Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The constitution that Hyung Jin and Kook Jin Nim released


The Kingdom Order (4)
July 31, 2016
Look what we have in America folks. [Shows slide of Hilary Clinton with thumbs up] Hillary for prison, 2016, okay? This woman is one hundred percent gangster. She has broken international law with just the email scandal, let alone the Benghazi scandal. She has destroyed our relationships in the Middle East and collapsed our allies in the Middle East. Horrible, horrible gangster.
She claims she is for women, yet her husband has raped over 19 women. She says she protects women, yet her husband has raped over 19 women on record. Yeah, you did a good job of protecting those women who got raped by your husband! Oh, had a couple of bumps in the road? Those are bumps in the road, devastating women's lives. They are bumps in the road. Great job!
She is a true feminist, funded by Qatar and Saudi Arabia; foreign governments fund her through the Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation. Millions and millions of dollars of speaking fees, insider trading, etc.
Amazing what happened this week, can you believe it? The media was one hundred percent colluding in concert with the Hillary team. Look what happened. In the midst of all these Bernie people, I am not supporting Bernie Sanders, he is a socialist, he is an open socialist, but he won so many states and the Democratic Party stole it from Bernie. He should actually be the nominee. They stole it from him and gave it to her! I am not outraged that it is not Bernie Sanders, but it is ridiculous because they claim to be democratic; they claim to be the Democratic Party.
Yet they openly stole the election from Bernie Sanders who was winning in California, he won almost everywhere, and he actually should be the nominee. There was such a division within the Democratic Party. Did you see what happened there? The Bernie people, about two thousand people, Bernie delegates, left the stadium! The left, they stood out. Look at these vacant sections. The media never covered it, the media just turned to the CNN panel, turned off the lights.
They had a media blackout, and then after they had the seats filled again the lights came on. All of a sudden, new people were sitting in those seats! Some people on the ground in the DNC said, "Delegates say they were told if they didn't put Bernie signs away after the vote they would be arrested. They have walked out." That was live tweeting about what was happening on the ground. Did you see them booing the chairwoman? On the first day? Did you see them booing. It was a ruckus, it was like a circus in there.
They were trying to say, "And Hillary Clinton will be our nominee." "Booo, booo, feel the Bern, Bernie." They were chanting "Bernie" and "Lock her up, lock her up." It sounded like a Trump rally! That was in the DNC. So they were of course trying to pretend there was unity. You see, Satan is always about illusion, folks. What does the party stand for, what are they trying to do? Increase the size of government. I was against the Republican Party too. We were too.
Father was too, even though he supported Bush and used Bush, he said, "You are the king of Satan's world, you must obey Reverend Moon, do not go to war in Iraq." The guy went to war in Iraq killing thousands of people, tens of thousands of innocent people. Then his buddy Dick Cheney, the V.P. went in with his gas company Halliburton and made billions of dollars off of Iraqi people's oil. Father said, "If you go to war in Iraq [and this is in the Peace Messages] and if America goes to war in Iraq because of 9/11, it will crumble." They did not listen to him.
So we know the Republican Party has been totally bought off and totally hijacked as well, but Trump, of course, is an outsider. And everybody hated him, and the media hated him, which we know was a good sign, that's a great sign! [Laughter]
This is what was happening outside the DNC. These Bernie people were burning flags, they were protesting, there were literally thousands of people outside. Did you see any coverage on Clinton News Network and CNN and those kinds of places? No, zero. This is what was happening. They erected fences around --- a wall; they erected walls around the arena. Remember these, are the Democrats who are against walls. Right? [Laughter] Yet they put the walls around because somehow the walls work in keeping people out, that you do not want in! Right? Then you have Bernie coming out, his whole thing was saying, "I am the anti-establishment party person.
I'm against the establishment; they have to reform, etc." Then he comes out endorsing the most gangster, establishment person you could ever vote for, which is Hillary. He claimed to be anti-establishment, but now he comes out one hundred percent supporting the establishment. You see how absurd that is? Because they probably got him on something, blackmailed him. Some secret sex escapade he had, whatever. Got some dirt on him. "Oh, I feel the Bern for Hillary, ahhh." This is a crime syndicate.
And out there, look at this, all those people outraged. And look, a lot of these people are misguided, yes, they are becoming communists and becoming brain dead socialists, sure. But they are trying to say, "Look, you can't steal the election from us. If you claim to have a fair DNC and fair election process, you have to elect the people whom we choose." But that's of course now been totally overturned.
So America is completely cascading down towards total social unaccountability. Total social insanity. Look that this, thousands of people, yet not one reporter from their air-conditioned Starbucks coffee store came out to interview one of these Bernie people. They were so busy inside drinking their coffee mulitas, macchiato. They are covering the news with their white chocolate mochas, too busy to go out five feet and interview these people! Yet this is the same media that cannot walk five feet, and, interview Bernie people.
Yet they claim, "Oh, Hillary's emails were hacked by Russian spies!" WikiLeaks, right? They are saying, "Russian spies did it." These same people cannot walk five feet and interview people five feet in front of them, because they are drinking their white chocolate macchiato. Give me a break! Bought off, paid for, big government media. This is like what the Soviet Union was, folks. The media is bought off. Journalism is supposed to be another branch of power that keeps in check the executive, legislative and judicial branches by constantly criticizing them and constantly exposing them. Not helping them centralize power! That is what the Soviet Union did, that is what China does, and this is now what the U.S. does.
This is not what Cheon Il Guk is. I had an incredible, scintillating discussion with a very bright young man, a very wonderful young man. He was talking about how for a couple of years, he was into anarchical libertarianism. There is a range of anarchical libertarianism. There can be a range of anarchy from the libertarian side all the way to anarchical communism and socialism, in which they want a big state. Anarchical libertarians say, "We don't want any government.
We want no government because government is the use of force, and since government is the use of force, we do not want to use force on anybody. We want free interaction, we want free trade, we want free association, we want free human relations, and through that we want to create success." This young man, he and his younger brother went to libertarian gatherings, and conferences, and they were saying that most of them were atheists, etc. He was saying that when he saw the Cheon Il Guk constitution, he said, "Wow, there is still a government there. There is still a government.
It's not anarchical libertarianism." So he said he prayed to God and he's just been having this on his heart, and one day he had a dream. He had a dream that he met Jesus. Jesus, he told me, looked like he was about eighteen, he had blue eyes and brown hair. [Laughter] He was, like eighteen years old. He said, "Hey, Jesus, what are you doing here?" He walked up to Jesus, and said, "Oh, can I ask you a question?" Jesus said, "Sure." So he said, "Is the Kingdom of God, is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, is it more like anarchical libertarianism or is it more like the constitution that Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim released?"
Jesus said, "It's more like the constitution that Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim released." He said, "Are you sure about that? Are you sure? Are you sure, it is not anarchical libertarianism where there is no government. Because why is there a need for government, because, you know government has the use of force, and even taxation is theft." You know, these are common libertarian arguments.
So he said he encountered Jesus, and Jesus told him, "No it's like the kingdom I was building." Therefore, we had this incredible talk, and I said, "Look, young man. Let us say you had a state in the world, for example, which was anarchical libertarian, which of course, never existed, but let us say you had it. You had a state where you had no government; you had only free interaction and free association." Now, ideally that is sounds wonderful. First, the Cheon Il Guk Constitution reflects the biblical creation, so it reflects God's desire in the ideal, in the pristine Garden of Eden.
Where there was an archangel there, but the archangel was not to be the master, he was supposed to be the servant of Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were to become the king and queen of that kingdom, and the archangel was to be a servant. So the Cheon Il Guk Constitution reflects that and does not allow the federal government to grow in size beyond ten percent of GDP [gross national product]. It is illegal; otherwise, they do cuts across the entire board to match that ten percent GDP. So only ten percent of GDP can be used, maximum for federal growth. Federal growth cannot go beyond that.
There is a federal government because there are certain functions of a federal government that are necessary. For example:
In time of war, when, a nation is invaded since, there is no standing army, or standing police force, because there is only a militia and citizen police force and the sheriff system. In times of war there needs to be an administration that is able to go across the nation and organize the militias to gather to fight as an army against an invading force. That is one reason why you need to have a federal force. However, it is not a federal standing army. It is just administrators. They can never go beyond ten percent of the GDP. Secondly, you also need anti-monopoly laws.
Why? Just because of human nature, people will always be trying to buy politicians off, or to effect laws that help their monopolies. Therefore, you need to have laws that are constantly arising on the books that make it harder for monopolies to concentrate power. Of course, according to the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, all the laws expire after 10 years. Every year, ten percent of the laws expire. Therefore, even though you invest tons of money in politicians to get a law passed for your big business, it goes away in ten years. Therefore, you have to do a good cost/benefit analysis.
Therefore, I asked him, "Look, in a purely anarchical libertarian state, where there is absolutely no government, how long do you think that can last? How long can that last if you had absolutely no government, you only had free interaction and free trade." Whenever you look at human interaction, human nature, and human history, there is always, always, humanity will always move towards patterns of socialism, communism.
I told him, "Look, if you look at male and female voting patterns, and this is why the politicians go after the female votes so big, especially liberals, is because females in overwhelming numbers, vote towards larger governments. For bigger welfare support for what they call needy families, etc. etc. So unless you get rid of all women, are you planning to get rid of all women, young men? The majority of women will vote towards socialism because it is just naturally maternal instincts. "Yeah, ok, let's share.
Ok, don't say you made that, we did it together!" Etc., etc. You look at the patterns, it is there statistically. So I said, "Look, men do it too, but in smaller numbers. You're never going to get out of the pattern of society trying to become socialized, trying to become federalized, and trying to become communist." You will never get rid of that pattern. It is very unrealistic to assume that you will because people with free will, will choose evil sometimes. So, in anarchical libertarianism, where you have a totally, no-government state, how will you stop small communities from forming their own governments? How will you stop them from deciding to make a communist society? They can start forming small, communist, hippie societies.
Which then can grow and metastasize into larger communist societies. How will you stop that? You will not be able to stop that. Then how will you stop a small area starting to elect their own officials to have the use of force, try to centralize power and to force other people to pay into that system? How will you stop that in a total anarchical libertarian state? How will you stop those pockets of rebellion against anarchical libertarianism? Towards a movement for socialism? How will you do it? It is not possible. You cannot stop human nature, you cannot. Therefore, the Cheon Il Guk Constitution addresses that.
It addresses first, that God had a need for the archangel, the archangel has a purpose, but it has to be the servant, not the master. Adam and Eve, the citizens are to be the kings and queens. They are to rule, they are to own everything, not the government which owns things, the citizens own everything. The citizens are the police; the citizens are the military; not a standing army over the citizens which commands them to do things. Right?
Therefore, it takes into account the nature of human nature and the tendency that, even though societies swell and try to push socialism, within the constitution it is illegal to grow the federal government beyond ten percent. No matter how many socialists you have, you cannot grow the federal government beyond ten percent GDP. You cannot steal people's money beyond that. And we're talking about taxes. Taxes -- there are no income taxes, obviously, just like America used to, not have income tax. There are no VAT taxes. VAT taxes are taxes on profits.
So you make money, you send it to the government, and they send you back the profit minus the VAT tax, which is ridiculous. That means you are sending your profits to be blessed by the archangel, they are sending back your money and you have to be grateful to the archangel that they sent you back your money that you made after they stole a portion of it. That is ridiculous. No, no VAT taxes in Cheon Il Guk. Citizens, keep the fruits of their labor, it is biblical. They get to keep what they build, they get to keep the kingdoms they build, they keep the legacy, the inter-generational success --- they keep it.
Now, there is a sales tax. Therefore, you say, "Why is there a sales tax?" Because any tax is a form of theft, because you are forcefully using officials or bureaucrats or people with guns to force other people without guns to pay into that system against their will. Therefore, that is the use of force. That is then theft. The use of force and then theft. So then, wouldn't sales tax then be theft? No, in Cheon Il Guk, this is a land of sovereign owners.
The Cheon Il Guk citizens own the land. Just like the federal government owns fifty percent of the United States, right, which is absurd. The citizens should own all that land. It is baloney when they say, "Oh, the citizens destroy that land; if they own it they'll destroy it." Baloney! I got lobster delivered to my campground on a private land, delivered lobster to me. Clean, no garbage. Good luck trying to get that in a federal park! You will never get it. We got room service lobster delivered to us, at less than the price at any federal land. So, when the citizens own it, they have to keep it well because that is their customer base, they have to take care of the customers well because that is their livelihood.
Therefore, the citizens own it. If the citizens agree that, as sovereigns of this land, when people do business on our sovereign land, okay, they will pay a five percent tax or whatever the sales tax. To pay for the functions of the federal government, which is anti-monopoly laws. In cases of invasion, the organization of militias to become an army to fight against it. Does that make sense? Therefore, it is an agreement among sovereigns to allow that type of sales tax, but no income tax, no VAT tax, none of those kinds of things. We keep the fruits of our labor, we are the kings, and we have dominion over the creation that God gave us.
This is the power of the Kingdom. Jesus said: "Go ye out into the world and preach the gospel of the kingdom of God." When we understand the kingdom and the power of the kingdom, not only does it bring hope, not only does it bring vigour, not only does it bring excitement, it brings the vision of what is to come. Because, in the Last Days, even though the world of Satan's dominion becomes stronger, he always gets weaker as he gets stronger because he is forced out, into the open.
The more power he gets, the more he has to come into the spotlight and the more evil has to come out into the spotlight, the more it is exposed. Does that make sense? That is why when evil seems greatest, it is actually weakest. When people of God stand up, stay in their proper position, stay as the kings and queens, and say, "We are sovereigns, you must bow to us." Moreover, not being guilt shamed into thinking that is arrogant, or guilt shamed into thinking you are greedy. No. We are sovereigns, kings and queens of the kingdom of God. That is who we are, and the King of Kings, who gives us that right, connects us. That is not arrogance! That is, called inheritance.
And when the people who are truly the inheritors of God and the kingdom and the world stand up and say, "No, we are the inheritors, you are the archangel, get thee back, Satan." When we say that, he kicks and screams a little bit, but we know jujitsu!
Let us go to Cheon Seong Gyeong 1196.
"Now we are entering the era of restoring the kingship. In the future, it will not be necessary for all of the citizens of a country to believe. If the president of a country fixes its constitution so that it is based on the Principle, the restoration of that nation becomes possible at once."
Amen. Aju.

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