Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Kingdom Savior

The Kingdom Savior (1)
August 28, 2016
What a jam-packed week! We have our Japanese group here. These are our college students from Japan and they are here with us. They are heading back on Tuesday, is that right? They will be white-water rafting with us tomorrow. It's not really white-water rafting, it's Delaware River rafting. It's not like waterfalls, or something like that. So Greg will be leading that, right Greg?
It's just been a tremendous time together with the young people. We had two groups of Japanese young people, a little more about that later. We had some very wonderful exchanges and conversations during this time with both groups. Excellent young people, really standing up for God in their families, too. Really standing up in the midst of a lot of persecution there.
Let's go to the word today. We want to talk about the "Kingdom Savior" today. You know one of the big warnings in the Scripture and the end of time is that there will be false teachers and there will be false Christs. There will be those who will proclaim themselves as Christ, who are not Christ. In fact, they may be the anti-Christ. Of course, we see what has happened in the Family Fraud. We see what has happened with the reality of the church. I was talking with San Francisco the other day and he served Father of course with me on the main security team for the last year he was with us. San Fran, of course, had that incredible testimony, did you all hear that, wasn't that an amazing testimony of San Francisco? Oh, my goodness. Twenty-one days in the hospital, three broken ribs, he went through all that. One broken clavicle.
God gave him the victory. We were talking and he was saying that the church pastors were trying to say, "Come back, come back, come to church, we don't see you so often." And he went there one time, and this was after Father passed, and he said that he could not recognize what religion this was! [laughter] It had become another religion. You know it's interesting because, it's probably by the Kwak group, they are paying this group, they are printing out books about a split in the Unification Church and printing that in Korea. It's an outside guy, but you know, seeing the content, it's most likely funded by the Kwak group. Obviously it portrayed them as if they did nothing wrong, even though they stole a billion dollars plus and, of course, disobeyed Father's orders. Even that person, in his own work, and he's an outside guy, he writes about the division that is happening. And he writes that the Han mother group is actually creating a new religion. So this is an outside guy, right? And he can see it, that now it's a totally different religion. It's a different religion.
We of course knew, we found out about the extent of her ideology and her beliefs after Father passed when we had all those ordeals going on. And especially, of course, in the hospital, it became more and more clear that she was very angry in the fact that Father anointed Kook Jin Hyung and myself. That we were very clear on the position that Father had, that he was the Messiah and the King of Kings. He was the returning Jesus, he was the returning Christ. She knew very clearly, but she was  very upset about that. She was very upset about that. And it started, from the hospital, that we could already sense that they were going to hunt us down now. You know that feeling when you get the target on you? You know that feeling, right? And then you know it's inevitable because you've made yourself known, you've told the establishment, and not only the establishment, at that time nobody knew, it was just the Han mother. And of course a small coterie around her. But of course, we had to confront that. We had to say clearly because the decision that would be made, the path where in which the entire worldwide foundation would go, would determine whether or not we would reach the kingdom by blessing or by judgment, just as Father predicted.
So we of course saw all the things that she has done with her coming out as the empress, proclaiming herself as empress with her scepter. It was so sad when she did this. I could see how diffident she was. Even in her own conscience, I could see her conscience rebelling against her, telling her this is weird. She was so nervous even in doing this, just holding that scepter. But all the group of archangels and demons around her wanted her to hold up that staff because, by holding up a golden staff, they believed that people would just, "Whooo, wow, look at the golden staff!" And do what she has done. So at that point already she had desecrated Father by creating the committee to redact the Cheon Seong Gyeong, which Father said, of course, must never be redacted, it would be the Hoon dok Hae material for eternity, etc. You will even study it when you go into the spirit world, he said. He said you must study it even when you go into the spirit world, the 8 Great Textbooks, the Cheon Seong Gyeong, etc.
And they had already created their heretical red, or what is that, violet book. And of course, their justification was, "Oh, it's all Father's words." When, of course, it wasn't all Father's words. They smuggled in her own words about her beliefs, etc. All those kinds of things. And of course, it now has come out, and people are now becoming more and more awake, as the Family Fraud collapses, people are now forced to confront the reality that they are not operating under heaven's blessing. They're forced to because every time they go to church they are miserable. There's no center; there's no focus; they are becoming relativists. Their kids are being sucked away into secularity. They are not able to fight against the popular culture. In fact, they are irrelevant because they've just adopted the popular culture. They're totally irrelevant.
And all the big ceremonies, of millions of dollars per ceremony doing these stupid light shows and these stupid, "Whoo, the guest, he his here! Whoo, here's the award. Thank you for coming, Ahhh!" All this and spending millions of dollars to do that! And, "Oh, we're making peace, hey, hurray!!!" And everybody goes home and is more of a relativist. Nobody can stand on the side of good against evil. They are standing with evil, they are standing in a relativist stance which says that there is no good and evil and we have to just love everything. Which means, by definition, you must love and accept Satan.
Of course we've seen those kinds of things happen. What was interesting was, that after this ceremony, and I've shared it, we had that incredible, unbelievable experience in the palace room where, you know, Kook Jin Nim basically told her, "You have to be like the Queen of England and accept Father's anointing of his son and the Kingship, and lift that up. Be the gracious, dignified mother who supports the Father's decision, and the kingdom's decision. The King's decision for the kingdom." And of course, she was irate; she started shouting at the top of her lungs, "I have absolute power." Like this, and it was a nightmare to see because I had never seen anything like that in my entire life. And we knew at that point that she was possessed by a spirit of evil.
Now we did not know previously, and it has now come out more and more as people start leaking the truth throughout that collapsing structure, that in January of 2012, before Father passed, she had done an occult ceremony behind Father's back where she married and had union with another spiritual being. Which means that it's not done in the presence of God, and thus it's marrying a Satanic being, Satan. And it was interesting because now that we see that context, we can understand that when she was shouting, bug-eyed, red faced, "I have absolute power," it was insane to see. It was utter insanity.
Of course, one of the things that she did was proclaim herself as the Messiah, Only Begotten Daughter, which is totally heresy, total, total heresy. Even a normal Christian will know that's one thousand, million percent, quadrillion percent heresy. Anybody who has even picked up the Bible or has watched some Christian videos on the internet will know that that is one million percent heresy. The only people you are going to convince with that are these new age relativists who know nothing and have no values, and think everything is fine, worshipping Lucifer, bowing to Lucifer, bowing to Jehovah, it's the same thing. Those are the only people you are going to get.
So, she has fulfilled the prophecy. She has become the Harlot of Babylon. She has stepped out in the Last Days, and she has opened the gate of the gods of self-worship. Self-worship, when she stood up there worshipping herself as the empress. At that time, she had not released that she believed that she was the Only Begotten Daughter, and or the Lord of the Second Advent, and or the returning Jesus. Which creates a problem because the returning Jesus is supposed to be a bridegroom. So if he's a bridegroom and he must take all the brides, well, now you have a lesbian Jesus! You've got a little bit of a problem with a lesbian Jesus! I don't think you're going to find that in Scripture. Oh, Lord, mercy!
Of course we saw how she started symbolically sitting on the throne of Father, which is a humongous disgrace in normal Asian culture. This is an outrageous disgrace. It's like urinating on somebody's coffin or something like that. It is so unbelievably disgraceful in Asian culture to do this. But, of course, she's surrounded by sycophants. Mostly tyrants are always surrounded by sycophants. People who do not tell her she doesn't study the word, she doesn't submit herself to God's word and God's tradition.
And so it cycles and cyclones into greater and greater spirals of destruction. We saw, of course, the switching of the positions in the four position foundation, of the subject and object position. Really, this model is one hundred percent the model of every tyrant. Look at all the conquest-based empires of the past. Whether it's Islamic empires, whether it's Roman empires, whether any type of conquering empire will destroy the family structure that God has created. God created men, and the Bible says very clearly, to be the head of the household. He is to be the head, but he's to submit to Christ as his head. And the wife is to submit to his authority. That doesn't mean that she's a slave, that doesn't mean she is property. She is supposed to show the order within God's family.
And also to educate and elucidate the children in the ways of God. And if you look at every sociological measure, you will see that the father in the household is the critical factor. It is the critical factor. But all these churches who are sold out to big governments and big corporations --- they don't teach the Bible. They just want to make people feel good and take their money. We're probably the only church that says, "If you don't want to donate, don't donate. If you don't want to come, don't come. We're going to still preach the word." [applause] Is that right?
This kind of system is indicative of every culture that conquers and creates tyranny. Look at the Roman Empire when they conquered different nation states with their empires. They would get rid of the father. They would kill off the strong men, and once you kill off the strong men, if the woman would see you slaughter the men, they will buckle to that pressure. And tyrants know that. So they would have the women subsidized by the state, basically like a welfare system, they would essentially become government teachers and they would educate the new kids, the young kids, into a pro-state mentality. A pro-empire mentality.
So this form of conquest has been done throughout history, through all of satanic history to destroy civilization and to make it surrender and submit to the will of false kings. Does that make sense? When you look the model they've done, they've totally switched the Principle. And they've relativized Father. In the Family Fed, you can disrespect your husband, disrespect your father, and you will be commended for it. "Yeah, you're empowered women!" No you're not! You're going to be a lonely woman pretty soon! You understand? The Bible says very clearly, it gives us a structure for how the husband and wife are to relate to each other. The husband is to unconditionally love his wife as Christ loved the church. And as Christ has suffered and died for the church, the husband is willing to sacrifice and die for his family. That is a grave responsibility. So he has authority in the family as the father, but he has also at the same time the grave responsibility of putting his neck on the line.
I think the feminists kind of forget that point sometimes. They just say, "Give me that power! I want that power! Oh, I've got to put my neck on the line? No, you men do that, you do that. Just give me the power! You die, I rule!" That's dumb. Look, when you're the king of your household, you have a certain authority, but at the same time it comes with a grave responsibility. If somebody is invading your kingdom, you must go out on the front line and die for your people. You can't stand in the back room and say, "Get him honey, get him, get him!" Oh, Lord! Give me a break!
So we see that this whole system is the same conquest model as the Roman Empire, it is the same conquest model as any Islamic empire that goes and ravages a nation and kills of the men and takes the women as sex slaves, makes the women indoctrinate the new kids into the caliphate. Same system, exactly same system. And of course by doing this, they are totally redacting and changing the Divine Principle. Which is the reason why they don't teach the Divine Principle. I just heard one story today that in one of the communities, one of the youth group leaders was challenged, "Why are you teaching the Divine Principle?" Somebody complained to the leader saying, "He is teaching Divine Principle!" They are complaining that they are teaching Divine Principle! These people are out to lunch, brain dead, jelly bellied zombies, they are totally nuts! They are totally disconnected from the Divine Principle, from Providence, from revelation, from everything. And of course, at the same time, they think that the Bible is a joke. When the Divine Principle is the explanation of scripture, history, all these things.
So, of course, because they teach these things, and now it's revealed that it is their theology, they cannot teach the Principle because it exposes them as being adulterers and fornicators and false teachers and liars and whoremongers and frauds. Of course we see this, the thousands of rings in the false blessing --- they are trying to force everyone, "You must do it or you will be punished." What is it? By next year everybody has to do it, they're forcing everybody to do it by January? Is that right?
You should just be able to see this, the covenant band, and you should be able to draw some conclusions if you have any functioning neurological cellular membrane, okay? From this you should be able to determine some conclusions, okay? There's only Han Hak Ja, only the Han mother is there (on the ring). Right? So they always say, "True Parents are one. True Parents are one." Only Han Hak Ja is there. There's no mention of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Zero. He's not on the that ring. He's taken off. That should raise some alarm to a normal individual who is not in a cult and who is not in some kind of cultish brainwashing, who has real faith and who understands and is serious about faith.
We of course know that in the false wine that they are now regrafting everybody, now people are willingly going, if you participate, you are wittingly going because you've now had the opportunity for two years to know about it, it's just your own denial and rebellion against truth, so that then becomes your fault; your fault; your fault. Do you understand that? Your responsibility.
And of course, you've seen this. It's just utter blasphemy, utter heresy. So people don't understand, I was talking to San Fran the other day. He saw all these things and he of course didn't know all the details, but he knew that it had become a different religion. He went to church, even in Brazil, and said, "What is this? What are they doing? " He said they made a propaganda video and he said, "That video is false, I saw Father directly, I was right with him, right near Hyung Jin Nim, we were with Father all the time." They made some kind of video, he said, and he confronted the minister there, he said, "That video is total propaganda, what the heck is that? I was there, I saw with my own eyes, you guys didn't see with your own eyes."
Of course you've seen her last year proclaim herself as the Only Begotten Daughter, and all of two thousand years of Christian history is for the Only Begotten Daughter. I mean you would just imagine that they would even try to think a little bit before they announced these things. Maybe they should think about it a little bit. [laughter] You know what I mean? Before you announce that the returning Messiah will be a lesbian bridegroom, you may want to think about that a little bit! Just a little. You may want to check that out with scripture, just a little! Oh, my Lord. Give me a break. Satan is so stupid, Satan is so dumb. This fool is dumb, I mean Satan is so stupid. "All of Christian history is for the discovery of the Only Begotten Daughter." And we've seen this repeated, repeated. "All of Korean history is for the Lord of the Second Advent, the Only Begotten Daughter." So now she is revealing to the public what she actually believes, what she told to us three years ago, which of course, we could not unite with and we could not say, "Ok, we're going to go along with this." We told her of course, "Mother, if you go down this path, you will find destruction as your only companion. It will be the lion that will hunt you down."
Of course, we've seen her make this same statement many times, she's also made similar statements this year in a very, very recent leaders' training, a 430 leader training that they did, now telling the leadership to pray now, not only in the name of Heavenly Parents --- I love how the Family Fraud here in the West is always changing that. I mean, they have the international president of the Family Fraud come out and pray, 'Heavenly Parents, Heavenly Parents,' and then they redact her own words that she's speaking in English. They redact it to say, "Heavenly Parent," because they themselves are conscience-stricken.
I mean, these people are total frauds. They know they are frauds, they are there to suck money out, the last bit of money that they can grab onto, which is the reason why they are selling off all the assets like the Boston Church, or the New Yorker, or the Washington Church. Of course, we told you they'd do that because they are nothing but whoremongers! Moneychangers, they are nothing but those who are out there to [recording here is unintelligible]. "Oh, you have to bow to me! You come, you tell them, tell them, I give you money, you tell them, tell them."
Then you have these prostitutes, "Oh, yes, oh yes, yes." These people are a joke. They are a joke. They've become totally exposed for what kind of frauds they are. Nobody will follow you fools. You people have no ethics, you have no conscience, you have no honor, all you honor is yourself. And the money that you can steal which will flow right out of those dirty, bloody fingertips. The more you try to grab it, the more it goes away and curses fall upon your households. Stupid idiots. All those things were by blood. You don't want to be stealing that kind of stuff, okay? You'll get all kinds of heaps of curses put upon you and your children. Such idiots.
So all that happening, of course. Oh, my gosh, they are coming out and they are praying to Heavenly Parents. The Han mother is also saying now to the 430 leaders, "Ok, now you can also pray to Heavenly Mother. You can now pray to Heavenly Mother." Which means you are praying to fallen Eve, you're praying to a fallen woman who is trying to become God. The definition of that is one with Satan. And now they are even ending their prayers with "Namaste" because they think it's cool to be even more Hindu and Yoga.
I told you, remember those slides I showed you about the 'Heavenly Parents" thing? And all those Hindu deities? I studied Buddhism and Hinduism, folks. I've seen those deities, I told you over a year and half ago that 'heavenly parents' is nothing other than these Hindu deities that they are now bringing in to worship which are false gods! They're demons that lead people away from God, the one true God. And now they are actually saying 'namaste,' they are brainwashed, they believe the propaganda that 'namaste' means "the God in me bows to the God in you." These people are so brain dead.

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