Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Kingdom Prosperity

The Kingdom Prosperity (1)

July 3, 2016

Pastor Hyung Jin Sean Moon

Let's go to the word today. What a blessed camp, we we're so blessed this time. Now, remember, before we had camp, we were already studying about the Kingdom. So if there is anybody here for the first time, I understand there are also some ministers who will join us online today, what is the gospel in understanding what Jesus was talking about, when we talked about the gospel? We covered this many, many times. And of course, even Christian churches are not preaching about the gospel.

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus says, "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these thing shall be added unto you."

You know, what is the purpose of us doing all this camp, and building communities, and learning self-reliance? What is the purpose? It's not an unrelated purpose, all these things where we are meeting all these people who are civilization builders. Remember, "R types" do not create civilization, they feed off of civilization. “K types” people create civilizations. People who invest in their children, people who have a long-term thinking, people who have morals, have integrity, honor and who seek truth.

This is what civilization is built upon. And one thing we are so blessed to see, and I shared this with everybody at the camp this time ---- wow, Kook Jin Hyung and I are just two of us out here in the wilderness, and we came out here, we had to flee the palace so that we could serve Father. And who knew that, within a couple of years, we would meet all of you folks, that you would be crazy enough to come out into the wilderness, into the forest. You people are crazy, what's wrong with you? You see, and we have the ability to be together with people where we know that our subject partner is the same. We love the same God. We love the same Christ. And we will not be oppressed and silenced, right? And what a blessing this is.

I felt this massively during the camp. I would look around and say, "Look at these people! Man, look at the quality of the people who have gathered here." Because if you think about it, we would have probably never met you in the world movement. It would have been very hard for us to actually get to know you. All of you folks come from very different backgrounds; you maybe live in different parts of the world. And it would actually be very hard for us to filter through all the different layers to actually even get to know any of you.

Our brother here is from Brazil, you are from everywhere, right? Just incredible. [Pointing to a little boy in the congregation] You're from London? All right, you're from London. All right, that's not too bad. Your country just got freed, Brexit. [applause] But there are forces trying to bring it back in!

This is all related to the Kingdom. Why? The Kingdom will not be built by, and civilization is never built by "R types", never. "R types" require a civilization to live off of. It's "K types" that develop civilization because civilizations are built upon hard work, morality, a foundation of common language and culture and purpose. They are not built on taking from things, just desiccating a certain area. And so the kingdom mind-set, and all of the things that a lot of us are bringing together, we have a lot of experts in different fields coming in with different expertise, bringing these types of skills and making them available to a whole new generation of people who can come in contact with those gifts.

So we're so grateful, we're so blessed at this camp. I was so moved, I remember just singing those holy songs, remember that? On Friday, where we were just singing those holy songs, did somebody feel that in the room? The spirit just came down, just singing those old holy songs, remember that? "Shining Fatherland, " Oh my lord! "Song of the Young People." Whoo, man! You know, when I used to hear that without a Christian context, it just sounded like some hymn. What is this, some kind of old fogy song, or something like that? But when you understand it in the context of a relationship with Christ, and you have a relationship with Christ, you have a relationship with God, these songs are incredible!

Some of the songs like "Fight bravely to crush Satan!" You know when we were young we heard this and we were like, "Oh my God, what's wrong with that lyric?" [laughter] And then we have all these teachers in the liberal arts academy saying "Oh, this dualistic primitive thinking between good and evil, fighting between good and evil, those are primitive religions which think like that!" Blah, blah, I've heard it all. And, when you look at those lyrics in the context of actually having a relationship with God, with Christ, whoa! It's incredible, because it is a fight, it is a battle. The devil will lie to you all the time, saying there is no fight that you have to do. All you have to do is go with the flow. Go with the stream. Just let the elites lead you down the stream. Trust them, follow them. [laughter] It will be all right. That's what they told the Russians, that's what they told the Cambodians, that's what they told the Germans, that's what they told the Chinese. They became slaves. Right?

So, it's like, what's that Disney movie with the walrus and he's playing the pipes and all the little clams are following him? Is that Alice in Wonderland? Ok, and the fat walrus is playing, "Come, little clams, and he's playing that pipe, and the clams are like, Hey, ok, let's follow him!" Peace! Love! Tolerance! Unity! Just follow the clams. Come, come into the pot! Right?

“R type’s people never build civilization" never. Archangels never build it. It's never built by fraud and deception. Civilizations can never be built on those principles and values. Civilizations, in order to gain stability, and to grow and develop throughout the generations, need morals; they need morality, they need ethics, they need reasoning, they need all those faculties. Long-term thinking. Civilizations are built by "K types," and when I see the group of people that came to the camp, I said, "Wow! Look at the quality of these people!

These people have all been persecuted, they've been scorned, they've been mocked, they've been laughed at, and they lost all their friends." They gained new friends, you see, God gives us new friends. He separates good and evil. Father talked about this many times. When Satan invades, God must separate good and evil, he must. You can't sleep with the devil, and be faithful to God. You can't be married to your wife and be sleeping with another woman. They are mutually exclusive, good and evil are mutually exclusive, right?

I am looking around this camp, and this room, wow! What quality people. These are people who are warriors, these are people who have conscience, these are people who have love for Father, these are people who are true believers. And when I saw that, I remember Friday, I was just so inspired singing those songs with you all. What a tremendous feeling in the soul -- that nourished my soul.

The kingdom is always going to be built by people who do this, seek ye first the Kingdom, and his righteousness. Because no longstanding civilization can be built on unrighteousness, on licentiousness, on immorality. Those are the downfalls of civilization, never the buildup of one.

And all these things shall be added unto you. In Matthew 10 Jesus says go preach saying, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. In Luke 4, he says, I must preach the Kingdom of God to other cities also, for therefore am I sent.

So many Christians do not look at the Scripture. They are hearing what their denominations have told them and what two thousand years [of Christianity] has told them, but they are not looking at the Scripture. What did Jesus say? He was sent for the preaching of the Kingdom. Look at the scripture, this is verse Luke 4:43. Did he say I must preach the Kingdom of God to other cities also, that I must preach the crucifixion, that I must die for everybody? Did he say, I must preach the resurrection, that after I die I am going to come back in three days? He actually never preached that publicly, he taught it privately to his disciples, he never preached it publicly. Big difference.

He said, I must preach the Kingdom of God, for therefore am I sent. I am sent by the Father to preach about the Kingdom of God. If you really love Jesus, you have to seriously, seriously think about these Scriptures. There's no way around them, they are in the word of God, they are in the Bible. You can't get around them.

Matthew 4. Jesus went about Galilee, and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom. He's not only preaching about the Kingdom, he's preaching the gospel of the Kingdom. The gospel is the Evangelion, the good news, which we've been taught in our denominations, etc., which is the death, the crucifixion, burial, resurrection. Now, nobody here is the denying the power of the resurrection, or denying the power of salvation that God used through the cross. Nobody is denying that. There is real salvation through the cross; there is real salvation through understanding grace, receiving God's grace. But when Jesus was talking about the gospel, he was talking about the gospel of the Kingdom. The kingdom. Yeah, he was talking about the gospel of the Kingdom. And this is never taught. It's never preached. You can go almost ten out of ten, one hundred out of one hundred, it can be any denomination, hardly anybody is preaching about a Kingdom coming.

Mark 1:14. Preaching the gospel of the Kingdom. The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand, repent ye and believe the gospel. The gospel of the Kingdom of heaven. Matthew 9.Preaching the gospel of the Kingdom and healing every sickness, etc. Matthew 24. This gospel, not any other gospel, this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

The end of Satan's kingdoms are beginning when the gospel of the Kingdom begins to be preached.

So we looked at a few of these scriptures, we had more of them, if you look back at some of the earlier sermons, you'll see we have even more scriptures where Jesus is absolutely clear, the gospel is the Kingdom. The gospel is the Kingdom.

Today, we jump back into our study of the Kingdom and the gospel. And we loo k at Mark 10 today, and this is a similar one that we saw in Matthew, but there are some nuances here that we can get into. But let's read together from the word today, Mark 10:15. Let us read together.

15. "Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. 16. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them. 17.And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? 18. And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God. 19. Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honor thy father and mother. 20. And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth. 21. Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest; go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow me. 22. And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions. 23. And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, so hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! 24. And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! 25. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, then for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." Amen.

So we've seen this scripture, this same account in the gospel of Matthew, when we went through Matthew. But let's focus in here on verse 21. Now you have this young man who has come up to Jesus, and he is asking him, 'how can I get eternal life?' And Jesus says, do the commandments, etc. And he says, "I've done all these things." And then Jesus says, "Well, you've missed one thing, I give you one thing, here's your homework. You have to sell all that you have. Give it all to the poor, and you will have your treasure in heaven, you have to take up the cross and follow me."

But let's focus on that. Traditionally when, in Christian history, Christian theologians, pastors, when they look at this, they say, "Oh, ok, so Jesus is saying that it's bad to rich. Or in this case, we have to give all our wealth to the poor “Right? This is what traditionally we will feel. Or if we just hear the story, we think, "Oh, ok, if I have something, I am greedy." Right? We may feel that, young people you may feel that. But Jesus says to him, 'you sell whatever you have, you give it to the poor, you'll have your treasure in heaven, come take up the cross and follow me."

He's saying, you have to come and be persecuted with him. Come. 'You want to follow me, I am being persecuted. If you follow me, you can't hide behind me, you take up your cross. You have to be willing to receive the cross, the burden, the hatred, the belittling. People mocking at you, laughing at you. You have to be willing to accept that. And follow me.'

Now this is interesting, because he's telling this young man, and this young man, remember we talked about this word "great possessions" when we reviewed this in Matthew? Great possessions, huge fortune. And remember, at the time of Jesus, what was the world that Jesus lived in? He lived in this world

[showing slide of the assassination of Caesar]. This was Julius Caesar being assassinated by Brutus.

Remember, Jerusalem and all of Judea were under the Roman Empire, which was a republic, but it collapsed, it got degraded. And eventually it became a dictatorship.

And this is a painting of Caesar and he's saying, "Et tu Brute." And you Brutus? And he's being stabbed and assassinated.

Now at the end of the Roman Republic, and at the beginning of the Empire, isn't that interesting? The Republic ended, representative government ended, dictatorship began. When did that happen? In 44 B.C. Caesar appoints himself "Dictator Perpetuum" -- the perpetual dictator, dictator for life.

Then he is killed, murdered by Brutus and Cassius and their co-conspirators acting for the Optimates. And Octavian returns from Greece, so Julius Caesar is killed in 44 B.C., and in 27 B.C., which most historians call the beginning of the dictatorship, Octavian names himself Augustus, the venerable. And is officially the first emperor of Rome.

Now usually when we hear about Julius Caesar, we think that's like a different time than Jesus. It's right around the time of Christ. It's right around that time. So you understand that the whole system of government had collapsed from being a republic, a representative government, an attempt at checks and balances, etc. But eventually collapsing into a type of democracy, and then mob rule. Democracy is always temporal, always temporary, and then of course into dictatorship so this is the context of Jesus' time.

This is the world he lives in. And so he's telling this young man, 'you have great possessions, you have great fortune, you have great wealth.' How would you amass great wealth, great fortune in this time? This time was not a time of free markets. It was not a time where you, by how well you serve your customers and through innovation and competition you would be rewarded. That was non-existent. At this time you would rise up to power, you would get into the elite group; you would become part of the oligarchy by hook and crook. You would get into power by lining up politically with people in power, kissing up to them so that you can gain power, so that you can kick down on people below you. Right?

And you would amass wealth, and you would amass fortune in this way. You wouldn't amass it now by serving people, not by living for the sake of others and serving your customers, and building a tremendous business or product or service for other people. You would not do that. You would line up politically. Try to ride the line so that you could escalate in your ascension to power.

And so when he is talking to this young man, we know, because this man has great possessions, he's from great fortune, which means also his family is involved because through family connections and through political line riding, that's how you would gain power in this world. In this world.

That's how you would gain power. And so Jesus says, 'you have amassed all these things, you have amassed all these things by hook and crook, you have amassed all these things by your oligarchy, you have amassed all these things by coercion and force. You better give it up. Give it all up. Give it all up and take up your cross and follow me, and help me build the kingdom. Which is the opposite of what you are used to and what your family is used to. Your family is used to hook and crook. Your family is used to climbing up this ladder, assassinating people, et tu Brute, getting up, backstabbing. That's how you're getting wealth.

Now if you understand people who are in the elites, and in the U.S. we have a quickly diminishing republic; it's really not a republic anymore, officially it's an oligarchy now, but it was a republic. We have the situation where you have the group of elites at the top who will not, do not want to give up their power. Just this week, have you seen one of the billionaires, he's the heir to Bloomingdales, Traub is his name? He's the heir to Bloomingdales, the big shopping chain organization.

And he was writing for the Council on Foreign Relations, which is a huge globalist think tank, he was writing for one of their articles, and this week he published something, literally saying the ignorant masses are trying to rise up for their freedom, with Brexit and the Donald Trump revolution happening in America; the ignorant masses are doing this. So he literally says in that article, "I am calling on the elites, the leaders, to gather together to quell this type of insurrection of the ignorant masses." This is guy is from the chain of Bloomingdales, but of course he is in one of the elite families.

This is how they think. They think in a different realm than you or I. They think differently from normal people. This individual is from five generations of wealth. A lot of these big elites currently are from royal bloodlines, satanic bloodlines, fallen world bloodlines. How did those people get into power? How did those people get into that coterie, that inner group of the elites, the top group? How did they get the backing, the support, the friendships, the networks to get into power? Lots of political line riding, lots of nefarious, behind-the-scenes things. The mentality is the same.

The mentality is either of sociopathic or psychopathic mentality. Gain power; amass power, so not only I can feel powerful so that I can literally control this world, this life, people around me. I can control it. It's a control freak mentality, a psychopathic, control freak mentality. Instead of letting humanity be loosed and allowed to innovate and create, create incredible technology, it's how do we control this. Control, control. And this type of mentality is of course not from God.

God gave us free will. He gave us the ability to choose good and evil. That's how much he trusts us. He said, "You can have the choice to choose good or evil." That's a lot of trust, my friends. That's a lot of trust. Ninety percent of parents do not even allow their children to have that. Ninety-nine percent. That is a lot of faith in humanity. A lot of faith. To give humanity freedom and responsibility. 'Ok, you're going to be free, you can choose good and evil, but there are going to be consequences, so be aware of that.' The lie of the archangel is that, 'no there are no consequences, you can have sex with fifty people, you want no consequences, just kill the baby once you have it in your tummy, just kill it, just abort it, it's just a piece of flesh, it's nothing, it's a human tissue, it's just tissue.'

No consequences, there are no consequences to health education, five year old kids learning about adult sexual behavior. 'No, there are no consequences to that.' Right? There are no consequences to borrowing indefinitely from foreign banks, no, no consequences to that. There are no consequences to waging wars and killing people for profit for these big corporations like the oil companies. There is no problem in that.

You see, the archangel is always trying to deceive us, telling us that there are no consequences to our behavior. "Live as you want, that's what it means to be truly free, do what you want, there are no consequences." Of course, anybody who lives like that realizes very quickly that there are consequences. Just like Nietzsche, at their end, they're hugging a horse and dying with a horse. Insane, mad, psychotic.

This current phenomenon that we see now is not new, it's not modern, it's ancient. The Roman republic collapsed into the Roman Empire, which then has total power, dominates all of the Mediterranean up to North Africa. By the time of Jesus, it had already consumed France, Greece, and the Eastern Mediterranean. Africa, Spain, North Africa, the Italian peninsula, etc. It was the hegemony of the world. And how, in that hegemony, how did you become wealthy?

You became wealthy by hook and crook. You became wealthy by joining the sex club of the elites. You became wealthy by offering your children to be sacrificed to them. You became wealthy by joining their pagan rituals, their evil rituals. Joining their occult clubs, that's how you gained ascendancy in that system. Unfortunately, America is now like that. Who you know, not what you know.

So here are some of the things that are learned in a free and responsible area. God gave Adam and Eve freedom. He had massive, massive trust in Adam and Eve, in humanity. Adam and Eve represent humanity. God gave freedom and responsibility to humanity. That's incredible. But when we look at the elites and the leaders of this world, it is the opposite. They are not seeking to let loose human potential. They are not seeking to let loose the middle class because for the elites, their enemy is the middle class.

That's their competition. So they are historically always against the middle class. But in a place of freedom and responsibility, in Cheon Il Guk, in a place where freedom and responsibility is protected, consequences are real, but you are free. You learn the value of what Father considered probably one of the most important virtues; it is a Chinese character "Cheong Seong Sung", which is "sincerity." It literally means, "Your words become real."

That is what it actually is broken down to, the left side of the radical is the word for "word," and the right side is "become." So, to become the word, make the word true, actualize the word.

In a place where you do not have all the intervention of the archangel, you must be an honest person. You must. How will you do business with other people if you are a crook? Everybody is going to know that you are cheating people. This guy is going to tell on you, he's going to tell on that person who is cheating people.

He is going to say, "Don't do business with that person. That's guy is cheating everybody, he's running off with the money." How are you going to do business, and how are you going to make a living for yourself if you are a crook in a free society? You will have serious consequences to that behaviour. Evil behaviour is seriously punished, not by some enforcer, like a guy with a hat who beats you up. It is enforced by the nature of human interaction. Because we are made in the image of God, actually our conscience leads us towards goodness.

Our original mind, which is what the Divine Principle calls it. In a free society, our original mind is alive and activated. Therefore, if we behave badly, and we do stupid things, and we cheat people, we are going to get paid back In that same dimension. Our original mind will know that is wrong, and the society itself almost in a spiritual way, the society itself will punish that type of behaviours, simply not interacting with you, simply not allowing your dreams to be fulfilled, by not supporting your dreams, because you are a crook. Right? If you are, that kind of person, right?

Therefore, sincerity, honesty, abiding by contracts, keeping your promises, these kinds of things will be the mark of somebody that you say, "I can do business with that person. I want to trade with that person. I can associate with that person." You see how that naturally will arise, without any governments telling you to do so.

It would naturally arise, just because we have a sixth sense, we have an original mind, we have a spider sense, we have an ability to sense who is going to be an asset to be with, or who is going to be a detriment to be with. Hard work, serving others, being transparent.

One of the sisters asked me, "What was the most important principle you learned serving Father for two years?" I told this young lady that it is transparency. Father lived his life transparently, fully transparent. He had no private time. We would do an event, a big event or a small event, it does not matter, as soon as he comes inside, it is still public. He has no private time. He has no time where he is away from people. Even though the ceremony has happened, these people can just come in. Leaders can bring people that they are trying to pull up in the ranks. No free time, no private time. This sounds very heroic and easy, but it is not. It is not easy. It is like being on an internet camera twenty-four seven. Like being on a live camera twenty-four seven where the whole world is watching you.

Whatever Father did, he was always transparent about what he did. Always. It was so different from what Cheong Pyeong did, from what the Han mother did. There was transparency. Father would talk about it in the Hoon Dok Hae that is why he wanted everyone to come to Hoon Dok Hae. He would talk about all the things that he is developing. We shared them some on Friday, right? The hunting thing that he was developing in Yeo Soo, fishing farming, agriculture, all that kind of stuff.

You learn how to be humble in a free society with responsibility. You learn not to make overly big promises, because if you do that, and you cannot fulfil them, what happens? Trustworthy people will say you are not trustworthy. I cannot do business with you. I do not want to associate with you. I am going to pull back. You naturally learn it. No government is telling you to do it. No institution is telling you to do it. You are naturally learning it because people are free and responsible. You learn how to be conservative when you promise things, and when you deliver something, be liberal. Be giving.

Make the people whom you are serving happy. Go the extra mile for your customer, go the extra mile for that person. You learn those principles. You learn them just naturally.

You learn to live for the sake of others. Father said the core definition of love is living for the sake of others, but we always interpret that as just going and doing something like a soup kitchen. Sure, that is one dimension of it, but look at how Father lived his life. How was Father living for the sake of others? He was in politics, he was in business, and he was building a kingdom of sovereignty, a spiritual kingdom that was to come to this earth.

He was teaching self-reliance, systems to help people to get off, of current, modern systems, so that they could make wealth for themselves. You see, in Cheon Il Guk, and I think that this is something that we miss, in Cheon Il Guk, most of the people, the citizens of the Kingdom are owners. They have something that they are living for the sake of, they are living for the sake of others through the gift that God has given them and they are able to make many people happy through that gift.

Through that innovation. Through that development, they are able to benefit people; they are able to live for the sake of others. Right? It is not a living for the sake of others where I do some service work, and then I feel like I saved the world, and now I feel resentful that the world does not pay me back. I know many young people who did those service activities became like that. "I did so much service work, how come nobody pays me back?" Then it becomes a negative spiral.

Next part

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