Monday, April 11, 2016

The kingdom of righteousness

The kingdom of righteousness (1)
March 27, 2016
Let us welcome Dr. Richard Panzer.
[Richard Panzer]
You know, God's Providence does not always go in a straight line.  We have noticed that, right.  So I think it's very important for us to remember that sometimes things, we think they are going this way, but then things change.  Particularly on Easter, weekend.  I was watching The Passion of Christ, and I just realized that all the disciples, they were in shock that their Messiah was crucified, and it was a horrible thing.  They felt guilty; they ran away; but on Easter morning, Jesus rose and appeared to them, and re-oriented them to God's Providence going forward.
So I believe that the Unification Movement had a certain expectation about what would happen after Father's Seung wha. We had a certain concept of how things would proceed. But things proceeded very differently, actually. And that's what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about the three generations Kingship and how God's Providence is unfolding at this time in our lives, and how we need to really re-orient ourselves.  And I realized that many things that have happened in the past three years have been disorienting, disappointing in many, many ways. But God is alive.  God is alive and God is working and thank God for that.  So let us get started.
Father taught about his successor three decades ago.
He said,
"After that registration is done, True Father will appoint his successor. That successor must be known to all the Unification Church, all the blessed couples and the True Parents' family. They must all unanimously accept him."
And then he stated else where
"No matter young or youthful the heir is, he is the one who will supervise and control.  When Father hands down this authority in the future, even if that heir is crippled, people must receive the Blessing from that person."
Actually, Father was predicting that Hyung Jin Nim would be injured in his martial arts accident [laughing], I realized here, four decades ago!
Now, of course, we all were expecting a member of the True Family to be chosen as the successor, there was a turbulent time, and turbulent course for the True Children, the True Family, and it was not what we were expecting in many cases.  We were not sure, it was not clear; who would be qualified to carry on Father's work after Father went to spiritual world?  And who did Father think was worthy to carry on his legacy?  The successor was proclaimed in 2008. 
He said,
"Today at this time, there must only be one line of authority.  The center, centered on Korea or on the world, over the entire Unification Church will stretch out and become larger.  From now, I can leave someone in charge of my work on my behalf.  Currently, there is no one among our church members who surpasses Hyung Jin in his standard of faith or in any other way.  Do you understand?  I am appointing him."
That's what Father said.  So now I'd like to play for you a video, let's play it now, and I may read the English.
Video of True Father Speaking
"Today at this time there must be only one line of authority.  The center, centered on Korea or the world, over the entire Unification Church will stretch out and become larger from now.  I can leave someone in charge of my work on my behalf.  Currently, there is no one among our church members who surpasses Hyung Jin in his standard of faith or in any other way.  Do you understand?  I am appointing him."
Now i would like to read part of the statements that Father made.
"At the end of this life with little to remain, let these two offer all they can to become representative points that can teach the people of all nations about the path they should take from this time on.  In terms of three generations, True Parents, the mother and father, [Yeonah Nim and Hyung Jin Nim], and the Unification Church should be connected in one heart centering on this little child called Shin-Joon.  Everything that is related should begin from this child, and in going beyond the pass of the realm of the fourth Adam in this age."
So Father was anointing not just his immediate successor, he anointed the successor of the successor.  Father saw that, that is what he said.
"There will always be a physical representative of True Father here on the earth, from one generation to another.  There will be that axis on which the earth will turn.  Therefore, all of you here on earth, and all the people in the generation to come will be centered upon the same axis."
Now i'd like to play for you a video of Kook Jin Nim speaking at this appointment ceremony.
Video of Kook Jin Nim Speaking
"I can truly serve my younger brother. There were many difficult times under my elder brothers. Sometimes they even hit me. However, I lived according to my beliefs, no matter how difficult it was. I lived according to my conscience.  I never took action unless I believed it was right. I never respected anyone, regardless of who they were, unless they reached a level worthy of respect. I am honest and that is how I live. My younger brother is respectable and lovable. I truly can serve my younger brother as an International President. If nothing about him were worthy of respect, I would not listen to what he says. I would never help him.  As you all know, I am a fighter. Once I resolve to do something, I do it to the end. I'm a man who cannot avoid living according to his conscience. In particular, I really loved Young Jin and Hyung Jin among my younger siblings. I loved them like they were my own sons. I thought there could not be a more perfect person than my younger brother Young Jin.  He was so smart and excelled in anything he did.  What is more, he was a brother who really loved all his siblings.  Before Young Jin's accident, he told me that we should watch over and help Hyung Jin together.  That was a promise we made. I am so grateful to be able to keep that promise. [Applause]  People should live according to their conscience. Several of my brothers have already passed away. I will keep the promise that I made to each of them. Anybody would and should do that.  If anyone should make a promise and not keep it, he is not even a person. I will keep all the promises I have made until my death”.
Brothers and sisters, we are at a beginning, not an end. "
Isn't that amazing?
Then in 2009, Father passed on the Blessing & Authority of True Parents to his son, Hyung Jin Moon and his wife.  The nature, timing, and circumstances of the ceremonies made it clear this was an historical and providential anointing; it was not just an appointment to an external position.  And I want to play a little bit of this short video.  The English words are on the right, you can see.  This was done on three different locations.
Video of Coronation for the Settlement of the Cosmos and Earthly True Parents' Holy Sabbath Authority
"In this Coronation for the Settlement of the Cosmic and Earthly True Parents' Holy Sabbath Authority, I transfer and pass on the Blessing of the True Parents [to this couple] Aju."
Do you see how happy Father is [here]? He was so happy. Then, in 2010, Father, a year later, issued another declaration.  He says,
"The command center of cosmic peace and unity is the absolute and unique command center.  Unification headquarters is also the absolute and unique headquarters.  Its representative and inheritor is Hyung Jin Moon.  Anybody else is a heretic and a destroyer.  This is the proclamation of True Parents."
Then Father said in 2011
"God is not necessary.  Parents are not necessary.  The first son is not necessary, and third son is not necessary.  But the youngest son is necessary, even for True Mother, who is Hyung Jin.  Also Kook Jin is necessary too.  Two sons."
Then in 2012, Father Said
"Kook Jin and Hyung Jin, these two sons have become united as Cain and Abel."
Then here, on the lower right, there is a photo where Father, Kook Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim were at the Strong Korea speech, so Father is very happy.  Kook Jin Nim was speaking to top-level generals in Korea.  He and Hyung Jin Nim had met with the current president of Korea.
Everything was set up for a very close relationship between the Unification Movement and the nation of Korea.  Everything was set up.  It was a wonderful opportunity. And the sad thing is, that instead of pursuing that path of Blessing that God did prepare, actually the whole movement has gone into a period of judgment. That's the reality. But you can see how happy Father was at that time.
Now what was Mother's reaction to the successor?  Despite having crowned Hyung Jin Nim at Father's side three times, two weeks after Father's Seung Hwa Mother began to fire Hyung Jin Nim from five different positions in Korea.
Then he was sent to America and told not to come back for three years, but when he started to teach about Absolute Sex, Mother sent a message for him to keep his mouth shut about Father's teaching and then soon after he was fired from that position as well. Now for us to believe that Mother was in absolute unity with Father, and that everything she was doing after Father's Seung Hwa was done in unity in Father, you have to believe that, as soon as Father got to spiritual world, he suddenly realized that his youngest son was not qualified to be his successor. We have to believe that Father suddenly realized that the teaching of Absolute Sex was wrong. The teaching of Absolute Sex was something embarrassing.
I am in contact with UTS professors and I ask them questions. I asked one UTS professor about this point.  Why was Hyung Jin Nim, asked to stop teaching about Absolute Sex?  This professor said, "Well, people were saying that he was talking in too graphic a way, and that he was talking about 'penis' and 'vagina' and these are embarrassing things." Now, do you know anybody else who sometimes spoke very bluntly to world leaders at big banquets about embarrassing details about there their holy place is? [Laughter] Do you know somebody? I do! I do!
Of course, Mother was encouraged to discount Hyung Jin Nim by other leaders around them, and I've heard that they were saying, "Oh, you know, he shaved his head, and he's practicing Buddhism. We're not Buddhists, we're Unificationists."
Therefore, I thought a lot about this point. Because Father knew about this, right?  What do you think Father thought about this fact that his son was actually exploring Buddhism one hundred percent?  You know, Hyung Jin Nim does not do things half way, as I think we have all noticed, right?  What do you think Father thought about Hyung Jin Nim really digging in and becoming a Buddhist? Do you think Father was worried, "Oh my son, he's a heretic. He's going to be a Buddhist monk for the rest of his life?" No. Father said, "My son is diving into this older faith and he's going to learn many valuable things, but at a certain point he will realize that there is a limit.
At a certain point, he's going to realize that there is something more to learn about the nature of God. And then God will show him there is more." God did show him there is more. Father saw the future. So, we can judge with our earthly eyes, and say, "Oh, you know, I don't like that bald head." Actually, I think it's a pretty good looking bald head!
Now, it's amazing how the truth comes out. The Family Federation sent Mrs. Eu around the United States on a speaking tour. The main purpose of her speaking tour was to persuade brothers and sisters to support Mother. That was her main objective.
Mrs. Eu is actually a very honest person. So even if she's going around to try to persuade people to do something, she cannot help herself, to actually report certain truths. What was the truth that she shared?  Her truth was,
Father embraced Hyung Jin Nim, But Mother was different.  Mother said, "No.'"
Now isn't this interesting? Because we have been told that Father and Mother are absolutely one.
But on the issue of who the successor should be, Mrs. Eu said they were not united. We are not talking about the color of the curtains in Chung Pyung! Okay?  We are not talking about the painting on the wall. We are talking about the successor to the Messiah.  This is a very central issue.  Mother looked at Hyung Jin Nim through the eyes of Hyo Nam Kim and the others who were criticizing him. She could not see him with Father's eyes.  She could not see what he would become and is becoming.  That is the difference.
Now I have three short video clips where Yeonah Nim explains what actually happened. I think it's very important for us to realize that Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim and Kook Jin Nim made a lot of effort to help Mother.  They wanted her to be a successful True Mother.  They wanted to lift her up so that all people would know her and love her as we have for the last four decades.  Let us play this video please.
Video of Yeonah Nim speaking
"Hyung Jin Nim made a card. He made a prayer for Father and prayer for Mother, so that people could recite this. It was a little business card sized card. Then I often distributed them to members whenever I met members, I handed them the card.
We made it in three different languages, and we had a little ceremony, a regular ceremony, we actually asked the members to recite that, and Hyung Jin Nim was actively supporting Mother, spiritually like that too. Then, I also made a speech, there was one time I had to deliver a message because Hyung Jin was away, and I talked about Mother.  The entire speech was about Mother, how what a faithful wife she is.  Because we want Mother to be victorious, it is not that we don't know about rumor and criticism and things that are not going well with Mother, with Father, but we know that we want Mother to be really victorious, and we believe that that was not Mother's true nature, that was our real perspective."
Second Video Clip, Yeonah Nim speaks about Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim
"Because they are the ones who put their entire trust in Father and Mother.  Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim, they actually put trust in Mother too, not only Father. Yes, there was friction between Father and Mother, there was not agreement, there were sometimes such tense moments, but they could take it.  They are adults; they have a husband and wife.  I'm sure sometimes I really make my husband mad too. But the thing is, they still put their trust in Mother that Mother will make good decisions.
A couple of times Hyung Jin Nim says everything so closely. Hyung Jin Nim mentioned to Kook Jin Nim, "Kook Jin Hyung, you know what, maybe we should not put everything under Mother's name. Because everything was under Mother, the World Mission Foundation, the big Chong Bok church, the mega church in Seoul, and then the Chung Pyung Foundation, many things were under Mother's name because Kook Jin Nim at that time, he was the head of the Korean business foundation. So he actually persuaded other people to put things under Mother's name because Father, after Danbury, he did not put anything under his name, and then he said that is the right way to do.
Because he has spiritual authority. So since Father would not take any leader position, Kook Jin Nim put all his trust to Mother, and he not only put the word or position, he put fifty million dollars under her control."
That was for the building of the new church and then five hundred million dollars was given up for the Mission foundation.
Yeonah Nim
"So she put that money in the Mission foundation, so that Mother doesn't have to beg around the leaders when Father is not there. So Kook Jin Nim really prepared her way so that she can be a victorious True Mother from inside and outside.  He was really preparing for that. "
One last video.  Please play this.
Yeonah Nim
"In 2013, he [Hyung Jin Nim] also went to see Mother around the time of [the anniversary of] Father's ascension, around that time he went to see Mother. He said the same thing to Mother again. I was so afraid of Mother's wrath. I could not say anything, I was totally frozen, I was just looking at the floor. But Hyung Jin Nim said, "Mother, you cannot do this. You cannot change Father's words. He said repeatedly, the same thing again.
Then I cannot remember when it was, but he met Mother again in Las Vegas, one on one, he met Mother again, he said the same thing again to Mother, "You cannot do this.  If you do this, you will split the church, and Father will not be happy.
But she was very sure, she was so sure that Father is happy about what she is doing, and that her spirit is so pure. She mentioned that Hoon Mo told her that, that her spirit is so pure and that Father is rejoicing in the spirit world.  And a couple of times also, Hyung Jin called Mother for Mother's Day, and he sent flowers for her birthday, things like that. But when we met her in Las Vegas, in the middle of our conversation, she just walked out.  And then when we called on Mother's Day, and Hyung Jin Nim actually said, "I love you Mother." But she said, "I'm in a meeting, I have to go.  I cannot answer your phone call.  I'm busy."
And she walked out. Then when we went to Chung Pyung last year in 2014, around Father's ascension time, Mother refused to see him.  She said she has a meeting, "unless you attend Father's ascension ceremony and show your face, I'm not going to meet you."  So we couldn't meet her because at that time, what they did at Father's ascension ceremony, they wanted to put out the Cheon Il Guk Constitution that they made, that Chung Pyung made.  So Hyung Jin Nim said, "I cannot, if I will be there, I am agreeing with the law that goes against Father's will, I'm agreeing with that law.  So I cannot participate in that."
I think all the rumbling of the wind [in the video], God was so angry about what was being discussed!  That's my interpretation and I'm sticking with it!  [Laughs].  Actually, I was thinking, you know, think about this. Hyung Jin Nim had been serving as the president of the church in Korea, the international president and then the [church] president in the United States for more than five years, right?  Then, notice the way that this firing was done. With no explanation.
Normally, if someone is working hard for five years in a very important responsibility, don't you have some type of ceremony to thank that person?  To say 'thank you' for making all this effort.  I could tell you many stories about the way in which Hyung Jin Nim ---- when he went to Japan, normally they would put the leaders in a very beautiful hotel, an expensive hotel, they would bring a large monetary gift.  Hyung Jin Nim said, "I'm going to sleep in the prayer room at the church center.  Do not give me even one penny.
Do not buy any gift for me.  If I want to get a boat, I'll buy it myself."  You know, his attitude was very, very different from many, many leaders. So not only did he serve, but he served with excellence, and there was no thank you, no appreciation given to him, he was treated like an outcast. And after he was fired in America the first thing that he did was, he closed his Korean bank account because he didn't want any Family Federation money even one penny to come into his bank account. He said, "I do not want to have any strings attached." He acted with principle and according to his conscience. You know I just want to say this to Family Federation brothers and sisters, you may not agree with Hyung Jin Nim speaking out, I know it's shocking, it's painful, I know the things that he is saying are very painful to hear.  But at least you have to admit, he's acting according to his conscience.  He's not doing it for money and power. [Applause]
I just want to refer to a Biblical story. I think we all know about Rebecca and Father Spoke about Rebecca's victory. I'd like to read what Father said about Rebecca.

"Jacob worked hard for that of course, but his mother worked even harder -- hundreds of times harder. She worked hard to change their attitudes making sure they pledged repeatedly not to kill Jacob.  How much rested on Rebecca!  She fulfilled a vital mission to make the restoration possible."

So Father's explaining that Rebecca risked her own life to protect her son and the lineage of the chosen people.  The lineage of the Messiah.  So I have to ask a painful question.  How has Mother acted in respect to protecting and risking her life to protect the Messiah's lineage?  That is a serious question that everyone needs to really think about.
Now I want to address the issue, "is Mother perfect?" Is Mother infallible?  Many of us believe that.  Many of us thought, "Well, Father praised Mother so many times, and we thought she must be perfect."  Well, in 2007, Father said,
"Mother must now perfect herself by June 16, 2013."
Why would Father say that she has to perfect herself if she were already perfect?  Obviously, it means that Father perceived that there was something not quite complete.  Then, on August 29, 2011, True Father spoke about the future perfection level Blessing of True Parents that was take place on his birthday in 2012.  The day prior to this plan, there were leaders who came from all over the world to this event.  The day prior to the planned perfection level Blessing of True Parents, 2012, Father angrily declared that there would only be a dress rehearsal, and that the real perfection level Blessing would take place one year later, in 2013.  Of course, since Father passed away in 2012, it never took place.  The perfection level Blessing of True Parents never took place.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. I Hope some Korea elders will step up and re-unite with TF and Hyung jin


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