Saturday, October 17, 2020

Trump election

The Kingdom Redeemed (2)

Trump election

Sermon on Sunday, November 13, 2016

At the Sanctuary Church in Newfoundland, PA 18445

Rev. Hyung Jin Moon

All the kids who went out. All the kids in Sanctuary went out. They were passing out hundreds and hundreds of thousands of voter scorecards. Praise God! We defeated the Satanists, which the deplorable revolted against the New World Order and global Communism. We have defeated them. God’s side has won. President Trump, who is connected to the Cain and Abel True Father has selected, and has said are the Anointed, is now supported and connected to Donald Trump, who is now the President of the United States and the world. Praise God!

Okay! That was the moment Donald Trump was elected. You could here Kook Jin Nim in the background shouting, “Whooo!”

Even the kids helped. Kook Jin Nim help print 500,000 voter cards. We helped get all of them out to all the key states. How many did PA do? How many did we do? We did like 50,000. All you guys went out. You got your kids out, putting those voter cards out. That small condition on the microcosm makes a huge difference on the macrocosm; because, we take ownership of the five percent responsibility, and it has an impact at the macrocosm level. Not only that, listen to this folks. Pennsylvania not only puts him over the edge and gets him to be the 45th President Elect of the United States and everywhere in the world; but, his last speech was done in Scranton, PA, which is our back door. It’s only 20 minutes from here. He could have chose Pittsburgh, Philly, or anywhere else in the country. He decides to come back on his last day to Scranton, PA. Not only anywhere in Scranton; because, there’s a lot of universities there. He decides to go to Lakawanna College. At Lakawanna College, the anointed Cain by True Father happens to be on the Advisory Board. He happens to be on the Presidential Advisory Board of that college that Trump decides to come back to. You can’t make this stuff up, folks. You make this up.

We didn’t go seeking after Trump. Trump came to us to the Tommy Gun Warehouse, etc. and God just putting it all together with Lakawanna College. What are the odds of that happening? How many universities are there in the US. He could have chosen any single school of the thousands and thousands of them, but on the last day, he comes back to our back yard, and he comes to the college where Kook Jin Nim is on the Presidential Advisory Board. That’s how we got up right to the front, and we were praying for that man. We were praying to put a protection on him the whole time. We were worried at first, because we were not feeling it, but by the time we got there that thing was packed. It was like a rock concert in there. You saw people putting on their iphones. Did you see this? It was like some people were putting on their iphones, and it looked like a rock concert in there.

People were standing up for sovereignty. People were standing up saying, we need freedom and responsibility. We can’t be slaves under this Communism system. Hey, we need to have freedom and righteousness, so we can pursue higher things, and ultimately God. Our relationship with our Divine Creator, who gives us our natural rights. This was the unbelievable battle, folks. Unbelievable, and it was so unprecedented. I never experienced a presidential cycle like this folks. It was unbelievable.

The next video, you may have seen it, this was from the day after. We all got together for a pizza party with some of you guys like SOS. We got 21 pizzas, symbolizing the number of perfection. 21 pizzas. Eat that pie! Eat that pie! It was an unbelievable event. This is when I first saw Kookjin Hyung after the event. (This is a video of Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim embracing one another at KAHR Arms.) Many of our family members were there. It was just like euphoria the next day. It was unbelievable. That whole day, how many people were crying that day? The amount of unbelievable spirit pressure that had aggregated up to that point and was released on that day of victory. Wow! What an incredible salvation, and it was awesome to see all of you there. We shared this awesome times and pizza with you.

But what happens? We see all these things of the micro and macrocosm levels, but right after the election you see what we talked about, Satan would strike back. Now, there’s all sorts of news about this from the social media, like InfoWars. These people have told the truth; but, there’s a lot of cussing there, so I decided because we’re having service with the kids, I gotta find something without the cussing.

But, of course, you see all the provocateurs that are starting to create the riots, right after Trump gets elected. Then you see all this, like “Trump’s not my President,” trying to erupt all the cities into chaos and disorder, and of course nobody in the mainstream media is covering this, the violent outbreaks that are happening, the people are getting beat up for voting for Trump, people getting harassed for support Trump. One person was getting mobbed just because he voted for Trump. A whole group of kids just came and started beating on him, and his hand got stuck in the car and they were dragging him off in the car simply because he voted for Trump.

This was a reality. So many people were going to vote for Trump, and even in LA and Hollywood, people were going to vote for Trump, but they were scared; because, all we heard, we heard about the intolerant left saying, “Left Trumps hate!” “Left Trumps hate!” “Left Trumps hate!” And, Trump people are going to go lower, and we are going to go higher. Remember this?

They were saying, “They’re so violent.” “The Trump people are so violent.” “The Trump people are so aggressive.” “The Trump people are so ignorant,” etc.

Then what happens? As soon as we have the democratically won elected President by a landslide, what happens? All those tolerant liberals do what? Intolerant things. They started to say, “Kill Trump! Kill him! Kill Trump!” They have thousands of tweet and thousands of Facebook posts saying, “Kill Trump!” “We have to kill Trump!”

Now remember, just five days ago, these were the liberal tolerant people. These were the people that were saying, “Ok! Trump’s gonna create violent protests.” “He’s so bad, and as he goes lower, we go higher.” Then, as soon as the vote comes out, not in their favor, not to their liking, they say, “We need to do it again.” “Do it again, until we get Hillary.” “Do it again!”

Do you see the utter lunacy and the mental illness? Do you see the psychological illness? Do you see the mental illness that is covering these quote “liberals;” because, they’re not liberals. These people are Communist. They’re not liberal. They are acting and provocating revolutions, that they were just saying one week ago, and they are now actively trying to provocate violent revolutions to get about a political result. That is not protesting. That is rioting. That is domestic terrorism. That is what it is. If you are making violent rioting, if you are smashing windows, if you are setting things on fire, if you are shooting people, that’s called, not a protest. You understand? Does that make sense?

That’s not a protest. That’s a riot. That is domestic terrorism. If you are beating up people for the fact they voted for Trump, you are a domestic terrorist. You’re crazy. You’re mentally ill. You’re saying that you respect my choice, and respect my vote, yet when someone else votes contrary to your liking, you want to whoop their booty, because you’re tolerant, because you’re liberal, because “love Trumps hate,” because you are a peaceful protester. Do you see the unbelievable hypocrisy?

This is exactly what the American people saw through the real media that would cover this stuff, and not put it under the rug like the mainstream prostituting media, and the more people saw this lunacy, they said, No! We are not going to support this. We can’t support that; because, we are normal people, we are good people. We value principles of honesty, and value principles of being a good person and having fair relationships, etc, and respecting each other’s differences, and the vote process, not only talking about it, but really do.

Whereas, here with all the protests, all the things that you see, saying one thing like the Pharisees. Saying one thing like the self-righteous indignation of the Pharisees. Saying one thing that you’re higher and more moral and love Trumps hate and you’re a peaceful protester, and at the same time doing the exact opposite, calling those who don’t want to engage in violent protest provocateurs, calling people who do not want to burn down our civilization, people who are not joining the revolution. No! We already had the revolution, and the Communist lost the revolution. We won the revolution. They’re pretending they want to start another revolution.

It’s over! You lost! You Commies have lost.You have lost. It doesn’t help if you cry and whine. Boohoo! “Burn down Trump! I’m so brave. Let’s make a pinata of Trump and set it on fire with a big lighter. I’m so brave!” They literally believe that if they throw enough temper tantrums that we have to do the entire voting process again, and that the entire foundation of democracy in the Western world will have to kowtow to these little anarchists, who are not really anarchists, they are Communists.

This is the problem. Anarchy has a philosophy. They don’t even want government, anarchists, philosophically. Let’s be very clear about this. They don’t even want government as a political philosophy, let alone a centralized government. What these kids, and these provocateurs like George Soros, who is paying these groups like, Black Lives Matter and, he’s paying these groups. He’s paying these people not to push anarchy, the political philosophy of anarchy, they’re pushing Communism.

They want a centralized government that takes more and more from the people, and gives to their friends. That’s what they want. They’re not fighting for Anarchy. These people are not Anarchists, and the next one you will see of the violent protests that are happening around the country, some of these brain-dead kids are wearing Communist flags. They’re carrying around the hammer and sickle flags that under that banner has killed millions and millions of people. Millions of women. Millions of men, women and children. The Communist Chinese have murdered millions of little baby girls. The Russian system has murdered millions of people, and they’re waving these flags as if they’re cool. They think they’re brave. They think they’re making a change and doing a revolution. They are the most ignorant, ahistorical people on the planet.

These kind of things, of course, are being funded by the top elite, by the archangels at the top, by the ones who want to control and centralize power. We’ve talked about that. It’s already happening in the cities. Just this week, Portland, OR had four nights of violent protests breaking out. Also, in LA and Oakland, CA, NYC. California wants to secede, etc. They are calling out the same idiotic themes. Trump is a racist.

No, he’s not a racist. He employs thousands of blacks, thousands of Latinos. He works with them. He not a racist. He’s just wants the law to be obeyed. He’s not against Muslim Americans. He’s against Muslim radicals getting in to blow us up. That’s what he’s against. He’s against people from other countries that we are at war with, to come into our country and terror-bomb us. I think that makes a little bit of sense, doesn’t that.

The same names get recycled and recycled. You have all these brain-dead kids saying, “He’s a racist. He’s a racist. He’s a scumbag. He’s a bigot.” Real conservatives could be against Trump; because, he protected the gay and lesbian community so heavily.

He doesn’t want this country to be like Saudi Arabia, where Hillary Clinton got 20 percent of her funding from. Twenty percent of her funding came from Saudi Arabia. The pediphile King there, with eleven plus formal wives. Now how many wives does he have? Twenty. And, the harems that he has, where they treat women, where they can’t even drive a car. You’re so liberated, women, in Saudi Arabia; where, you can go to the circus once a week, and you can drive, what is that, a bumper car. That’s how liberated you are. That’s where Hillary is getting her money from, twenty percent or her money from. Talking about a woman’s rights. What a unbelievable lying hypocrite.

This is a country, of course, that murders or throws gay people off buildings. Now, Christians do not agree with that lifestyle; but, we don’t throw people off buildings. Right! They still have freedom and responsibility. We just don’t want forcing us to marrying them. We just don’t want forcing to be baking cakes with them. We just don’t want to be forced to do things by a central government, with a gun pointed at our head. There’s a massive, massive difference.

So this next thing, to give you a little picture of what’s happening around the country this week, how the riots are breaking out. It’s from Arting, but Russia is not trying to start WWIII with us. They were not. They had seventy years of Communism. They’re just trying to build prosperity. That’s all they’re trying to do over there.

Now, they’re not perfect, and the are building up their military and all those kind of things; but, the real danger are the political class that have taken over this country. That was the real danger to the American people, not Russia. Russia’s trying to rebuild itself out of the ashes of destruction from the Communist system that they had. They don’t want it again. They’re just saying, we don’t want to be on your currency system. We want to make our own currency system. We want to make our own wealth. We want to be prosperous. We don’t want to go to war. If ISIS is there, we want to wipe them out. Why are you provoking them? We don’t want to go to war with you. And of course the Clinton campaign continues to push them, to push, push, push, to get them to WWIII, so they can get away with all the unbelievable devastation they have done to this nation and world.

The stealing of the Haiti money. They stole from the Haitian people. The funding from the Saudi Arabian government. The funding from Wall St. Unbelievable! You have these kids going around saying, “Wall St. Trump is Wall St.” Are you kidding me. Hillary Clinton was literally being paid by Wall St. bankers. Literally be paid by Wall St. bankers to give speeches. How ignorant are these dumb kids. My goodness!

They are so brainwashed. Such slaves of the lying propaganda, not doing their own research, and saying their empowered, they’re revolutionaries. No they’re not. They’re uninformed, narcissistic, selfish little brats that are literally protesting a democratic election. You lost. You say after you lost the game, Hey! You choked, so our score should be ten points. Hey! Each soccer goal that we got has to count as ten points, after you have lost the game. Hey! Each field goal should be twenty points after I lost. We should get twenty points per field goal. We should have won that. This is the insanity of where this country now is. There is a reason behind that folks.

There are people behind there, archangels at the top that are provoking this. Goahead. Let’s show the next video.

(From the video) One of these groups called Move On. It’s purpose is to rally against the President Elect, apparently promoted by George Soros, too. That’s according to an email, if you look back to 2008 released from Wikileaks about Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta.

George Soros gave tips on how to stir financial groups at financial rallies. Move on was among them.

Outraged by Trump’s Presidential election. Thousands have taken to the streets to protest. Many protesters are refusing to accept Trump’s victory. It looks like advocacy groups played a hand in organizing the protests. Among them is Move On, which is funded by George Soros, a Hillary Clinton supporter and billionaire. The day after Trump was elected, the group sent out a press release saying, “Within two hours of the call-to-action, MoveOn members had created more than 200 gatherings nationwide, with the number continuing to grow on Wednesday afternoon.” The Presidential campaign said there was no love lost between George Soros as one of Hillary Clinton’s top donors. Etc. Move On released a petition to even get rid of the Electoral College, which gave Trump his victory. There are now some attempts to undermine Trump’s victory. There are many Hillary backers, who are now slamming the American Electoral system. (end)

Okay, that’s literally what’s happening on the street. Trump’s has some very important responsibility to do folks. This is not a joke. This is literally humanity hanging in the wake. Right now you see at the political level, all the politicians are trying to be nice to Trump right now. Trump went to the White House. Hillary gave her nice little concession speech. “Ohhh, we believe in democracy. Ohhh! We wish the President Elect good health and good wishes.” That means, Kill him! That’s what it means. That means, kill that beep, beep, beep, beep... That’s what it means.

Next part

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