Saturday, October 17, 2020

God does not use perfect people

Kingdom Redeemed (1)

God does not use perfect people

Sermon on Sunday, November 13, 2016

At the Sanctuary Church in Newfoundland, PA 18445

Rev. Hyung Jin Moon

Welcome! This morning, it’s finally starting to cool down. It’s great weather outside for some Winter camping coming up. Now, let’s move to the announcements.

We want to welcome everyone who’s here and online. Also, what a momentous and glorious week. Wow! My goodness. Epic battle between good and evil. Oh, my Lord, have mercy! Okay! I’m saving my comments until later; otherwise, I’m gonna start right now. I’m gonna save my comments. This is us at the final Trump Rally, he said, Okay! I’m saving my comments.

We like to have you all join us in anointing the Mongolia National Leader, Rev. Azjargel Sanduijav. Is that right? Did I say that correctly? He was the former Vice President of Mongolia, and he has now come to Sanctuary and has become the Sanctuary Head there.

Also, the anointing of Helen Fernandez Ndu of the Philippines. She’s a fellow Sanctuarian and she will be the Philippine Sanctuary Church International Coordinator. She is a famous lady. We all know her.

And, the anointing of the Sanctuary Leaders in Nevada, Ted and Hope Igarashi will be standing up, so join us at the end of services.

Today will be family worship Sunday; so, all the kids will be joining us. Two weeks to Thanksgiving; so, the Sunday right before Thanksgiving, November 2oth, we will be a Thanksgiving lunch here; so, for those people bringing a potluck, just bring something in the Thanksgiving theme. We’ll have an early Thanksgiving altogether. We’ve been grateful to have Kook Jin Nim hosting us at his house for the last couple of years; but, he’s going to be moving. I’m going to be moving, and their packing boxes right now; so, he’s not going to be able to do that this week; so, what we’ll do is just have the potluck for the Sunday directly preceding; so, we’ll have a mini Thanksgiving meal right here. We don’t have to do it somewhere else. We’ll do it here.

So folks, let’s get the Word, Kingdom Redeemed, today

Luke 18:9 Then he told this story to some who boasted of their virtue and scorned everyone else: 10 “Two men went to the Temple to pray. One was a proud, self-righteous Pharisee, and the other a cheating tax collector. 11 The proud Pharisee ‘prayed’ this prayer: ‘Thank God, I am not a sinner like everyone else, especially like that tax collector over there! For I never cheat, I don’t commit adultery, 12 I go without food twice a week, and I give to God a tenth of everything I earn.’ 13 “But the corrupt tax collector stood at a distance and dared not even lift his eyes to heaven as he prayed, but beat upon his chest in sorrow, exclaiming, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner.’ 14 I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home forgiven! For the proud shall be humbled, but the humble shall be honored.” 15 One day some mothers brought their babies to him to touch and bless. But the disciples told them to go away. 16-17 Then Jesus called the children over to him and said to the disciples, “Let the little children come to me! Never send them away! For the Kingdom of God belongs to men who have hearts as trusting as these little children’s. And anyone who doesn’t have their kind of faith will never get within the Kingdom’s gates.” Amen!

Wow folk! What an intense week we had. It was a massive spiritual battle on the cosmic scale. Unbelievable! Unprecedented! Historic! Totally historic. Epic, epic, epic. This was probably the most scintillating, frustrating and terrifying Presidential round we ever had; because, if you remember, literally the republic, America, was hanging on it’s last thread, literally. There was a lot of work to do. We’re going to get into that. But, it was literally hanging on it’s last thread. With the whole global elite essentially taking over this country, taking over both side, both parties, engaged in total illegal activity, with both sides rigging the election saying, “No! We’re not going to have Trump.’ The Democrats gave it to Hillary.

The Bernie supporters were complaining unabashed, in your face activities. Unbelievable. So much criminality for everybody to see. It was an unprecedented Presidential election. It was the most stressful. How many people were stressed out this week? My Lord, I know how you feel. Oh my goodness. And, not only was it such an unbelievably, unruly political time the atmosphere, there was a spiritual atmosphere that we were speaking about, but it only came confirmed. Did you notice, the last week, right before the Ancestor Liberation. Boom! Those things about WikiLeaks. Those things about Hillary and her circle being involved in satanic spirit cooking rituals, and pouring blood and semen elixirs over effigies of babies. These things are starting to come out right after, the week right after Ancestor Liberation, and the week before the Presidential election.

Not only that, at the same time, you have John Podesta and the WikiLeaks emails that are coming out connecting him to pedophilia, and how they’re inviting, how they’re inviting kids coming in hot tubs with them at their Clinton parties. These kind of things started coming out; because, as we saw, the big cosmic battle was kind of wondering the civilization America is going to be pressing towards.

Is it going to be a civilization with the innocent and the most sinless people of that civilization, the unborn babies, is legally able to be murdered, killed, has no rights, totally disfigured, cut up with medical stainless steel scissors, severing the spine, limbs, everything. That’s how the procedures done. And in the third debate, you saw Trump and Hillary go at it. He said, “This woman wants to make it legal to kill a baby one day before it’s due date, and she could not deny it, could not deny it.” So, even on a spiritual level, you could see what kind of person who was sitting on Satan’s side and who was sitting on God’s side.

Now, Trump is not perfect. God does not use perfect people. King Cyrus, who drained the swamp and locked them up, he wasn’t perfect. He had a harem. He wasn’t morally, totally perfect; but, God used him to bring the people out of Babylon back into Jerusalem. Incidentally, he also built the wall for Jerusalem as well for the people.

So unbelievable, because now see during the whole campaign, during the leadup to the end, you could see all these slogans that started coming out. How many of you have been to the Trump rallies? Oh my goodness. Did you see, you could see, spontaneously, you could hear, “Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!” Then on the other side you would hear, “Drain the swamp! Drain the swamp! Drain the swamp!” And then, “CNN sucks! CNN sucks!” I mean, this was unprecedented folks. Never, never, never before did the mainstream media become this discredited. This unbelievably discredited. The whole establishment was out to kill Trump. The whole establishment was out to destroy him. The whole establishment, including the media, was out to get him. Every single media outlet, both Republican and Democrat, were trying to get rid of him. Every single establishment, all the tools they had at their disposal, every single one, were trying to get rid of him.

Why? Because, he stood for sovereignty. Why? Because, he didn’t want to destroy America. Why? Because, he didn’t want America to be poor and left in poverty and collapsed as a nation. Why? Because, he didn’t want WWIII with Russia. And, because he didn’t want WWIII, they called him a warmonger. Because he wanted to protect America, they called him a racist. Because he wanted freedom and sovereignty, they called him bigot. Why? Because they want us into the world system, the world UN system, where every single country is collapsed, where every single country has a centralized governments over them, which the bankers all fund and employ, where the people are farmed for their taxes, farmed for their labor, etc. It’s nothing more than worldwide Communism. That’s all it is.

And, it’s unbelievable, this epic battle is unbelievable. Just the timing of the event. I want to show you a video. Actually, I have a couple of videos. Just the time of the event is brings about a lot of skepticism when Trump emerged. Remember, before we broke the silence, Kook Jin Nim was talking about we need a new George Washington to emerge. Remember this, folks? We need a new George Washington to emerge.

He was explaining the difference between an Abel type revolution and a Cain type revolution. He started to look at revolutions, and a Cain type revolution, he started talking about the French Revolution as an example, where you have just the population creating revolts, and just taking over everything. But, where does that lead? It leads historically to Communism, dictatorship, Oligarchy. The population will simply replace the dictatorship with another dictatorship.

Then, he was talking about the Abel type revolution, where there is a split in the elite. There is a separation between good and evil amongst the leaders in that nation. There is a split, where God divides that elite group; and, that elite group splits and creates an elite group against the evil parties of the other elite.

So, for example, in the American Revolution, you had all these parties like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, all these others were rebelling against the elites of Britain. They were part of the elite. George Washington’s net worth was about a half a billion dollars. He was basically a billionaire at that time. Right?

All these people were related to the Crown. All these people were connected deeply into the elite structure; but, they had to split, because in amongst that elite there was an Abel and Cain type realm. And God would use that Abel type realm to separate when the time came from the evil side, so that freedom could come in that form.

So, we talked about this situation, why it was essential why a billionaire? My goodness, a casino mogul. Who would have known? Who would have known? A billionaire casino mogul becomes the President of the United States (POTUS)

Now you know why he had to be a billionaire. He didn’t have to take funding for his thing. He took no outside funding for his campaign. He didn’t become beholden to these globalist think tanks, these globalist operations, these globalist mega bankers like Goldman-Sachs, etc. All these Rothschild. He did not take money from them.

He was able to stay independent of the establishment. That is to say, to be bought off and overrun the entire establishment already here in America. He was able to stay separated from them, financially; so, he would not be a slave, and beholden to their bidding and wishes, which was absolutely incredible and essential, essential, essential. He also what? He also had his own security team for the last twenty or thirty years. He had a professional security detail that he trusted and he could use in combination now with the Secret Service and the other government fed run programs like the Secret Service, etc.

But, he had his own people there that he already had with him for twenty or thirty years that he trusted with his life. Anybody who knows the JFK assassination or the Reagan assassination attempts, we know that people were getting compromised from the inside. The people getting compromised from the inside, and were working for the big puppet masters to get the President assassinated.

So then it was absolutely critical that he had also enough money to not only fund his campaign, but to... How many millions did that take? He spent hundreds of millions, maybe two hundred or three hundred million dollars of his own money. I heard Hillary Campaign spent over a billion, or even two billion dollars. They spent two billion dollars of ads against Trump.

They spent two billion dollars in the mainstream media to stop Trump. Did you see the mainstream media prostituting itself, totally exposing itself to discredit itself, totally showing that it’s nothing but a propaganda for the state? Totally realized, all this disinformation service agents using critical psychological warfare upon the people. Unbelievable!

The normal person was able to see it in this realm. The normal person was able to see through the lies, see through all the disinformation, and themselves become researchers, themselves become people trying to seek the truth. Trying to find out who these candidates really are, which is why the internet played such an essential part.

Can you believe it folks. The mainstream media was defeated by the alternative media for the first time in history; and, the people who were seeking the truth defeated all Goldman-Sachs, the Rothschild, all these fools who are funding these things. The people were able to defeat them.

That is what was unbelievable this week. The time leading up to this was a massive spiritual battle. I was attacked spiritually. I know many of you were attacked spiritually having not only nightmares, and spiritual attacks, and the Devil trying to get you, but literally, all of a sudden getting depressed. People all of a sudden getting the spirit of depression, some people getting the spirit of confusion, the spirit of weakness, etc.

There was so much spiritual attack, and we would talk about those things, those who were involved in the politics, but everyone would laugh at us. Everyone would mock us; and, then on that final week, you can see the emails starting to pour out about their involvement in satanic covens, in satanic circles, there involvement into why we were able to put the pieces together, why they would want to continue to keep the abortion clinics open, etc.

I showed you the information about Zachary King, the former Satanist, who then became a Christian, who said the abortion clinics, he was the Manager for one of the Covens in his area; and, the people, the Wickens, the different satanic underground churches, whatever, who were connected to the covens, would gather at the abortion clinics; because, they wanted access to fetuses. They want access to human babies, which they call human animals, and which they say Satan desires the most. It finalizes them, it brings them to conclusion, their incantations and their spells, and your wishes that you are desiring, all these things. This person was an activist Satanist Leader, who came out explaining why there’s so much collusion between the abortion clinics and the satanic cults. At the highest level of the elites, at the highest level, they come up parading in front of all the people in nice little prim and proper clothes, and hair and makeup and all that kind of thing, but behind the scenes, there involved in spirit cooking, satanic blood rituals. Marina Abramovic. I showed you the pictures of her quote, “artwork,” which is nothing other than a celebration of the occult. Nothing other than a glorification of a death cult, a satanic death cult.

Unbelievable, the spiritual cosmic battle that was at stake. Not only was our economy tanking, not only was our entire civilization collapsing, not only was this entire political correctness, and the whole system of dominating all the Western democratic countries succeeding, but until the final hour, literally, nobody believed the little man, the simple man would have say again.

Nobody believed Trump would win. Trump was just a manifestation. He was just a representation of the angst, and the concern, and the anger that people had. The people who were silenced. The people who were forgotten. People, who were left behind, people who were being exploited by the federal system, people who were being stolen from by their taxes and the money they were producing in the market. It was amazing.

Some of you guys talked to some of the local folks who went out to vote, and I heard he (Robert) was telling a story, where he was speaking to a guy, and he said, “Man. Can you believe what happened?” And then the guy said, “Yeah! I didn’t think Trump would win. I thought they would steal the vote.” How many felt he couldn’t win. They were so unbelievably in your face.

They already did it with the Democrats, with the RNC. Trump was genius to bring that out months before. They’re going to rig it. They’re going to rig it. They’re going to rig it, rig it, rig it; and, everybody’s on high alert on the exit polls saying, “They’re going to rig it, rig it. Watch out! Watch out!” They couldn’t pull a steal, even though they stole about five states. They were not able to steal all the states.

But, with that kind of unbelievable pressure and almost spiritual fighting and warfare, ordinary folks, who even felt that Hillary would win, because they were going to rig it. They did their five percent. They got up and went to the polls and they put the vote in. I don’t care if my vote doesn’t count, I’m gonna do it anyway as a prayer. I gonna do it as an offering. I’m gonna do it as a sacrifice. I don’t care if my vote doesn’t matter. At least I’m gonna do something. Right! Tell me if I’m wrong?

And, my goodness folks. Who was up until five in the morning? You know we were. We were Facebooking live. We were shooting Tweets out live, you know, and on Facebook. It was insane. Insane!

Let’s look at this first video, because everybody thought Trump would never do it; and, I’m not saying he’s some kind of savior. He’s Jesus or something like that. He’s a manifestation of humanity, yearning to be with God. Yearning to have sovereignty. The gifts God has given us. He is only a manifestation of that desire to return back to our Creator. Let’s look at the first at that first video. Check this out. From the video ~ Which Republican candidate has the best chance of winning the general election? Of the declared ones, right now, Donald Trump. (laughter) Now of the candidates weigh in, Donald Trump doesn’t have a chance of winning this election.” Matt Lauer asking President Obama, “Can you imagine Donald Trump standing up and saying the State of the Union Address.” Obama answered, “Well, I could imagine him in a Saturday Live Night skit.” “Mr. Trump will not be President.” I don’t see how he can win.” “So, Donald Trump will lose, and then he will destroy the Republican Party.” My view is “No, Donald Trump could never win the election.” “You’re never going to be President of the US by insulting your way to the presidency.” “Let’s see,” says Mr. Trump, “I’m at 42 and you’re at 3,” to Jeb Bush. “I can’t find a single Republican.” “I talked to about 12 Senators or their representative, yesterday. I can’t find who said they were going to win.” etc. (This was from both Democrats and Republicans)

“We are searching our pollsters, and we find Donald Trump will not be elected. He will not be elected. He will not be elected.” (Hyung Jin Nim says sarcastically) “It is impossible for him to be elected. It is unreal for him to think he will be elected.” “Ha, ha, ha. Donald Trump elected. Ha, ha, ha!” You’re braindead. You’re stupid. You’re ignorant. You’re bigoted. You’re...”

This is what he (Donald Trump) had to go up against, folks. This is what it was every day. Every day, the mocking, the scoring, the making fun of. “Oh, you’re an idiot. You’re a xenophobic. Oh, you’re a Islamic phobic. Oh, you’re a homophobic. Oh, you’re a...” This went on every single day. Everyday.

And notice, folks, during that entire epic battle, what was Hillary standing up for? She was standing up to create a civilization, where we can kill the most innocent within the civilization, legally. That is completely evil. What else was she pushing. She was pushing Russia was hacking her emails, and Russia is trying to create WWIII, and we have to go and destroy Russia.

Are you kidding me! You want to send us, why we’re economically depressed into nuclear war with Russia. This Administrations have continuously putting us into war, six different wars - Libya, Ukraine, Syria, arming ISIS... Are you crazy! Now, you want to go to war with Russia. You want to go to war with Russia, a thermonuclear power and get all our kids killed, so you criminals can get away with it? This is what she wanted.

This is what she wanted. She was literally trying to start WWIII with Russia, because all the Goldman-Sachs and the bankers knew that, now, they’re the ones who are trying to create all the bubbles. They’re the ones who screwed everybody into the walls. They’re the ones who got everybody into this mess. They’re the ones who lied, bought off the politicians, stole from us, etc. And, the people are starting to wake up. It was unbelievable. It was life and death as to where humanity would end up. It was an unprecedented battle.

My goodness. We knew it was going to be an epic thing. Honestly, I was fearful into the last hours of the election, because it was 12 to midnight, and Pennsylvania was still blue. Did you see this thing? PA was still blue. It was blue. It was traditionally blue for how many years? 30 years, is that right? Thirty years it has been voting Democrat; and, we knew PA would be the determining factor. We knew that, not only Providentially, because even the New York Times had to admit it, and at 12 to midnight PA was still blue.

It was at two in the morning, then we had it at 2:54 AM; and, he needed to win one more state. They said, it was probably going to Michigan before Pennsylvania. Unbelievable. Or Arizona, one of the states, but if he got PA, there are 20 Electoral votes, the Electoral College of twenty people. If he got that, it would have put him over the 270; and, we would have our next President Elect.

Did you see? I was Facebooking it live, if you saw what I was Facebooking, you saw, I was taking pictures of the NY Times and their little meter system. They had it, like, 99.99% Trump was going to win PA, and still they wouldn’t call it. We waited for hours and hours and hours. The needle would move to 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 percent, and they were not calling it. They were hoping to high hell that they get a blessing from Lucifer, and it doesn’t happen. Noticed, I switched that? I didn’t say to high heaven. Did you notice that?

Unbelievable! And then, I don’t know what time it was. We were like on caffeine, because we were drinking coffee, try stay awake. No way, it was much later than that. When did they call PA? 1:36? No way, it was later than that. (It was a 2:40 AM (EST) that Fox News called Donald Trump won the state of PA. )

Anyway, it was unbelievable. Whatever the moment, it was captured on video. I realized, I gotta capture this moment on film.

(Hyung Jin Nim posted the following video, transcribed.)

Trump has won. It’s official. Kook Jin Hyung. It’s official. Donald Trump has just won the Presidency. The news outlets: Fox news is now declaring, seeing this live, Trump is now at 274. He got PA. Pennsylvania was the swing state. PA determined the election. Everybody, Trump is now the President of the United States. Trump has defeated them. It is unbelievable. Google has Trump at now 276. Trump has won. Unbelievable. It’s a landslide miracle. God is on our side. True Father is real. Unbelievable. We did it. The united Cain and Abel, with Father’s Kingship. Praise God! We talked about the George Washington of the next Revolution had to come, and God sent him. Praise God! All the kids and everybody who went out and passed out the voting scorecards. PA won it. PA won it for Trump and the United States and for the world. It is amazing! Incredible! The world is changing, and so we thank everybody who is out there, all the Sanctuary people, all the people who stood up for truth, all the people who stood up for God’s side, for the Abel side, for sovereignty.

Next part

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