innocent people. This is the state where America is being put. And this is why facts are important, because who cares if people call us crazy because we tell the truth? Who gives a poopy poo poo poo. If it saves lives, that is what matters. If it saves spiritual lives, from being people who are on their way to hell, to separating from Father to being with Father, coming back under his authority, spiritual, or even physical. Meaning that they may think differently about the things that they are taught in the media, in the popular culture. Even if it takes one person to hear that truth, that person can be a force multiplier and a catalyst for other people.
That is the beauty, that is the power of truth. That is the power of freedom and responsibility. Because it stands on the virtue and the goodness of God's gifts, it always wins in the end.  The totalitarians always lose. They always lose but they are so freaking arrogant that they fight until they lose. But they always lose. And we know that at the end of time, God wins.  Satan is eradicated. Satan's kingdoms are wiped out, and God's kingdom, which will last a thousand years, will come. Cheon Il Guk will come. We know that is true.
"Based on free sex, they accept homosexuals and lesbians, and deny masculinity and femininity."
Look at this, the gender fluidity all of this stuff, transgender, this is exactly what Father was saying.  He was saying this how many years ago?
"If this continues, humanity will all disappear within a century. How unspeakably pained must God's heart be as He looks upon this miserable state of humanity caught in the devil's spell."
I love that last phrase because Father knows the true nature of Satan. These Luciferians at the top, they are not just rich, greedy old monopolists. They are into spirituality, they are into occult power. They are into freemasonry. They are into gathering occult knowledge. They are into ancient mystery religions. They are into it because they think that that has given them the power to dominate the world. They are into ancient things, ancient rituals, ancient demonic rituals. And they do cast spells over the population. Not like Harry Potter spells, but they literally believe, by their own words, that they can harness super powers.
These are not the people we want to give humanity over to, folks.  These are not the kind of people you want to give your future and your children's future and your lineage over to.  They are from the pit of Luciferian hell. They are from the pit of totalitarian bloodlines.  They are from the pit of Satan’s womb. They are Satan on earth, and when we stand up for God's freedom and responsibility and His Kingdom, we have to stand against these kind of foes. Even though we cannot see them, we fight them with truth and power. We fight them with the spirit, and we fight them with honor, and we fight them with virtue, and we fight them by speaking out against them. Because as you speak out against them, you can inspire other people to wake up.
They can become force multipliers, they can start waking other people up.  And when the sleeping giant of humanity starts waking up for the animating contest of liberty, starts standing up for God's gifts, we start breaking free of these idiots and their control. When that happens, the archangel will attack back hard but he will always lose. He will always lose.
Tough times are coming ahead, but guess what folks?  We know the ending, the archangel loses. God wins, God's Kingdom is established and we will dwell with Him in that Kingdom.  We will rule with Him over the archangel.  And we will stand in our proper place as the inheritors of God's Kingdom. Amen.

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