Thursday, September 1, 2016

What you believe on ethics determines what you will do

The Blessed Kingdom (3)
July 24, 2016
Shortly after the war ended, the American military made those living near the concentration camps go through them. They wanted them to see firsthand what had caused the smoke to billow from the chimneys of those camps and to witness what the leaders they had allowed into power had done.
Notice their lighthearted demeanor as they entered the camp, obviously unaware of the horror that had taken place in their own back yard. And look at the change on their faces once they realized what had actually taken place. No doubt there is an abortion clinic near you. Perhaps you should pay them a visit to see what actually takes place behind their walls so that you can witness firsthand what is happening in your own back yard.
Over fifty million human beings have been murdered in America's Holocaust, sanctioned by political leaders who have been put into power by the American people. Please, never ever give your vote to any politician who advocates the murder of a child in the womb.
Comfort: So are you going to vote differently and think differently about this?
Alicia: Yeah, I think I would, I think I definitely would, because you're right, I had just said about the Holocaust, where was the world if everyone would have banded together, you know, and make a difference.
Comfort: I couldn't have said it better than Alicia. If you need help in any way regarding the issue of abortion, please go to for details.
Hyung Jin Nim
All righty, wow. Isn't that interesting? When they go ln the streets and interview these people live, they challenge them on the streets. So you can see these are real people, right? They have never actually thought through any of these issues. But what's amazing is that by their own admission, when we are put under the light of God's commandment, we can see every single one of us are liars, thieves, adulterers, blasphemers. And then he also shows the quote from Corinthians that says, liars, homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, will not enter the Kingdom, will not be allowed to enter. So when we're put under the light of God's commandments, not am I good relative to other people around me, etc. Then we see that we are sinful.
And seeing that sinfulness is the first step to acknowledging that we are depraved; that we need God and that we cannot do it ourselves. That first step is repentance, humility, but it is the first step to liberation because once we admit we have that sickness, and then we can be healed. Then we are willing to see what the medicine is and to take it. Does that make sense folks?
So what is amazing is that when normal folks are confronted with these issues, issues that they've been many times just brainwashed to believe in one way, "Oh, it's the woman's choice, it's just the woman's choice, that's the only issue that matters, right?" In this issue of abortion. But he contextualized it in a way that says, "Look, you would never do these things if Hitler was alive and killing Jews, you're against that."
And they all say they are against that, and they would all stand up against that, they all basically say they would not participate in it. But he's saying, 'look at what's going on around you in your own back yard. 53 million children are being killed." In the name of somebody else's rights. But what about the child's rights? He shows the pictures of the actual children. It is alive, that thing has a heartbeat, it is a human being.
And this is important because we've become so desensitized towards killing. Killing and taking human life. This American culture has become so desensitized to murdering young babies. We have become worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. We are killing the babies, and they do not even call them babies. Notice how some of the guys were calling them "fetuses." "Well, they're fetuses," they are tissue, they are not babies. But when he questions them and he keeps pushing it, then they have to admit, 'ok, it is a child." Ok, it is a baby. And I love how he says, "killing a baby in the womb is ok when _____" Finish the sentence please. And they can't finish it because their conscience cries out against it because they know that they themselves, if they were put under that standard, and their life could have been threatened, their life could possibly be dead. 53 million plus babies folks; children, human beings, murdered in America since the 70s. That is atrocious, that is demonic.
Of course, in the modern day, we have seen how they are monetizing that and they are actually selling the baby parts. I showed the videos here, remember that? Planned Parenthood got caught selling these baby parts illegally of course. But even when they were trying to bring up the law, legally, well his point was that Hitler did everything legally. He exterminated 11 million people legally, he killed Jews legally, he killed Gypsies legally, he killed homosexuals legally, it was legal. He killed people with Downs syndrome legally.
You see one of the common arguments people try to make, is "Well, the quality of life, that child will have a terrible quality of life." And his point is, "How do you know that before the child is born?" Then you are agreeing with Hitler, who said, "Ok, these kids with Downs syndrome, murder them all." You agree to murder people with disabilities. So when people are actually confronted with the truth in a loving way, you can see how evangelist Ray Comfort is very loving, right? He challenges them but he does it in love.
He is not trying to condemn them; he is not trying to convict them. He has a video on homosexuality as well. He goes around and asks people, "Are people born gay?" And he has a whole video on that. But he does it in love, right?
He has one where he is arguing with one young person on a stool, as part of his evangelist work he stands on a stool and then he puts another stool ten feet away, and says, "Ok, stand on that stool and debate with me." So this young guy's up there saying, "I'm an atheist, etc., etc., and all that stuff," and he starts going, "Ok, do you agree that homosexuality is…" And the guy says, "Of course, homosexuality is fine." And he says, "What about pedophilia?" And the young man says, "No, that's an abomination,." And Ray Comfort says, "Well, many people who are homosexuals are pedophiles." And the young kid says, "There's no proof of that, how do you know that?" And he said, "Catholic priests!" [laughter] And the kid is just shocked. And then he says, "And you know, they are touching children." And he is from Australia, and he says, "Well, there is one psychologist in New Zealand that says, well, people who are pedophiles are born with it, it's a syndrome, it's what they call "minor attraction syndrome."
It's the same rhetoric they use for homosexual, transgender, everything. All the deviant forms of sexuality that are condemned by Scripture and by God. Always the same argument. "Oh, they're born like that. Oh they don't really have a choice." And one of the great arguments for that is that if someone says, "They don't have a choice, they are born like that." Then he says, "Are people born adulterers? Are people born to be adulterers?" You have the urge to do adultery, but does that mean you are born an adulterer? How about fornicator? Are people born fornicators? So he goes on this, like, person after person after young person after young person.
You have all these brain dead young people who think they are smart, but when they are actually confronted with logic, and they have to actually think through their positions, you see they actually do a one eighty. The ones who are willing to have an open mind, they actually will do a one eighty because it does not make any sense. It does not make any sense.
But notice how in that video he said when you talk about any of these issues, it usually ends up being an issue with morality. A discussion about morality. And of course this is where the dangerous, Luciferian philosophy -- it's not only Luciferian, but of course it is from Lucifer but it's under many different guises --- which of course says that all philosophies are equal, all philosophies are valid, it's your truth, you get to choose, etc. Nobody can make absolute truth claims, and everybody has their own valid position.
How many have heard that? Of course, we are not brain dead in Sanctuary Church, we have studied philosophy, we know how to deconstruct that argument. It is such a pitifully weak argument. Such a pitiful, pitiful argument. And of course the big example is the one with the elephant, right? Relativism, all the religions are touching different parts of the elephant and they can only see portions of the truth.
Some of which is true, but they can't see the whole truth, right? But of course, the problem with that argument is what? The relativists will say everybody else cannot see the real truth, everybody's truth is relative. It is not absolute, except for whose truth? The relativists, right? Except for the relativists. The relativist is admitting that they believe their truth, and what is their truth? That everybody cannot have a truth -- is an absolute truth claim. So they're guilty of doing, logically, what they say you cannot do. Everybody here understands that, because we actually study philosophy and we know how to deconstruct these things, okay?
It always leads to morality folks, because once you get down to morality, and you do not have a moral law giver, and you don't put yourself under submission to a moral law giver, you can make up whatever you want. And this was the big part of his argument, that he's trying to show in these interviews. Look, when the nation's morals begin to collapse, and begin to relativize, is when you will have the justification for killing children in the womb, which is never really justified. You will have all things that are the product of relativism morally. Does that make sense? So these things are connected.
At the same time we also saw the history of the abortion clinics. Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood. I used to preach about that before. An actress played her in the movie Hillary's America. She was a terrible white racist; she was part of the women's Ku Klux Klan, which of course was run by the Democratic Party. You have to go see the movie to see the actual history. She was a terrible racist; she wanted to exterminate black people. Along with Lyndon B. Johnson, along with the other types of Democrats who were segregationists. So the reality of the matter of Planned Parenthood and the abortion clinics that are predominantly found in minority neighborhoods, black, Latino, and now Asian neighborhoods in LA, for example the Southeast Asians, the Vietnamese, Cambodians. Now they are targeting those communities to abort those babies. What the founder of that whole movement said, "We want to exterminate black people." Do you understand that folks? That is the founder of Planned Parenthood.
So I've shown you the videos of the different phone call recordings that people made to Planned Parenthood, saying, "Oh, I'd like to make a donation to Planned Parenthood," and they say, "Oh, yes, that's wonderful." And they say, "Can I donate to a specific minority group? Can I make sure my money goes to the black community?" Remember these videos? Remember these private recordings that now people have released and revealed what type of organization this is? They allow for the targeted extermination of minority groups.
This is the type of country we have become. Why? Because we've lost our sense of morals. When you're a young person, you don't get it. Why are these people making all this fuss about morals? Well, it has huge impact. What you believe on ethics determines what you will do. You see some of those people saying, "Ok." Like one of those Asian girls in the video, I think she is Korean, with the silver face; she has painted her whole face silver.
Did you see, he is having a conversation with her, and at some point he says, "Ok, it's ok to kill Jews as long as you don't kill them?" And she says, "Yeah." Did you hear that? Out of her own murderous mouth. So when people are actually put to the test, when they're actually put on the line, put in front of a camera, asked the actual questions, they expose themselves, what they believe. What you actually believe, you expose yourself.
They pretend to care for children in the womb; they pretend to care for minorities, they pretend to care for poor people, but in the end, they do not, they do not. And they are exposed. So when we are put under the light of God's commandment, when we are put under the light of God's rules, we are, as Ray Comfort says, criminals, we are criminals, if it was not for the grace of God. We are guilty, right?
One of the things, of course, that happened this week, was another terrorist attack in Munich, Germany. It is like every two days now we have an Islamic terrorist attack. The guy was screaming Allahu Akhbar, and shooting people in Germany. How many people are dead in that attack? Ten dead.
In the last forty plus days we've had terrorist attack after terrorist attack. Right? Nice. Orlando. Munich. I mean just endless, endless attacks. It's getting to the point where people are so desensitized they forget that this happened all in the last forty some days. People are being massacred, murdered for no reason other than radical, orthodox, Saudi, Wahhabi-backed Islam. That is not preaching hate. That is preaching reality. They are an extremely radical group.
And of course not every single Muslim is like that, but you have, what was it, in Newt Gingrich's speech at the Republican National Convention, or somebody's speech, they gave the example that two percent of Pakistan believes that ISIS is doing good work. Okay? Two percent or something like that, so that does not seem so big, until you realize that two percent of Pakistan is like 20 million people. What is it, twelve million people? It is a massive amount of people, who believe that ISIS is doing fantastic work! So when you add up all those situations that were brought up in his speech, he brought up a lot of different issues in his speech that are directly related to Freedom Society. Directly related to the battle between whether or not it is going to be worldwide communism or whether or not we're going to make the move towards freedom and responsibility again.
Is it going to be world dictatorship with unelected officials out of Brussels or Switzerland or some crazy UN headquarters dictating local laws, which of course is what happens in the EU for example, or will we be able to have sovereignty? It is a battle between the kingdoms. The archangel says, "Well, we're going to keep my kingdom, my power, centralized, unelected officials, elite class that will rule over humanity." Above the law, which of course, America is now. But he brought up certain points. This is very important to understand because we saw that Jesus, when he talked about the Kingdom, he said, "Blessed be the poor, for you will inherit the Kingdom." And there are a lot of people on the left who have been tricked in there, or they are just generationally stuck in there, they're in there because their parents were in there, or whatever, they vote Democrats, and I'm not saying I'm for the old Bush administration Republican Party.
We were against the Iraqi War; Father was against the Iraq War, against the neo-Con movement that continued endless, endless, wars and imperialism. Father was against that, right? But the Democratic Party, of course, has now become the centralized party of pushing world government. NAFTA, trade treaties, all things moving towards UN control.
So he brought up some of the issues, because we are now talking about the poor. Why will the poor inherit the Kingdom? He brought up issues for example of a 70 percent rise in homicide in the US, fifty largest cities; it is the highest in 25 years. DC homicide rate has increased by 50 percent, Baltimore up by 60 percent, why is he raising these issues of security, prosperity, peace? Why is he raising these issues? When a nation is collapsing, is it the super, uber elite, and the superrich, the billionaires that are affected by security issues?
They all have their little bomb squad things, you know gun-toting secret security. Mark Zuckerberg says, “Don’t build a wall," but the guy has fifteen-meter walls around his house. Obviously, walls work to protect his house! So you have all these hypocritical, super uber elites. Are they truly affected by security if society collapses? If the US currency crashes? If the economy tanks?
Is it the rich people, the super-rich who are affected? Who is the most affected? When we go for communist policies, when we go for more and more centralization, more and more government control over lives, who are the ones who are actually affected? It is actually the lower class, lower socio-economic strata, right? The poor are affected. Why? Because there is a 70 percent rise in homicides, and the poor are usually forced to live in cities. And they don't have the monetary mobility, the financial mobility to be able to move out of bad neighborhoods, even though they want to. You do not think poor people want to move out of bad neighborhoods.
Are you kidding me? Of course, they want to move out of bad neighborhoods. They do not want their children at risk. They do not want their children in gangs, they do not want their children with all these sociological factors that work against them; they do not want that. They want to live just like everybody who is watching in safe communities in the middle class. Right?
It is the poor that is most affected by communist policies. When the politicians promise free things and lie to the people, it's the poor that get trapped in cycles of poverty that never end. It's exactly what Lyndon B. Johnson said, "We're going to now take over the black community," because they were becoming the most educated, they were becoming the fasted growing entrepreneurial class in the country in the 1930s and 40s.
They were strong Christian families; 80 percent of the fathers were in the home. More than the white communities. They were going to become super powerful. Super power block, and the segregationists said, "We've got to get rid of these, this black community." Hence, Johnson's famous words, "We'll give them just enough, but not enough to make a difference." And that's of course, the New Deal, and the Welfare State and all those kinds of things happened, and are targeted upon the black community.
Economic policy. Four out of ten black children in poverty. 58 percent of black youth unemployed. More than 2 million Latinos in poverty after Obama's eight years. Another 14 million people leaving the workforce entirely. Whom does that affect? Does that affect the super uber elite, hypocritical Mark Zuckerberg and the Facebook people? Does it affect any of those fools? Does 14 million people leaving the labor force affect them? Well, they have such monopolies. Now they create machines to do everything. You go to Walmart, and they are not hiring anybody. They are not hiring new low-wage workers. What are they doing? They are making, your own checkout lines, you do it yourself. Robotized. So that more and more people are not necessary to do the functions of business. Who can survive in that environment? Only monopolies. Small businesses and middle size businesses get wiped out because they don't have the capital to invest in that kind of machinery. 19 trillion dollar national debt. We have a 19 trillion dollar national debt, which has doubled under Obama.
And this is the problem with Christianity; we are so scared to preach about truth. We are so scared to call evil "evil," and good "good." We are trying to woo followers to follow us. I do not care if you follow me or not! My job is to preach the word of God, to tell the truth. You know, I do not have to be popular with you. I have to do what is right. Then true people gather. If you just lie to your congregations and American Christianity has become the prosperity gospel, just a gospel that is telling people what they want to hear.
That you can live like the secular world, you will never be persecuted, you will live and get all you want, live like the devil, live like the secular world, enjoy all its things, enjoy everything it does, and just add Jesus on as an accessory to your teaching. I'm sorry folks, that's not how it is. As a Christian, we are called to be persecuted, mocked, to be scorned, to pick up our cross. And that's the real gospel. That is why it requires warriors. People who are tough and strong. That's why our community does Brazilian jujitsu, because we're warriors! MMA, you know what I'm saying? We shoot guns. You know what I mean? Why? It is the warriors, the warriors that can stand up.
19 trillion dollar debt. There are only three different things you can do with a 19 trillion dollar debt. Number one, you can say, "Ok, we're not going to pay the debt. We're not going to pay back our debts." Which will then put America into a hundred years of people never lending to us again. You can say, "Ok, we'll monetize that debt. The Federal Reserve can print uploads of money, just tons and tons of money to pretend that they're paying off the national debt." But what does that do? That is going to create hyperinflation. Who is that going to hurt? Is that going to hurt Mark Zuckerberg and the stupid Facebook elite, and the Google and Twitter hypocrites? Is that going to hurt them? Is the hyperinflation really going to hurt their multi-million dollar salaries? No, it is going to hurt the poor person.
The Chinese, the Vietnamese, the African-Americans, the Latinos; it is going to hurt them, that is who it is going to hurt. And the third one, of course, you can try to pay it off in some miraculous way, which we cannot do! Because we have to pay it off and we have to raise taxes to pay off the debt, and if we raise taxes to pay off the debt do you think the uber elite are going to suffer from that? They have tons of loopholes to get around the taxes. Who pays for it? The middle class gets slaughtered and the small businesses and the poor people get slammed. This is the reality.

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