Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Kingdom Order

The Kingdom Order (1)
July 31, 2016
What a blessed week, folks. We were finally able to get out to the ocean. Two years I spent with Father on the ocean. Whether we were in Korea, just on the Pacific Ocean, ocean fishing all the time, all the time, all the time, all day, all night, all day. All the time. Then, in Las Vegas, he would go to Lake Meade, this big desert lake in the middle of nowhere, and we would bake under the desert sun because he would not go out at night. It would be in the morning, so we would go out in the morning, and bake under the noontime sun, it was intense! Talk about jalapeno, my head became a jalapeno, I got that much sun! I tried not to use the aluminum paraben chemical sunscreen which gives you skin cancer.
I try to use natural oils like coconut oil, which has an SBF of 5, or raspberry seed extract, which has an SBF of 35, and it's totally natural, non-GMO. So those kinds of things, if you're looking to get some sun, protect your skin with good stuff, God's stuff, not the chemical junk from the pharmaceuticals. That is bad stuff, that's skin cancer stuff.
But we had such a blessed time, Father led us out, we went to Maine, and went to this tiny little bay, which I can't name in public, because everybody will go there and destroy the place! If you want to know, I will tell you personally, but we had this incredible, super secluded bay area and in the wilderness, very, very secluded. And what was so amazing, and we didn't even know it, because at the time we went there, of course, Maine is famous for lobster, and so I promised my kids many, many months ago, ok, we'll go to Maine, we'll do a bush crafting adventure, but we'll have lobster, and blah blah.
But we know it's going to be a huge bill, because lobster is expensive, right? You can't go to Red Lobster and buy one lobster for what, fifty bucks, or something like that? Is it like fifty or forty bucks or something like that? In Maine the lobster was $6.50 per pound. Six dollars fifty cents per pound. But this park was so amazing, because I'm here thinking it's a national park, etc., and so we're there, and this guy drives up and he says, "Oh, you're lobster is here."
I said, "What? What do you mean my lobster is here?" Then my brother-in-law says, "Oh, yeah, we ordered lobster." I said, "They deliver lobster to a campground?" They delivered us fresh lobster, they cooked it, hot lobsters, to your campground. So I said, "What kind of park is this?" So I went down and talked to the people, my goodness, look at this folks, this is the difference between federal, government run parks, or government run anything, and when citizens do it. This park is owned by citizens, but an inter-generational family since 1722! That is before George Washington. So they have been here, intergenerational, they made this place; it was so clean we could not find one iota, one item of garbage. They would come with a truck every night and clean out the garbage.
We had showers, we had toilets, we had water at the campground, which is super luxurious, if you're a bush crafter, that's super luxury. My whole family, all the girls too, we are trained in the wilderness, so we do not have any running water, no electricity, no toilets; you have to do your thing in a hole! So being here, it was like a super luxury. Then you get lobster delivered to your campsite! Whooo, Lord have mercy, it was amazing, amazing! Ok?
Then in the daytime on this cove the tide would come out and in the morning you can hear the ocean. Father is on the ocean all the time. You could just hear the ocean, whoosh, whooooo, the ebb and flow. You could hear His voice in the wind. Oh my goodness, it was unbelievable. So in the morning the tide would come out and there would be like two miles of sand, wet sand because the water would pull out and all this wet sand is there. Two miles of it.
I have never seen anything like that in my life. So my kids, in the morning, they would run out were walking on water! Remember that song, "We’re walking on water, my eyes on you, walking on water, coming after you!" Man, we were singing that on the water while we were walking on the water! It was amazing, and then for one dollar, you can get a clam license and you can clam hunt for a week. So we would go out there, and one of my boys, Shim Man actually figured out the method to find these clams.
The sand has little holes; you put your finger in there, and if the hole goes deep, boom! You start digging. Dig in there. You go about elbow deep and you start rummaging around there and then you feel it, and you pull it out. We caught these clams that look like this (long thin), in Korean that is called "Mat choge." Those are razor clams. In Korea that is super expensive! You know Korean people are seafood people because we live on a peninsula. So Korean people are crazy about seafood! They are like insane. My wife and her sister, their mom was from an island, an island lady. She was actually a clam diver, they called her a "mermaid," because she was a clam diver and she would dive for the oysters. So they love seafood, and we got two five gallon buckets full of clams! Razor clams, and huge clams like that, other clams, oysters, mussels, we got escargot, little snails that we found. Talk about bush craft foraging, this was ocean bush craft foraging. It was incredible, the bounty was amazing.
And so we would forage until the tide would come back in, about three o'clock, the tide would come back in, and at about 5 or 6 o'clock you would fish, because the tide was coming back in, the stripers were coming in and the sturgeon were coming in. And they are feeding on this stuff in very shallow water. I am thinking, "Can we catch anything?" And it's that shallow. The fish are swimming in because now they are feeding on the stuff that is coming up, the hermit crabs and all that stuff. So they come in, and you could fish at night. Wow, this week went by so slow! [Laughter] It went by so slow, and now we were in the kingdom because this was not a state-run park.
In a state-run park, you cannot walk on a blade of grass and not get fined! You scratch a tree and you get a two hundred dollar fine. This is a private park, so we they let you do anything you want as long as they know you, and get close to you. We got really close to this couple. By the end of it, when we came back, we had a little circle and we reflected on the adventure, and then we got a rhema. And the rhema was about actually intergenerational wickedness. So it was weird because one of my kids was moved by the spirit and said, and they were just actually reflecting on good things about this couple, Eric and Patricia, who run this place.
And I said, "Yeah, that's great, Eric and Patricia, and we had a great time there, but they still have the archangel blood lineage, right? So maybe God is telling us that we have to pray for them so one day they become blessed." And so now we have them in our prayers, you know, if you want to head up to Maine and get away for a little week, it was only a six hour drive, which was awesome. Three hours, and then switch for another three hours. Such an easy drive. Lobster at $6.50 a pound, if we bring a bigger group he said he can bring it down to 3 or 4 dollars a pound. On the last day, we ordered twenty-four lobsters! Twenty-four lobsters. My tribe is twelve people, and in our tribe, we had twelve people there, so each of us could eat two of them. These delightful delicate crustacean delicacies! Oh my goodness. That whole meal, for twenty-four lobsters, fresh caught Maine lobsters, was under $200. Under two hundred bucks. And he said if we come with a bigger group, he'll bring it under one hundred dollars! Wow, now you guys are getting hungry! You guys are getting hungry, saying, "let's go now, let's go now!"
Oh my Lord. I felt so wonderful because I repented that we have not been able to go to the ocean for so long. We have been lake fishing and all that, but you know Father loves the ocean! He loves the ocean. So just getting out there, we could feel his breathing; we could feel his life breath. We could feel his presence, oh my goodness, it was incredible, folks. So maybe we should definitely try to think about, talk about organizing something so that we can go off on an ocean bush crafting adventure! Do some wild primitive food cooking and searching, foraging. Oh my goodness, it was amazing, God is so good.
Let us go to "Kingdom Order" today.
You know, after we came back, it was like going out there was incredible, although of course there's no community out there. You know, what a beautiful place, but we know that God led us here in PA to the right place. Because even when you reflect on it, if the world gets into a worse situation, even if there are wars, oceans are actually dangerous places to be, near Oceanside’s. They are much more dangerous than inland, near the mountains or in the woods. So Father led us to PA for a reason, and when we got back to the lake house, we said, wow, this is such an incredible area.
And look at all the people who had come here, so we were able to reflect on that. In the midst of all the reflection, I started having to pick up on the news because there was no internet and all that stuff. You could see little pockets of internet where you could barely get a picture sent out to Facebook. But when we came back, there were huge things that happened this week, right? We will get into them, but we were reflecting on the journey. What happened after Father passed, the two years we spent with him on the ocean, we were just reflecting about going back to that time.
But coming back here, realizing wow, what happened. The Han mother doing what she did. Very unfortunate, very sad, tragic, it is historic, it is going to be remembered with tears and heartache and pain and "han." And that's her name, she's the Han mother.
She sold out her legacy for power. And unfortunately, when you do that, when you sell out God, when you sell out goodness, when you buy into the idea that if you just go along with it you'll be rewarded, you're going to be punished. 
In the end, people who just go along with it for convenience sake, like the good Nazis that went along with it for convenience sake, and like the good citizens of America who just go along with the cultural murdering of children --- they are choosing by not doing anything.
By not speaking out, we are making a decision to remain silent. And silence is a choice. Going along with it is a choice. Not deciding -- "the decision is too hard, I don't know, I don't know, we can't just separate from that, I don't know, we can't, it's the hierarchy, we know it, it's something we're comfortable with, we'll along with it." That is a choice.
This was many years ago now. Now how many times has she dethroned Father, sitting in the King of King's throne? Propping herself up as the Messiah.
Propping herself up as God. Switching the positions of subject and object. Telling men the third way feminism. "You must be servants to your wife. Do not be the priest of your family; do not take ownership of your faith for your family. Do not do Hoon Dok Hae and be the king of your kingdom. Be a slave."
No. We are made in the image of God and God has created the four-position foundation. Cheon Il Guk is made up of kings and queens.
Men, we have the duty of being the priest of the household. That means that we have to be the most faithful. That means we have to do, the Hoon Dok Hae, we have to lead it. That means we have to be the king of the kingdom, which is our territory. That means when somebody is trying to attack your kingdom, you go out on the front line and die. That is what it means to be a king. You are willing to fight; put your neck out on the line and die for your kingdom and your people. Moreover, so many men are scared away from that because we live in a culture that has castrated men, and seen any form of masculinity as evil and oppressive.
Well guess what, Men are getting sick of that. Now real men are starting to say that, "We don't have to listen to your cultural Marxism. You cannot guilt shame us into being feminized pets. We will be men. We will be fighters. We will be warriors and we will be kings. And we will step into our proper position."
When you see what she has done, you will see even the Principle, she has switched that. She of course switched the positions of husband and wife, male and female. No longer does the husband have the responsibility in the new divine principle that they are making. To be the priest of his territory, to be the king of his kingdom, to have the moral responsibility to be willing to die. Okay, for cowardly men, fine. Maybe you will like that.
However, for real men, we hate it. We will live and die, why? Because we are honorable and we are high quality. We live and die for principles. We live and die for honor. We have a warrior culture. We have a samurai culture. We do not just go along with trends. You cannot guilt shame us into being something we will not be. Because inside we know, we have to be kings of the kingdom.
We will never hand it over to archangels that promise to take care of our families. We will take that responsibility on ourselves because we are able and made in the image of God.
When men are scared to step away from that position, look at the Roman Empire, how they conquered all the nations. The same stupid system every time. Go in and kill off all the men. Use the women, make them the facilitators and the teachers of the next generation and then have them train the young children to what? To never, oppose Caesar, never oppose the big government. The big government is here to help you.
Get rid of the fathers of the house. Have the mothers raise the children alone, and of course, I have shown you statistics on that --- single mother homes are 11 times more dangerous. The most dangerous place for young children, the most highly ridden child abuse places for young children, period. That may make you not feel good. So what! I do not care. It is the truth, its statistics, its fact. There is a reason why there is a father and a mother.

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