Friday, December 11, 2020

Merry Christmas and Jesus’ birthday

Merry Christmas (1)

Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, December 25, 2016

Newfoundland, PA

Merry Christmas. What is so amazing about Christmas this year is people say Merry Christmas to you. In New York, you never her that. It is like, “Happy Holiday-Kwanzaa- Hanukah.” Oh, my Lord! They actually say Merry Christmas to you here. It is amazing!

Now, we had questions as to whether or not it is a sin to celebrate Christmas on December 25. Okay! Look folks, it is not a sin to celebrate Christ on any day. Okay! You can celebrate him every single day. Okay!

Just because it happens to fall on a pagan winter solstice Mithras day. Do you understand why that it happens? Christians were being killed in the early second or third century. Okay! And so, if they celebrated Jesus’ birthday on a different day, it was illegal. Christianity was illegal, like the Commies were trying to make it with Hillary Clinton or towards that direction; so, the Christians had to hide their celebration of Jesus in a pagan Winter Solstice Mithras cult day. They would be worshipping Jesus, obviously; but, amidst the pagans, they were worshipping the other gods, because if they did, they would have capital punishment. Okay!

So, we know that understanding of history. We also understand, this is not the birthday of Jesus. December 25 is not the birthday of Jesus. If you look at the Bible, it is very clear. It was the end of the winter and early spring. He was born when the shepherds were out protecting their sheep, which is in the early spring, late winter.

So, we know Christ was born late Winter, early Spring, which is closer to what Father said; and, when we celebrate Father’s birthday in January or early February. It is like late winter, early spring. Therefore, we will be celebrating of God’s Day, True Father and Jesus on January 28th.. Therefore, please, you are not going to Hell, because you said Merry Christmas today.

We are moving to the Cheon Il Goong Palace on January 1st. The property is a big huge hill overlooking the mountains; and, Donald Trump is moving the DC Capitol back to New York, where it originally was. So, now the Capitol of the United States is under our dominion, because New York will be the new Capitol. Trump Tower is basically the new Capitol. It is the new White House. It is the Gold House. He invites everybody to the Gold House.

Today, we have a very special service. First, we want to thank the volunteers and all the people who have been helping at the Palace. As you know, boxes are stack high. We are just going crazy just trying to get everything in before all of you come next Sunday; so, it is crazy right now. We want to thank all the people who are helping. Thank you all so much for helping out with the move.

You know, it is mixed feelings for us, because at the Lake Sanctuary, we had so much privacy. We lived in an actual house; so, it actually felt like a real house, and the kids could run around and do crazy things, and they had the space to be kids. Now, we also lived in many public places. In a Palace in Korea. In East Garden, etc. but, you cannot do that. The majority of the property is public space. Then, you have your own little room, which almost feels like a prison cell, and I told the kids, you have to be aware of this. 

This week, while we are preparing, we are still unloading and unpacking, it is going to feel like Sanctuary. It is going to feel like a normal house, because nobodies here in the morning, and nobody’s here throughout the day, etc. You are just packing and the pace is slower. The kids can have a lot of privacy. They can walk around in the pajamas outside, whatever; but once the opening of the Palace Ceremony begins, what happens after that? We are going to do Hoon Dok Hae in the morning.

That’s, of course, with our community here. Sanctuary people can come to the Hoon Dok Hae. If all the people want to come, they can’t just show up. They have to come through you all, who are going to be the gatekeepers. You are the ones who can bring people, if you wish. We will have it open for our Sanctuary people; and at the same time, we will be doing a radio news Hoon Dok Hae broadcasting. So, it will be a Hoon Dok Hae, that will also cover the news. We hit the news with a Godism perspective. We also hit the current events with a Godism perspective. At the same time, it will broadcast online; so, we are right now preparing a studio for that in the Palace. Okay!

So, it’s not going to be perfect at first. It is going to be very amateur. You are going to have to be patient with us, and it will get better and better over time, because, the whole team, the IT team, has to get in there and setup cameras, and all that stuff. The placement and switching cameras, and all the stuff, they do; and, we have to get use to taking breaks about. We did the research. About ten minutes of speaking, then like a break. What is it, like a one-and-a-half-minute break? Is that right, around that? So, we have to get use to this pattern of going for about ten minutes, then taking a one-and-a-half-minute break.

You know me, once I get going there is the whooping and the crazy things. I can get going. It is going to be some work to try, and get me cooled down in ten-minute sections; so, we are going to have to get used to it. Also, we are going to have groups come in, too. Our Japanese groups, from Korea, Japan, overseas groups, they will come and be part of the Hoon Dok Hae, etc.

So, we’re still trying to iron out the details about how to exactly to do that; so, it’s not going to be perfect at first. Like I said, there is a disclaimer on it at first; but we are doing the spiritual condition by getting it out, bring the Hoon Dok Hae, and the Word to comment, and have a perspective on all daily current events. Okay! So, pray for us for that program.

I did explain to the kids, look, once we get into the Palace, and after the Opening Ceremony, it is going to be a different reality. You are not going to be able to walk around in your panties at home. You are not going, to be able to go down and get some water. There may be whole groups of people there; so, just getting to the dang water may be a whole adventure or ordeal, and/or annoyance, whichever side you want to see it on, okay? Just getting to the water, “Oh, can I take a picture with you? Oh, can I take a picture?” and all this kind of stuff, okay, especially when we have groups. As a kid, you have to be aware of that. It is now turning into public mode.

So, if any of you ever grew up in that kind of environment, you know how stressful it is for young people and kids, because kids need their space. They need space to mess up, to grow up, and to not let the freakin’ world to know about it. You know what I mean?

So, in that environment, Daddies already told them, “You got to be ready for the transformation; because, as soon as we do the opening, Boom! It is going to be public. There is going to be meetings here. There’s going to be all sorts of people coming through here, etc. etc.” You have to be smart about things. Think in advance - Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. You guys did Bush crafting, all those kinds of things. We had a nice talk with the kids. They understand; that is what happens.

Of course, we know all of you are the Aunties and Uncles. Well, maybe not everybody here is an Auntie or Uncle. They know who you are, especially those who have been here from the beginning. These guys, who have been her with us from the beginning, these people have wisdom. They have cared for our kids, and all that kind of things; so, for us, it a blessing environment to get in, and back into the public life with all of you, together.

And, it really kind of symbolizes the exit from the Wilderness; and now, unto conquering civilization, conquering Satan’s world. That is what the symbolism represents entering the Palace. So, we fighting from the Wilderness. Obviously, things will unfold as God allows and Wills it.

In the meantime, as we start the daily Hoon Dok Hae, we organize it as a community. Obviously how we will do it, any of you, who are part of our community here, you can come anytime; but also, we will have rotation system, where we will have certain families come, and they are part of the show at the same time. You know, that they come, and they can be part of the broadcast. Okay!

So, we will look forward to that. Also, pray for us, because there is a ton of preparation, and a ton of things we have to work on, everything from tech to design to stage prep to studio-making, all that kind of stuff; so, just pray for us for that, as we move towards the Entrance.

Today we got such a special service. It is obviously Christmas. It is obviously a special day. Your part of it around the world, but in the last two days, there has been something that is massive, especially in Asia. Okay! Today, we have with us Mrs. Kang Han Shil, who Father has referred to her as, the Unification Church Mother. Tongil Hong Nami. That means, Unification Church Mother. So, Mother, really of the Church. That is why it is in the title, you see, because, Father would refer to Mrs. Kang as the Unification Church Mother.

Now, we know, obviously, the Queen is in the True Mother position. She is in the Mother position, the Eve position; so, we are not saying that Mrs. Kang is True Mother. My wife has to fulfill that role, and fulfill the Three Kingships.

At the same time, Mrs. Kang is a legendary figure. Legendary figure. She is, and Rev. Lee will give an Introduction about her; but she is literally Father’s first Disciple in South Korea. She is literally one of the Grandmothers of the Church, worldwide. Worldwide. She is part of Father’s historical Providence. She is part of Father’s story. She is the first Disciple, when Father was in South Korea in a cardboard hut. How many have seen that cardboard hut? Father preached in that cardboard hut, and she was a Christian Evangelist studying at the University, whatever. She will give more details on that. They will give more details on that; but, she came to witness to him to convert him; and of course, you cannot convert the Lord, so he converted her. All right? So, good luck trying that one.

But, she is a legendary figure. Now, she has been Blessed under Father’s Authority; so, I don’t know the exact date, but she knew going into this about a year ago that the Han Mother was speaking heresies; and, Family Fed has become a heretical organization that is serving Satan, because anything that is opposite of God is serving Satan. So, it has become a heretical organization. The Family Fed has become heretics, even though they do not feel that way. They do not know that. They are following a heretical line. Okay!

With the Han Mother coming out, and saying all the things, she did in her testimony. I am sure she will share more about her being the Only Begotten Daughter. In addition, she was born sinless, and she started her Providence before Father; because, she started in the womb in 42, and Father started in 45; so, she is actually senior to Father, all this insanity. Okay!

She heard it with her own ears; because, she lives right on the foothills of the Palace in Korea at the Silver Town, where Father prepared places and residences for his earliest Disciples; so, that is where she was living.

It was literally like shooting a James Bond 007 movie, for her to flee that place. She was planning to come on the thirty-first; but it was a scenario thing. I am sure they will explain that thing, and if they do not, I will give you more details afterwards. It was literally, as if she was fleeing the country. Okay! So, they got their ticket on the Korean side. They got her here, and rushed her here. All the doctors said she should not be flying, etc. She did not listen to them. She said, “I’m going to die.” She came… What day did she come? She came on a Wednesday or something. She came on Wednesday, and she was so exhausted from traveling. She is ninety years old. She met Father when she was twenty-six years old. Father was thirty-two. Think about that. In terms of the Church, she is a legendary figure in the history of the Church.

Now, for the last two days, she previously had sent for me, because now is the time. I am no longer going to wait. There are other people, also on the line, that I am no longer going to wait. Either you come out, publicly, or you will be exposed. Okay! So, as soon as she got that order, immediately she sent us her letter; and, we held that until we were waiting to the Entrance to the Palace Ceremony. Okay! However, all these ordeals happened; so, they tried to get her, and all this kind of things happened. She had to flee; so, we planned to release it at the Entrance to the Palace Ceremony was pushed a couple of days in advance. A week in advance, or so.

And so, for the last two days, her testimony that she had written by hand has gone out onto the Internet to be publicized; and, what is it, in one or two days? Over four thousand people have seen it. There is massive, massive, massive panic mode among the Family Fed heretics. Massive panic mode; because, you have literally, you understand, she is senior to the Han Mother. Way senior. She was a Way early Disciple. Okay! So, she is before Thirty-Six Couples. You heard a lot about the Thirty-Six Couples. Right? She is senior to Thirty-Six Couples. Do you understand? So, in terms of the actual Disciples, she is probably literally amongst the living, she is the highest-level Disciple of True Father. Okay?

She is a woman of God. She has repented for her sins that she… I had a whole meeting with her, when she first came; and, the Spirit of Father came down, and he just let it out. You know. That is an unfortunate thing about my job. You have to chastise people. I do not do it because I hate them, or because I am angry with them. It is just the nature of the Father. Okay! She came knowing that she would be targeted, and that she would be persecuted worldwide.  Of course, there going to say she is senile and she is ninety years old, and that she’s etc. etc. Of course, they are going to say that.

It is like what Hillary says about Donald Trump. It is so obvious. It is the same stupid rhetoric. Of course, they are going to say she is senile. She cannot think for herself, and that is when the last two days the Internet letter went up. They are saying, “Oh, that’s a forged document. That is not real. That’s not real.” Regardless, the truth is the truth. Todays, she is here to speak her heart, and to share her amazing testimony. This takes Way back to the cardboard hut. All right.

Am I forgetting something? Also, Rev. Lee and the whole Korean Church have been praying, because there was such an emergency to even getting her here; so, I want to give a big round of applause for the Korean Church, and all the brothers and sisters there, who made it happen. They got her out of the country.

People were filing suits. They were trying to file suits. You know, “They kidnapped her.” They came out very clear of her own will, of her own volition, standing up for True Father. Okay! I’m not forgetting anything else, I’d like to ask Rev. Lee to come up and give an Introduction to Mrs. Kang. Let’s give Rev. Lee a big round of applause.

Mrs. Kang Hyun Shil, “Unification Church Mother” Testimony, follows this speech:

Hyung Jin Nim continues

Let us give a big round of applause for Mrs. Kang. Let us be seated. She is a very precious, precious woman. So, after the Palace Ceremony, she will come and reside with us. Most of you know that.

This is a responsibility, since I am Father’s Representative. I am his Heir. I have to take care of his most beloved disciples; especially when they return, they repent. They come back under my Authority. It is my responsibility, especially for a Grandmother like her.

I was talking with Jamal the other day, and he was reflecting on how amazing it is that; at the end of her life as a Bride of Christ that she can work until her dying breath. That she comes back under Father’s Authority.

Almost she was snatched away by Satan; but was able to have a discernment, and her conscience. That her spirit is to rise up towards God to make the decision to separate from evil and come back under Father’s Authority, and how glorious it is to have a woman like that at the end of her days come forward, and to come and enter the Palace as well.

So, we of course are, of course, very thankful that Father has brought her back. It is not something we have done. It is something that Father has clearly done in her Spirit. He has directly communicated to her; and, he has brought her directly. The work of Father’s Holy Spirit is so powerful. This is like a nuclear bomb against Satan’s Kingdom because she represents the entire discipleship that followed Father.

And, for her to stand up, they are going to say that she is crazy; but, anybody who has a heart or has a conscience, when you see her on video, and you see her, that she’s real. To know that she is recalling things from eighty to ninety years ago, you know that this woman is not senile. She is quite lucid. She is quite clear. She can recite Scripture. She is on fire for God, and they will do all manner of things to slander her.

They will try to kidnap her. All sorts of insane things, they could try to do; so, we need everybody’s prayers. We need everybody’s concerned and love for her. As Father’s Representative and Father’s Heir, it is my responsibility to take care of her. It is my family’s responsibility to serve her.

Also, all of you who are here in the Newfoundland community, we would like to invite you guys to speak with her, to talk with her. At this age, she only has a short amount of time. Her body is growing weak; but her Spirit as you can see is strong. Her spirit is still on fire for God.

So, what she can give is, she can give God’s Word. So, spend time with her. Listen to her testimony. Being there, just willing to receive from her, I know that will give her strength. Okay! Somebody who is now some ninety plus years old.  So, we would like to invite everybody in the Newfoundland area to really take care of her; so, we would like to invite everybody to take care of her, both spiritually, heartistically, as one of our really long lost grandmothers, who has gone through tribulation; but, through the Grace of God, has come back.

I want to give one more time a great round of applause. She is such a precious, precious woman. Father has loved her so much.

She says, she has one more thing she wants to tell you. 

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