Wednesday, August 24, 2016

You must not have any other God than me

The Kingdom of the Redeemed (2)
August 7, 2016
If Family Fraud actually thinks they can speak to Christians like this, they are smoking crack! They are smoking heroin, crack, and cocaine, whatever. It is worse than that. You might as well be swimming in crack or something, because nobody is going to take you seriously. It is immediate paganism, immediate heresy. To any even nominal Christian, it is utter blasphemy.
Exodus 20
Therefore, this is, of course, where we get the 10 Commandments. The 10 Commandments come out of Exodus 20 and it is usually, shortened to give us an easier tool in order to memorize them, right? "Don't have any Gods other than me. No idols do not use the Lord's name in vain. Honor the Sabbath, honor thy father and mother. Do not kill, steal, do not commit adultery, and do not covet. It is, put in smaller forms so we can remember them quickly. But it comes from Exodus 20. And the first one, obviously is very clear.
"You must not have any other God but me."
When all the other commandments are broken, it is because of this one. Every single commandment that you have is connected to the first commandment. When you have another God other than the one true God, who is truly the root of goodness, benevolence, love, who is love. When you have something other than that, all the other commandments become broken. Every single one. Once this one is broken, everything else is broken.
However, this one is a "sneaky" one, because this one does not necessarily manifest. It does not show up. If you murder somebody, that kind of shows up! If you lie to somebody, somebody will figure it out one day. But this one you can hide. You can hide this one in your mind. Does that make sense? You can hide it in your spirit. You can hide it away from people just like when we wake up in the morning and we hide our face, we make up our face, right? Our real face, right? [Laughter]
In the same way, we can hide this one. The fact that we have another God other than God. What does that mean? Jesus said, 'You have to love God with all your heart, all your mind, all your strength, all your will.' Every cell in your body has to be loving God. That is how intensely we have to love God. Now, how many other things get in the way? How many other things get into that position? Whether its entertainment, games, drama, what is the majority of our day spent upon? Work, whatever it is. Looking good, success, whatever it is.
How often can we truly love God endlessly, ceaselessly, without stopping, with all our heart, all our intent, all our mind? Instead we're worried about, "Oh, this or that's happening with my child, or this or that is happening, oh my goodness, this is that, or that is this, or that is not that, or that is not this, etc.
When we start breaking that first commandment, everything else starts fading away. Everything else starts cascading into more and more sin. When we look at the Han mother, we can see it. Not only is it now coming out that she had an occult ceremony where she married a different spirit other than God, which of course is Satan. If it were another spirit other than God, what would that be? It would be Satan. Any other god other than God is Satan or a devil. Some demon, away from the true God. So not only did she marry that thing, which is, of course, why the whole Family Fraud has been cursed, but she believes that she is the saviour.
That she is God. How many people in the modern world have we heard say, "Heaven or hell exists, I guess, if you believe in God?" That is like saying, "This chair exists if you believe in reality." [Laughter] So, a lot of people say those kinds of things, or, "Oh, yeah, my God wouldn't do this, or my God wouldn't do that, or my God would love everybody, or my God would let everybody into heaven." You are making up God. You are making up God to make yourself more comfortable with your own sin. To make yourself more comfortable and justify whatever. You are making a God. That is not the God that is revealed. The God that is revealed is perfect and He is just.
Therefore, in the midst of perfection and justice, we are all condemned. Sorry. Every single one. Lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterers. Only God's perfect righteousness can cover us. Only His perfect righteousness can get a passing, one hundred percent grade on the mirror test of the law. That is the only thing. It is the only thing. Everything else, comes out as negative five, ten, twenty, one hundred, thousand, okay? Only the perfection of God, who comes in the flesh, can get the one hundred per cent mark. And you need the one hundred percent mark to get to heaven, to get to total closeness with God, after, in the spirit world.
You must not have any other God than me. From that stems all the other sins if you look at what we have now catalogued, what the Han mother has done. Now people cannot say that we are making it up, or that we are bitter, or we are angry. No. You see this? Do not make any idols of yourself, of course. But we know that she was replacing the picture of True Parents with herself as the empress. She did it at Han Nam Dong; she did it in Cheong Pyeong; she did not do it in super public places, but she did it in very public places and people on the staff, they all know.
That is why for example we have many people in Han Nam Dong, staff who, have been blessed secretly. Because they saw that ridiculousness. You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God. What does she do, one of the first things she did? She changed the name of God. She changed the name of God from "Heavenly Father" to "Heavenly Parents." Why? Because she wanted to include herself as God. Right? It was right there connected to the first one, 'don't have any gods but me.' Does that make sense? So since she wanted to be part of that God that she is now fabricating in her own mind, and creating in her own theology, and in her own possession, because we now know that she was now married to Satan. She actually did an occult ritual with Kim Hyo Nam. Officiating a marriage. That is like marrying the black plague. That is like marrying a cancer virus, do you understand? That is insane. Do not be surprised when you get cancer, you are married to it!
Remember to observe the Sabbath day, by keeping it holy. Of course, remember how Father did the public Hoon Dok Hae every day. Public. Look at this, look at what it says. It doesn't say only 'observe the Sabbath," 'this includes you, this includes your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, your livestock and any foreigners living amongst you, for on the sixth day the Lord made the heavens and the earth," etc. Remember how Father did Hoon Dok Hae? Every day, and remember when we all attended? We had to all be there. The sons and daughters, the maids, the dog, I even brought my dog to Hoon Dok Hae!
My dog has done many hours of Hoon Dok Hae! However, that does not give her the right to go to heaven! [Laughter] It is pleasing to God to see that, but that does not give her the right to go to heaven. "Your livestock, foreigners living amongst you." What happened when Father passed? Boom! Public Hoon Dok Hae stopped. They stopped. The gathering to come into the presence of God, the gathering to read the Word was erased. No longer done.
Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you. Should you honor your father and mother in the eyes of men?
Alternatively, does God command you to honor your father and mother in the eyes of God? It is actually a very simple question. A lot of people from Family Fraud try to attack me, they say, "Oh, you're not honoring your mother." I am honoring her in the eyes of God. Why? Because she has become a heretic. She has become a pagan. Therefore, if I have true love for her, I will tell her of her eternal life that is going to come and be bad. Because I love her. I am not going to say, "Oh, you're going to be good, you're fine." Right? It is like waxing a car, you are waxing your car, and down at the lake a child is drowning. "Oh, don't worry, he's going to be fine, don't worry, you're going to be fine, it's going to be uncomfortable to talk to the child and say he's drowning, and just keep waxing your car.
No, if you have love, you will go, run, and save that person. Right? Why did we have to fight with her? Why did we have to tell her the truth? Why did she eventually kick us out, and all these things? Why? Because we were trying to save her. Now, once you get there you are trying to pull the person out of the water, and they keep on smacking you in the face and pulling out knives to get you away, there is only so much you can do. In the end, they have to make the decision, but why did we have to challenge her?
Love has to try to save that person. She is right at the edge of a cliff, about to commit suicide, she is at the edge of a cliff, getting married to Satan behind Father's back, and you are telling me that the truly loving thing is to say, "Oh, you're doing a great job. Wonderful! That's so great!" You are telling me that is the loving thing to do? You have to be out of your mind.
You see that is the problem, the Family Fraud, they all know this logic; they all know it is true. But they are trying to justify the resources and the money that they stole and usurped from me, because I am the successor and the heir which they helped Mother usurp so they could get some crumbs. That is why. That is the real reason. They know that if your mother becomes a heretic and a pagan and she is marrying Satan, you have to say something! You are not supposed to say, "Oh, that's fabulous, keep that check coming, mommy!" [Laughter] You are not supposed to say that. You are supposed to say, "Screw the check! You are going to die! Don't do it, Mommy!” You have to do it. [Applause]
Not only was Father her bridegroom, but he was her True Father too. So, when she desecrated him, erased him, took him off the ring, changed all his 8 Texts, scriptures, all that, was that honoring her bridegroom and father and saviour? When she was marrying another occult spirit, officiated by Kim Hyo Nam, behind Father's back, was that honoring the Father? You can see why this happens. Power corrupts that person. The allure, the attraction of, "one day, I'm going to have it all, and one day I can do it.
One day I will declare myself as Lord and everybody will worship me. One day I'll be remembered and recognized." It is the opposite. That type of lust, develops what? It develops a hatred. A hatred of what? A hatred of one who is worthy of the praise. It develops a hatred of the only one who is worthy of the praise, who is Christ. Who is Father? "Why can't I have that power? Why can't I have that glory? When is my time going to come? When is my time going to come?" This is what these fools tell them, "It's now Mother's time." What are you talking about? Every generation has to be God's time.

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