Saturday, October 17, 2020

The gifts of natural rights and freedom

The Kingdom Redeemed (3)

The gifts of natural rights and freedom

Sermon on Sunday, November 13, 2016

At the Sanctuary Church in Newfoundland, PA 18445

Rev. Hyung Jin Moon

He is in the most dangerous time right now. When we saw him in Scranton, before he left, we were just praying upon him, that God would be protecting him in these final hours, and that he not betray the trust of the people; because, he has made these very important promises, like these billionaires. You’ve seen these billionaires. This a totally satanic side.

This is the archangelic side. The George Soros’ and all these billionaire, who got their wealth by human farming, and getting in with the monetary system, and stealing and raping nations and setting them on fire, and going to war by making them go to war with each other, and funding both parties and get rich off that. This is the kind of NAZI types that are supporting Hillary.

George Soros, you see that guy. He literally was a NAZI in his teens, helping the NAZI party find Jews; so, he was a NAZI collaborator in his teens. He’s that evil folks. I mean, how could you make this up. This is the kind you would see in a comic book or something, where the arch villain, this nasty old, crickley old man, who wore a business suit as a banker, and he was a NAZI collaborator. You’d see that in some kind of Batman movie, or something like that. This is the real world. This guy is running around like this, funding these kind of violent protests. He’s done it in Ukraine. He’s done it in Libya. He set the whole Middle East on fire. They’ve destroyed tens and hundreds of thousands of people’s lives. You see these people at the top. You’ve seen them in all these pictures together, Hillary and George Soros, all these people at the top showing what they’re into folks. What religion and what kind of spirituality they are into.

These people are not just atheists. They’re not atheists. George Soros literally said, he believes he’s the Second Coming of Christ. These people are not atheist folks. Highly, highly demonic spiritual people. What came out right before the election results was Hillary was involved in those satanic circles cooking blood, semen drinking parties, and rituals, and luciferian Aleister Crowley, Marina Abramovic liturgies. This is literally what these crazies are into.

They are spiritually motivated. They are spiritually lead. They are lead by the spirit of evil. They are lead by the spirit of Satan. They are lead by the spirit and the forces of Hell; and, that is why there desire is to control. There desire is to take every remnant of the greatest gift of freedom and responsibility God has given to man, the natural rights God has given to man, that is their ultimate motive in existence, to strip that away from the true Adams and Eves of this world and the children of God.

Russia has already done it. Russia has already chased George Soros from their nation. If he goes there, he will be arrested. Trump has made a promise. His whole campaign was on the fact that he will bring justice to the criminal class and the political elites that have sold this country out, that have formally operated, that he would bring them to justice, that this would be a nation of laws, that he would go in there and do what? Lock her up!

That he would lock her up! That was emblematic of what he was saying. I’m coming after all of you fools, That promise is absolutely essential. When David had to fight Goliath, he had to throw a stone, which made Goliah fall down, but he was not dead. David had to run up and get his sword, and cut his head off for Goliath to be dead and claim the victory.

So, the victory is not actually done. Maybe seventy percent of it is done. King Cyrus, when he drained that swamp, and all the politically were departing in that Babylon, and they were doing their satanic worship and child sacrifices, they were all gathered in that palace, and what did he do? Did he say, “Okay nice people. Can I party with you? Can I come and sleep with you?” He went in there and cut their heads off. He went in there and destroyed them. No mercy. He went in and got rid of them.

Why? It’s like in the movies, you know. So many movies like that, right. The whole movie, they try to catch the bad guy, and they finally got the fool at the end of that movie. They finally got the bad guy, and at the last moment, all of a sudden the bad with his nasty face, all of a sudden turns into this baby face saying, “Oh! Please have mercy. Don’t you have a heart, have mercy on me. Oh, Please have mercy. I’ll never do it again, please.”

He’s crying and all this sort of thing. And then the hero is, “Ahh, what should I do? What should I do? Fine! I’m too strong to kill you. I gonna let you live and suffer with it.” Something stupid like that. And, as soon as the hero turns around, the bad guy sticks the hero with his sword and slashes his back open. How many times have we seen that in a movie? How angry are you when that happens in a movie? You say, “You idiot! What are you doing? Why? Because, we know there is something, there is a force so dangerous that, that is so deadly, that is so deleterious to all peoples, that when you have it, you destroy it. When you lose that opportunity to destroy that enemy, they’ll say all the lies and sweet talk to get you to not kill them; but, when you have them, you must pick up the sword. You must bring justice.

You must bring justice. You have to rid that den of vipers, and that is the huge battle that Trump faces; because, now the political class is trying to cozy up to him. Now all the archangels are going to swarm around him saying, “Oh, no, no! We’ve always loved you, Trump. No, we were always for you. We were just trying to make you stronger, giving you opposition. We were doing it for you; so, you would be a more amazing leader. Just have mercy on us, and will just build a better America, make America great again, together.” That’s what they’re saying.

That’s what they’re saying to him now. All those people who betrayed him. All those who were openly trying to destroy him, the Paul Ryans, even the Bushes, all these neocons who had sent us into war after war. Father has said to the Bushes, themselves, you are the Kings of Satan. You do not got to war in Iraq, or it will destroy America; but, he did not listen to Father.

All these people, who have been sending us into war after war after war, killing our children over and over, killing innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan, where there were innocent people dying, so they could get rich. All these people were against Trump. Now, they are talking to him, “Hey Mr. Donald! I’ve always been for ya’ man. Hey, I was always in your country club. Come on, Donald. Hey, I have a picture of you. I met you in 1986. Do you remember that? We’re old buddies.”

These vipers are a pack of wolves. They are the demons that have aggregated in that place in that temple. He has done the impossible. God side has done the impossible. He’s just the figurehead for God’s side, that’s all. He’s just the Avatar, when you are playing that game, when you are fighting evil in that video game, whatever, he’s that character representative of everybody who is fighting. He has the responsibility in the position of a King David or King Cyrus that God is using in a Providential way to commit to God, to prosecute and bring justice to those who were destroying God’s fruit and bounty and gifts.

Now, right after Donald Trump left, when Hillary Clinton is giving her concession speech saying, “We have to come together and wish him well.” How many of you ladies said, “Oh, she’s trying to be conciliatory.” How many of you ladies did it? To Mr. Trump, we have got to be nice. Okay! We’ve got some Holy Ghost ladies here; but, you know they are trying to work on the ladies and their emotions. You know the mass media is trying to say, “Oh, yes, yes! We have to be conciliatory. Yes Hillary, you know she may have done things, but, she’s still an American.”

This is the reality they are trying to create and construct a narrative, that he should not go after these criminals. Why? Because, they own the mainstream media, but must resist this temptation. The Bible says, “Resist the Devil and he will flee.” He must resist. This is what has gotten him to this point by speaking the truth and seeking the truth.

“I’m going to go after that den of vipers. I’m gonna go after that Baphomet. I’m gonna catch him by the neck, and I’m going to throw him into the pit of Hell.” That’s what he has to do. At the last minute, when he gets that Baphomet goathead, he can’t say, “Oh, your eyes look very pretty. Oh, you speak English. Oh, you have children, too. Oh, you can cry. My goodness. You have a heart.” This he cannot do.

He must bring justice to the devils, the satans that have destroyed God’s gift for his people. He must bring justice. This is his biggest temptation. This is why it’s so dangerous for him at this time folks.

These are the next sixty days. How many days until inauguration in the White House? In sixty-eight days, I think. It’s like sixty-nine or sixty-eight? It’s like sixty-eight days from now, I believe. It is a tremendously dangerous time. These people, as you see, this billionaire class has split. God has split them between good and evil. Sorry, just like the Principle says, “When Satan invades, God has to divide.” You can’t be married and commit adultery at the same time. You have to split from evil.

You say, “Oh, I believe in marriage. Oh, I believe in adultery,” at the same time? You can’t do it. You must separate from evil. Love separates. Love must hate evil. Love must hate that which destroys the reciprocal action of love.

So, it is such an essential and critical time. This is a critical time. This is why riots are blowing up across the country, where they’re being funded and provocated to continue these riots, to become more and more violent.

You know these people are going to try and kill Trump. You know they are trying to kill him. They’re saying it on Twitter. They’re saying it on FaceBook. Hashtag, “Kill Trump.”

If you’re saying to kill the President Elect, you’re committing a crime in the United States of America. Do you understand that? It is a crime. You can’t just say, kill the President Elect.

So, it is a critical time for him folks. We have to pray that he stays true to his promises. We have to pray for him that he stays safe at this time. We have to pray for his family. Also, when he gets into the White House, that he deals justice upon those devils. He has to deal justice. He cannot cower and weaken. If he does, he must hear the wrath of the people.

It is serious folks. When Joshua and Caleb entered the Promised Land, did God promise to them, Look right here. Look what it says:

Joshua 6:15-21 The Living Bible (TLB)

15 At dawn of the seventh day they started out again, but this time they went around the city not once, but seven times. 16 The seventh time, as the priests blew a long, loud trumpet blast, Joshua yelled to the people, “Shout! The Lord has given us the city!”

17 (He had told them previously, “Kill everyone except Rahab the prostitute and anyone in her house, for she protected our spies. 18 Don’t take any loot, for everything is to be destroyed. If it isn’t, disaster will fall upon the entire nation of Israel. 19 But all the silver and gold and the utensils of bronze and iron will be dedicated to the Lord and must be brought into his treasury.”)

20 So when the people heard the trumpet blast, they shouted as loud as they could. And suddenly the walls of Jericho crumbled and fell before them, and the people of Israel poured into the city from every side and captured it! 21 They destroyed everything in it—men and women, young and old; oxen; sheep; donkeys—everything.

They surround Jericho, They went around seven times; and, they gave a shout. That wasn’t it. They’ve given a shout right now. They’ve given a shout. We got him into the main den of vipers, into the demon’s nest, right into the heart of it all. We got him in there. Now, he’s got to be an Indiana Jones. Now, he’s got to be Luke Skywalker. He’s got to do his job, or whatever other superhero you want to call him. I don’t watch so many movies, so I don’t know so well. I don’t know so much about those movies. We got the dang superhero into the Temple of Doom and Death, okay. He’s got to destroy and go after them with the law, with the maximum power of the law. All those illegal laws that they made, like the MDAA. All those laws that they made, where they can imprison patriots and Christians. All those FEMA camps they created. He’s got to send those political elites to their new resort, with the barbed wires, that they made for the patriots of the normal Christian Americans. He’s got a lot to learn. He got to lock them up and send them to the FEMA camps.

Look, when God told them to go and conquer Jericho, they didn’t just go around and shout. Yes, that brought the wall down, but they had extra responsibility. The next day, they had to go in and destroy them all. They destroyed them all.

Now, it’s interesting here. They were commanded by God to kill every man, woman and child, but not to take anything. Not to loot anything. Not even one shekel; and, if you’ve seen my presentation on the Bible, you’ve seen archeological evidence of Jericho, where there are archeological remains, where there are pots of food and all things like that which have calcified, that show evidence of the fact they were conquered, but it wasn’t ransacked, which confirms the biblical Scripture.

When you’re in the den of vipers, they must be brought to justice. There remnant must be wiped clean. They’re trying to raise up Chelsea to be the next fact of the Clinton crime family. That progeny should not even be near power anymore. The full power of the law must go against them. What’s interesting, in the Book of Joshua, God says to Joshua when they’re about to go in and conquer Jericho, He said, “Keep my laws. Keep my laws Holy. Obey my laws.”

So, when Jericho was conquered and it was wiped clean, God of course brought the same standard to Israel. Later on, in the Old Testament, Egypt judges Israel and wipes them out; because, they’ve become so wicked. But, God showed that it was not only about the shout. It was not only about raising the voice. They had to bring the power of the law upon the wicked in Jericho.

Trump must go into the White House. He must go in, and he must not be there to make friends. He has to in and destroy the system of corruption and exploitation and Communism that the elites have been building, the one state duopoly that they have been building, with the full power of the law. They must go after them, whether they are Republican or Democrat. It doesn’t matter. They’re wear the same labels. They’re the same team pretending like pro wrestling to be two different teams to confuse the public.

They have clearly sold out America. They have clearly sold out democracy. They have clearly sold out the Bill of Rights. They have clearly sold out the Constitution. They have clearly done the illegal stealing of votes in the DNC and the RNC, before the election of the President. They are clearly criminal organizations, and that leadership needs to be brought to justice. That’s our prayer folks. It’s not done yet. It’s not done.

We have a massive battle, and this from the micro to the macro. It’s a massive battle. More than anytime now, we have to seek truth. More than anytime now, we cannot start becoming weak, as the Devil tries to create the narrative, “Oh, where’s your compassion. Oh, where’s your mercy. Oh, she saying sorry, and Oh...” After, you’ve killed tens of thousands of people, and you’ve started six plus wars, after you’ve imploded nation states, and after you’ve destroyed civilizations, and we are suppose to forgive you, because said, Sorry? Does that make sense folks?

There’s something called justice. There’s something called the law. And just like Joshua and Caleb were suppose to bring justice with the full force of the law, he must go after them. He must keep his promise to the people, after the criminality of Hillary Clinton. People can be put into prison for doing one one-thousandth of what she’s done. He can’t just let her go. He has to go after them with the full force of his authority, and the full force of the law. That’s why we need to pray for him folks. This has a direct response, a direct connection to God’s Kingdom that is coming.

What will the people stand for? Will the people buckle at the last final hour? Will they turn for thirty shekels of silver? Will they buckle right at the Walls of Jericho; because, everybody’s screaming leniency? Will they, when Goliath is knocked out, finish the fight; or, will they wait for him to rise up again and have a second wind?

We are at an unprecedented time in human history folks. The literal fait of humanity is in the balance. It’s not over yet. We’ve dealt the knockout blow; but, now he has to go after them. We’ve got to pray for his courage. We got to pray for him to be strong. We got to pray for him to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We got to pray for him to stand up for righteousness and justice. It doesn’t mean he’s perfect. It doesn’t mean any of us our perfect; but, the fact we are seeking God, seeking His face, that we are repenting of our wicked ways, that we know we’re not perfect, we need God and we need direction at this time in history. This is what God can use at this time. This is what God can use.

I just want to encourage all who are watching, beit internet, this is one of the momentous times we will see in our life. We will never have a cycle this intense probably again. It has to be filled with prayer. It has to be filled with righteousness and holy anger. And, time will try and make us forget the crimes of the archangel; but, it is the responsibility of the Adamic nation, and it is the responsibility of the Adamic figures and true Eve figures, not to forget.

Not forget the rapes. Not forget the children that have been sold and killed, and the satanic sacrifices. Not to forget the type of civilizations, the criminals who tried to build Satan’s kingdom. We must not forget that and be foolish. You must be wise and prudent; and, we must bring the full weight of the law upon these criminals, so that God’s Kingdom can come.

CSG 152

You cannot continue without straightening your path, in life or death. Because I know this, I’ve been doing this all my life. I carry this burden even though I was persecuted and sent to prison. Did I go to prison because I enjoy it? I did it so for the sake of God and God’s liberation. I went for the sake of liberating humankind and the satanic world. I have walked the path of restoration through indemnity, because without going this way liberation does not come and because we cannot separate from Satan amid peace and comfort.

SOS come on up. As we pray, let us pray will real quick for the world. I like you all to rise up.

Father God, We thank you this day. We thank you for the word that stimulates our minds and our heart; but, we know that we must be lead by your Holy Spirit. Father, we pray for a strengthening and courage at this time. We have dealt a massive blow to the archangels of this world, but Father, it is not over yet. The task and the work just begins. We pray for safety upon President Donald Trump and his family, and all the people and patriots that stood up with him on this massive battlefield.

Father, we pray for peace and protection upon America, upon a world that is waiting to see where history will go. Father, we pray your guidance upon the others countries will follow in this Abel type revolution, where the normal people rise up and start seeking the gifts that they have so forgotten. The gifts of natural rights, freedom and responsibility that you have given us at the apex of Creation as your children. Father, let us own those rights. Let us capture those rights and never let us give them to the archangel, never sell our soul, prostitute ourselves to Satan’s temptation. Let us be vigilant, honest and true to that which you have given us, your inheritance, your gifts, your love.

Lord, give us strength, give us wisdom, give us discernment, and as Trump gets into the White House, and at the microcosmic level let us move to the small palace that your Kingdom will move forward, that Father, the unity and the five percent that was actuated, actualized on the microcosm, young and old, from the youth to the elderly, all standing up for your side. We pray that it becomes a condition to guide and lead the way of the world towards redemption, towards judgement. Lord, we give you all the praise, glory and honor. We want to praise you with these songs today. We love you. We thank you. We give to freedom and responsibility when that happens. Once again, we offer our hearts to you. Amen, Amen, Aju!

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