Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Choice between good and evil

The Kingdom Order (2)
July 31, 2016
In Cheon IL Guk even a bad father is still a father. Even a bad father is still a father. So there was a young couple here, a young man who was looking to get blessed. I said, "Look, I don't care if your dad doesn’t come to church, that doesn't make any difference. The culture of the kingdom is that you have to talk to him when you want to get blessed. When you want to get blessed, you have to include your dad in the process even if he's an atheist, it doesn't matter. He is your father."
So in the culture of Cheon Il Guk you don't ignore the father's role. So you have to talk to your dad; get his advice. Do not think emotionally when you are trying to find a partner or praying for a matching couple. Your parents both have to think non-emotionally with long-term thinking. And your dad must be part of that process. Do not only work with your mom. I told him straight up. "Don't only talk with your mom about this issue. Your dad has a right; he has a right to be involved in this." That is the kingdom culture. And when children have the feedback of both mom and dad, they make much wiser decisions. Much wiser decisions. Dad does not tell them all the time what they want to hear. But so what? It is good for them. "No baby, your skirt is too short, girl. That is too dang short! I know what those fools are thinking. That thing is too short."
When you are married and you have a husband, and you have a beautiful, absolute sex life, and then you go all out, you wear what you want. Right? But when you are protecting yourself and you are preparing for marriage, no, don't advertise yourself as a sex object. Sexuality has a place; it has a gorgeous, beautiful, holy, sanctified powerful place, right?
So when switching that, you switch society. And of course the archangel's system always does. Always, always, always does. Goes after the dads. Look at the black community. Man, I grieve for the black community because all my friends --- Talik, Celo, all those guys from that community. I grew up with those kids and all those guys from those communities, when you see the community even in statistics, you have, before the 1940s, the black family was one of the most powerful families. 80 plus percent intact. That means the dad was a strong Christian, working hard, an entrepreneur, the black community had one of the highest rates of entrepreneurship and college education, college degrees.
They were going to become the new power elite. I am not trying to say one race is better than the other, but you see when black people focus they can do incredible things in almost every field. And that's not a joke. And when that was happening in the 1940s, and you see it in that movie, LBJ is saying, "No, we can't let these black communities get the right to vote. How can they get the right to vote?" Then, of course, the records, they have the records of Lyndon B. Johnson saying, "Give them a little bit, just enough, but no enough to make a difference." And what did they go after?
They went after the responsible, black men. Why? Because in order to get your welfare check, you have to first show your divorce papers, you have to have no man in the house. Then you will get a public assistance. So, do you think that will increase the divorce rate or decrease the divorce rate? Increase it, and of course, that is what you see. Exponential growth in the divorce rate. The black community is now under 30 percent. Less than three in ten children grow up with a dad who is responsible. Now you have this cycle. After the dads got kicked out, the federal archangel comes in, monetizes the system of getting rid of the dad. Now the mom marries the archangel because now she gets the pay check from the archangel who says, "I'll give you a pay check, no I'm not going to regulate you, do what you want." Then when she sleeps around with other men, with irresponsible men, low quality men, then what happens? She has babies with those men and does she get public assistance? Yes she does. So do you think that helps increase the free sex culture or does that decrease free sex culture in the lower socioeconomic strata? Increases.
Then you have a generation of kids who did not grow up with dads, and of course, you can look at all the statistics on that. Increased drug-related crime. Increased violent assaults. Increased prison rates. Lower I.Q.'s. Lower lifetime income, etc. etc. Higher divorce rates. Just because you do not have a dad. It is the biggest sociological factor, whether or not you have a dad in the home.
Even though he is a junky dad, he is still a dad. A junky dad is better than no dad. He is a sociological necessity for a family. You take that out. So now you grow up in a family where you have all these half-sisters, half-siblings, the kids grow up with no dad in the house. No father figure in the house. They become victims of those sociological realities. Increased crime rates, etc. Which then creates a generation of kids who are less responsible.
Now the women have to deal with all these less responsible kids, so now they are angrier too. And the cycle of degradation happens and why was it targeted on the black community? They were the fastest growing community. They had tight Christian families, Christian-strong homes. Who broke that up? The archangel broke it up because they were going to be a powerhouse. They were going to be a minority powerhouse. A black, incredible, super minority was going to rise and they were going to take over the country and be conservative. They were not going to become progressive liberals.
Therefore, you have this reality even in American history. Roman History. Attack and destroy the position of the father. Why? Satan knows that God is the father. So the more he can relativize that, and the more he can culturally destroy that position, the more he wins.
You see that is exactly not only what the Han mother did, but also what the entire Family Fed is doing.

Father is a just a footnote. Father is just a little tag piece accessory to put on to a speech to make pretend as if we're giving him honor and glory.

You cannot glorify Father, you cannot sing praises to his name, you cannot lift him up, you cannot praise his lifetime, and you cannot praise his work.

People forget about this, erasing Father's name from the blessing ring of marriage. The covenant ring. Taking it off, erasing it. That is insane. That is insane, folks. I mean, when I even look at that picture I want to have a physical reaction. It is not because I am overly emotional; it is just that I am a normal human being. It is just disgusting to see that.
How can you claim to be one and erase the Lord who saved you? Not just the husband. Not just the husband. He was the Lord. He was the returning Messiah. Everybody followed and loved the Han mother because we believed she believed that, not because she secretly believed that, she was the Messiah or she wanted absolute power and glory. Which of course has not worked out well for Family Fed.
They have put God and True Father into the womb of True Mother. This was the literal cosmology that, they are trying to build. Saying that Father is now one with Mother in the womb. We saw the speeches last year where she claims that all of Christian history was to prepare the way for the only begotten daughter. Good luck trying to convince Christians of that! Good luck. Good luck.

All about the Korean peninsula, the history, it is the entire Han dynasty. Of course, that does not exist. Nobody who grew up in Korea has heard about this supposed Han dynasty. Of course, all that preparation was for the "Chaenim Messia Toksengyong" or "returning messiah only begotten daughter."
Of course, we have seen her own people leave her and betray her, just like I told her, just like Kook Jin Hyung and I told her. We warned her of it. If you make a pact with a den of thieves, there is no honor. Do not be surprised when you get backstabbed. Do not be surprised when somebody stabs you and twists it through your body. Do not be surprised. You made a pact with thieves, with frauds.


"The only begotten daughter of God needed to be born as God's daughter, separate from the satanic world. As I said before, the two thousand years Christian history is the providence of searching for God's only begotten daughter. I was the one who possessed such a standard."
Everybody knows now that I am not personally upset at my own mommy. Everybody knows that. I love her but I hate what she has done. That is a big difference. We love people but we can hate sin and we can hate evil. The Bible commands us to hate sin and hate evil. If you love, you have to hate because love cannot love that which is evil. For example, I cannot love being married to my wife and love adultery. Cannot do it. They are mutually exclusive. You have to choose one or the other. They are not same.
Doing adultery and being faithfully, married cannot co-exist. Not possible, they are mutually exclusive. Good and evil are mutually exclusive. Collectivism versus sovereignty --- mutually exclusive. There is a choice. Now, all the relativists always try to pretend saying, "Oh, that's binary oppositional thinking and binary oppositional meta-philosophy, etc." Baloney! Baloney! That is all high-falutin epistemological, philosophical words to try to confuse people from knowing that there is a choice between good and evil. I have studied it all. I have studied those stupid relativist philosophies, I was in there for eight years plus. Philosophically, totally bankrupt and poor. Anybody in our community knows how to dissect and deconstruct those philosophies.
Even the people that she sent around to curse me, because she knows I am the successor, she knows I am the heir, she knows Father put a crown on my head three times and said I am his next successor and King. She knows it. She is the one who did the “coup d’état”. She is the one who stole all the assets that Father put in my control. And of course, because of that, you've seen not only the destruction of the church, but of course, the macrocosm imploding as well, just like we told her.
Because providence is connected in micro and macro. And what happens on the micro will happen on the macro. Who knew, when we said three years ago that the economies will collapse and the world will come into more danger, everybody laughed at us and said we are crazy. Who is laughing now? Those people are not laughing now.
The economy is collapsing. Worldwide banks are shutting down. Deutsche bank, shutting down. Bigger than the Lehman Brothers crash. Economic recession, crisis, all that, three years, within three years. How can we predict and prophesy that? How can we prophesy that? We did it at the time because it was in the spirit and we knew that the repercussions of betraying Father would have cataclysmic effects and we would not become blessed by them. So we told Mother what would happen.
Even when Father was in the hospital, they were already making stupid committees to change his entire legacy, all of his work. The scriptures and the 8 Textbook curriculum which they don't even put on their website now. You can go to the Family Fed website and you cannot even find the 8 Text curriculum books because there are new books you have to buy, with what is it, a twenty-four thousand dollar donation you have to give for that, the four items, is that twenty-four thousand dollars now in Japan? Give me a break! Total frauds.

Changed True Father's scriptures 80 percent. That is why good people are just putting it up on the internet for free. Why? Because Father's words are public domain. You cannot monetize them. And if he handed them to anybody, it's me, I am his successor, I am the legal heir too. So I get to decide what happens to them. [Applause]
And I decide they are public domain. That means everybody has access to them for all time and eternity. [Applause] And they are up on the internet. Individual citizens and individual people are putting them up.
Changed the Cheon Il Guk national anthem, that's like changing the Star Spangled Banner. Changed the Family Pledge. Changed the Blessing Vows. Changed from monotheism to ditheism. Excluded D.P. from the constitution. Forced legal action to erase True Father's symbol that is why we put it up even more strongly. You want to sue me? Go ahead, you frauds!
Left her position as faithful obedient object, now a subject proclaiming herself as God, Messiah and only begotten daughter. Dethrones True Father, erases True Father's lineage from the covenant blessing, promotes her Han tribe lineage as pure over the Messiah's lineage, and now is selling off the holy sites. The selling off process has now started that we talked about. This is because they are financially collapsing. Why? Because people in their conscience are saying, "No, wait a minute, I really don't feel good about giving to this organization."
They may go to their events and things like that, but they are not contributing. As less and less people contribute, what do they have to do? Squeeze harder and harder and harder on the little people that are contributing, and raise the taxes more and more and more. This is the common pattern of tyranny! You follow the tyrants you will perish. It's going right down that course.

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