Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The kingdom of freedom and responsibility


The Kingdom of the Redeemed (3)
August 7, 2016
Every generation has to be the generation of Christ.
He is the center constantly.
That is how the world stays in balance, which is how the Kingdom comes. Not by having "my generation now, it's my turn." No, it is not. You are a thieving, stealing, adulterous blasphemer; it is not your time. It never will be. You have to give that up and let God have the glory. Then your life has power, it has anointing, it has blessing, it gets persecuted but you put the parachute on, and you know it's going to open up when you jump.
It leads to hate. It leads to hating the one, jealous of the one who is worthy of that praise. "I want that!" It becomes like that. Literally when she screamed at us, and we have shared it now. When we were having that conversation in the TV room of the palace, the inner chambers of the TV room in the palace, and when Kook Jin Hyung said, "You have to be like the Queen Mother and honor the decision of True Father," she blew up and she said, "I have absolute power!"
Her eyes bugging out, her face red. Both of us looked at each other, thinking "are you seeing this, are you seeing this?" This looks like some kind of movie drama. We knew she was possessed, we knew she had a spirit in her. It was insane. It was like someone who was lost, crazed, and insane on power. Not like the mom, we know. Totally possessed. Something had entered into her. Now we know what had happened. She actually married the satanic spirit, did a marriage ceremony to it. That is like signing your name in blood on the line on the contract.
Then what happened, of course? She hated, whom did she end up hating? She hated the one, who deserved of that praise, which was who? Father. That is why she could do what she tried to do in the hospital with Kim Hyo Nam to get rid of him. He may have a chance for recovery. Pull the plug. See, that hate. You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. That crazy, occult marriage ceremony. Give me a break. Occult marriage ceremony. Give me a break. And nobody said anything around her? You know, people around her should have said, "Uhh, maybe we shouldn't be doing this!" [Laughter] "Maybe we should be doing this when Father is at home? Or like get his feedback on this?" [Laughter]
You must not steal. What did she do? On the day where she was to acknowledge and glorify Father, to proclaim him victorious and to proclaim his Kingship victorious, she went out and did what? She proclaimed herself. She usurped the throne. She stole the entire kingdom. Of course, we know that is, the material kingdom that Father built. She could not steal the spiritual kingdom. [Applause]
Why? Because the spiritual kingdom is based on love. True love. The love of God. And all those kids, just like the tribes of Israel, two tribes, it's almost always the two tribes, whether it was Joshua and Caleb's situation, or whether it was northern and southern Judah; only two tribes out of twelve stood for the Lord. It is remarkable that again, at the time when it was most difficult, when it was hardest, only two of the tribes, two of the children, Cain and Abel, whom Father anointed, stood against the heresy. Everybody else went along with it, for the money. So of course, she stole Father's legacy.
You must not testify falsely against your neighbours. She sent leaders around. What was the first thing they were teaching after that? They were teaching, "the blood lineage doesn't matter, it is now the law. It's the law that will give us salvation." This is what they, were teaching, remember this? It is not "hyultong" it's "puptong" --- that is what Yang Chang Shik fraudster was preaching to get rid of me after she had fired me from Korea. He was traveling the nation of Korea saying, "no longer hyultong (which means blood lineage), because he knows the kingship is held by blood lineage, Father-son. He said, "No longer hyultong, it is puptong." Puptong means law. The case of the law. Tong means the inheritance of the law. "This is what will give us salvation." Testifying against their king.
And of course, you must not covet your neighbour’s house, wife, male or female servant, ox or donkey or anything else. Look at that, that sounds really funny, but think about that. Think how much Mother coveted the inheritance that Father gave me. It says ox or donkey. Like material things that the father gave you, as well. Do not covet that.
When you look at the Han mother, she has broken every single one of the Ten Commandments. But she is completely unrepentant. The difference between her and anybody who is really saved and under True Father's authority is that we know that we are sinners. We are actually repentful about it, and we try to please God by saying that the joy of the lord, His joy is our strength. I have a different power because my joy is not in me; my joy is in my Father's joy. Therefore, my level of power will always defeat your level of power if your level of power comes from you. Always I win. You see? Because I have a supernatural power. All that, when you look at what happened, you can see the progression, boom, boom, boom.
In the kingdom too, we know that it is a kingdom of freedom and responsibility. And we've said many times that in the kingdom of freedom and responsibility the Ten Commandments are obeyed naturally. In fact, what is fascinating is that when you try to talk to somebody about God and their mind is trying to debate with you, it doesn't go anywhere. This versus that. This versus that. But when you ask them, "Have you ever lied?" "Yeah." "Have you ever stolen something?" "Yeah." "Have you ever looked at a woman or a man with lust?" "Yeah." "Ok, that makes you, by your own admission, a lying, thieving, blasphemous adulterer." "Look, I am the same too. I am also condemned by the law." Right?
Of course, we tell everybody that we talk to that we admit that too. The difference is that I am righteous not because of me, but because I have Christ on. Right?
In the kingdom, think about it, in the kingdom, you have in the Constitution the mention of God, the mention of the Bible, you have the mention of the Divine Principle, and you have the mention of True Father as the King of Kings. You have the mention of the Kingdom.
So, even in that culture, you will have a culture that is appreciative of the constitution. Why? Because all the freedom you enjoy, all the prosperity you enjoy, and all the lack of regulations you enjoy come from that constitution. It comes from that law, which is what? Given by Father, by his Kingship. That is the root of the human rights delineated in the constitution, it comes from God naturally.
The natural rights that we are endowed with, given, not by government, not by institutions, but by God. So even if we had a situation in which we have freedom of religion, because the Constitution is so unequivocally clear about the Bible, the Divine Principle, about the Kingship of True Father, about the King of Kings, and about Yahweh, the God of the Bible. If you appreciate your freedom, if you appreciate your prosperity, if you appreciate the fact that you can have success and not be taxed, if you appreciate those things you will appreciate the God who gives it to you.
Your conscience will be stirred to have a grateful heart towards that document which protects you legally but which is rooted in God. Does that make sense? Therefore, if you do those things, of course, we know that these things will slowly become more important to you, but of course, even in a free and responsible society, even if there is no Cheon Il Guk Constitution, in a free and responsible society you will still have people obeying these latter commandments. Not to murder, not to commit adultery, not to steal, not to falsely bear witness against your neighbours.
Because those are all negative behaviours that lead to destruction. If you are running a business and you operate like this, you are going to fail. If you have to take care of customers and you act like this, you will fail. Guaranteed, in a free and responsible society, you will fail. Nobody will do business with you, does that make sense? Therefore, by natural processes you will behave in accordance with the Ten Commandments. You will not be perfect, but you will behave in accordance with them. Nobody is perfect, right, except for God.
The natural law which is given by God, the natural law the Bible says, is written on our heart, and the constitution and the human rights God gave us is written on our heart. Why do we rebel? Why do we make all these gods in our mind, and these gods that make us feel better, justify our sin? Why do we do that? Because if there is a God and he truly is perfect, good, and just, then we have to be morally accountable to him.
So if we have to be morally accountable to him, it kind of puts a damper on our life and what we want to do, and blah, blah, blah. You want to sin, you want to enjoy the sin, etc., etc. So it puts a damper on your life. So you would rather not accept that, and make up a Barney, fantasy, purple dinosaur God to make you feel good about the sin you are doing. Does that make sense? Right? In the kingdom, because it is such a free and responsible place, yes, there will be people who choose evil, yes, we understand that because there is free will, but the majority of people will have to behave in accordance with the Ten Commandments. They will have to. At least with the latter part. Because they can never succeed any other way.
There is a natural law written into creation, how the universe works, that if you deceive, if you play in deceit, if you're fraudulent, if you lie and covet and steal from people, you will get it back to you, right? It is going to come and shoot you in the tail, in the booty, in the foot. Maybe in all three at the same time! [Laughter] So in the kingdom, the 10 Commandments are naturally followed or pursued. I am not going to say perfectly everybody in the kingdom just obeys the 10 Commandments. No, but pursued, almost even naturally, because of the nature of that kingdom, they are pursuing the commandments. As you pursue, even the latter commandments, and you have a patriotic view of yourself as a citizen of Cheon Il Guk, and all the prosperity you experience in that kingdom comes from the constitution, you experience a joy for the constitution, a pride in the constitution, a patriotism for the constitution which of course clearly articulates that this constitution comes from God. [Applause]
So get to know him. Get to know him.
Folks, that what it is, the blessing to return to True Father's authority, it is based in love.
Now we have a wonderful brother who stood up in South America, continental director, Gilson Oliveira, and now he is reaching out to all these different Latin American countries, but why is he doing that? Why are people going around and trying to bring people back to True Father's authority? Is it because they feel self-righteous? No, what is the reason? It is because of love.
It is because I am worried about where you will spend eternity. Nobody else is thinking about you like that. I worry where you will spend eternity. If you are away from God, you will be in hell. You will be in torment. If you are near God in eternity, you will be in heaven. I worry; I care about where you go when you take that jump.
I do not just care about your comfort on the plane; I care about whether you have the parachute on when you jump. Does that make sense? That is because people who truly understand salvation, who truly understand the spirit world, they are filled with love. That love consumes them like a fire, and that love is to help others, help others come into the relationship with Christ, that they will not perish, but have everlasting life. It has based on love, folks.
When we see the false wine and the false covenant, think about it. It is a marriage ceremony. Now think about who is giving it to you. It's the Han mother who had an occult, adulterous, secret marriage behind Father's back, marrying a separate spiritual entity who she thinks is God, but is, of course, Satan, she will be officiating those things. And that's the covenant under which you are putting your entire eternal soul under. You are putting on that bag, which is one thousand pounds of lead weight. It is not a parachute, right? 
And you're doing it because you don't want to offend anybody. You are doing it because, "Oh, people may mock me, oh somebody may spill coffee on me." Wake up! 25,000 feet it is your time to go! If I love you, I am going to say, "Take that dang lead back pack off, and I'm going to give you a parachute!" "But my kid is going to lose his friends, I can't go to Sunday School anymore, I can't go to that dinner anymore, I can't have fried chicken on Sunday with that person, blah, blah, blah." You are going to be frying something else when you go on the other side! [Laughter] Think about the jump! Do not think just about the comforts of that stupid plane. Think about the jump!
If you take all the emotion out of it, why would you ever join a religion where you have to take a covenant under somebody who has married Satan? Why would you do that? Especially if you are saying, you do not want to be a Satanist. If you were saying you do not want to be a Satanist, and you do not want to be in a covenant with Satan, why would you follow a religion that makes you take a blood covenant, and eternal covenant to somebody who has been married to Satan?
Take out all the emotion. Take out all the personal feelings. Take out all the friendships that you think about. No, just think about it in terms of pure stats and statistics, why would you do that? Would you ever join that kind of movement? Of course not. Unless you are a nut, right? But think about it, the people in Family Fraud are literally that insane, they are nuts, they have been possessed by a spirit. They cannot see what they are doing, and the reason why we not only reach out to them, but to any other person is because we understand and we actually love peoples' souls.
We do not want them to perish. We want them to have everlasting life. So what, you do not have the high status that you had, at least you have everlasting life. Do not be stupid with your eternal life! Right? That is the heart by which we go out to try to get people to get blessed.
What did Father say in Cheon Seong Gyeong 533? He said,
"That is why, when you receive the Blessing, you undergo the ceremony for changing the lineage. You must believe in this more than your own life. Just because it is a Unification Church ceremony, you should not think of it as some ordinary ritual. It is like a wonder drug, an antidote, to restore the dead back to life."
Wow, changing the lineage. Now let me ask you a question. If you had a separate blessing marrying a separate occult spirit, marrying ok? Marrying. I am not talking about just, "Ok, I give my life to you." Marrying. Do you think that may influence your lineage if you are marrying Satan? Let us think about it. Eve married Satan. Adam and Eve still had the same reproductive organs. They still had the same thing before and after. What was the difference? Eve went to bed with the dang devil! She said, "I'll marry you. I'll be intimate with you."
Now imagine if Eve actually did an occult marriage ceremony. That is why, when you come under that covenant, you are leaving God's lineage. You will not be let into the house. Right? It does not matter how many times you say Psalm 23, "And I will dwell in the House of Lord forever." No, you will not! You Family Frauders, wake up! You will not be in my Father's house! You will not! Dummies, dummies, dummies. You will not.
That is why we try to bless people. Because we are actually worried, fearful where they will go, by their own stupidity and weakness. Their own spineless cowardice to just fit in and have a nice plane ride. Well, you did not put on the dang parachute that is under your seat! When you jump off that plane, you had better believe in that parachute. I mean, you had better rely on that parachute. I think you will rather know the difference if it is a hundred pounds of lead weight, or a parachute. I think you will know the difference once you start flying! But it's too late, it's too late.
"You must believe in this more than your own life. Just because it is a Unification Church ceremony, you should not think of it as some ordinary ritual."
Look at how they are trying to make the Blessing. "It's the same thing, give me a blessing here, give me a blessing there." What covenant are you getting, you idiot! Is there a difference between marriage in front of God and marriage in front of Satan? Uhh, kind of? Does it matter if you are marrying in front of God's altar or you are marrying in front of Baphomet's altar? A little bit! Just a wee tad bit!
"It is like a wonder drug and an antidote to restore the dead back to life."
The wages of sin is death. The father of all sin is Satan. If you marry him, you are marrying the father of all sin. When you are then put in front of God's good, righteous, and fair justice, you are screwed! You are in deep, deep, doo doo da da doo doo.
This is what we are praying for. In the next couple of weeks, that people understand the severity, the weight of the sin, the weight of the disease, the weight of the cancer, the weight of the AIDS, the weight of the human papillomavirus, whatever it is. The weight of the disease. Because then only will you understand why the antidote is such a blessing. A blessing.
SOS, come on up, and as we are praising God, folks, let us pray for those people. We are on fire to save souls, we are not here to get their money, to have them donate, they do not even have to make a donation, just get your stinking' parachute on! Don't be an idiot, right? So when we are praising God today, let us console His heart, let us pray for those people, and the upcoming Blessing. Praise God, let us all rise and give Him some glory today.

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