Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Kingdom will begin to sprout

The Kingdom of Life (2)
June 5, 2016
We talked about that parable when we covered it in Matthew.  Now, right after that parable, Jesus said, 'Is a candle to be brought under a bushel or under a bed, and not to be set on a candlestick?'  Now what does a candle do?  A candle is pulled out. It is not pulled on a out in the midst of the noon time sun. It is pulled out when? During the night. The candle is pulled out in the darkness to illuminate and help you to be able to see.  So you can see your environment, you can see what is going on.  Right?
A candle is not to be brought out just to be hid or to be snuffed away. The Cheon Il Guk Constitution, the constitution of the Kingdom of God, is not to be released only to be hid under a bushel or a bed. It is to be put on a candlestick. It is to be proclaimed.  It is to be shown to people.  Because when people hear it, yes when they first hear it, they may get challenged by it.  However, in their original mind, they know that it is the kingdom in which God will reside. They know in their heart of hearts. So the Kingdom and the Constitution is not to be hidden, it's not to be put under the bed. It's to be put candlestick. If we are ashamed of the Constitution, if we are ashamed of the Kingdom, then how will others learn about the Kingdom?  Amen?
Therefore, Jesus was talking about the whole context of the Kingdom, and then he says, 'Would you bring a candle and hide it under a bed?'  No.  We will put it on a candlestick and let it light.  Right?  It will not only help us illuminate our lives, it will help the world illuminate their lives. To see the Kingdom that is coming.
Because folks, it's now released into the atmosphere, it can't be stopped, no matter how much the globalists, or the world government people or all the people who love centralized power and want to create worldwide dictatorship and communism, no matter how much they fight they always lose.  In the end they always lose.  Because when God's Kingdom comes, they really lose big time.  Not just the small losses, they lose the entire war when God's Kingdom comes.
Therefore, Jesus is reminding us here, when there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested, neither was anything kept secret, but it should come abroad. These things cannot, be just kept to ourselves and the joy that we feel when we hear about the kingdom. When we hear about that land of freedom and responsibility.  When we hear about that land where no physical earthly power is dictating and mandating to me how I have to live my life, or forcing my children to be put into public education.
To be put in school centers, which are really indoctrination centers and be taught what they call "health sciences" They are taught how to have sex in fifty different ways at five years old.  Hypersexualization is what you call it in psychology, and that is what is happening to the youth, through the public school system.  What did we say when the homosexual agenda was being pushed?  A political agenda, not about being against this or that thing, it is about a political agenda to centralize power.  What happens there?  Oh, and then the other forms of sexuality start flowing out once we start governmentally supporting and subsidizing other forms of family structure that God did not ordain.  What happens?  Every other form of perversion will arise.  We talked about it a year or two ago.
We see it now with the transgender movement. Oh, but you're transphobic, blah, blah, blah.  Oh, if you are against a forty-year-old man who thinks he is a woman even though he has a sexual organ, which is male, and he has an x and y chromosome, well, you have to still, let him believe he is a woman. Hello? This is not sane behavior. This is called mental illness. It is normalizing mental illness and sickness.
So that people will give up their rights as long as they can believe, they are some kind of super hero. 'Oh, I'm fighting for this social justice, and the transgender community, etc.' But remember, if you do that, you are good, as long as you give up your rights.  Make sure you are against free speech, and make sure you want to censor people, and make sure you want to take away peoples' guns, and make sure you want to build up government. Then you are good, and then you're okay.  That is absurd. This is the standard takedown doctrine of communism, socialism, oligarchy.  Standard procedure.
And we not only see, with the homosexual political agenda, which then moves to the transgender political agenda, which now is moving to pedophilia. Pedophile, what they call "child attraction syndrome." Now that is being seen, "oh, we're so discriminated against. Do not discriminate against us, we have a disease.' Right?  The same words.  'It's genetic.'  Same words as the homosexual political agenda, remember this?
The same exact words. "Oh, it's genetic. Understand us, we struggle with this, don't discriminate against us." The same words. Then it moves to transgender, and then it moves to pedophiles. You know why? Because at the top level, the Satanists are pedophiles. They like raping children and killing them. Historical fact. Look at the Transylvania royalty, they were sacrificing children. The women actually drank children's blood because they thought it made them get younger. That is where you get the whole Dracula legends. So royalty and the elites have been into satanic doctrine, which of course is destroying the youth, destroying the innocent, destroying purity. Reveling in destroying purity, because they know those people are innocent, those children are innocent. Destroying innocence, ravaging it and reveling in that power, it is a weak, twisted, petty, venomous, demonic spirit that does that.
If those fools ever get in a room with a real man, they are going to pay!  Everything they fear is going to be in their face.  If a real man gets his hands on somebody like that, boy oh boy, we are going to have a good time!  We have a really good time.  This is what the weak, pedophile elites, they want to normalize hypersexualization, normalize deviant forms of sexual behavior because they are doing it.  Make it seem cool, make it seem good.  So what the Bible says, good gets seen as evil, evil gets seen as good.  That is when the kingdom of hell is at hand, right?
In Cheon Il Guk, the natural kingdom of freedom and responsibility, you have to preserve your freedom and because you yourself are your neighbor's keeper, you yourself are part of the Peace Police and Peace Militia.  There is no centralized police force. There is no centralized army. You yourself are the angel that will protect your neighbor when he is being attacked or his daughter is being assaulted.  I will be the one who goes over and gets that assailant, because I am a police officer in the Kingdom, right?
Everybody has the duty of also being part of the Peace Police and the Peace Militia. It is part of the responsibility of being a free and sovereign king.  You do not have things done for you all the time. When war comes, you have to go and fight.  That is what a king does. Does that make sense?  He does not just sit and eat filet mignon all day. When some battle happens, he has to go on the front line and fight, otherwise none of the knights and none of the troops are going to fight.
So when Jesus returns, we see in the Book of Revelation, when he returns, he's on the front line with all those clad in white, waging war against Satan's world.  So it is not meant to be under a bed. The Kingdom is not meant to be under the bed, right?  Standing up against popular culture that is trying to enforce and coerce us, using government power, to see good as evil, evil as good, to adopt relativism.
Standing up against this is supposed to be like the candlestick.  It is not supposed to be hid under the bed. Talking about the Kingdom is not supposed to be hid under the bed.  It's supposed to be out in the face of Satan.  You pull out the candlestick; you've got to see the wolf that's out there, right?  When the wolf is running around your camp, you do not put the candlestick under your bed; you pull it out, and say, "Where are you wolf?  I am going to shoot you now. I'm going to get you." [Laughter] That is what you do. You shine the light on him so that he cannot hide. Evil likes the shade, the shadows, right. Hiding in the shadows.
Look at Family Fraud, in the shadows. Constantly in the shadows. Not even being able to have an answer for anything. Have answers for nothing. Why are you persecuting a small church? Why are you taking legal action against the Heir? Why are you redacting all of Father's words when he said not to do it?  Why are you changing the Blessing vows? Why are you going around with anything just for the money, right?  No answer! Zero answer.  In the shadows.
So the Kingdom as well, must be put in the face of evil. There is a great quote. It says, "Evil succeeds in this world because of good people who stand idly by."  The problem is not evil.  There is always going to be a potential for evil, because there is free will.  When you have free will, you can choose good or evil. Therefore, there is always going to be somebody who is choosing evil. The problem is that when somebody chooses evil, everybody just sits idly by.
We do not hold that person to account. We do not hold that thing to account. Then what happens? It degrades, it destroys that person obviously, and of course, in the end, it destroys that kingdom. The morals decay, the kingdom decays. Any sense of commonality between language and culture decays and now you are in a clash of civilizations in your face. In your own nation. That is when your kingdom is coming down.  That is what is happening here in America.
Mark 4.
"And he said so is the Kingdom of God. As if a man should cast seed into the ground; 27 and should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. 28 For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear; after that the full corn in the ear.  29 But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come."
Isn't this interesting? It is very interesting. It is like this. It is like a man who sows seed and night and day, he doesn't have to do anything. The fruit will naturally rise.  Isn't that interesting? We talked about this, remember?  In a kingdom of freedom and responsibility, think about it. Where you do not have social security.  There is no social security system. There is no welfare system. There is no public school system to indoctrinate kids. You have a system, which encourages three generations staying together. Now, look at the secular system. In the secular system, what does the secular system do?
Your parents are a problem. If you are parents do something, you have to report them to your teacher, honey. Keep watching your parents, if they do something wrong, if they say something that is hate speech against what we are teaching, you have to report them." They tell the kids to report the parents! Even though the parents are just expressing their first amendment rights, and their religious freedom.
Parents are also taught what?  "Children are a black hole, they're terrible, they're a million dollars per child, and they just suck up your money. All your work gets sucked up into them, and they all just hate you in the end and they run away and live their own lives."  You are taught that as a parent, especially women. You are taught, "Don't have kids, they suck.  They're terrible, they'll steal all your money, they'll use up all your money, you have to pay for their education which is so important, and college is so expensive."  We are taught specifically to destroy the three generations.
Then the welfare state, what does it do?  It used to be that in the black community; eighty percent of young black children grew up with dad and mom. They were strong, Christian-based families; they were one of the fastest growing entrepreneurial cultures in America in the 1930s. They were growing so fast, they were becoming richer; they were in all the schools. They had the highest rate of college graduation.
They were starting businesses; they were supporting each other's businesses too, so their community was getting richer and more prosperous. And Lyndon B. Johnson, the big oil gangster from Texas, remember this guy? We are studying about him now.  Big gangster, pocket man for the big oil companies, and what did he do? He is on record saying it. He says, "We're going to enslave the black community to vote Democrat for the next two hundred years. How are we going to do that?  We're going to give them a little, but not enough to make a difference." Why? Because they were super successful, they were growing, they were burgeoning, and they were going to become the elite class. Gangster Lyndon B. brought in the welfare state.
What do you have to do once you get the welfare state?  You want to get your check? You have to divorce your man.  Get rid of your man. Show the divorce paper, then you will get the subsidy. What does that promote?  Do you think that divorce rates, went up or did they go down? Whoopsy daisy!  They went up.  They skyrocketed up.  Then you have a situation, if you sleep around with different men, you can also get subsidies for children with different men. So do you think that promotes marriage or does that promote free sex culture?
Ok, so then what happens? Many kids grow up, now in the black community only thirty percent grow up with a dad and a mom. The reality is what?  Fifty-four percent of black children are killed before they are born.  Do you remember Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood?   Where did they put it?  They put it in the black neighborhoods because they were racists! They were racists!  Margaret Sanger is a very famous racist.  Get rid of those black babies!   Fifty-four percent of black children killed before they come out.  Killed.
Kook Jin Hyung made a very interesting statement.  He said that when you look at the statistics -- now he's talking statistically, ladies, don't get upset at me!   Just think about the statistics, okay?  He said this.  He said women are actually more violent, they are more murderous. When you look at the statistics, male homicide, men killing men, is like twenty-thousand per year? All right, that is a lot of people, that's a lot of men killing each other.
Twenty-thousand deaths per year, that is bad. Right? When you look at abortion rates, women killing a baby. Two million per year. Two million per year. Young children being killed. Now these are statistics that we have to be aware of.   If we do things in the dark, and socially it's okay to kill children because in the liberal/progressive fake, communist culture, they say, "Oh, it's cool, it's empowering."  No, you are killing a child and that is not empowering.  You're killing a child that would have grown up to be the President, or would have grown up to be a CEO, or would have grown up to make the cure for cancer.  You are killing somebody.  It does not matter if I am a man and I kill a grown up man; that is killing somebody. If we kill a baby, that is an innocent, innocent, innocent being who has no means to defend themselves.  It is actually worse.
This is a very serious issue. Very serious issue. However, nobody talks about it because we cannot tell the truth.  In our society, we cannot tell the truth.  That is why ladies and I always warn my girls, ladies watch out! The archangel is always after you.  He needs your support.  He needs your support to bring in tyranny. Hitler needed the women's vote to bring in tyranny against the Jews.
Stalin needed the women's vote. He can smooth talk you, he can promise you good things, and he can get your vote. Be careful of politicians. They are sneaking, two-tongued snakes! They are supposed to be your servants, not your man.  Amen? Therefore, ladies in this community, these are empowered women; these women are stronger, okay?  However, if anybody is seeing this for the first time, this should make you think.  How the archangel, how the devil, his system, his big government tries to go after you.  They know you are the key. They have to get your vote.
Therefore, in the Kingdom of freedom and responsibility, look at this, the fruit naturally comes. When people are free and responsible, and we do not have a social security system, which by the way, they stole all your money anyways, older folks.  You know there is no money in social security now, sorry. There is no social security; there is no welfare state. It supports small, entrepreneurial businesses. Businesses that parents have made and they want to pass down to their children.
Businesses that encourage, 'Hey, I have the skill set, I have a farm, I grow apples, I'm an apple expert, so I want to teach my kids to be an apple expert so that they can take over the family business." Then you see your parents as a resource because they are the ones who started the business, they know the ins and outs of the business; you see them as a resource, not as an enemy. The parents see their young children, the children that they are raising, not as a liability like the modern "parents." They see them as an asset.
These, are children that are going, to learn this craft, they are going to take it over one day, and they are going to be able to succeed for our family. You see them as an asset. Which is the reason why you do not just say, "Oh, I'm only going to have one kid, and that's it." No, you may have many kids, because having many kids means many more people you can train to develop that dynasty. Therefore, it encourages fruit to be produced, good fruit.  Three generations to stay together, not to be torn apart.  I remember one brother from Brooklyn here, an Italian brother.
He said that when he was younger, man, when they had a Christmas party, they had cousins and this cousin, and that cousin, and the nephews and nieces came.  There was like a thousand people in one house! They said that was amazing!  Now, you get a Christmas in an Italian family in Brooklyn, and there is nobody there!  Right?  They have divided up, the three generations that used to stick together, which is a powerhouse.  When the three generations stick together, folks that is a power structure. That is something that monopolies hate, because they learn all the trade secrets already from their dads and moms.
They are going to be very competitive in the marketplace; they are going to serve customers well. They are going to have morals because they grew up with their parents and grandparents. They are going to work hard and have a work ethic because from a young age they are used to it. They are tough, right?  If you can break that up, you can take over that civilization easily. But in the Kingdom, naturally, three generations stay together. Naturally, they are staying together.
It is an incentive to stay together because thirty percent plus of the Kingdom is entrepreneurs. It is maximizing entrepreneurs, maximizing ownership, maximizing sovereigns, maximizing people's potential to be owners. When you are an owner, you do not just want to give it to somebody; you want to give it to your children.  However, you do not want to give it to your children so that they screw it all up; you want to give it to them so that they can make more fruition. Amen? So you want to properly train them, and you want them to properly grow and have the right instruction, and be humble yet be confident, etc.
It supports a three-generation kingship. Whereas our current system around the world destroys generations and families living together. It says that if you are living with your parents, you are a loser, and you are a slob, blob, fat messed up thing, you are a loser. Right? That is the popular culture.  Not you are learning a craft, not you are learning to take over the reins one day, not you are learning how to be humble and learn this skill from your parents.  Not that.  You are a loser, generations should not stay together. Who supports this?  Does God support this?  Was Father supporting this? No.
Father was always against this. He said three generations must live together. Think about it, in terms of a free and responsible kingdom, where that child, that grandchild is now old enough to start taking the reins, he will want to hear the words of wisdom from Granddaddy. Grandpa is not an old fogey that just farts all day, this guy's full of knowledge! This guy is full of knowledge, if I'm in some business in which I need to ask questions, he's an incredible mentor. Right? But we are taught and trained to destroy the generations to be together, whereas in the kIngdom, naturally without putting in any effort, because all the incentives to destroy generations are out. Naturally, the seed springs up and brings forth fruit.
You see; when Father was talking about the four great realms of heart and the three kingships, remember that? He was predicting the future of Cheon Il Guk. That is how it will become because all the incentives in that nation are incentivizing families staying together.   Passing on their craft to each other.   Ownership, sovereignty, you see?  Families that are working with each other, inter-generational transmission of dynasty and success, victory.
Folks that is the Kingdom. And then Jesus, of course, likens it, we saw this also in Matthew where he likens it to a mustard seed which is the smallest but then grows to become the greatest, remember this? They may be laughing at us now. The UN and the world government people, and the Center for Foreign Relations will be laughing at us now. But when their system of tyranny collapses, which it must, they will see the small mustard seed of the Kingdom, and the Lord that has established his Kingship come into the harvest. How it shoots out great branches and creates all the rest area for all the fowls of the air to reside in.
Remember, we talked about how the Kingdom does not only have perfect people in there. It has free people in there.  Right?  Free and responsible people.  It also has vultures that are there too. There are predators there too.  But the young men and women and all the people, just like we are doing here, it's interesting, all the young people, man, these guys are getting tougher and tougher! We did punching in the face the other day, right? How many of the young people got punched in the face for the first time?  There you go! They got punched in the face for the first time.
What a beautiful experience! [Laughter] It is such an important experience, okay? It is such an important experience. I am telling you it is. People are over-scared of being punched in the face.  It is such an important part of your life when you get punched in the face for the first time. Get choked out for the first time. It is a huge eye-opener! You become totally different. You are thinking becomes realistic. We may be small, but the Peace Police, the Peace Militia, the Kingdom of those who are sovereigns and kings who know, "I have a right to self-defense. I have a right to my person. I have a right to preserve my temple of God."  No one can cross that boundary.

People who know that dimension of the Kingdom, boy, all the communists hate that. Whenever we speak like this, they hate it because they want you to feel like you are property to them. No, we are children of God. The body of Christ, and the Bride of the Bridegroom. The most precious species in the universe! No totalitarians can stand over us, none. When the people of the Kingdom begin to realize this, even through the tribulation, like the mustard seed, the Kingdom will begin to sprout. You will begin to sprout. His Kingdom, when it comes, it won't go away.  Satan is going to be under the foot of the righteous kings who love God and who know His grace.  That Kingdom is called the Millennial Reign, and that is a Kingdom. That is the gospel. That we desire to see.

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