Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Long Journey of the Seed of God’s Lineage

The Long Journey of the Seed of God’s Lineage (1)

September 4, 2016

Presentation Kerry Williams, graphics Lesa Ellanson

Good morning. I'd like to begin this morning by giving all glory and honor and praise to God, our Heavenly Father. I would like to thank Him for sending us his Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.

I would like to thank God this morning, for sending us, the returning christ, the rev. Sun Myung Moon, the king of kings, our eternal True Father.

I would like to thank God this morning for giving us the Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, the Second king of Cheon Il Guk, the thrice-anointed successor of true parents and the physical and spiritual lineage of god on earth.

Can we give thanks to God this morning?

So today, we are going to talk about the long journey of the seed of God's lineage.

One of the beautiful things to me about the Divine Principle is it begins with God's original hope. God's original plan, His blueprint for mankind. Father explains that as human beings, we have a body but the invisible God does not.

He says: 

"If we think of Him as large, He is infinitely large. If we think of Him as small, He is infinitely small. The wise, all-knowing, and omnipotent God thought that it was most convenient to rule as an incorporeal being who could move around freely in the midst of things. "

"What is the one thing that the Supreme Being would like to own? What one thing is the finest, the best, the ultimate thing for God? God longs to have true love. When you talk about true love, it always denotes two parties. No one can dwell in love all by himself; you cannot just speak the word 'love' over and over again and experience it. Likewise, for God to engender love, he must have an object." The way of the Children 11/12/85

So we can see that God created Adam to be his corporeal object partner. Adam was created to be God's actual body.

Father said:

"God created Adam first. He was to be the son of God and at the same time the substantial body of God Himself." View of the Principle of the Providential History of Salvation 4/16/96

"For the incorporeal God to have dominion over the world of the physical beings, to be able to see and hear in that tangible world, he needs a tangible body. The one created to be God incarnate was Adam."  Cheon Seong Gyeong p. 57

God's hope was to eternally dwell in the body of Adam as the glorious, loving King of all humankind.

Through the seed of Adam, God would have established His lineage on earth for all of eternity.

1 John 3:9 testifies to this. John says:

"Everyone who has been born of God does not sin, because His seed remains in him; he is not able to sin, because he has been born of God."

The scriptures testify that if God's seed is within a man, he must denounce sin. He can have nothing to do with sin. So let me ask you. God was going to establish His lineage through the seed of Adam, but there is something else needed. What else is needed besides the seed? A place to plant it.

Therefore, the Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

"Then, who is Eve? [Father says]. Eve was Adam's wife, a wife with physical form. If Adam was God incarnate, Eve would be God's wife incarnate."

"Saying that the holy God would take a wife may sound shocking, but Adam was created as God's body and he was to take Eve as his wife. Eve, than, would have been God's wife incarnate." Cheon Seong Gyeong p. 57-58

"Eve was born as a princess and also as God's future object partner. God wanted to make her His partner in love, that is, His wife."

"Women have received the most blessing. Shall we talk about why it is so? Why? When God created the creation, woman was the last. When an artist creates artwork, the masterpiece comes at the end. l Considering this, if we compare man and woman, who is more beautiful? Woman is more beautiful. Is it correct or not correct?" "The Way for the True Child"

We have not understood that God desired to experience loving Eve through the body of Adam.

Father clarifies:

"It is not Adam and Eve's bodies that God likes, but rather their love for each other." Cheon Seong Gyeong p. 336

There has been a lot of confusion about what the subject-object relationship is, so I would like to take some time to clarify this point. Young Oon Kim, the first theologian of the Unification Church, wrote a book called "Divine Principle and Its Application" in the 1960s and here is what she says:

"God is not between subject and object, but is with the subject at the center. Therefore, the subject, which is at the center of spherical movement, represents God.

The object revolves around the subject. The subject, then, is not only the center of revolution, but is also in the position of governing the object. God created Adam to play the role of His representative to Eve as her center." Divine Principle and its Application, page 9 Young Oon Kim

Adam, as Eve's subject partner, is himself an object partner to God. If Eve had remained faithful by keeping the commandment, she would have eventually become one in heart and spirit with Adam. Their union, then, would have stood before God as a new object partner, resembling His dual characteristics.

Father clarifies in the Exposition of the Divine Principle, P. 26, 

"The way for any object partner to stand as an object partner before God is by making oneness with its subject partner."

That is so good; I have to read it again!

"The way for any object partner to stand as an object partner before God is by making oneness with its subject partner."

Jesus says it so beautifully and simply. "…And the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh." Mark 10:8

Through making love to Eve, Adam's seed would have been planted. The womb of Eve was meant to give room for Adam's seed to develop and grow. From her womb, God's sons and daughters would have been born on earth. Through them, an everlasting connection would have been created between the invisible and visible worlds.

Our elder brother, Kook Jin Nim, has clarified that the central theme of Original Substance of Divine Principle is seed, or sperm theology. He says:

"Bearing God's seed, Adam and his male descendants would have established the intergenerational transfer of subject authority, which would have been passed on from generation to generation." Original Substance of Divine Principle Internal Guidance 4/24/16.  Kook Jin Nim

Adam would have lovingly reigned as the eternal King, the True Father of humankind.

"Ultimately, the True Father is the axis around which all children and posterity are centered…the True Father will be the eternal center for all people. There will always be a physical representative of the True Father here on earth, from one generation to another; there will be that axis on which the earth will turn. Therefore, all of you here on earth and all the people in the generations to come will be centered upon the same axis." "Parents, Children and the World Centered Upon Oneself" 6/5/83

Father says it like it is.

"The blood lineage through thousands of years of history is linked centered on a man who has a vertical relationship with God, not on a woman. Woman cannot connect the blood lineage. Only a man! A man can do this because he resembles God." "World Leader's Conference” 8/2/96

In this manner, God's lineage would have been established and maintained on earth.

"Adam and Even were God's first prince and princess, and they stood to inherit everything in the cosmos." Cheon Seong Gyeong p. 2242

"Each time God beheld Adam and Eve, a heart of longing burned within Him. As he thought of how they would perfect themselves and live happy lives, a feeling of happiness arose within Him. He hoped that they would take dominion over the creation He had made, enjoy it, and caress it as if they had created it themselves." Cheon Seong Gyeong p. 2241

But alas we know that this did not come to pass. The Garden of Eden was not a place of joy. It became a place of tragedy and so God's hope was shattered when the Fall occurred.

Tragically, however, man fell, and none of God's original hope became reality. The true subject and object relationship between Adam and Eve was never realized. Instead, a crooked trajectory of love was created when Eve became an object to Lucifer through the spiritual fall.

The Creator was thrown out of His own creation.

Believing in the false words of the archangel, Eve misused her precious sexual organs. Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the man who uncovered Satan's long-hidden secret, provided startling insights regarding the give and take between Eve and the archangel.

Father said:

"In the Garden of Eden, a woman rode on Lucifer. You have to know they had a relationship for more than eight weeks, not just a couple of days, and therefore she came to receive the seed." Hoon Dok Hae 6/25/12

Eve rejected the love of God her Father and foolishly risked her life for the sake of Satan's love. Through the physical fall, Adam's seed and lineage were claimed by Satan; God's beloved son died spiritually. God's children united with the "Father of Lies", resulting in the adoption of Adam and Eve as Satan's offspring.

God had warned them. He told them:

"But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die." Genesis 2:17

Instead of establishing the lineage of God on earth, the lineage of Satan, the enemy of God, was substantiated.

Why did God say to them, "Where are you?"

"So they hid from the Lord God among the trees. Then the Lord called to the man, 'Where are you?'" Genesis 3:89

Is it because God could no longer see Adam and Eve? No, of course He could still see them physically. But the reason why He asked where they were is because His spirit was no longer dwelling within them. His character, His heart had been taken.

Father says:

"Our real father is God, but Satan usurped the father's role. Therefore, Jesus said, 'You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires.'" Cheon Seong Gyeong p. 132

"Human beings today are not God's children. No matter how much God weeps, we pretend not to see his tears. No matter how sorrowful He is, we pretend not to see. This is because the human race springs from the flesh and blood of Satan." Cheon Seong Gyeong p. 139

The Book of Genesis records, "So the Lord was sorry He had ever made them and put them on the earth."

Father says, "Can you imagine how profoundly God's heart was broken at the death of Adam, who was to establish an everlasting family and accomplish God's great endeavour of creation? How would He feel that everything had gone wrong in the way it did? Even after six thousand years, God has not recovered from the shock of Adam and Eve's fall." Cheon Seong Gyeong p.138

Yet, in the midst of the tragedy in the Garden of Eden, God had hope and God's hope was Christ.

Genesis 3:15 is the first messianic declaration. The first messianic prediction. God is talking now to Satan. He is telling the snake:

"I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your descendants and her descendant. He will crush your head, and you will bruise His heel." Genesis 3:15

What is God saying? He is saying to the devil:

"My son is coming and he is coming to bring back to me the lineage which you stole. You may bruise him, but he's going to crush your head." What does it mean if you crush somebody's head? You are going to kill them. Therefore, God promised that as early as Genesis 3:15 He knew where His hope was coming and it was coming through His son Christ.

Genesis 3:15, then begins the long journey necessary for God to reclaim His children by sending the Messiah.

Who is the Messiah? How does he come? The Messiah is the return of unfallen Adam. He comes after the spiritual cleansing of the blood lineage. His mission is to make the way for all God's children to return to their Heavenly Father.

How difficult is it for God to reclaim his children, once they have inherited the lineage of Satan?

Father says:

"God can do anything at will, but because of the reality of unprincipled love His hands have been tied. No one knows how He suffers such lasting regret and how unimaginable weary He is." Cheon Seong Gyeong p. 144

"Man's ability to respond to the true love of God was killed due to the fall. People cannot even recognize God's true love, much less vibrate with it. The whole purpose of salvation is to restore that ability of human beings to vibrate with the love of God. Once the spiritual body of man can receive the vibration of God's love, his whole self-will resound with it. His entire physical body will respond to God's stimuli. That would be the total satisfaction of love. Nothing more could be desired by anyone." "The Purpose of Life, Coming and Going."  1/8/84

Therefore, i think it is important to appreciate how painstaking it has been, how difficult it has been for perfect god to deal with fallen, imperfect human beings. You know, how grateful we should be to god that he is good all the time. That, in spite of so many setbacks, he never gives up. As he said in the book of isaiah,

"I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed it, and I will do it."    Isaiah 46:11

During his time on earth, Reverend Sun Myung Moon uncovered many hidden truths, previously concealed within the Holy Scriptures, regarding God's journey through history to recover unfallen Adam. Reverend Moon explained in detail God's work to disentangle knotted human history resulting from the fall.

When I was studying these words, I was thinking, "Oh, just as God is disentangling human history, His son is exactly the same." I recall the story told to me by my husband, Doug, who had the great fortune to spend several summers’ tuna fishing with Father in Gloucester, Massachusetts. They had come home at the end of a long day, and Doug and another brother were untangling six hundred feet of tuna line in this big barrel. They were working on it for about half an hour and they made a little bit of progress, but it was just a big mess. Then he said that Father was watching them. After about five minutes, Father came over and took over. He said, 'Here, you hold this, and here, you do that." Doug said that in less than five minutes the entire six hundred feet was untangled.

This just goes to show, whether it is a physical mess or a spiritual mess, Father knows how to fix it. [Applause]

In order for Jesus to be born as the unfallen Adam, God in His providence prepared a certain historical foundation.

This foundation, based on heart, required the fulfilment of specific physical conditions needed by God to free His children from Satan's accusation. Reverend Moon discovered that certain historical acts were necessary to purify the lineage of God's chosen people. These acts required key biblical figures to reverse the motivation and process of the fall.

Next part

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