Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Kingdom Bridegroom

The Kingdom Bridegroom (1)

May 29, 2016

Now as you can see [pointing to the sign on the curtains "Wilderness King"], there is the Wilderness King, and the Tongil Mark!  Oh, illegal mark! Sue me, you totalitarians!  That's my mark!  My father gave it to me.

You see that?  [applause] They're the ones promising that they would have no more lawsuits, and yet because we use the mark, the Tongil mark, which Father passed down to me, because I use the mark they are threatening lawsuits.  It's ridiculous, it's absurd.  So if they want to be that ludicrous and expose themselves for the totalitarians that they are, go right ahead!  You just make it easier for people to wake up, it's that simple.   And [the sign] it was beautifully done, I think our young people made this cut-out today, so it looks pretty cool on that earth tone backdrop.  Doesn't that look pretty cool?  [applause]. Good job, young people!   Careful, you might get sued!  [laughter]
Oh, lord, have mercy!
Let's look at Matthew 25 today.
And this is a long chapter, it's actually three different parts, I only prepared two, I don't even know whether we can get through one of them, but there are three major parts here in Matthew 25.  And we're going to focus in on the first one about the Kingdom.  This is, of course, one that we've all heard of.  This is one of the most famous ones.   Let's read this together real quick, from verse 1.
1 "Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten bridesmaids [or brides] who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. 3 The five who were foolish didn't take enough olive oil for them lamps, 4 but the other five were wise enough to take along extra oil. 5 When the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and fell asleep. 6 "At midnight they were roused by the shout, "Look, the bridegroom is coming!  Come out and meet him! 7 All the bridesmaids got up and prepared their lamps.  8 Then the five foolish ones asked the others, "Please give us some of your oil, because our lamps are going out." 9   But the others replied, "We don't have enough for all of us, go to a shop and buy some for yourselves." 10 But while they were gone to buy oil, the bridegroom came.  Then those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was locked.  11 Later, when the other five bridesmaids returned, they stood outside, calling, "'Lord, Lord! Open the door for us!' 12 But he called back, "Believe me, I don't know you! 13 "So you, too, must keep watch! For you do not know the day or hour of my return."
We see an incredible thing now happening. The revolution is really happening in Korea now.  [Referring to a slide]  This is Koori Church.  Koori Church is one of the most historic areas in Korea because this is the place where Father did countless, countless workshops. Education which he led directly himself. Matchings, so many of the matchings were done in Koori Church. Everybody in America knows it as the Il Hwa Building, is that right?
But it's in Koori, so Koori is like the city name that it's in, but people call it the Il Hwa building.  It has dormitories, so you could do workshops there. It was the main training facility that Father was using in Korea.  So it has a very important history and, of course, for the last couple of months there's been a forced push to sell this property.  So the Han mother is really pushing hard to sell this property. They've gone to this church, and the church members said, 'No, no, we can't sell this property.  This is a pilgrimage site. It was the main site that Father used.  This is a historic site, we can't just sell it.'
And so, there was a little back and forth, and it came to the point where she actually called up the higher uppers and the other, you know, prostitutes up there.  She told the Korean leader to go and talk to them, and basically tell them to sell it.  So it's been like an internal battle for the last couple of months. It's now to the point where they've been ordered and mandated to sell the property, and church members, as you can see, they have a sign up in front of the church which, Omma, can you read that real quick? It says "Cham Pumonimi Choei Ikoyang" which means "The Second Hometown of True Parents."  "Seong dae soo lae" means "Pilgrimage Site."  They are saying, 'let's maintain it as a holy site.'
So the Korean leaders all came down there, the big leaders, they came down, and they said, "Ohhh, you must do this, and must unite with True Mother" and all of these kind of things. And so eventually, last week it went to a vote. So they were called in,  in advance, of course, before the vote, and they were ordered to vote the proper way! [laughter] They were "educated" first, right? Educated before the vote.  To vote to unite with the direction of True Mother because True Parents are one. Right?  And last week, the vote came out, 101 in favor, 183 reject it.[applause]
So this is now coming directly, because they have now got a direct order. They know it's directly from Mother. They know it's not through the henchmen, and all the little exploiters, and the little prostitutes. They know it's coming straight from Mother. Their minister was called, and had a private meeting.  Of course we know this is happening because Koori is a place of competition for Cheong Pyung, and what they are trying to do is consolidate everything at Cheong Pyung, and they are moving all of the headquarters and things to Cheong Pyung.
And of course, you'll be excited to hear about the wonderful new "museum project." The members worldwide are going to be so excited about that, which is what they believe. The museum to beat all museums! It will be the grandest museum in the world, apparently! Apparently, when you go in there, and you come out, you'll be a believer! So it's going to be huge, and I guess it's going to be bigger than the Louvre, and the Met, and whatever. You know, just to get everybody excited about it, you know, just get your checkbooksready! Because here come more taxes for you!!  [laughter] Oh, goodness! Such foolishness!
You know what I notice about buildings? They are kind of dead. There's not really something living in a building.  It is the spirit of God that animates a place. And when the spirit of God is not there, all you've got is a cold, dead, concrete building.  It doesn't matter how big it is. It doesn't matter how fancy it looks.  It's still ugly and it's cold and it's dead.
And you can see now that there is open rebellion now against the orders of the Han mother, and people now are awakening to the reality that she is totally going against Father.  In fact, erasing his legacy.  What we've been saying, even though we've been slandered and accused and attacked for telling the truth, and not embezzling and stealing money.  And our crime is using the Tongil mark, which Father gave to me!   That's my crime.  My crime is I don't have extra-marital sex, and I don't commit adultery, and I didn't embezzle money, and I didn't steal, and I didn't want to exploit the members. That's my crime; my crime is I wear a Tongil mark.  Get that thing off his neck!  That's my crime.
So this is the insanity of where we're at.  And it's very interesting because this is also mirrored in the macrocosm.   Look at this with Trump; this is the most sensational political campaign in the history of modern politics.  Seriously, even Korean news, we're watching Korean news, and it's going bazooka, bonkers about Trump.  At first they hated him, and now they're saying, 'Shoot, he may become the president.  We better change our rhetoric!'   Now some of them are speaking a little nicer about Trump.  'What?  He said we have to be independent out here, all alone in East Asia?  With China sitting over our heads?  Shoot!  We'd better be nice to that guy! '  You see the rhetoric is changing.  What a tremendously, unbelievably crazy atmosphere.
But it was because of Trump, think about it. Remember we invited Dr. Richard Gage, who was the expert on the 9/11 towers.   And everybody called us conspiracy theorists, 'you're crazy.'  'Oh, they've gone this and that.'  No, we actually want to see evidence.  We have open minds, we want to see and investigate reality. Trump, then, in his actual presidential campaign, brings it out.   He says, 'Basically what you've heard from the government is not real.  There's a Saudi connection.'  And just last week, the Senate voted that American citizens can sue Saudi Arabia, which is unbelievable because that goes against everybody's narrative that you've heard the last fifteen years. All you've heard is that 'Iraq did it, Iraq did it.'  That's all you've heard, right?  What's happened now with Saudi Arabia, now the U.S. Senate has voted that U.S. citizens can sue the Saudi Arabian government. And in response to that, the Saudis come out, publically, and they say, 'Well, if you sue us, we are going to, basically, fight in court, and we were told to do it by your government.'   So now the Saudis are saying that the American government was involved in it.  The Saudis are saying that.  This is outrageous because it now shatters the CNN propaganda narrative, and all these mainstream outlets that people were bamboozled by.  "Oh, I'm so smart, and they're such crazy conspiracy theorists, I'm so smart, I listen to CNN, and Anderson Cooper said it's not true.' [laughter] That's the level of their investigative ability.
And now, the reality is starting to hit, and the American people are starting to realize, 'Whoa, what the government was saying was not true.  There is a different story here that is now coming out.'   And this is like, who would have ever expected this happening on the campaign trail?    It's unbelievable because what even Americans understand about their own country is radically transforming.   Now they have to actually look and say, 'Wait a minute.  This centralized government is a serious issue.'   They not only stole votes, they not only stole cities away from millions of people.  Millions of people in Colorado, for example, got disenfranchised; remember when Trump had a rally there?  They cancelled the whole event, remember this?   Millions of people.
So you're talking about thousands of black people, thousands of Hispanic people, thousands of white people.  Thousands of people were disenfranchised.   Just a couple of months ago.  And so you can see how corrupt the establishment is.  How unbelievably corrupt it is, but trying to maintain this narrative, 'No, no, no, we're good, keep sending your taxes in.'   It's exactly the same as Family Fraud.  Trying to maintain that same false narrative, which is not true.    'No, no, no, we're going to make a beautiful museum, send your money, oh, no, no, no, nothing's wrong.  There's no problem here.'
This is the situation, and you can see the microcosm and macrocosm are literally parallel.   Wasn't it so weird that a year ago we were talking about all these different issues, "GMO's" and we were talking about 9/11, or centralized government, and then, all of a sudden, you have a presidential campaign, a presidential candidate who is literally, he's on Infowars, which the left sees as the main propaganda, conspiracy theorist web page.  Even though they are probably the only ones who do real journalism and tell the truth.   And they are Christian-based.
And so you have this unbelievable reality happening during a presidential campaign.  It's unbelievable.  Super unexpected.  Right?   And Donald Trump doesn't play by the rules; he just tells it how it is.  He comes out strong and they try to call him a racist or misogynist.   No, he's not.  And the more he goes, the more clear it is he's not.   So we see this incredible battle happening in the political arena, and we still have a long ways to go.   But of course we know that almost at every rally there are these paid provocateurs who incite riots and beat up people.  You see this at almost every single rally.
But there is a real clash of civilizations in America now. And we're not in the same situation as we were when we had Reagan or we had John F. Kennedy. We're not in those same situations because our economy is tanked.  It's bankrupt.  We are twenty trillion dollars in debt.  This is not the same situation.  We are in tremendous debt. We are so economically weak.  So we know, of course, that people are getting excited, and there's a whole grass roots movement that's rising up to support the Abel-type figure, Trump.   Remember when we were talking about Trump, and everybody was saying, 'Oh, Trump is bad, Trump is bad.' Remember this? Now he's the Republican front runner, he's destroyed everybody; he's defeated all sixteen, now he's the frontrunner. Remember this?
He has dominated them all.  And he's done it by telling the truth.  He's brought out issues that nobody has been touching.  Right?  Especially the establishment, they've been trying to cover it up. So you see this kind of parallel of the Abel-type revolution happening, because we have to remember the Abel-type revolution is different from the Cain-type revolution because Cain-type revolutions, if they just start from the ground up, it's not enough, it always leads to socialism and communism.  They get taken over and highjacked. The elites have to split.   So we saw this with the Founding Fathers in America.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, all these guys, they were elites in Britain. George Washington was estimated, in current money, to be worth half a billion dollars.  He was basically a billionaire, right?  And so he split from the elites, he said, 'We're not going to go along with you.' He was an Abel-type elite, who said, 'We're not going to go along with you to create this system of control over all nations, we don't want that, we want people to be free. We want people to live free, just as God gives that grace to us.'
And so they rebelled, and they actually ended up in a war.   This was a real war.  They don't teach that anymore, but they had to fight.  They had to fight for their lives.  You know, if you met George Washington, he was a man's man.  He was a tough dude. Man, you couldn't mess with George Washington.  He was a tough guy.  He was tall too; I heard he was like 6'3" or 6'2".   So the guy was big.  And he was no pushover, he had a golden wig, or whatever he was wearing, but he was a tough guy! And he was righteous, he was Abel-type, he stood up against the whole establishment of Europe. Isn't that interesting?
So you have to have, in the elite coterie, you have to have a break-off, there has to be a break-off of good and evil in the elites. Then you can have the grass roots population unite with that central position and then fight an Abel-type war, whether it's ideological, or what have you.  In the case of the Revolutionary War it became actually confrontational, but it became one that ended in the perfection stage of the growth level.  The third stage of the growth level. So in the most freedom that the world has ever seen.   The most control of the archangel that the world has ever seen. And America was truly a different place.  It was the place that was prepared for Father to come use, as Rome, to minister to the world.
So this kind of parallel, it's exactly the same.  I remember when we were breaking the silence, and things like this, people knew what the Han mother was doing was wrong, but they couldn't step forward.  Especially in Asia they couldn't step forward.  It was like, 'We have nothing to stand around.'  And there was this big internal battle in my own self, but eventually I knew that I had to do it, and I felt the spirit so strong I had to go and step forward.   Then, once we broke the silence, and we started to speak boldly and speak strong and speak challenging and speak true, then people could gather around that.   And also the different churches around the world could gather around that.
So in the same way, the American Revolution, also the internal revolution against the desecration of Christ in the center of providence, here in the microcosm.   And now externally, you see the same type of rebellion going against what they call the globalists, or the world government folks, who want the world government and centralized power, world socialism, essentially, which they will be able to control, they'll sit on top of it all.   These kind of people.   So you see a move now, in the grass roots in the Western countries, saying, 'No, we don't want it.'  Right?
We are definitely in serious, serious times.   Since we know that it is in the time of tribulation, whether it's in the Book of Revelation, the Four Horsemen, or the different apocalyptic scenarios arise, we have serious issues, serious clashes of civilizations coming.  Serious, serious clashes.  Just last week, if you saw last week's sermon, you heard that the former deputy director of NATO said publically that it looks very clear, in 2017, we could have a potential tactical nuclear war with Russia.
And of course, we know that the world government folks want to blow it up, because they want to get out of the target zone.  They know what they've created is such fraud, they know they have robbed all the nations, they know they've imploded the economies to enrich themselves, they know that, and the people are starting to wake up to that.  So in order to get out of that reality, now that the spotlight has been turned on them, 'Hey wait a minute, they are the problem makers.'   How do you get rid of that?
How do you get out of that situation?   Well, they start the wars, and as they start the wars they can keep people busy fighting each other, just like fighting between Trump supporters and non-Trump supporters, or fighting amongst each other.  Get them into nations that will fight each other, and get the spotlight off the financiers.    So we are in a serious time of economic collapse worldwide.
It's important to be able to see the reality and even though it's uncomfortable to be able to digest it, and to be able to make appropriate spiritual preparations, make appropriate physical preparations.  Have talks with your family.   Work on your relationships with God and horizontal relationships with your family. This is the time.
Of course, when we look at the Kingdom and the bridegrooms, the bridegroom and the brides parable, we know, of course, on the microcosm we know that the Messiah comes as the Bridegroom. And he gives the Blessing. The Blessing that God wanted to give from the beginning of time to Adam and Eve. He wanted to give this Blessing, which is the blessing of marriage, the Holy Blessing.  And we know providential history has been waiting for that time when the Lord could give the Blessing covenant which He purposed from the beginning.
However, we know the Fall, and we know that Adam and Eve had strayed. So on a microcosmic level, we know the power of the Blessing, we know the Bridegroom comes and he will establish the lineage, he will gather the brides, and of course, we know the value of the Three Day Ceremony.  The Three Day Ceremony and the Holy Marriage Blessing is the turning point for us to receive freedom from Satan. Remember freedom is not only freedom to something; it's many times freedom from something. And even in the Revolutionary War, the Founding Fathers fought for freedom from government, not freedom just to do whatever they want; they wanted to be free from intrusion from these powers above.  They wanted to be free from this.
And it's the same thing, when we look from the spiritual level, when we receive the Holy Blessing and go through the Three Day Ceremony; it is the freedom from Satan which we receive.  Satan has no more claim on us, and on our seed.  No more claim on the seed.   So since we know that the Lord will come, Jesus will come and bring the seed, what is called in the Bible the "spermata", which will bring the lineage of God, and since Satan knows this, he's always been trying to destroy the seed.  He's been always trying to relativize the seed.  'Ah, the seed's not really that important.  Ah, the seed's nasty, it's a small little thing, you know the egg is way bigger, you know, it's all the same.'
Make it into a gender war.  Because he knows the seed of God is what's necessary.  The seed has to come.  God's seed has to come in the flesh for the earthly kingdom to be constructed, to be built.  So that is critical, that is what the Principle talks about as physical salvation.
The bridegroom comes, and the Blessing of Marriage, and the Three Day Ceremony, how important. Can you believe that the Family Fraud is not even teaching the Three Day Ceremony?  What a traitorous action! This is the ceremony that Father created to allow all the brides to become one with him, and to let all his sons become his body. Okay?  This is the central, central, central separation from Satan.
At the core of it all, right?  At the core of it all, at the union of man and woman, this is the core and the beginning of civilization, the beginning of generations, the beginning of descendants, the beginning of everything. And they are not even teaching that anyway. That's how much they have departed from, and erased, Father and his tradition.  The Three Day Ceremony, when we truly understand it, it is the greatest gift.  It separates us from the history of evil sex.  Do you understand?  This history of evil sexual domination, rape, pedophilia, homosexuality, bestiality ---- all of this.  Adultery.

All of that.  It separates us from the father of that.   We are reborn into a new kingdom, where the husband is now a son of God; he is the body of Christ, living on the earth.  He is the body.   And of course the body has to be obedient to the head, which is Christ, right?   And the wife, the bride, comes into her full providential role from the ideal of creation, Eve to be the bride of God. You see how important the Three Day Ceremony is?  It's so important, so transformational; it is the marking point between freedom and slavery.   Freedom from Satan, and being a slave to Satan.  It is so critical.  And of course, we know that the Messiah must come as the bridegroom. One of his three characteristics.    Bridegroom, Judger of Evil, (and Father did that, he was the great judge of evil communism and centralized power; he was the great judge of it), and the Kingship.

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