Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The original substance of God's Seed is our hope

The Long Journey of the Seed of God’s Lineage (3)

September 4, 2016

Presentation Kerry Williams, graphics Lesa Ellanson

Finally, we come to the last section of this lecture, which is:

God's original substance is our hope

Reverend Hyung Jin Moon, our beloved King, has said:

"What, then, is the original substance of God? It is nothing other than the seed, the sperm ("Cheong Ja") of God, made substantial in the body of true Adam." Original Substance of Divine Principle Internal Guidance 8/9/16.  Rev. Hyung Jin Moon

Adam was a unique creation in all of human history. His actual father was God the Creator; there was no earthly father present at his birth. Reverend Moon, therefore, has described Adam as having descended from the "God of Night", the Father who existed prior to creation, before the creation of time and space. Reverend Moon also explained that Eve was made as the body of the God of Day, the God existent within the created world. The unity between Adam and Eve would have symbolized the unity of Heaven and Earth.

"Adam is the body of the God of Night." Rev. Sun Myung Moon 12/2/11

Christ, the unfallen Adam, is the "Original Substance" from the God of Night. Christ is the corporeal representation of the incorporeal God who existed before the creation. Jesus and Reverend Moon originated from the God of Night.

Jesus and Reverend Moon are individual truth bodies, and have separate identities and physical life spans. Their essence, their lifeblood, however, are the same.

Paul's declaration that 'Jesus is Lord' in Romans 10:9 is synonymous with saying that Jesus is from the God of Night.

Through understanding that Jesus is from the God of Night, John 8:58 gains new clarity: Jesus said to them, "Truly truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am." As Christians, we long to be one with Jesus because he is the very body of God!

Holy Communion has been practiced within the Christian faith for centuries because this is the way we spiritually engraft ourselves into the lineage of Jesus. The bread and the wine symbolize the body and blood of Jesus.

"I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you cannot have eternal life within you. But anyone who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise that person at the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Anyone who eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him." John 6:53-56

By being spiritually grafted into Christ's lineage, God can claim us as His own. We are free to believe in Jesus, and to practice his teachings of selfless love. But our release from Satan's bondage is not yet complete.

"We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as His adopted children, including the new bodies He has promised us." Romans 8:23

Father says:

"Why do we await the coming Lord? Why does humanity in Heaven and on earth await the day of Jesus' return? No matter how great one may be, everyone is at most an adopted son of God. Christ is to return with the mission of establishing the relationship of heart with which people can become God's direct children." "The True Sons and Daughters of Heavenly Father Who Will Remain in the Last Days" 7/26/59

In the final years of his ministry, Reverend Moon revealed the truth that both he and Jesus were from a different origin than the rest of humankind. "I am from a different seed," he revealed to his followers, indicating that he, like Jesus, came from the God of Night, the God who existed before creation. He came from the seed that was free of Satan.

"Where I came from is different than where you come from. I am fundamentally different from you. After I found the secrets of heaven and earth, I have lived accordingly." "Going Beyond 13 Summits" 7/19/12

"The era after the coming of heaven cannot come about based on the fallen lineage. I am completely unrelated to the fall… You may think to yourselves, "Father was also born of the fallen bloodline. How is he different from us? We can always take his place.' But that is the wrong view." "Called to Be Messiahs"    5/19/11

Here is father's relationship with heavenly father.

"The God of Night sleeps holding me in His chest. When His chest becomes warm holding me, He falls asleep." "Going Beyond 13 Summits" 7/19/12

Here is the relationship that Jesus has with Heavenly Father.

"I tell you the truth; the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows him everything He is doing." John 5:19-20a

2000 years after the coming of Jesus, Reverend Moon was born as the returning Christ, sent as unfallen Adam, with the responsibility to adopt all of humankind into the lineage of God physically as well as spiritually. An essential aspect of Christ's mission was to restore Eve from the fallen world. After being married, with the full blessing of God, they would become the first parents of humankind, and God's joy would be fulfilled.

The book of revelation prophesizes:

"Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready." Revelation 19:6-7

The marriage of the Lamb occurred on April 11, 1960, between Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han. Through their marriage, the position of True Parents was established on the earth for the first time in all of human history.*

Although Hak Jan Han officially abandoned the position of true mother on February 22, 2013, God was able to claim her previous conditions of fidelity and obedience to inaugurate the position of True Parents. Due to her subsequent betrayal, however, the Position of True Parents will now be completed in 3 generations through the providence of the 3 Kingships.

"The marriage feast of the Lamb signifies that the Blessing is given for the first time in history. It establishes the standard of salvation on the family level. This is what has been sought during six thousand years of history."

"The bride and groom cited in the marriage feast of the Lamb are coming with the mission of the True Parents. Therefore, when we receive the Blessing at the time of the Second Advent of the Lord, the door to salvation opens to our families." Blessing and Ideal Family

Reverend Moon taught that because the lineage of God was lost in the Garden of Eden, the purpose of the Blessing is to restore the true family.

"The Holy Blessing is the fulfilment of the hope of humankind throughout the ages. It is the very means, by which we receive physical salvation through the returning Christ. Rebirth requires two parents: it cannot occur with just one. Prior to the Blessing is the Holy Wine Ceremony, which is conducted in order to reverse the fall."

"It is a ritual of putting the body of God into one's own body, centering on a new love. Everyone has a fallen body that needs to be substituted centering on the love of God. This act of substitution is performed through the Holy Wine Ceremony." CSG p. 1275

"Just as Jesus says in the Bible, 'the bread symbolizes my body and the wine my blood, so you must drink and eat of it.' Through this ceremony, one can be cleansed of the original sin, by inheriting the new lineage centering on the love and substantial aspect of God. You cannot go to the place of the Blessing without attending this ceremony. That is why the Holy Wine Ceremony is a ceremony for changing the lineage." CSG p. 1275

"The Holy Wine is what roots out Satan's blood that has tainted the human lineage through the fall. In other words, it is the ceremony that removes the original sin." Blessing and Ideal Family

"The Holy Wine, which is made of 21 ingredients representing all things and levels, is given to the wife first. At the fall, Satan first tempted Eve and then Adam was lost; therefore we first establish the restored woman in a position to find the man."

"In the Holy Wine, there is the flesh and blood of parents. The Holy Wine is the wine of love, the wine of the husband, and the milk of mother. It represents the water of life, the blood of parents, the manifestation of all glory, and the love of bridegroom and bride, and it contains in it the life force of the Father."

Father said, "Through it I am giving out the life force and forming a connection of lineage." Blessing and Ideal Family

Because the returning Christ comes to bring physical as well as spiritual salvation, Reverend Moon created an external grace ceremony for substantial restoration from the satanic lineage of the archangel back to the heavenly lineage of God. This rite is known as the 3-Day Ceremony.

The 3-Day Ceremony is the fulfilment of the hope for "new bodies" expressed by Paul in Romans 8:23.

The husband and wife are conditionally restored as a true son and daughter of God, through adoption by Christ at his Second Coming, who is given the authority by God to perform this adoption ceremony on the earth.

Our king has explained:

"Through the 3-Day ceremony the wife is reborn in Christ as the restored Bride of Christ and is bestowed to the husband as a princess in the Kingdom of God. The husband is reborn in Christ as the Son of God and the prince in the Kingdom of Heaven. After the completion of these holy consecrations the husband and wife will stand as prince and princess of God's Kingdom to glorify and honor him forever." Rev. Hyung Jin Moon. 4/21/15

Father said,

"Who is supposed to carry out the conversion of the lineage? It cannot be performed by just anyone. You must know that in order to become the one that can perform it, I walked the tearful path of the cross. It took thousands of years of hard work on God's part and my substantial life course, which was filled with hardships and suffering, to establish the victorious realm of the conversion of lineage." CSG p. 1271

I would like to close by reading a prayer of our true father.

"We thank you for the grace you allowed. For our bodies, which had been submerged in death, to be able to be connected to the pulse of love of our universal Father, and for our bodies, which had been submerged in darkness, to be submerged in the flow of life, which had been hidden in heaven, by experiencing and feeling keenly Your amazing grace through our minds. Please allow us to become children, who are able to offer gratitude for that grace, by first giving our minds and bodies to the work of our Father who has shone the light of brightness on this earth of darkness and to the grace of the Trinity which has toiled consistently while passing through thousands of years of history for the sake of this work." Rev. Sun Myung Moon  12/23/56

Amen and Aju. Thank you very much.

Hyung Jin Nim

Let us give it up one time for Kerry Williams, a true bride of Christ.  Okay, SOS, come on up.

All right, folks, as we lift God up, wow! Father talked about the path of the cross. Ten thousand crosses, many times. The ten thousand crosses to establish the lineage. This is not by our works, folks. I know one of our brothers, Jamal or Robert, one of them was having a conversation with somebody, and they said to him, "Are you a son of God?" And what did that guy say? You asked, "What makes you a son of God?" And they told me the story. And the guy said, "Well, I did this condition, I did that condition, my ancestors, blah, blah, blah." And it's so ridiculous. It's not by our works, it's not by our deeds that we are made to receive God's lineage. We receive God's lineage by grace, look at that song. And what is it that allows us to say that I am a child of God? We come from the seed of the Father. That's the difference. Not of the Father of lies, the devil. We come from the seed, by amazing grace.

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