Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Allow the ecosystem to grow free

The Kingdom Nature (3)
May 22, 2016
So, every central planning intellectual, every "educated" person in society, the PhD's, doctors, etc. most of them lean agnostic/atheist, and Marxist/socialist.  The reality is, the "educated" class, the intellectual class is interested in central planning, is interested in managing the economy, is interested in central organization over an economy which they think is wild and chaotic, and if it's left to its own devices only the greedy monopolists will win.   How many have heard this one?  You've heard this.  Of course, the problem with that is that, as soon as those intellectuals and centralized thinkers create a centralized power, what happens?  Do they get rid of monopolies?  No, no.  They become the monopoly.
And they end up destroying the citizens' lives because they regulate everything that the citizens can do, right?  Like some of the young people are starting up a business down there, starting a farm stand, you've got tons of stuff to jump through.  Tons of laws and regulations to jump through to just get a farm stand up.  You understand, the U.S. before the crazy federal bureaucracies, you did not even have to get a permit, you could just sell you're fruits and vegetables right there.  You would be able to sell them by word of mouth and by how well you were known in the community.  But all these laws and regulations, centralized planning, all these things end up destroying the kingdom, destroying a nation.
Now look at the other kid.  Did you ever hear this expression, "The king that rules least is the king that rules best."  Have you ever heard this?  This is actually from the Tao Te Ching, an old ancient Chinese manuscript.  Tao was manuscript, and it talks about the best king being the king of, many translations say, "non action," he who does nothing is the best king. A better translation is, 'he who does not interfere in the citizens' lives', 'he who does not interfere in free trade and free association,' "he who does not try to centralize everything to the intellectual class or to his class, rules the best. It's like a three thousand year-old document, right?  Four thousand year-old. So that's a very famous one.  But look at this, the second nation, what does it do?  Go work the field, go work the economy today, and that nation says, 'Yes, Father we will.'  And they do not interfere in that vineyard.
The king does not go and interfere. Isn't that interesting?  Now we're going to see this, we're going to constantly pull back to the personal level, we say, 'wait a minute, but gardening, if you want healthy grapes you've got to get rid of those weeds.'  You've got to prevent your mind from staying on the individual level.  When you look at the national level of economics and the field of production on the national level, when you leave it alone, when government intrusion does not intrude in market interactions, in free associations and free trade, when governments do not interfere is where the production increases and the prices fall, the best innovations happen, and the people get the best deals. The economy explodes.  Does that make sense?
So on the national level, the one who says,'Oh, we don't want to do it,' but they go in and intrude on the field of economics, the field of the economy, they will crash that system. But the ones who say, 'Yes, we will, and we'll do it by non-intrusion,' by letting the markets work; by letting the economy work; by letting production work; by letting the fruits of the labor work; by letting people interact freely; by letting it work; by letting people with freedom and responsibility make their own decisions; letting it work.  And this is very hard to understand if you've never heard this before, if you've never studied economics. I'm not an expert in it, I don't claim to be an expert in it.  Kook Jin Hyung is really the expert in economics, but I know some basics. But this kind of understanding is really flip side, it's opposite of what we normally will think because we're normally interpreting things from a personal level.
And intellectuals, of course, fall into the death trap of personalizing that, and then nationalizing their personal desire to want to centralize and manage things. That is the death of a country's economy, the death. Every social metric proves it because you see every socialist country that adopts socialist, centralized, government principles, every single one, including Argentina, which used to be more rich, per capita, than the United States just a century ago, which has now totally collapsed.  Very close to Venezuela, which is in total ruins.  Any nation that establishes centralized control into the vineyard, interference  and control into the markets of that ecosystem of what is an economy, destroys that ecosystem.
That's why, for example, Greg and I, we studied a different type of farming, which is farming called "perma-culture."  It's not a one-product farming, it's trying to build an ecosystem in which all the plants work together and they grow wild, but they feed off each other, all the fruits that fall down here, and the water is caught here, and the nutrients come down, and the fish eat them here, and it's all caught up in this ecosystem, and then it works naturally. It produces naturally without interference and ends up producing way, way more than one-product agriculture. That's called perma-culture, how many have heard of that?  Some of you young people are studying that right now, right?
So these kinds of things, it's a super huge difference. But if you look at the parable in terms of the national level, where Jesus is talking about the kingdom of heaven, he's talking about the kingdom the nation state, the national kingdom; we can see that this makes sense.  Okay?  Now, young people, don't be stupid, and forget all that I said, and say, 'Hey, remember that example of Jesus, yeah when your dad tells you to go work, just tell him 'nah, I'm going to stay in bed,' and think you're a good son!  Don't be stupid!  Nice try!  Nice try, we ain't that stupid here!
We're talking about the national level, when you look at the national level, it makes sense.  Because for those to enter the kingdom we're not supposed to take the first son's action, the first nation's action, we're supposed to allow the ecosystem to grow free. This is so important in Cheon Il Guk too, because really the move of Cheon Il Guk as well, it a natural kingdom, it's like understanding the natural world that we live in, of nature.  Perma-culture, of course, is a great example.  Please study perma-culture, it's so empowering, because it teaches you about an ecosystem and how to develop that ecosystem and then let it be.   Amen?  This is one of the things that I converse about with my son whom Father named the third king.  These are the kind of principles I teach him. So that he can learn and understand, "Ahh, I'm supposed to be the best king, who is the king who interferes least."  What an important thing!  So important to understand in terms of the Cheon Il Guk Constitution.
You see, when you understand this parable in terms of switching the son, in these terms, you can just say a "son nation," to a vineyard, which is the means of production, or the place of production, which is the economy of that nation, the thing starts making sense. You can understand why Jesus said the second son will actually enter the kingdom.  As opposed to the first son. Doesn't that make sense?  Even though, on a personal level, he seemed to be more indolent and to be worthless.  In the national level, that is exactly the mentality of the kingship that we have to have.
So critical.  Not to interfere in the free interaction and the free association. Not to force people to do these things, but to allow them to make conscience-based decisions, a world of conscience, right?  To choose good and evil not because they are forced to do so, but because their conscience leads them in the right way, and because by doing good, they receive good too. It's like really understanding how ecosystems work, developing win/win symbiotic relationships between plants, letting them work, letting them do their thing together.  Isn't that interesting?  In that context this parable then starts making sense on the national level.
Now lets look at Matthew 21.
"Listen to another parable.  There was a landowner who planted a vineyard.  He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it, and built a watchtower.  Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and moved to another place.  When the harvest approached, he sent his servants to the tenants to collect his fruit. 35 The tenants seized his servants; they beat one, killed another, and stoned a third. "
Then he eventually sends his son, and they kill the son. Remember that?  So they kill the son, and they took him out of the vineyard and killed him.
"Therefore when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?  [Jesus asks that to the Pharisees.  The Pharisees say] 41 "He will bring those wretches to a wretched end," they replied, "and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants, who will give him his share of the crop at harvest time."
The Pharisees answered that
42 "Jesus said unto them, "have you never read in the Scriptures; "The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes'? 43 "Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit."
What are we talking about?  The Kingdom of Heaven is a place of kings, co-heirs with Christ.  That means kings that rule and reign with Christ. They rule and reign with Christ. So it is a kingdom where the citizens have all the sovereign rights of kings that only, in all of satanic history, only kings have been able to have.  Only kings of the past have been able to have those kinds of sovereign rights.  The right to a kingdom, the right to not be taxed on your kingdom, the right to defend your kingdom, to bear arms. These were kingly rights, not citizen rights. Does that make sense?  But in the Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk, it's opposite. The citizens have all the king's rights.
And obviously, there's a King of Kings who ties all together, the King of Kings comes from the Messiah, and is the one which produces the Constitution which then is the reason why everybody is a king in the nation, has those rights, because they come from Christ, so the kingship represents the starting point of where my rights come from in this nation. It represents the actual connection to this exact line to God, which then gives me my kingly rights, does that make sense?  So there's a King of Kings' line in the kingship, but the kingship line does not have military power.  They don't have a centralized army, a centralized police force which can bully people around, or become a mafia. They don't have that.  So they have to operate also in the same kingdom principles. And they are standing there representing the connection between the existing peoples of that nation who now have kingly rights, which are connected to their Divine King.  And His actual presence on earth in Christ.
He tells the Pharisees "the Kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit."
It will be taken away from you, you Pharisees, who are like the most serious about the Mosaic law, and they are super serious religious Jews, right? They are the ones who do the bowings all the time, and they are out there praying and constantly beating themselves and repenting, and all these kinds of things.  And studying and trying to follow the Mosaic law. And they are also there with the Scribes.   But he says it's going to be taken from you.  It will be taken from you and it will be given to a people which will produce its fruits.   How many times have we talked about Cheon Il Guk as being a kingdom of producers?
That's why it's so important for us to learn how to produce things and also learn these different self-reliant skills, get our kids empowered into learning how to work systems, learn eco-systems, learn perma-culture, learn aquaponics, learn how to work and utilize systems.  Learn how to work with these things.  Carpentry, electrician work, basic things which help them to be self-sufficient so they don't have to rely on an external system, or on somebody else.  So wherever they go they are able to make their own food, they're able to build their own house, they are able to be free wherever they go.  This is not part of the normal education in the U.S., in the western world today.  It used to be when we were "more primitive," but those primitive people had lots of knowledge we don't have today.
In Kumamoto, what happened?  They had no more running water; everybody was, whoa, what are we going to do?  Kumamoto, no more electricity, whoa, what are we going to do?  Folks, back then, that's every day, that's normal, that's good, no problem with that, right?  It's serious in terms of knowledge how much we've become separated from our actual understanding and connection to the natural world, our ability to be in the natural world without fear. These kinds of things;  we lost these things, we lost these abilities in the modern world.
So again, we see another parable where Jesus is talking about the owner of a vineyard.  We see in this vineyard, he rents it to some farmers. So he lets other people come and make a livelihood on his land.   Now look at the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, you look at the nation of Cheon Il Guk, the nation of Cheon Il Guk allows free interaction, free association, free trade.  So for example, you could have a communist country, yes, you could have a communist country coming to Cheon Il Guk, to the nation, to the United States of Cheon Il Guk, one of the countries and setting up a business there.
The Bank of China could start a business there, they're not restricted from starting a business there. They're restricted by law from monopolizing and growing to be one percent of the banking industry, yes they're restricted there, but they can still come and operate in that territory. Just like in New York City, you'll have different banks which are started in London or France or Switzerland, that are here and operating right here in New York City. They're from a different territory and they are operating right here, does that make sense?
So you'll have a scenario in the national level where, yes, you will allow that economy will be open so that people can come in and work that economy from different places.  They will be able to work that economy, they'll be able to work that trade.  They'll be able to make a living for themselves, just like these farmers, but what can the farmers not do, and what did they do?  They started thinking, 'wait a minute, this is our land, you know what?  This is our territory.  And you, know, when he sends his son, just kill him.  This is now ours! '   This, they cannot do.
So, different organizations, and different nation states that are not a part of Cheon Il Guk, are able to come and interact in the economy, to make livings for themselves, but they are not able to say, 'Wait a minute, but this is now our territory, now we're going to bring China's laws here.  We're going to start redacting the Constitution.'  No, the Constitution is not able to be redacted.  And when they say that place, is now my inheritance, 'come let's kill him and take the inheritance.  Let's take this little state of Cheon Il Guk.'  Let's say there's an island country that becomes a part of the United States of Cheon Il Guk and then some big monopoly comes and says, 'Let's take this island, we'll just replace it.'    What happens?  "So they took him out and killed him and threw him out of the vineyard, but what will happen when the owner of the vineyard comes and what will he do to those kind of tenants?"   And it says, "He will bring those wretches to a wretched end."
The Cheon Il Guk Constitution also talks about, when it is appropriate, when and how war will be declared.  So if a nation is conquering another state of the United States of Cheon Il Guk, Congress will be able to move on the process of seeing whether or not actions, forcible actions should be taken or not.   Every nation must address these things in the real world.  Every nation must deal with these kinds of issues.  So in that system there is both local jurisdiction, if this happened on a local level, because even though we are talking about a nation, we can talk about the local level, and we can talk about foreign affairs issues between countries.  Different levels, but still you're talking about the national level.
On the local level of course, if something like this would happen, with a farmer, we would have local jurisdiction that will be able to rule, by jury, to see how to bring those wretches to a wretched end.  But on the national foreign affairs level between countries, then you also have a different process outlined in the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, on when and how to deal with people that try to do this thing.  Just like these wretched tenants did.
So when we look at things in the context of the Cheon Il Guk Constitution, which is the fulfillment of the prophecy of the kingdom that will come, we can start understanding the parables. I don't think this has been done in at least modern Christianity, I don't think I've seen this type of analysis on the parables of the kingdom.  And I think that's because, obviously the Cheon Il Guk Constitution has not been released.  Once that's released into the atmosphere, the spirit of God can bring revelation and can bring insight into understanding Jesus' Kingdom that he was talking about, which confused everybody. When he talked like this, people said 'What kind of kingdom are you talking about?'  The whole thing with the two sons, the first son.
My wife read that last week, she said, 'What is he talking about?'  She was getting quite upset! I know the boys would be saying, 'Mommy, I'm doing what the second son in the parable said.'  No, no, they wouldn't. But this is why it's so important for us as a community to start really learning how to be owners, to actually own a property. That's something we really encourage for people who are moving into the community. Own your property. Don't create like a socialistic system where you all live on common land. Greg, too. His whole system is not a socialist system.  But you see a lot of new age communities, 'oh, yes, come and live with us.' And it's communism, it's total communism. Then they want to import that system on everybody.
Which is living hell.  Instead of that, we want to encourage people to be owners.  Be owners.  Own your own property.  And then you can live within a community that you've organized, an intentional community that you've organized, but you are a community of owners, that are freely interacting and freely interchanging with each other.  You're independent, but you can create interdependence, instead of creating dependence.
And so it's so important for us to be able to understand Jesus' parables in the context of the Cheon Il Guk Constitution.  When we do that, I think we can start seeing the clarity in what Jesus was saying.  That it really is an upside down kingdom, it's hard to grasp if you're thinking in the normal personal level.  Very hard to grasp.  But as soon as you start thinking on the national level, these parables begin to unlock. Amen?
One of the things that we are hoping to do in the future is also with our young people, we are training in a lot of martial arts now, but in the future also do some bush crafting training, some wilderness skills training, and hopefully we'll find the right time for us to do that maybe after services as we move forward. But practicing these skills of self-reliance, learning, empowering. Take time when you come into this community to learn things. There are a lot of incredible people, a lot resources here for you to learn from. Develop yourself, right? If you're addicted to video games, if you're addicted to soap operas, and stupid Korean dramas, these kinds of useless, wasteful things, get off those drugs!  Get off them drugs, and start doing things!  Build your knowledge, build your understanding, build and empower yourself so you can help other people, help your own family, help yourself, and be part of the ownership of Cheon Il Guk.  The Kingdom that is coming.  Amen.
Let's end with CSG 674, Fatherìs Words on the Kingdom

"If the kingdom that Jesus desired was only that of the heart, it would be eternally impossible to realize the substantial kingdom beyond that. It would also be eternally impossible to realize the kingdom transcending the family, through the society to the nation. When will the global Kingdom of Heaven and God's Kingdom in heaven be realized? The Messiah had the responsibility to save humankind, and to liberate the spirit world and God."
And it's from the Messiah that the Cheon Il Guk Constitution and the Kingship come from, and through which the nations will be resurrected after this period.   Let's all rise everybody, and let's give praise to God, as we worship Him and give Him all the glory and all the victory. Amen.

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