Tuesday, August 23, 2016

You have a free market and sovereignty

The Kingdom Prosperity (2)

July 3, 2016

Pastor Hyung Jin Sean Moon

It is about serving people, creating those win/win relationships, creating a give and take relationship. It is very interesting, why would the Messiah be actively involved in politics and business as well as religion? We usually would think that when Jesus returns he is not going to be involved in any of that, he is just going to float around and heal people. Jesus came back, and he is doing business. He is an entrepreneur. He is into politics. Why? Because the Principle says it very clearly, in the Kingdom there will be religion, politics and economics. All those systems will still be there. Not the current systems, but those dimensions will be there.

Thinking win/win. Thinking long term, not just short-term pleasure, but long term. These are things you learn when you are free, when nations are free, when states are free. However, there is responsibility. There are no departments of social welfare, there are no departments of a social security system, there is none of that. So you have to maintain your friendships, you have to maintain and care for your family relationships.

You have to maintain relationships with people with whom you can associate who are trustworthy, who keep and abide by promises, who are not fraudulent, who are not thieves, who are not prostitutes to power and lust and money and all those kinds of things. You disassociate with people like that naturally. So in the Kingdom, it is almost by nature people are called to obey the Ten Commandments.

Father said, in the kingdom it will be a kingdom of love where it transcends even law. People, will be guided to follow God's law, but it will be natural. The Bible says it “is written” on our hearts. The word “is written” on our hearts. We will naturally move in that direction and people are left alone to be free and have responsibility. In general, the majority of people choose to be moral. They choose to seek God.

They choose to have faith. When you are an entrepreneur, you have to believe in something that does not exist. You have a product that you have in your mind that you want to create, that you want to bring to the world, that you want people to benefit from, and you also want to benefit from as well, yet it is not there. Therefore, you have to believe in something greater than yourself. You have to believe in a destiny, you have to believe that there is something about this gift that may be good.

You have to go beyond oneself and this element of faith in believing the unknown is critical for entrepreneurship. It is a part of any explorer, any expedition any adventure, any life, that creates benefit for other people. It is a part of it all. Faith, faith, faith that what God has given me has value for somebody else. Faith is part of it in a free society. Faith is a very important part. How people understand the gifts that they are given. In Cheon Il Guk, there is freedom of religion so people can search and study different religions, but by natural processes you can see very clearly.

They have done studies; I will give you one example that I like because I like martial arts. In the world of mixed martial arts, which is the highest level of martial artist, almost all the champions are Christian. Almost every single champion is Christian. I am not saying they are preachers or they are like celibate monks or something like that, but they are Christians, they see themselves to be Christian.

They consider themselves to have a relationship with Jesus. As athletes, they try to give the glory to God when they win fights. They have a higher purpose than just looking cool. They have a higher purpose than just trying to be a belt holder. It is a gift, that they are given, and that gift they are trying to actualize for the sake of God's glory.

Therefore, the power they have and the drive they have when everybody else is giving up have a different type of drive. It is not only for them, it is not only for their vanity, and it is not for their own muscular physique. It is for a greater purpose, it is for a greater goal, it is for God. It is for Jesus. They think, "It's my purpose for living, God gave me this gift, I want to glorify Him." Like the champions, the top-level fighters in the world.

By "natural selection", nobody is forcing them to be Christian, nobody is telling them, "You have to believe in Jesus and then you'll become a better fighter, whatever." Nobody is doing that. Just by natural selection. It' is not like, just because the countries that they are coming from are predominantly Christian. No, there are huge communities now growing all over the world. China, Japan is huge in mixed martial arts. They are all Buddhist or Shinto. You see an overwhelming proportion of them having a relationship with Jesus Christ, something larger to live for.

By literally a "natural selection" in this dimension you have in Cheon Il Guk; everybody has the ability to study religions and to have freedom of faith, but in the end, because this is a society of owners and producers, people who have gifts, recognize those gifts and want to benefit others with those gifts. The faiths that will support that naturally will win. They can't not win. They naturally come out on top, and the natural order and hierarchy becomes established, because, remember, folks, every religion has a political system that it is tied to. Islam has a caliphate.

The Catholic Church has a state religion. Buddhism, for example, Tibetan Buddhism has Lamas, like religious emperors. They have systems of governance that are attached to them, which then shape how you interact with people. But in the place of freedom and responsibility, where the Cheon Il Guk Constitution is established, naturally you will have people who are not only interested in the Constitution, but who are proud to have such a Constitution.

Because the freedom that they experience and the prosperity that accrues from that freedom and that free association, come from their Constitution. So just like in America, all these patriots that are proud of their Constitution, they didn't write the Constitution, they may not even be related to George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, but they are proud, as Americans, of the Constitution because that Constitution affords freedom, protects them; it is supposed to, it is supposed to.

Now in the values of oligarchy, the Caesars, the triumvirate, the systems of socialism, communism, etc., what do you learn in those kinds of systems? As a person growing up in that culture, what do you learn? You do not learn the principles that we just discussed. You do not learn those. You learn the use of power and force. You learn that if you can use power and force, you can get what you want. That is what you learn.

If you get to become part of the oligarchy, if you become part of the Caesar's family, if you become part of even some of the local, regional kings' families, you can do what you want. That is what you learn. Might makes right. If I can get into the top class, I will have freedom to do whatever I want. What do you think that this leads to?

If you have the freedom to do whatever you want without any consequences, will that lead to goodness or will that lead to evil? If you have the freedom to become a regional king and become part of King Herod's family, and you can cut off peoples' heads with no consequence, you can kidnap little children with no consequence, you can be part of Athena sex cults with no consequence, where do you think those people will go? Will they go towards evil or will they go towards good? They will go towards evil, guaranteed. Thus the great saying, "absolute power corrupts absolutely." Everybody thinks, "Oh, I won't get corrupted." No, you will get corrupted.

You learn that using force is not bad. Forcing other people to do things against their will is not bad. It is, just the way things are and accept it. That is what you learn. You can force people to do something, you can force them against their will and steal their produce, steal their crop, steal their money and give it to your friends, and they cannot do anything about it. How do you think that culture will go? Will it go towards goodness or evil?

Do not think about fair association where you try to create win/wins with people that you are doing contracts with or doing business with, No, do not think about fair give and receive action. You think about how best to maintain central power so you can exploit people. It is a farming model. How best are we going to be able to farm these people? That is what the banking system is referred to as in the libertarian community. Human farming.

Lust to become part of the power elite. You also create a value of young people desiring to become part of the elites. Not standing up to fight against the elites, desiring to be part of the elites. To be part of the slave master class. Do not stand up and get rid of the slave masters so the slaves will be free. Be part of the slave masters so you can enjoy the slaves.

Do you see? This is what you learn. This is what you learn. You learn immorality. You have no moral compass because might makes right. Let me ask you a question. If you are above the law on everything, if you are a part of the five major banking families of this world, currently in this modern age, everybody has to pay income taxes here. Everybody has to pay property taxes, everybody has to pay taxes, but they do not pay taxes.

Everybody has to pay business tax. Everybody has to pay corporate tax, but do not pay taxes. That is called being above the law. So if you are above the law, do you think that if everybody else has to do these things but you constantly do not have to do these things, do you think that will make you feel as if you are better than all these people?

Do you think it may make you feel like you are a god? If you can buy off governments and police, it is a joke right? Because if you get the whole government, you have the police. If you have that much power and money to buy off governments, and you can control police, you can get away with any crime. In Korea, for example, some of the big conglomerates in Korea, like Samsung, LG, I remember when I was there, one of the kids was in a nightclub and he got in some fight, and the news became about the "LG kid." Well, it was one of those big Korean companies.

The father of the kid who got in trouble, he's like a 60 year old man going on 70, this guy who is the CEO, the chairman of one of the major conglomerates in Korea, this guy went after those guys, the guys that got in a fight with his kid, and he physically beat them up. This was on the news that he is going to prison, and they just gave him an insignificant punishment and said, "Oh, thank you sir for stopping by," and he is gone.

They can get away with anything, anything they want. That is supposedly a free country like Korea, which is a joke. Imagine somewhere like North Korea. Imagine somewhere like Vietnam or Cambodia during the Pol Pot reign. No, no, no. Might makes right. There is no sense of righteousness and whoever has power is right. Just be quiet, shut up. That is what is happening to America.

When you speak out against something, you are called a bigot, a racist, whatever. Meant to shut you up. Meant to politically, silence you, meant to put the tape across your face. Because might makes right.

Of course you have the principle of concentrating power, people in those societies do not think, they just believe it's the way of the world, that's just how the world is, we concentrate power, yes, ok, some people concentrate power and there are benefits, let's just get into that group. I have been to North Korea, you know because I went there to represent Father in the last era of his life. It is literally that kind of thing. It is a culture; it is all that the people know. Yes, they have secret underground access, the people sometimes watch S. Korean dramas, and they watch them going to cafes and drinking coffee and they wish they could be there. However, in their reality, this is all they know. They cannot imagine an upside down world, they cannot imagine a world in which they can actually be sovereigns, it is not possible, and they cannot understand it. Everything is regulated. If you move to another town, if you want to go visit the next town over, you must register with the local magistrate.

I have been there. Just to go to the next town. Newfoundland, what is the next town over there? Sterling? It is as if I want, to go to Sterling, I have to register with the Newfoundland magistrate, get government approval, and then I can go to Sterling. You see this? They have no idea, no idea what socialism and communism looks like.

You learn these things in this triumvirate. Jesus lives in this world. That rich young man lived in this world. Look at what happened to America. I found this nice slide. Look at what happened to America.

American capitalism being undermined after the banking systems come in, putting us in debt, currency manipulation, making boom and bust cycles so they can get wealthy and steal resources and own everything. Then they blame it on the free market, blame it on freedom, blame it on the volatility of the market, to say, "Look, you need the elitist control. You need us to help you to control your markets, they're too volatile." When they are the ones who made it volatile for their own profit.

These communists always do the same thing. However, look, when America was true, and it was at the top of the growth stage before it is falling now, but when it was at the top of the growth stage, the America of the Founding Fathers would reward success. There was a difference between somebody who is serving their customers at an A+ level, rather than somebody else at a D level, the consumers will decide. If you're being treated like junk by one guy and you can get apples from another guy who treats you fantastic and gives you great deals, you're going to one hundred percent go to that guy even though this bum is your friend. "Oh, I'm sorry, Joe, you know, I don't know where my apples are coming from, my wife goes and does the shopping, I'm sorry…" You make up some stupid excuse, but you end up going to the guy who treats you better! Joe is there complaining.

You have a free market. You have private property ownership, you have sovereignty, and you are able to own a piece of this earth. That is a biblical concept. God promised pieces of this earth to his people. What the communists want to say to you is, "No, you cannot own this earth. It can only be owned by the five major banker families of the world, but we won't say that to you."

You have rights protected by law. Then you get to socialism, as these systems collapse. As socialism is introduced, primarily through currency manipulation, manipulation through the central banks, then you have a system that falls out of that. Department of Education, you have the Department of Welfare, you have all of these things that start breaking down society. The other tentacles of that octopus that come out. Then what happens? You punish success. You do not let people who are serving their customers better succeed. You support your friends, you steal taxpayer money to support your friends to help their conglomerates and their corporations succeed. That is what you do in socialism.

Therefore, you punish successful people, entrepreneurs, middle class people, you punish small businesses, you punish middle-sized businesses, and you support big conglomerates. Of course, this punishes success, it rewards laziness because the ruling class can become super lazy, they can create terrible products for people, and still you have to go buy it because there is nowhere else to get it. Like for example, if you go to any communist country, the government will own some pharmacies too. Government-owned pharmacies, you have to go in there and get your medicine and it is terrible medicine.

Redistribution of wealth. Taxation, steal the money from one group of people by force, and give it to other people that you deem worthy. Who is the arbiter of all that? Who decides all that? The lordship government, the archangel. His lordship, the government and archangel.

"Collective ownership" is a simple way to say, "Monopolize and privatize everything to the elites." Collective ownership is a nice-sounding word that says, "Oh, we all own it." When actually the top families own it. The Rockefeller lands that are given to the state parks, if Rockefeller wants to use any portion of the land I am sure he can give a call, and he will have a section cordoned off for him. At any time.

Large welfare system, large invasive government, everything which we have become. Of course, that then further degrades into the abolition of private property. That then degrades into confiscation of property rights. The government owns everything, which then leads to a totalitarian state. We are definitely in socialism, in oligarchy right now. No question about it.

These are the ten conclusions of the Communist Manifesto, Marx's ten planks.

These are not actually delineated as one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, but they are the conclusions of each one of Marx's proposals, which he embellishes and writes in a very florid, beautiful way to stimulate your emotions and so you believe what he is saying to be true. When his conclusions are these: the abolition of private property. Now this little slide, that I thought was interesting, shows that we have literally have departments for every single one of these ten planks. So you have the abolition of private property, you have, obviously a property tax.

If you truly are an owner of that land, that land should not be taxed. You own it; you are the sovereign of that land. Nobody can tax you on it. You are the king. You are the king, and you are the queen, Andrew Derricutt and Mary Derricutt, you are the king and the queen of that land, nobody should be able to tax you, your lordship. Does that make sense? Did you like that? You are British, right? All right, you are Cheon Il Guk British!

Heavy progressive income tax, of course you have the IRS here. Abolition of all rights of inheritance, you have the inheritance tax. Confiscation of property of all emigrants and rebels, you have the Department of Homeland Security. Central Bank, what is that? It is the Federal Reserve, which is not a government bank; it is a private bank, private bank. You have government control of communications and transportation, look; you have the Department of Transportation, whoa. You have the FCC regulating media content. That is dangerous; Cheon Il Guk prohibits the ownership of media by huge corporations and foreign corporations.

You have to control the media if you want to control the population like a totalitarian. When South Korea was under Dictator Park, they had the "Three S's Plan." That was control sex, control the screen, which means television, propaganda, and then control of sports. The three different ways in which to keep a population mesmerized. In ancient Rome, they called this Bread and Circus. Control the food supply and control the circus. Korea called it sex, screen, and sports.

We discussed this on Friday, who remembers this? Remember Korean dramas, especially ladies getting addicted to Korean dramas? You know you ladies get addicted to this stuff! It is like "porno land" for you if you are watching Korean dramas. It is very dangerous material. We talked about it. The reason why we talked about that is because, there are businesses that are developed to work off of your emotions. The reason why I brought this up is because the Han mother is addicted. I shared that before. On average, for as long as I can remember, she has been watching these kinds of dramas, Korean fake reality.

Actors parading around, scripts being written by crusty old men who understand marketing, who understand group psychology. Literally, the Han mother would watch these 3-5 hours a day, every day. You know when she went in from Hoon Dok Hae, and Father would get upset, and say, "Why are you going early, don't go early." Remember? She would go in, and how would she decompress from all that public stress? Korean dramas. What was it that was prepared for her? Databases of Korean dramas. You understand? Video databases, you know how you have it on the computer, on external hard drives? Boom, boom, here is the new one, three hundred episodes.

There are studies for example on men who get addicted to pornography. They cannot relate to a real woman. They cannot interact with a real flesh and blood woman who is real, beautiful, and alive. They can only relate to this fantastical world in this fantasyland. It is like video games, but it is playing off, of men's sexual desires. Now, Korean dramas, or romantic dramas in general, the genre of romantic dramas ---- the same thing. Just playing off, of women's emotional fantasies. The knight in shining Armor, the bad boy who is reformed by the girl, whatever it is. All those things, all those little tricks to get you to pull your heartstrings on. Just like men who are addicted to pornography, then it destroys their marriage, it destroys their relationship with real women.

Women who see and watch that thing continuously, that type of programming, constantly, constantly, I guarantee you, your marriage will start falling apart! Everything your husband does will look disgusting and ridiculous compared to that actor in that drama, who plucked out his eyes because he loves the girl. Ohh! Give me the Kleenex now! Give me a break, ladies! Get out of it! That's where the devil wants you so you look at your man, and you spit at him and think he's a piece of junk. When he is an honourable man, he's not cheating around, he's working hard, and he's trying to do his best. He is a human being. You see that? I would watch her, and I would say, why, why do they watch this, hours and hours? Everything Father did, everything Father did, it would not be contextualized in a Biblical context. It would not be contextualized in a relationship with Christ.

It would not be contextualized in a relationship with serving the Messiah; it would not be contextualized in any of those ways. It would be contextualized in, "Oh, he didn't take me to the café. Oh, I want to go to this place, or I want to go to that place. Oh, why doesn't he do that for me? "Something that they watched in a drama, which is a fake reality, it's not even real. Some crusty old guy farting in his room wrote that, who understands group psychology, and women's psychology. Give me a break, ladies! And I've seen this, and he's literally, everything that Father does causes anger, and is judged in that light.

It is serious. The power of propaganda is serious on our relationships. That is why the devil, wants to get us into those screens, that was one of the methods of Dictator Park. Get people addicted to the screens. Look at the modern world living in the screens, living in the iPhones, living in the IPad, living in the computer screens. Modern children spend more time indoors than prisoners do! That is a statistic from the U.S. government, folks. Modern children spend more time indoors than prisoners do.

Come into reality. Father was in reality, he would come out into the creation, into the wilderness, into the Amazon jungle, into the adventure of the Pacific Ocean, into fishing, crafting, into farming, into hunting, into reality, into looking at the stars at night. People are losing this connection to something greater than them.

Therefore, you have to control the screen. You have to control the media; you have to control the communications. All the channels you watch now, are owned by five major corporations, every single one.

Government ownership of factories, agriculture. That is the Department of Agriculture. Government control of labor, which is the Department of Labor. Corporate farms, regional planning, that is Monsanto. And the FDA. Government control of education, that is the Department of Education. All illegal in Cheon Il Guk. All illegal. All those things are illegal in the Kingdom of God.

And of course, what happens with this? You have now in the United States, from 1939-2015, this is a graph; you now have 22 million people on the government payroll! 22 million people, that is bigger than some countries. You have 22 million people who have greater rights than you or me because we do not work in that archangelic system. They have more rights, they have higher pay, they have better pensions, and they have higher everything.

I showed the statistics on pay distribution, compared to the general population in a sermon before. Not because they make things, not because they serve people, not because they are innovative, not because they are serving their customers, not because they are creating incredible new technology, no. Because they are part of the establishment. They are part of the system that ruled by the oligarchs.

When Jesus is talking to that young man, do you not think Jesus knows where this man got his wealth? Do you not think Jesus was disgusted at seeing all these triumvirates and wannabes and wannabe oligarchs running around Jerusalem? He was sick of them. Therefore, he reprimands this young man, saying, 'Don't try to be moral to me, you know how your family and you got all your wealth. Do not try to pretend you are holy to me, talking about, "Oh, I did all these commandments." You know you got your power by hook and crook. Give it all away. Give it away, take up your cross, be persecuted with me as an outcast, then you'll have eternal life.'

This is literally the state of America now. If you stand up for freedom, if you stand up for sovereignty, you are a terrorist and you are an outcast in this society. Our Founding Fathers would be an outcast in this popular culture.

Father talks about it in Cheon Seong Gyeong 197, he says

"God created the Garden of Eden as a garden of freedom and peace. If there is any shadow of Satan's opposition anywhere on earth, the ideal of that garden will not be realized. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth will be completed only when the shadows of Satan's antagonism have disappeared from the earth."

True peace comes when there is a relationship with God. True peace comes when there is freedom and responsibility. How many times did Father say freedom and responsibility, 5% responsibility, 5% responsibility, how many times does the Principle say 5% responsibility, responsibility, responsibility, responsibility? Freedom comes with responsibility. If there is any shadow of Satan's opposition anywhere on earth, the ideal of that garden cannot be realized. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth can only be completed when the shadows of Satan's antagonism have disappeared from the earth.

This is why the Kingdom needs to be preached, folks. This is why the Constitution has been released. This is why the Kingdom and the gospel must once again appear on the stage of this world. It is a battle, it is a great battle because once you stand up for the gospel and for the Kingdom, you will be hated you will be mocked, and you will be cursed. However, know that when you stand on the side of human destiny and humanity and God, all those petty curses fall to the wayside in the grand scheme of things, and you stand as a hero, as a legend. Somebody who didn't prostitute themselves for political, temporary power.

You stand as somebody who had honor, who was a warrior for something. You stand as somebody who moved forward humanity. Moved the species, moved the race towards God and His ideal. That is something that goes forever, folks, forever. That is something that all our descendants will remember about us even though we are hated and cursed.

So Jesus says, "Take up the cross. Take it, stand with me, get shot up. Get crucified, get nailed up." There's a greater thing that you are fighting for. A greater thing is the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, which has to come now. It has to come. It will come. We live in the Last Days. Will we see it all tomorrow? No. Nevertheless, it will come. It will come.

I want to invite SOS to come up. Let us all rise, everybody, and let us prepare our hearts as we offer these songs of praise, let us focus on God. He is the King of Kings of our Kingdom. He tells us, "Throw it all away. Pick up your cross, and walk with me." He has done it, he has already done it. I am grateful and honoured to be able stand with those who have the testicular fortitude to be able to stand against the wave of Satan and stand for what is good. Let us give God some praise.

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