Friday, December 11, 2020

Becoming a Pillar once again

Merry Christmas (2)

Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, December 25, 2016

Newfoundland, PA

This is King’s speech continuation, after Mother Hyun Shil Kang’s testimony.

The first part of this speech (Here)

It is now the Family Fraud in Korea, in Asia, that will now crumble even at a faster rate; because, she (Mrs. Kang) is a nuclear power bomb of truth; and, she is breaking through the veneer of silence that plagued that organization, because they know they have been traitors. They know that they fallen. They know they have become heretics; yet, they have the Asian-group-think mentality, so it is so hard for them to break free.

She (Mrs. Hyung Shil Kang) is going to lose everything. She is going to lose everything from the pension fund they have for her, whatever. All that support. Everything! However, as you can see, she is not a weak woman. She is a warrior. She is a fighter; and as she stands like this, representing the First Generation, she is one of the first. She is literally one of the first of the first.

She stands up, alone, as an Abel side True woman; a True Bride of Christ that surrenders herself to the Lord, and gives herself to Christ in tribulation, in difficulty, etc. and is not fearful of receiving that hatred and scorn of the world. Then, you will see also, at the same time, the micro and macro, and more Abel type women being able to stand up in the Abel type world as well.

We know that also the Queen is playing important role providentially; because, she is unlike the Han Mother uniting with her Subject Partner, uniting with all the things we do here, with the hard things we do here, the hard things like the Martial Arts and trekking. She is going against her own natural personality and things; and she is unlocking her own epigenetics. She is testing and challenging herself in all these different realms; and, that becomes a condition for women leaders in the macro to rise up like Marine La Pen, the people on the Abel side, who are standing up and becoming leaders on the macrocosmic level.

So all those things will kind of come together with Mrs. Kang coming here, and becoming a pillar once again. You have to just understand her frame in Korea. There is a whole hierarchy of ten thousands plus people, and the whole establishment of the Family Fraud, which is quaking in their boots.

With the normal members, there will be new floods of people who will be coming in, because of her testimony; and their hearts will be turned. The Holy Spirit will be able to move quickly and go through their hardest hearts, and bring them to repentance; and of course, the establishment will scrabble.

The establishment will try to do everything within their power to hang on the vestiges of their crumbling Kingdom, which the Usurpers done. Therefore, the time is now. The Judgement is coming upon the Archangels. The hand of God is moving; and, at the same time, we see the micro and macro Providence unfolding.

It is such an insane time, folks. It is going to be very important after the Palace Entry Ceremony that we uphold the Hoon Dok Hae tradition, because that is the Word, and broadcast that live for everywhere. It will obviously be in a different format than it has been, in a format that is more accessible to everybody; but, at the same time, we want to bring back the reporting culture that Father had.

People do not understand Father’s Hoon Dok Hae. It was not only just reading Scripture. Father would tell this and that leader to give a report on this or that project, or this or that which is going on in current events, or this kind of things; so, as Father said, we’re transcending the prayer culture and going to the reporting culture, where we are living with God, and we are reporting to God. We are reporting what is happening in the Kingdom. It is like what God’s attendance would do to the King of Kings.

Everybody knows that Father is the King of Kings. Even though they are heretics, even though they have following a heretic Mother, even though they have gone into the heresy. They still have to realize, they still have to know in their hearts that they joined this Movement, because they met the Lord of the Second Advent, the King of Kings; and, it is not that I say this, because I am boasting about this or that.

Father anointed me as his Heir and Successor; so, when people try to mock our community for calling me Second King, because it sounds weird, etc. it’s not weird; because, my Father is the King of Kings and I am his successor, you bums! It is not because I am weird. It is only weird, because you are under the dominion of the Archangel; and, he wants you to be ashamed of your lineage, and be ashamed of your Father. It is only weird, because you are under the spell of weakness, under the spell of deception, the spell of self-idolatry, the spell of narcissism. That is why you think it is weird.

  • It is not weird that the King of Kings comes here.
  • It is not weird that biblical prophecies are fulfilled.
  • It is not weird that the Kingdom has been established, and the Three Kingships has been established, and the Cheon Il Guk Constitution has been exposed. It has been released into the world.
  • It is not weird, that in the Constitution, you will see a nation that is not a totalitarian nation, but a nation that maximizes freedom. In fact, the citizens have the responsibility of becoming co-heirs with Christ, and becomes Kings and Queens as well.
  • It is not weird that we are so indoctrinated in the archangelic culture, that it is weird for us to see that we are a Divine King of Kings. You see what I am saying? That is why it is weird.
  • It’s not weird, because the truth is weird. It’s weird, because we have become weird as a culture. The community, where those who live as those, who no longer live under the dominion of the culture of the archangel.

That is what it really takes. It takes all the people of God to understand, “Wait a minute. I am God’s son and daughter, when I am in the right standing with him. I am under his Kingship. I am under his Kingdom.” Of course, if I am not in right standing, I have to repent. I have to turn from my wicked ways. I have to come back to the Kingdom. I have to come back to the King of Kings. Right?

However, when we are under Father’s Authority, as the King of Kings, then we are ourselves, as well those as those under the authority of the King are not weird. It is not weird all of us when Father says “Be Divine sons and daughters of Heaven and Earth. Be Kings and Queens of your own tribal Messiahships.”

It is not weird. It is just the fact that we are so brainwashed and indoctrinated, and put into a guilt/shame culture of coming into, and identify our true identity and having to identify with these false identities the Establishment gives. These false narratives, that the Establishment gives; or, these false identities, which Satan wants to feed us, so that we feel disempowered. We feel weak, and we feel like slaves; all at the same time, he tells us that he loves us and he is empowering us.

Therefore, that is the breakthrough we have to have, as we enter the Palace. We all have to understand that we are going there to elevate the King of Kings, to glorify the King of Kings; but, at the same time, that place is a symbol of his coming and taking over this World. That is the culture, folks. It is a culture, which takes over Satan’s culture.

The culture of Satan is to make people weak, powerless. while, at the same time, they’re becoming more powerless, weaker and brainwashed and indoctrinated; and, they never challenge themselves and unlock their true epigenetics to become what God wants them to be, which is Divine sons and daughters, which is King and Queen of home, which is King and Queen of the nation. Right? To stand in that Divine Right, not so we worship ourselves, so that we perform the duties of the King and Queen, which we are identifying with our true relationship; and, no other relationship that is false can come in and usurp that identity. Right?

So, it is a task, when all of us go in there together, and broadcast to the World that we’ll be strong in that truth. We will be strong in that identity. We will be strong in our true nature, our true identity; not to say we are worshipping ourselves as gods. No! But that we are from the King of Kings.

That is so important, that is becomes a symbol, that the Cheon Il Goong Palace is a symbol for all the Sanctuary people worldwide. Also all the Family Fraud people who have fallen, but who are coming back. Of course, more will come. There are whole bunches of leaders who are now preparing to release their statements as well; because, they’re too cowardly, they’re too slaves of peer pressure, and the shame culture, and group think mentality, and all those things.

Yes, they are pitiful and weak. Yes, they are fallen. Yes, we understand that. We pray for you. We are sorry that you are that weak; but they are now coming forward, step-by- step. They are now gathering strength. Of course, they need to see a couple of major figures come out and be roasted first, before they gather enough strength to actually say, “Oh, maybe I should come in.”

It is very sad. And you bring a lot of people into pain, a lot of people into suffering, because of your weakness, because of your pitifulness; but, in the end, God can forgive you, and He can make you not go the path of Judas Iscariot, where hari-kari is you most honorable path. But, to take the path of Peter, who even though he betrayed the Lord, is able to repent; God could use him, and that he has totally returned from his wicked ways, given himself back to Christ and surrendered himself to his Authority.

In the end, you know it is a battle for your soul, and the path you are going. Family Fraud heretic people, we love you. That is why we are telling you that you are heretics. We love you. That is why we tell you the truth that the Han Mother is leading you to Hell. That is why nobody else tells you this. Nobody thinks about your feelings, or your emotions, instead of looking at the reality of your spiritual life, forever – your eternal life.

You are giving up your eternal life to be in the guilt/shame culture. You are giving up your eternal life so you can feel good that you are fitting in with the peer pressure; and, if you are willing to do that, that is your choice. That is your making. That is your fault that you are separated from God, and you are separated from the King of Kings, when you die. It is your fault; and, it is your responsibility.

  • Do not say we did not help you.
  • Do not say we did not try.
  • Do not say we did not reach out.
  • Do not say we did not alert you.
  • Do not say we did not try to warn you.

That is all we have been doing. Telling you the truth, and though the truth can hurt, it takes admitting the truth.

Admitting the fact that you are being forced, under the Establishment, admitting the fact that you have been used as human farming. Admitting the fact, that your simply animals that they’re leading and herding you into their own narcissism and power struggles, and admitting the fact that you’ve been duped for you to realize.

Wait a minute! There is a reason why you came and truly followed Father. What is it? So, you can be duped by Archangels being led by their own word of their Cheon Il Guk of slavery? The Cheon Il Guk Constitution that they have released is one hundred percent totalitarianism.

If that is the case, if you say that for yourself, that is the case, that is your one hundred percent free will, and your free choice; but you may not.

  • You may not blame other people, who had discernment.
  • You may not blame other people who can decipher between good and evil.
  • You may not blame other people who warned you, and alerted you, to the fact that you are going off a cliff in terms of eternity, and to try and helping you to see the reality that you had left True Father.

It is painful. Yes. It is painful. Yes that the Han Mother has fallen. It is painful that she has betrayed True Father. Yes. You think you know her. I am her son, you bozos. I am her son. Do you understand? It is more hard, it’s one million times more hard for me, because I am her actual son. Do you understand? What you experience is nothing compared to what I experience. Do you understand? So, stop being on your high horse pretending that you love her, and pretending that you know her, and pretending that you actually care for her, when all you are doing is playing peer pressure games. When all you are trying to do is conforming to peer pressure reality. When all you are doing is trying to go along with the group saying, you can just get along with the group.

You are not facing the truth, and you are not facing reality, and not coming into contact for the reason why you yearn for the Lord, yearn for the Messiah, yearn for the Lord of the Second Advent, yearn to study the Principle, and yearn to follow him your entire life. Do not throw all that away, when you have some stupid friends, who are giving stupid advice.

You must do your own soul searching. You must look at your own conscience. You must have your own prayer life. You must develop your own relationship with God. If you have hurt him and turned from him, and scorned him, then you must repent and come back to him. That is your responsibility. We can only do so much. We can only do our five percent. We can only warn you at the top of our lungs, because we can; but, in the end, you must decide.

You must man-up, woman-up. Stop being little children. Stop being little babies. Stop being little cowards. Stop being little thieves and man-up, come to the truth, and realize that, Hey! There is a hope. There is a future; but it is not separate from Christ. On Christmas Day, that is our heart for you. That is our love for you; because, we do not give up on anybody until God says it is over.

God has a miraculous way. He did it with her. (Mrs. Kang) He did it for all of us. He did it with everybody else who is waking up. Who has given the courage to say, “You know what? Screw this crap. I am going to stop watching everyone else, and I am going to be true to my heart, my conscience. To be true to my Lord and Savior, who is True Father, who is Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and that I will come back to his Authority.

You have to understand, I know you are weak. I know you are cowardly. I know you watched all the Nuchi (?), because more and more people are coming. It just speaks less of you, when it is easier you just come out. What is it that Mark Twain said, “The greatest need that a patriot is scorned, is hated, and persecuted, but, when his cause succeeds, everybody wants to jump on the ship.” Everybody want to say, “Oh, I was a patriot.”

No, you were not. No, you were not. You were cowards you were selfish. You only looked at your reputations, and other people had to put their reputations on the line; so, it could make your path easier. That is not because we are trying to claim glory or anything; because, we had to do the right thing, because it is simply the right thing to do. As men, as sons, we do not just sell out and prostitute our father away. You stay with honor. You stay with truth. You stay with reality, and you do everything you can with your ability and the responsibility given you to do his work, and his will, and his mission forward. That is all you can do. That is all we did.

  • That is what should be normal in Cheon Il Guk. The problem is, it is an aberration, because we are living in Satan’s Kingdom.
  • It should be normal to honor your father.
  • It should be normal not to betray him.
  • It should be normal to stand up and risk your life for him, and be willing to die for him.
  • It should be normal when your father is the King of Kings, and he is the returning Christ
  • It should be normal, when he is God in the flesh. That he is here, Jehovah with us. You know, Emanuel.

These kinds of things have become abnormal, and that is why we as a community and society and culture have become so weak; because, we are now under Satan’s dominion. But, when God’s Kingdom comes, and as we enter the Palace, the Kingdom power will rise. The Kingdom will come back in larger and larger waves, and you will be more and more exposed how weak and how cowardly you are. More and more exposed. Do you hear my voice? More and more exposed. The longer you wait, the more cowardly everybody will see you; so, it time for you on Christmas to deeply think about your relationship with Christ. Deeply think about your eternal life. Deeply think about Heaven and Hell and Earth, and eternal life in the Spirit World.

Where will I reside? It is very clear. You cannot choose between both good and evil. You must choose between good and evil. You cannot choose both light and dark. You must choose between light and dark. You cannot choose both marriage and adultery. You must choose between marriage and adultery. You must choose between fidelity, faithfulness, honor, true searching and being in relationship with God, or you will not have it.

In the end, it is up to you. You are the one who has the key. You are the one who has been given the gift. You are the one who has to turn it, and open the door. I just got a Rhema the other day. It said, “Pray, ask, and you shall receive.” That is my prayer. That is my prayer. I prayed, of course, for God Word to be released. That the Hoon Dok broadcasting and those kind of things, God can use that for His purposes; but, it is also our prayer for all of you out there who are watching this. We know you are secret Sanctuarians already. We know you are watching the dang sermons anyway.

We know you agree with everything we say anyway; so, stop being a little coward, and get on the freakin’ phone, or write you letter. Come out your ridiculous closet, you little coward.  Such bums I got to deal with. You know what I mean?

In any case, look, we tell you the truth, because we love you. Okay! That, in the end, is what a good father does. That is what a good coach does, and that is what a good teacher does. We tell you the truth, because we love you; and, we want you to become the best you can be, so you can bring glory to God.

As we worship God, everybody, let us give God some praise, some thanksgiving on Christmas, and this is our love for Him. All our prayers go out to everybody. We give to Him all the glory, and His Kingdom is coming. Let us all rise.

Closing song sung was “Silent Night!” It was sung in English, German and Korean. Hallelujah!

The First part of the King's speech

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