Tuesday, September 6, 2016

I have to warn her because I love her

The Kingdom Savior (2)
August 28, 2016
I have to warn her because I love her
You can even see in a recent ceremony they had, look at this picture of Father they are using as simply a propaganda tool. They have, of course, defecated and urinated all over his face. They have desecrated all of his legacy. They've desecrated all of his work, redacted it, changed it, done what they want with it to profit themselves. But they've lost their souls. They are going straight to the pit of hell. And all of those idiots that go along with them, those stupid lemmings that are falling right off the cliff into the mouth of hell. And yes, folks, there is a heaven and there is a hell. Hell is a prison which is separated from God. When you go there, you're not going to be happy. If you think you're going to be okay with hell and you say, "Yeah, all my friends are going to be there, I'm going to be fine in hell." You may want to try earthly prison first. Try earthly prison first, check that out first, see how you like that.
See how you like earthly prison first before you make that commitment to the eternal prison, why don't you check out some earthly prison. You know, stay there a little while, you know, hang out with the inmates a little bit. You better watch out if you look pretty as a boy! See how you like it. See how you like it. All right? That may be something you would want to consider. See how you like the earthly prison before you go to the eternal prison, okay? These people are brain dead.
Look what they did. This is Father's picture, that Father had, with the Divine Principle here and it had the mark of the Divine Principle and the Tongil Mark right there. Look what they do now. They have to cover up the Divine Principle. Look at that. They have to cover up the Divine Principle. Why?
Because they can't teach the Divine Principle! If they teach the Divine Principle, you're going to find out that True Father is the Lord of the Second Advent! [applause] If you teach the Divine Principle, you're going to learn about the four position foundation and that husbands are important and the father position is very important. You can't relativize it and step on that position. It's critical for the family. But look at that, they have to do CIG computer graphics imaging to bring a cloud over the Divine Principle because they can't teach the thing. You know they did that totally by mistake! That cloud just happened to land by computer imaging effect just on the label of the Divine Principle; that just happened by total chance! That cloud was floating on the other side, and it just went whoop, magically did that, yes , I know. Of course.
So this is the reality. The reality is the more they go, the deeper their lies, the larger the swarm of lies, the harder it is to get out of those lies. When you make lies upon lies upon lies, guess what, folks? One day people start smelling those lies. They start smelling it. You can see exactly where it's going. You can see exactly where it's going, how they have separated from Christ, how they have separated from the Bible, how they've separated from Divine Principle, how they've separated from the 8 Textbook Curriculum for education that Father left behind. They have totally separated.
They have segregated themselves from that and insofar as doing so, they are now going on a different path. There are only two paths. One to God, one away from God. That's it, that's all you got. You can make it sound fancy and try to say this or that, "oh, the minutiae of this tradition is a little more nuanced distinction, and this one is….." No, you can play all those games you want. There are two paths. One toward God, one away from God. Don't fool yourself. Don't fool yourself. One away, and one towards. That's it. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." He is the way to God. You try to find another way, you are going the opposite way. That's simple. You're going back the opposite way.
That leads us to Luke 9
And we are studying, of course, the Kingdom, and the gospel of the Kingdom. Isn't it amazing that there are no churches that are preaching the gospel? The gospel of the Kingdom of God. When Jesus himself said that it is the reason for which he has come. He has come to proclaim the gospel. And for people who love him and have a relationship with Jesus, it's so important.
Jesus himself said, and how many times have I shown those scriptures in Luke, where he himself says, 'the reason I have come is to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom of Christ.' Time after time after time after time, I'm not going to go through all the Scriptures. I've already done that a million times. And we're already inside this study. When you tell somebody for the first time they are thinking, 'what are you talking about? I'm an Evangelical, I know Jesus, I love Jesus, I'm a Baptist, whatever I am, I'm a Methodist, whatever. That is not true, that can't be true, that's heresy." The problem is that Jesus said, "I've come to proclaim the Kingdom of God." Then he says also, "Go forth and preach the Kingdom of God." He says it many times.
So Jesus says to a man, "Follow me." And the man replies, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father." And Jesus says to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God." Another person says, "I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family." Jesus replied, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." So we have these two references again to the Kingdom of God and here as along the road we have all these various figures who come and say they want to follow Christ. Notice that the top of this is the cost of following Christ. There is a cost involved in following Christ. Let's look at the first one, of course these are broken up into three different people.
We can see it in formation, growth and perfection, we can see it as old, new and completed testament. We can see it as many different things, okay? But look at this. When this man says, 'I will follow you wherever you go,' Jesus replies, "Foxes have dens, birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." What was Jesus doing? He's already moving along this road to do what he was sent to do. That's why he's telling other people to do it too. And what does it say that he was sent to do? He Is sent to proclaim the kingdom. So he's on the road to go proclaim to the different villages and towns about the kingdom, the good news of the gospel. The gospel is, "Vangelion" defined by the Bible and by Jesus as the message of the Kingdom of God.
The message of the Kingdom of God, that is the Gospel. And this man says, "I'll follow you wherever you go, Lord." Jesus says, 'I have no place to rest. I have no place to lay my head. If you say you will follow me, you do not know what you are saying. You will not have any rest. I do not take rest.' In me, Christ of course says you can take rest, but he himself does not take rest. He has nowhere to rest, nowhere to have safe haven. He is going forth without stopping. Does this remind you of somebody? Does this remind you of somebody that we may have walked with?
The young man is assuming that following Jesus will be fun, it will be comfortable, it will be exciting, it will be a scintillating time. It's going to be excitement at every corner. I'm going to get the high of victory at every corner, Whoo, you know? No, of course, we know what the Bible really promises, you will be persecuted, you will be mocked, you will be hated, you will be scorned. That's what he promises. So, if you can endure those things as exciting, yes, it is exciting. Then it is exciting. But if you're hoping for some dopamine high and some feel good things all the time telling you , affirming you, 'tell me how great I am, I need it now.' You ain't going to get that false drug with Jesus! You're not going to get that. You've got to seek that high with the devil, because with God there is a war. There is a war that Jesus is fighting as he is proclaiming and establishing the Kingdom. There is a war because there are already principalities and powers of the world. Already they are here.
Another man comes and Jesus says "follow me." But he replies, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father." Jesus said, "Let the dead bury their own dead." Wow. You understand how scandalous this kind of thing to say is in Jewish culture? It's like in Korean culture saying that, right? It's like that's what we get all the time. "How could you say that to your mother? " No, I have to say the truth about Mother because she's become a total blaspheming heretic! And she is damned to eternal hell for the sin that she has committed. I mean what is wrong with her? I have to warn her because I love her, because I actually care for her soul. I care where she ends up in the spirit world. Of course, there is only so much you can do in the end, a person has to decide.
But the reason why we have to speak out and speak the truth and destroy the Family Fed and the fraud that it is, is because, number one, it is a totally fraudulent usurpation and coup de that organization. Okay, yes, that's true. But that is not the primary reason. The primary reason is because it's leading people to separation from God. Leading people to prison separated from God. Leading people to hell. So, if you actually care, and have any bit of love in your heart, you would tell the truth because the person's house is on fire! 'Why are you speaking so mean?' You're dang house is on fire, you idiot, get out! Get out your house, I'm not going to be nice speaking to you and say, 'please get out of your house, it's burning'. Get out your dang house now, get out, I got to scream at you. Your house is on fire, get out! 'You hurt my feelings.' I don’t' care about your feelings, you want that beam over your head to fall on your head and kill you? You want to be roast beef tonight? Get out the house!
So let the dead bury the dead. It's interesting. This is how, also, in Jewish culture, in Korean culture, there's such a big emphasis on ritual. Especially in Confucian culture, and everybody knows Korean culture is very Confucian. So there was a big debate when we had the ceremonies here, and we did the honoring of the King of Kings. And I, as the crowned Second King, came out with my crown that Father crowned me with. And also the robes, and went before Father and bowed with all that on, to them. Now, in Korean Confucian culture, that's illegal. I broke their laws. Okay?
I broke their man-made laws, okay? You're supposed to come in the white robes and you're supposed to come with nothing else, right? And you're just supposed to come as a son, that's how they teach it. But we are in a very different situation because I am not only a son. I hold the Kingship that Father has passed down, so in my position, I must surrender the entirety of my person to my King. Does that make sense? And that has to be a tradition of all the future kings. It has to be a tradition where all the future kings are surrendering that crown and the office of True Parents to True Father. Does that make sense? They have to. It must throughout the generations, it must. If I just go with Korean Confucian culture, that's going to get messed up. Then we'll have a situation down the line where people are worshipping the crown as an idol and then the thing itself becomes a god.
And then we'll have the king bowing to the crown instead of to the King of Kings. Do you see what I’m saying, this is a problem. So that whole office of the Kingship has to bow to the real True Parents, has to bow to the real True Father who is the center of it all. It has to. You have to submit that all to him. Now in Asian, Korean culture, that is super taboo., okay? So, all these rituals, even burying your own father, that's a very important thing, wouldn't you say? Most cultures would say you have to bury your father. Jesus says, 'Let the dead bury the dead." You're not going to save your dead father or your dead relative by just going to their funeral. Right? Especially when Christ is here. You're not going to save them.
The only way you're going to save souls and save people is to be with Christ, to move with Christ, to walk with him. That's how you're going to be able to bring people to salvation. Of course, obviously, we're not saving them but we're bringing them to the Savior. Right? And so he's saying, not only the ritual, the ritual is over. I am alive. What is Kook Jin Nim saying? Providence moves in the person, not in the building, not in the church, not in the edifice, not in the seat. It moves in the person of Christ. Right? And so when this guy says I'll move with you, I'll walk with you, but I have to first do this thing, this socially necessary thing, Jesus says no. The dead won't save the dead. The only one who will save the living and the dead is me. That's what he's saying. Right? So you must walk with me. Walk with me, proclaim my kingdom.
It's interesting. Usually we think Christianity was some kind of underground, secret religion. You know, and I know new age pagans have tried to paint it like that, you know of course, they were persecuted, etc. But Jesus, from the very beginning is saying, 'Go out and proclaim it. Go out and proclaim it.' And he's telling them you're going to be hated, mocked, scorned for my namesake. You're going to be hated, you're going to be mocked. Pick up your cross, go out and proclaim it. Tell the world. If you love me, tell the world about my kingdom. Still yet another man comes and I will follow you, Lord, but let me first go back and say goodbye to my family.
Again, you can see how it moves from individual to a little more of inside the four position foundation and then it goes to family. It's like moving up. Can you see that? With the three different levels? It's going from like, individual, 'I'll follow you Jesus.' And the second guy is like, "Oh, but my father, I need to bury him." So that's like a family duty. And then here, it's "oh, I have to say goodbye to my family.' You see how it keeps moving up? And Jesus says, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the service of the Kingdom of God." Of course, everybody knows what the plow is. At that time, when you have the cow and you're pulling that plow, you have to keep your eye on the plow because it can turn. If you turn backwards the thing starts veering off and starts messing up the plow line. Does that make sense? Because the cow is pulling this thing, and it's like this hoe in the ground and it's got this stick, and maybe sometimes you're riding the thing and then it's pulling this hoe that's digging up this earth in a line.
And you're trying to create these lines so you create a little garden kingdom there okay? Of abundance, a little garden of Eden. So you're going down the line and he says if you put your hand to the plow, you must not turn back. Once you take that responsibility, you take that steering wheel of the plow, you cannot turn back, you must not turn back. If you do, you will start veering, you will start destroying the kingdom. You will start destroying that garden. There is a responsibility. What does it say? There is a cost of following Jesus. What do people in the modern day world say? They want no costs involved. "I want a no cost marriage. I want no cost children.
I want a no cost relationship. I want a no cost divorce." These people are living in, what is this, Barney-land? What is this? Teletubbies land? They are overgrown children. They are overgrown children living in delusional reality. Are you kidding me, no costs? There are costs to everything in your life. You want to do something good? There's a cost. You want to become a great boxer, there's a cost. You want to become a great basketball player? There's a cost. You want to become a doctor? There's a cost. You want to climb a mountain, there's a cost. You want to do ten pushups? There's a cost. You want to lose that belly fat? There's a cost. Whatever it is, there's a cost involved. 'But I want a no cost marriage, I want a no cost mortgage, I want a no cost this, I want a no cost divorce, I want a no cost relationship." You are living in la la land, you dumb fool. Teletubbies are jumping all over you! Give me a break with these people. Overgrown children. No one who puts their hand to the plow. Boy, we have too much fun in this service, we have too much fun!
Anyone who takes the responsibility to follow him, you can't look back. You've got to move with him, you've got to fight with him, you've got to plow with him, you've got to go with him. And that's the commitment. Jesus is saying that's the commitment I need for the kingdom. Go proclaim it. Now, of course, we've been studying the kingdom and we've been studying also how we can look at it from the national level. When Jesus is talking about the kingdom, he's talking about an actual kingdom. We know in the Book of Revelations, he comes and establishes the millennial kingdom, it's a real kingdom on earth. It's a real kingdom on earth, so it's not something that's fake. It's not something that's just ethereal. It's a real kingdom that will come, where God will rule and reign, okay?
So we can also see this in terms of the nations. In the nation states. When we look at the first nation. Let's say in the future, after the tribulation, there will be nations that rise up. They understand now that the centralized systems, the centralized power, the banking structure system, the banking mafia system, all that is failing. The realize that they need to align themselves with God, with God-centered human rights, with God-centered governance. Governance, real governance of how a nation must be governed.
And let's say in the future we have those nations that rise up and say, 'Lord, I will walk with you.' What's interesting is that Jesus gives warnings to those nations too because he's talking on the kingdom level, on the national level, giving warnings to those nations. If you walk with Christ it requires vigilance. He says he doesn't rest. It requires vigilance. What does it say? Freedom is paid by the blood of vigilant patriots, those who are vigilant? The Bible says be vigilant. If you are not vigilant of freedom and responsibility, what happens? Just like what happened in America, the freedom goes away. The freedom gets taken away because people start believing the lies of the archangel.
I'm listening to this incredible Christian rapper right now, Whoo, he's good, Tadashi. You guys got to check him out. Man he's good, I like him. He's hard core and he played college football, so he's a big guy, I like that. And he raps really good. We're going to download it for you, for the ninjas here, so when we're training we're going to listen to him a little bit. Oh, man, it's such good rap. He also is rapping about that kind of issue, the issue of us not standing forth, not fighting for the kingdom. The issue of selling out to the world. The issue of not proclaiming the gospel, not proclaiming Christ, not knowing our position in Christ. This kind of thing, but at the national level, Jesus says this path will require vigilance. It will need to be vigilant.
Even though the Cheon Il Guk Constitution is released and is established in a nation state and it's illegal for the government to grow beyond ten percent of GDP for a centralized federal government. And the taxes are illegal because the citizens have the right of kings because the kingdom of heaven is a kingdom of kings and queens, right? Even though that is there, the Bible still says that after a one thousand millennial reign , Satan does emerge again.
The Bible does warn that in the Book of Revelation. So even though the kingdom does come, Satan does emerge after a thousand years and tries to destroy that kingdom. We know that there will be a time that even though Cheon Il Guk and the Constitution is established and there is the greatest freedom and responsibility that is there, where people can truly give glory to God and live with Him, understanding where their rights are coming from, understand where the whole kingship that they now have, the right of kings comes from. It comes from the Messiah.
But there will come a time when that will be attempted to be destroyed. There will come a time when Satan and his forces will rise up and try to destroy that nation. There will. So as a nation, it requires us to be vigilant. To continue to walk with Christ, to continue to walk in his laws. Jesus says, "He who loves me obeys my commands." You don't obey it because it gives you salvation, his love is that which gives you salvation. It's what Christ did for us that gives us salvation, but we obey his commandments because we love him. We're grateful. You come into his presence with praise and thanksgiving. We're thankful for what he has done. But to walk with him requires vigilance, it requires it because he cannot rest his head.

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