Tuesday, August 23, 2016

You must never sell this land

The Kingdom Order (3)
July 31, 2016
This is Korea last week, folks. This is Kuri Seong Jeong; this is the biggest land, after Yoido that we own. Huge, twenty million dollar plus land. Yoido land, of course, that was stolen by the Kwak group. That is in the hundreds of millions of dollars. This is a twenty million plus land. Now, in this property that Father of course, all the world wide properties, all the worldwide assets, Father gave me as the heir to manage. Of course they "coup d’état" it, stole it, and they are doing exactly what we said. Why? We do not sell out for money; we do not sell out for a billion dollars. I am more expensive than a billion dollars, you bums! I am an honorable man! You understand that? And a good man is worth more than all the gold! Because we have honor and we build civilization. So there's a whole charade about this property.
They are financially collapsing, so what do they have to do? They are going to, of course, sell the holy sites and the property. This was, of course, a major holy site. Many of you got blessed in this place. Some of you got blessed in this place, some of you were matched in this place. Father did tons of blessings in this place. Tons of education. We were doing this until Father was 92 years old; we were still doing workshops in this place. Now that will be sold. But thank God we had all these people come out, these were some Sanctuary, some not.
You heard about the whole story. She initially mandated that they must sell it, for no reason they have to sell it because she ordered it. It went to a vote in the community, because legally they have to make a vote. It is owned in the members' names, so the members actually have to sign off on it for the sale. So they legally voted, and the legal vote came out "No, we're not going to sell it." So they actually deliberately disobeyed the Han mother publicly in Korea.
So the rebellion even in Korea is starting publicly now. Then for the course of the last four or five months, they've been going down and threatening the pastor and the district leader saying, "Oh, you have to do this, oh the Han mother is so angry, Oh she's angry, Oh you must do, you must do, your family will be in shame, ohh, blah blah blah." Then of course, calling in all the Japanese sisters, "Oh, you Japanese sisters, you enslaved the Korean people, you remember, you have to do what the Han mother says, you have to pay indemnity." All this again.
Then, of course, she has met with the regional leader and the Korean church president, who are total frauds. Went there and shouted at them saying, "Sell it; sell it,” etc. So they've been on this process, a task force team, TFT, trying to get this done smoothly with as few repercussions as possible. Four or five months later, again now the push is heavy. "You have to sell it, you have to sell it." Right? The foundation head, who is a total fraud, what is his name that idiot. Choi. He is of course pushing this; he wants to make the big money. They like selling these properties off because they get the commission! They get the big commission. A twenty million dollar property, that is going to be a hefty little penny, So they are forcing it, forcing it. They said last week and announced, "Well, we're not going to have a vote this time, we're going to have a vote via applause. However loud people applaud."
This is literally like North Korea, or like Kabuki theatre. Literally the pattern of tyrants. It is exactly how she behaved. Now people say, "How could a mother behave like that?" You people are normal moms, you understand? You people are normal moms, you work hard, you take care of your children, you educate them, you feed them, you understand?
Elitist moms do not do that! They do not feed their kids. They do not take them out. They do not spend time with them. They have nannies that do that for them. Do you understand? That is how elitist moms behave. So when you cannot understand how is that possible that mom could ever do that?
Well, maybe you could not because you are a normal person, haha. But you can if you are in a place where you have the temptation of billions of dollars, and you want to be worshipped and you secretly believe that you are God. Sorry to say folks, normal women would become crazy too.

There was a demonstration out in the streets. All these people came out demonstrating, some are Sanctuary and some not. The people in the Family Fed came out and said, "Here, have some water, you guys are doing a great job, thank you for doing this!" They were thanking these folks for doing this, because, they were the only ones standing up and saying, "Look, Father said…"
They were quoting, one of the guys was reading, the young people were reading Father's Hoon Dok Hae which says, "Never sell this land, even if you have to build a glass dome over it, you must never sell this land." That is in Father's Hoon Dok Hae material. So they are just sitting there twenty-four seven reading and reading and reading, and all these people are going out there. But of course, through threats, ostracization, and social manipulation, the property now is sold.
This is of course is one of the biggest assets the Korean church has, in terms of real estate, and once you sell the big ones, guess what? The little ones start going fast. Because you have to pay for six million dollars per month overhead on Cheong Pyeong and a forty million dollar overhead per month on the Japanese church. You have to start selling off things to pay that off. Now let us look at history. Does that last a long time folks, as you start selling off the assets? You sell off the big ones, maybe that will give you a pretty penny, then the smaller ones. You have to sell more of them to get more money, right? They go quick. They are now putting the New Yorker Hotel that Father bought, on a "99 year lease." "Oh, we're not selling it, we're not selling it, and it’s a 99 year lease, dummies." Anybody who knows anything about real estate or law, knows that you will not be able reclaim that asset in 99 years -- -- it is selling it.
They literally think the people are so dumb. So dumb. The explanations they have for selling off Father's bloodstained foundation. And of course it's starting. And of course all those leaders, "Oh, Oh, we were ordered by the Han mother to do it. Of course we were ordered by her to give ourselves big salaries and big commissions as well; we really didn't want to do that." [Laughter] "We really didn't feel good about it; we really can't sleep at night because of that." Oh, I hope you enjoy your new Mercedes. "Oh, yes, you know, my daughter really needed a car!" Total frauds! Guess what they get? They may get temporary money now, but they get it big later. They get bit big, because guess what? Once people in the business world, in the business community, the honest community know you are a fraud, they will not do business with you. If they do business with you, it has to steal from you. It is not to make win/win contracts with you.
So these folks out there, doing candle light vigils, preaching Hoon Dok Hae, reading Hoon Dok Hae out there, trying to do everything they can, just being the citizens. You know what? This is the funny thing.
Tyrants and totalitarians always want to make honest people feel small. "Don't pretend you're honest, you didn't build that business, you didn't build that road, and you didn't build that foundation. Somebody else built that for you." When you are the one who built it. "You didn't build that house; somebody cut down the tree and cut down the lumber." Yeah, that is me! Right? Therefore, totalitarians and tyrants always want to make the honest, innovative, free-spirited, creative, entrepreneur feel like they are a joke.
And that they'll never be able to compete against the monopolies and the big companies and the big governments. You know why? Because they are the most scared of those small people. Because small people, when they are on the side of God, Father said even one person with God is the majority! Kook Jin and I were out there in the wilderness, with nobody else. I was the majority! Family Fed leaders lost already because they could not buy off the next generation kingship. We did not go along with their plantation plan.
God bless these people, these amazing women and men who are standing up for Father. God bless those people. True women and men, men and women who have honor and loyalty. Who live for something greater than themselves, self-pleasure and hedonism and their own lives. God bless those people, they will not be forgotten. It is the hedonists and the pleasure-seekers who are forgotten.
The people who stand up during hard times are not forgotten. Look at these incredible Korean ladies, Japanese ladies standing up there. You now Asian society, it is such a group mentality society. They are going to be harassed so bad. You think the harassment level is hard in the West?
"Oh, I think Hyung Jin Nim is right, I'm going to Sanctuary." "Oh, you're bad, bad, whatever." That is all you get in the West, maybe a couple of bad emails saying, "Oh, you, blah blah blah." That is all you get. In Korea, in Japan, they are going to go after your mom, your grandma, your auntie, everybody will come after you! They try to put peer pressure everywhere, 360 degrees and say, "You are unfilial, unfilial, you are not a filial child, oh my gosh, oh shame, shame, shame, Auntie, can you believe she did that? Auntie, can you believe?
Tell your grandma, tell Grandma, tell Grandma, tell our second Grandma, second cousin, second, fourth cousin, fifth…" [Laughter] They get everybody to call you every single day on a rotation system! You Westerners have it too easy, I will tell you, folks. These Asian people, you know what I am talking about, Asian people!
Oh, Lord have mercy. But God bless these people, they know. They will be roasted 360 degrees. This man over here, this Miyajima-san, he was out there with the other young people. An excellent Japanese brother who married a Korean sister, blessed to a Korean sister. Tremendous, the Holy Spirit touched his daughter, woke her up. He was resistant, he did not want to see the videos, and he just wanted to put his head in the sand and say, "I can't believe it, I'm Japanese, ah no, no, no, all Japanese go this way, I must go this way, ahhhh." And his daughter said, "Daddy, watch the video please, watch the video!" And he started watching the video and he had a marathon, and he had the tissue box and the potato chips and all that! [Laughter] Then he woke up on the other side! He said, "Oh, my lord! It's been usurped!" Oh, Lord have mercy!
Let us go down to the later part of the scripture
This is where the scripture, where Jesus cures many, he comes down and Jesus is talking about John the Baptist. Here, he is asking the people, he says:
"John is the man to whom scriptures refer to when they say, 'Look, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, he will prepare a way before you.' I tell you of all who have ever lived, none is greater than John. Yet even the least person in the Kingdom of God is greater than he is!"
No one person has been greater than John the Baptist, but in the kingdom even the least citizen will be greater. You know why? Because in the Kingdom of God, John was preaching that there will be a man who will teach about the kingdom, who will be bring the kingdom. But in the kingdom of God, the citizens will be the kings. They will be the kings in the kingdom. They will be the priests in the kingdom. And there will be a king of kings there, a king of king's lineage there, which roots them to the spiritual root of their inheritance.
The least person in the kingdom will be greater than John the Baptist, the greatest prophet to ever live, before Jesus, of course. Preaching the way for Jesus. In the kingdom, it is a kingdom of kings, and that is why there is a King of Kings. Where the citizens are the sovereign rulers and the politicians are the servants of the kings and queens. Where the citizens have all the rights of the kings of the satanic past. The rights of territory, of arming themselves to defend the territory, being willing to die for their territory. Kings have the rights of the kings of the pasts in Cheon Il Guk. Even the least citizen is greater than John is, because John only talked about the kingdom; he was not a king in the kingdom. Whoo! I have the Holy Ghost right now! Whoo! Goodness!

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